Haiku #341045
Jeez. That's terrible.
Whereabouts are you if you
don't mind me asking?
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
Jeez. That's terrible.
Whereabouts are you if you
don't mind me asking?
Every one of them
with a child was in the room
when their kid was born.
I just want to make
sure that's what you mean, because
that's what you're asking.
She called me to ask
about the mess I had left
in my childhood room.
I think most pros are.
He probably had blood coming
out of wherever.
Looks like everything
got turned around and now you're
making a difference.
The fact that it's not
groundbreaking is actually why
I think ill like it.
She said she hasn't
had a patient as easy
as I was in months.
Whether you agree
with that or not is, of course,
your prerogative.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
[deleted] Blazing
Saddles Oh my fucking God
are you serious?
I have the complete
opposite reaction to those
commercials she runs.
There was this lady,
probably in her late 40s but
she looked way older.
This thread has made me
aware of more things than what
I was expecting.
1080p pretty much is.
In all honesty i'd be
fine if it was 720p.
This is the thing I've
wanted most but will never
get from my father.
Now he says it's fun
and the highlight of the day?
That was beautiful.
It needs some gritty
soil that drains really quickly
after watering.
But the man never
throws away a drawing or
fixes a mistake.
But The Artist is
tired, his eyes grow weary,
and his hand shakes now.
Its just a premise.
Look at it as a "what if
there were no ads" post.
So now the only
number I have to manage
is my spending cash.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Like watching someone
getting a nail shot through their
hand would make me cringe.
Seemed like a nice guy.
I obviously got smoked.
Yes, I have that one.
Feminism is
about ending oppression,
not ending insults.
The Eastern Roman
Empire would soundly beat
Nohr if war emerged.
I have to actually
read comments so I know what
I'm talking about?
If you've done nothing
then you don't have to worry
about anything.
It might be okay
but not if he's unwilling
to communicate.
Sun baked pizza Had
to scroll way to far for this.
Wow. Good for fedor.
That actually might work!
Thanks for the tip. It hadn't
even crossed my mind.
I Ask as this is
the only way I can get
the dark brown color.
It lives in rocky
areas, usually on
mountains or in caves.
That's how it's done when
you grab onto a gimmick
and try to milk it.
She doesn't trust you,
because she's not trustworthy.
Beautiful, thank you.
Doesn't matter, since
the title does not say that.
Thank you very much!
It will be funded
by my tax dollars which is
just salt in the wound.
Seems pretty tame now,
but the whole audience was
howling with laughter.
Always think about
what it would be like to be
with the other chick?
I thought that was US
Airways. Unscientific??
If the latter is
why you're still around, then you're
not being her friend.
In that case, it'd
be neat if there was a sale
on synthesizers...
Donald Trump knows how
to defeat ISIS because
he thinks like ISIS.
They do not. Wait, WHO
used the death of a soldier
for their agenda?!
Either therapy
or a neurological
work up- maybe both.
It was pretty good,
but it was a little too
spicy for my taste.
How do you decide
what to cut when you don't want
to cut anything?
What is the best way
to respond concerning his
despicable words?
You cannot always
expect to find an awesome
snipe just sitting there.
I guess they didn't want
the rewards to be too spread
out and confusing.
Is there any way
I can disable this thing?
Yeah its Out of Stock...
When they introduced
the daughter it got really
bad really quickly.
Most people did not
support going to Iraq
when the vote was cast.
[deleted] I was
going with dark and bitter.
She's a "minion" now?
Because he's batman.
The ultimate millionaire
Yes! Exactly this.
Hopefully it'll be
fixed No, the best way to take
someone down like that?
Generally others
around you don't want to be
around that either.
If it didn't matter
to them before, it probably
won't matter after.
I give this to whom?
I give this to him. Whom Who
said that? He said that.
Cheers all. The tool looks
like a flat head screw driver
designed by Apple.
Not swampy on me
(which I think I may enjoy?)
super incense though.
This was a good part
for Australia, despite not
taking anything.
What he says *isn't
nice*, but he hasn't actually
done anything wrong.
Im from another
country but no one here plays
the game anymore.
[deleted] you need
nice adds I mean, where do you
even draw the line?
My brain, every time
I would see him, would just start
screaming "Tall! He's tall!
Commentary on
how men talk in real life should
be reserved for men.
First of all, you should
be starting a fight at full
health and full mana.
If not for yourself,
if not for your girl, at least
for your future kid.
It's almost as though
the religion has something
to do with it... Yes!
Steam is becoming
Lame. THIS is the most legit
comment in the thread.
It's such a lovely
game and a change of pace from
what I'd normally play.
Will only ever
happen if the opponent
is less skilled than you.
They know who they are
and what they're about, can't wait
to see their next car.
Ever see someone
on here that you just know you'd
never hang out with?
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
It's a bit more work
but you should learn what you need
and where to get it.
Again, had to take
two to feel it at all, three
to get rid of pain.
That did cross my mind,
but I'm pretty sure home was
empty at the time.
Thank you, it's even
easier to cheese if you
hold onto the leaf.
I can do it when
i get home, and if you find
two other people.
As a fat but not
too fat person, I do feel
insulted by this.
I've used them many
times and they really helped me
get through some bad times.
That is my biggest
gripe considering I keep
about 100+apps installed.
Fat pizza and all
the other shows by him are
the best. Parody.
If we do, then why
isn't Cannibal Corpse banned?
You're not consistent.
[removed] I guess it's
okay to be a rapist
ten years ago then.
Do not deviate,
only conform to what is
expected of you.
[deleted] DO NOT
HYPE THEM Bro. Got my hopes up
for a second there.
I'm thinking I'll stay
with my brother when the time
comes, but I'm so scared.
Yeah it's really good
budget weed, I took the plunge
since it was escrow!
All the guys you are
giving up except Forte are
buy low candidates.
They are dust magnets
due to the materials
used for the covers.
They think they're being
clever [deleted] Looks good.
I'll be in for sure.
[citation needed]
Fire him Do we really want
to know the answers?
Most games don't last more
than a few days on my phone.
...ing to the choir.
There is nothing more.
Simple as that, nothing more
nothing less... Whoa, friend.
The more the better!
More importantly, how do
I get a job there?!
Yes I understand
that but you have yet to show
that this is the case.
I use this premise
to maximum advantage.
Thank you for sharing.
Think about it, I'm
not making it up Why would
anyone need this?
Really the question
is, how much are you willing
to sell your soul for?
Depending on who
you're married to, virtual
sex might be better...?
"You're a good father,
Donald, and your kids prove that."
Not that difficult.
I'm moving and had
to sell one of my guitars
and a bass today.
This. If you're building
hydro and need updated
stat values do this.
Yeah, I recall that,
and that was weird, but at least
Meg was in on it.
Jessica Jones was
Malcolm when he was having
withdrawal symptoms.
He's the guy up on
the balcony with the Pope.
Look at user name.
otherwise, it's still
too great a risk to take I'll
add u in a sec.
Is there anyway
you can use the Get command
and see the results?
It means relative
thickness of the atmosphere
is even bigger.
Had the cartoonist
written it this way no one
would have been confused.
A little nervous...
What are you talking about?
You brought up Bernie.
A US citizen
would pay US taxes on their
income earned in France.
In a small tank, that's
deadly for anything else
living in the tank.
Go get your item
back or at least let the world
know of these scammers.
I think if black takes
off the ring he simply goes
back to Z timeline.
Easily the most
underrated Kubrick film,
in my opinion.
I want neither Trump
nor Hillary, so I will
not vote for either.
on my envelopes.
So i have to buy missions
on a later date?
Engineering helps
determine the 'how' something
is implemented.
well that's a bummer.
Only one way to find out.
Interesting concept!
Promotion, training
and specialized training is
all defined for you.
They got over it...
eventually Holy shit
that's terrifying.
Marriage is for us,
though we understand it is
not for everyone.
Not really, there are
just far more console gamers
than PC gamers.
Yes The band will be
back again this year and I'm
super stoked for that.
I am not sure though,
so I would love some input
if you have time! Thanks!
When she starts testing
you about your choice to train
and the commitment.
You can at least try
and make these presentable.
This is REALLY bad.
All you did here was
put down notes on totally
random areas.
Many schools have free
therapy sessions, so there's
no reason not to.
Is that the only
focus for development
for this show? Hello!
They don't care about
what I say and who I am
if have all of that?
That's how the "complete
all easter eggs" calling card
is tracked, nothing more.
Are you on PC?
I think the real question is
who did you vote for?
I honestly thought
the rig was pretty easy
at Pittsburgh Thank you!
Will they actually hit
all of their shots through the team
to kill the supports?
On the other hand,
I wouldn't like to have three
math classes each weak.
...Have you just now found
out mail forwarders exist?
Not a single thing.
They both get so mad.
"Looks like an actual planet"
You mean "Looks like Earth"?
Its a car that's just
good plain old fun, I've had some
brilliant times in ours.
Exhausted and stressed,
but I will not be drinking
with you all today.
This is the update
you'll want to get if you want
to check out the game.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Where is it? How big
is it? Does it throb? Vibrate?
How deep does it go?
However this well
known, and the situations
are very different.
But if you straight up
tell me to buy B, then I'll
do it, no complaint.
Unless you are right
on the shore, there's no reason
to evacuate.
So many people
come to observe and then leave
to never come back.
Plus your typical
F150 is just way oversized
for our roads and needs.
Four way stop with stop
lights two directions and stop
signs the other two.
He's a successful
businessman with property
all over the world.
However, she is
sadly one of the few who
are self critical.
Quitting drinking was
the best present I've ever
given to myself.
I wish the very
best outcome for whatever
you decide to do.
That was the good play,
though rather the wrong aspect
to be focused on.
I told them to come
quick as his saw had almost
gotten through the lock.
keep taping the left
control is my advice on
that cinematic.
Otherwise he's shown
no interest or positive
behavior toward them.
I didn't know you could
do this before, so no loss
for me, I suppose.
The people of both
countries can be easily
swayed by emotions.
Oh, I thought you were
saying that the kids only
powers were kung fu.
Except that is not
the only situation
that involves camping.
Anyway, I make
the transaction and think that's
the end of it. Nope.
After all I use
credit cards for their cash back
programs and discounts.
I only get charged
with interests if I don't pay
on time every month.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
The US doesn't want
to destroy ISIS, it wants
to destroy Assad.
No one had a chance
to react to or explain
away the comment.
But I feel pretty
damn good and at the best fit
I have ever been.
Never look at help
as demeaning or wasting
other peoples time.
Once you have researched
enough tech, further bodies
research much faster.
Truth hurts eh? I thought
i had seen it before, thanks
for clearing it up.
If it is broken
or not what was promised, why
not get a refund?
Take it from someone
who has been there, you don't want
to go back to THAT.
I always end up
waving but I'm not always
driving the right car.
I plan on taking
the sealer back in a week
or so anyways.
with 2D characters
without having to bother
with motion tracking.
It goes on and on.
What they want isn't something
we can't actually give.
She didn't credit Trump
in raising them it was just
straight to the children.
If so, I will just
submit another ticket
I guess. [removed] Worse.
Completing the forge
would give you drops for Vanguard
and your current faction.
Nothing she says can
be trusted, and her Goldman
Sacs speeches prove it.
Take it to Apple
for diagnostics Thank you
for your submission!
Yep, that's what I meant.
What functionality do
you think it will add?
Remember all those
Avco cups that are hanging
in Arizona?
That sucks. Just a heads
up, a lack of daylight can
cause insomnia.
I think the deep shot
is a good call, nobody
is expecting it.
Now she's left, and there's
real power to be had by
each of the old tribes.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
It was an alright
diversion, but then again.
I got it for free.
If you're not deformed
then they think it's your own fault
you're not getting laid.
[deleted] Now kiss
no it isn't locked, but still
thanks for the reply.
Actually he will be
included but the buff will
be negligible.
Once the shrimp has some
nice color, remove and add
the lime juice on top.
Just a regular
1080p. The 480p issue could be
bandwidth related.
I don't really know
how true it is but she was
insistent it was!