Haiku #339791
Yup, I just saw em
walking down the sidewalk near
the student center.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Yup, I just saw em
walking down the sidewalk near
the student center.
Generally the first
6k that you invest should go
into an IRA.
In fact, it shows just
how good you are at making
sure your SO gets off!
Nice to hear of good
people caring about their
partners for a change.
Making sure they get
on the bus safely doesn't
hurt Norman or Smith?
I accepted her
explanation but knew deep
down she was lying.
Shortly thereafter,
I came down with it. Why do
I remember this?
Zip code on Credit
Cards? I might be a sadist,
but I'd stop laughing.
Everyone's explained
why thoroughly, so I'll just
say what I've been taught.
But haven't traded
with fade butterfly before
so wasn't to sure.
Plus, we kind of want
the "adventure" of living
in a different place.
If you haven't flashed
your phone, you obviously
have a vendor ROM.
Do you honestly
not see the stupidity
in what you're typing?
The only player
Bulls fans and players hated
more was Bill Laimbeer.
It's just so cute though
I had trouble figuring
out how to use it.
If you have access
to a college library,
they are amazing.
His biggest problem
is strength and conditioning,
it's so obvious.
Id do it again
if they didn't make you do forms
to advance in belts.
Elementary school
science teacher who I swear
was drunk all the time.
Completely different
set of human actors too,
from the look of things.
I was salty STILL
until I saw the minus
dot damage relic.
Because it's mostly
archetypes being mentioned,
not specific lists?
I'll add it tonight.
I don't worry. When my shit
breaks, I can fix it.
Cliche as it was,
I actually had no problem
with that bit. Indeed.
Will my body move
past this and find energy
through other reserves?
I don't play team death
match, but the no thumbs are out
today lol.
Learn to understand
that human psychology
is very complex.
"I'll leave. I'll leave, not
to come back. You have my word.
No need for more death.
I promise that you
will come to a place where you
are at peace with it.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
It brings me slight joy
knowing her callousness was
met with crappy pie.
This isn't the place
for asking for trades So Black
Beast not in this hoe?
Often they're either
factory seconds, or mined
from old phones. Thanks though.
[removed] The weird thing
is, I was always a firm
side sleeper before.
Had you known your dog
had these problems, you wouldn't
have adopted it.
Let it get really
soft then add goat cheese and salt
to incorporate.
I don't mind. I thought
maybe some people would like
to see what I found.
If I remodel
my kitchen, I have to pay
full bill and taxes.
Yeah, Useful Jenkins
has some cool jams, just they don't
have Big Zach in em.
My thinking is if
you have 35k, great, OP should pat
himself on the back.
I really don't know
any advisor who would
touch a 35k account.
This way people can
at least ask the right questions
and be more informed.
What you think is not
enough contact, another
might think is too much.
Half my team is on
bye, and in a league that does
not enjoy trading.
Thanks for posting it!
That's not odd. It's a very
musical grouping.
Meaning the exact
opposite of your initial
thesis is the case.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Groggy and super
tired as if I spent all
last night smoking blunts.
Many children book
series are just book after
book of the same stuff.
Don't add that crappy
high fructose corn syrup, JUST
sugar and water.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
I'm with you. I've been
gaming forever, across
multiple genres.
"Hey guys, you ever
see that really old movie,
Empire Strikes Back?
It literally cut
into a bit of live game
action Monday night.
If you like it, find
out the closest team to you,
and check out a game.
It's a cool theory
that makes a lot of sense if
you think about it.
That's literally how
I stay up to date on things
regarding orders.
I think the problem
is you're not Jack Nicholson.
South seas expansion!
Please be gentle on
yourself and try not to feel
guilty or ashamed.
He's probably plotting
something evil as you were
holding him. So what?
Chicken dishes are
also usually pretty
heavily marked up.
same It was chilling.
I sat up until dawn just
staring at the wall.
I suppose it's hard
for me to be objective
since they're friends of mine.
I wouldn't know, I've
always participated
in free table reads.
*emergency hug*
That might top Sputnik for me.
On the Internet?
"Did you just catch that?"
"Yes, yes I did." (too soon?) Why
6s onwards? Can't you?
Your professor is
unlikely to have any
sympathy for you.
I listen to him
and Bill Burr. [removed] Right on.
I'm right behind you!
Are they more advanced,
progressive, and peaceful than
the Americans?
So I was gonna
reply to this, but I don't
need to at this point.
Not totally sure
why actually, just what I've picked
up from my family.
I often forget
how beautiful those hillsides
are this time of year.
People should not file
protest permits, just force them
to arrest you all.
Kind? She could not say
that, not here, not to this aunt
who hated him so.
You. Do. You. Do what
you want, live your life, get good
grades, etc.
It could be, but it's
visibly evident when
done incorrectly.
Ah gotcha. I guess
I just got defensive when
I read your comment.
Nothing suspicious
about being located next
to a grocery store.
She's a "basic bitch"!
A woman likes nerdy things?
She's a Fake Geek Girl!
I really have no
idea what you mean by
over and over.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I dangle plot hooks,
and they brush them aside, or
walk the other way.
In some cases this.
I was living in the French
Quarter in the 90's.
They are not people
any normal person wants
to deal with, ever.
I generally like
people who smoke a lot more.
It's great after sex.
Only flush it when
the pile grows enough to touch
your rear. That hair though...
Other way around.
Laptops main advantage is
processing power.
I was thinking more
like cyborg Elektra what
with the ninja theme.
I'll just need the funds,
and I'll make sure orphaned kids
get the care they need.
As soon as I read
this I was like, Australia
will contradict this.
Many people will
agree with me, and many
will agree with you.
It's split isn't it?
Leader and Chancellor men, Home
and Foreign women?
And I believe you're
probably getting down voted
due to your title.
He jogs, works, has kids,
a wife, eats healthy, but still
enjoys his vices.
Do sweet smells almost
tickle the roof of your mouth
or am I broken?
Was busy enough
to not the spiral but now
I have a headache.
If anyone has
any additional feedback,
feel free to share it.
News to me and all
my coworkers, we'd never
heard of this. wait what?
You have a better
chance cancelling via phone than
you would through email.
And until your start
educating your self on
more than just yourself.
Just remove the tubes
and box them up separately.
The amp will be fine.
Basically he was
having a nightmare and got
scared when he saw her.
Not many dev would
openly comment about
stuff in the pipeline.
Probably chemistry.
Speak for yourself. [deleted]
We're not doing this.
NOT because I'm white.
White people get excluded
from things too you know.
Somewhere in between
those numbers there's a sweet spot
where I'd rather die.
Gonna have to farm
It's a baby. Babies are
made out of rubber.
Plenty of people
(myself included) wear their
true size in jerseys.
Do we really want
to encourage more scripture
quotes in politics?
I'm no expert, but
I'm always willing to help
folks out when I can.
Air deterrence is
about dealing air damage
and not about kills.
I always enjoyed
the nice wait for everyone
else This isn't true.
I'm going to talk
with him again and see how
he feels about it.
He started off his
campaign making it seem like
he defended it.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
X Yes!! There's a bunch
more like star wars references
and such, check them out!
It's a smaller sub
but quite active and folks there
know the system well.
It's a couple months
late for some people to be
figuring this out.
same here Honestly,
what does Java have to do
with it anyway?
In a perfect world,
unfortunately we are
creatures of patterns.
Can you point me towards
some resource that talks about
this in more detail?
That said, there's a skin
for Prime that has the same shape
if you're into that.
Usually happens
when somebody just tightens
the lugs way too tight.
On top of that pork
is just a very deadly
food if handle wrong.
Now if Melody
is married also, she is
equally to blame.
And I'll still say no.
But thanks for the attention
on my thread. No smurfs.
[removed] I hate when
I forget to flush and end
up with mush water.
Its gone through so much
over the last year and looks
better then ever!
The person standing
there next to the machine is
lower skilled, and paid.
He's talking about
all those other blacks people.
I don't think you would.
Emergencies get
the adrenaline flowing.
People forget stuff.
I had a friend who
wore an Ash Ketchum hat all
the way through high school.
Pray for me. can you
elaborate, sounds interesting!
Wow! Absolutely.
I'm so glad you found
someone you're comfortable
with who treats you well.
I may have to go
ahead and get it after
my Hyatt spend then.
However, they need
to update the champions
for the weight classes.
Those stars are thousands,
even millions or billions
years older than us.
If he takes this trade
then great, if not, we go back
to the drawing board.
I started right off
on Sierra, but good luck
finding an answer!
If you care enough,
this should be a solid lead
for you to pursue.
He'd be worth two or
three of our best prospects were
we to trade for him.
My good friend and her
hound pup are up there skiing
the Ghee this morning.
Instead the victim
has to prove they know they are
not breaking a law.
Personally I think
you'd be searching for something
that doesn't exist.
But they wouldn't pay
anyways without being
legally forced to.
Kind of a cheap joke
to lighten the load a bit.
Dark matters indeed.
So I really need
to win this week and I'll be
sitting pretty good.
She has done nothing
wrong, started no wars, never
lied, etc...
I get drunk plenty
(every other weekend), now,
but never wasted.
Thanks to anyone
who gives a sincere reply.
This! This this this THIS!
This this this THIS! OP,
I'm not sure why you think you're
covering yourself up.
I don't want to do
this for real because I don't
want to be a slut.
But Rose's comments
have me thinking that both things
could be true right now.
I realized I was
still sitting, so I got on
my weary feet. "Uhh.
I figured it was
worth a shot because at worst
I could part it out.
As long as I don't
burn to death or drown, I am
content with most things.
Dairy cows were killed
just to inflate milk prices
to increase profits.
What if your mom or
sister or best friend or wife
or girlfriend were raped?
Are those even real?
is this supposed to be some
sort of joke? Awesome!
Ad blockers curtail
that without really offering
anything better.
not hating, just too
much danger with nuclear
and it's by products.
Running from the cops
and putting citizens lives
in danger. Fuck them.
but elite means you
are playing at a higher
level then your peers.
Those deputies can
be fired at any time
for any reason.
I left her place, got
shit faced at my sister's place
and planned to move on.
Exactly. I could
time a day out perfectly
by her meals and naps.
If you can't calm down,
Do NOT expect me to take
you seriously.
I want to believe.
Damn, do all of your leaders
really talk like that?
[deleted] You need
to read the fucking side bar
again, and go lift.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
It should be labelled
as over budget, with weak
box office receipts.
I called. They said just
to use one person's info.
Doesn't matter who.
No, seriously.
If you have a physical
copy, you're all set.
Teachers generally
didn't care either since we didn't
cause any trouble.
Information on
anything in the game was
so scarce, and sketchy.
He's one of the best
consultants I've ever seen
(and I've seen enough!)
Urban sprawl. So its
clearly something that has held
value for decades.
My power did go
out for half an hour though, but
am glad that it's back.
Looks like OP's gonna
be busy with dwarf planets
for a few years now.
she's making about
two pounds of bacon right now.
this could be heaven.
The drug companies
had to stop making the damn
things because of this.
Best of luck you champ!!
Yeah I don't think that picture
is all that recent.
Also I highly
recommend a book called "Why
Am I still Depressed?".
Hey, most weeks that is
the only thing us tech fans
have going for us.
You can be *informed*
and knowledgeable without
being obnoxious.
Have you considered
talking to the vet about
increasing her dose?
Let's make it happen!
Pretty sure you can find them
all over the place.
When I left, I felt
like I had either passed it,
or failed miserably.
I felt like Michael
Myers was scarier when
he was just human.
They will never be
enough to satisfy his
infinite ego.
I think it probably
depends on what attitude
you take towards the game.
So, they're really more
like dialects rather than
separate languages.
Well, see you later.
I thought this was already
common knowledge right?
Half Century War
and G in Hell are probably
the best of the lot.
There once was a man
from the strip, Who fired high
fives straight from the hip.
Unlike Hillary,
he is actually trying to sue
to take this ad off...
I like Fleury 'cause
he's good, I don't think he's good
because I like him.
Historians are
the ones who should be described
as revisionists.
I have a hard time
understanding the logic
behind your town reads.
There should also be
more information for town
because of the roles.
Sex sells. I doubt he'd
want an ugly guy working
as a host, either.