Haiku #339094
Do you have to call
yourself when the cable goes
out on your glasses?
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Do you have to call
yourself when the cable goes
out on your glasses?
They are trying to get
close to Arab countries too.
Na Makes sense now, thanks.
It's one of many
connections we have and it's
one of the funnest.
Play cargo and camp
near your cargo with the CA-87
and the Scatter Gun.
They weren't mutants, or
zombies, or any other
horror archetype.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
I don't want a child
who can't be independent
when it's proper time.
A fellow clan mate
has both rifles you mentioned.
He likes the EH more.
Maybe I'll upgrade
to an s7 later this year.
Thanks for your input.
Some things never change
People like to bandwagon,
regardless of facts.
Have nothing to do
with any generations.
People are people.
Ahh, I swear I don't
know half of these characters.
Who has the eye bleach?!?
It already is.
I'm safe. What did you think when
you saw the line up?
Well, guess what, there are
reasons for not using mic
as well... **Attention!
He likes the Spanish
lifestyle, so wants to return
to Spain at some point.
not everybody
is going to have the same
opinion as you.
Does forcing am 11-year
old to give birth sounds moral
and noble to you?
He was on discord
the entire time and heard
the conversation.
It seems to me you
wouldn't have a very smooth
ride with spheres for wheels.
Why complain about
something when you're not looking
for the solution?
Without sounding rude,
I think that some parents just
plain confuse their kids.
Think of it this way,
you are a product being
sold to a market.
They start young, practice
their entire lives, and most
times still don't make it.
Oh wait! Yes he does!
He has *tons* of excuses!
The best excuses!
Same here. He lost me
with the worldwide ban part but
that part is dead on.
But they already
had the means to override
the doors on the ship.
In the mean time, can
you please try to see if you
can get the link up?
Good observation
Sorry for the assumption,
it was good to see.
But we have differing
opinions so what's the point
in continuing.
Who says speaking truth
to power has to always
be so serious?
You've obviously
never seen a Dusty Rhodes
tag team tournament.
Sure enough, he moves
forward, and shoves them inside,
and chains the doors shut.
But that's just me, I'd
rather build mine and keep them
as decoration.
That's a big problem...
Well usually those kids don't
have the right guidance.
Sure, they could've just
let her get away with that,
but where does it end?
i found as i get
older then going to bed
early is a treat.
Now it's just a joke
that's going to cost so much
more to re upgrade.
I'm glad I got name
dropped but that's kinda unfair,
I never said that.
Like his actual voice
sounds like somebody making
fun of someone's voice.
What kind of death am
I, to have fallen in love
with someone mortal.
You are not curvy
or thick woman. You are fat.
Morbidly obese.
I'm not in your time
zone but i play basically
all day every day.
They're getting more eyes
on British wrestling, I like
that aspect of it.
I pay gas taxes
and sin taxes, but not yet
property taxes.
I'm talking about
the transition from chili
to scars. Up for fries.
Might help a little,
but it seems like your troubles
are worse than just this.
I love how she gets
on her knees and falls over
dead, like a movie.
I'd say it depends on what
you want from the game.
This guy was neither
and he still gets a discharge
without conviction.
It's actually kinda
sad you think that Im getting
snoddy IN this week.
They should be going
straight back (or even slightly
in) up and away.
I can keep it on
my belt and sit in a chair
and not know it's there.
You'll get more awesome
experiences after
school sure but its good.
It could also be
that people just like to fuck
around with the hose.
I have tried two times
to go for it but not didn't
get succeed in it.
Mine seems fine. Do you
have sources for anything
you say on this post?
Both him and Weidman.
She's more into Shogun when
his nose was straighter.
Please do not reply
to this message, as it will
likely go unread.
The Coyotes are here
for the Heritage Classic........
I added you too.
Which on one hand is
quite remarkable and on
the other needs fixed.
What kind of expert
*IS* she? Seriously though
he can't swim either?
if you come across
something stupid someone said
on the internet.
Please do not reply
to this message, as it will
likely go unread.
The sow saw me right
away and they ran a short
distance up the trail.
Dead silence except
for the sound of her heavy
breathing and sniffing.
I could feel and her
breath on the back of my neck,
just inches away.
The first episode
was the only episode
that had me in tears.
All the others were
moderately funny or
not funny (for me)...
Are you unable
to navigate through nuance?
Practice makes perfect.
You are not alone,
no matter how much it may
feel like it sometimes.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
She's a registered
Democrat. What I'm saying
is, be creative.
[How can I thank you,
you mysterious black clad
hunk of a night thing?
Follow with raw egg
diluted in water, let
sit a few minutes.
HA, can't be salty
about my team losing if
my team's not on Worlds!
It was broken up
but I'm not sure what happened
when I posted it.
I'd happily play
some games with him and I'm sure
others would as well.
I'd happily play
some games with him and I'm sure
others would as well.
If you aren't willing
to talk to them there's nothing
else to do really.
You don't want to walk
away you want them to be
nice and like old times.
While yes, she's probably
just tired and is going
off on her tangents.
Good to see Worrall
getting a go too and not
just coz I'm from SA.
The more helpful you
are to others, the faster
you're allowed to post!
you must give feedback
within that thread in order
to post your own link).
Or pick Up a free
3d software (blender) and make
some amazing art.
It was fine. I didn't
hear anybody that was
angry about it.
People learned they would
not hold so their efforts were
better spent elsewhere.
We claimed a few gyms
and held them, retaking them
every time one fell.
Why don't you prefer
that native brits do it, but
with decent wages?
Nobody cares if
people are getting pleasure
out of anything.
How embarrassing
are you people when nothing
is cringe on this sub?
Only way I can
think of is to ask her, but
I wouldn't do that.
There was a certain
about that wicket.
To date, what tattoo
that you've done on someone else
gives you the most pride?
If you're serious
send me a PM and i'll
ask him tomorrow!
I hated myself
for doing it, as I am
so anti cheating.
Thank you for your post
but it got deleted due
to low quality.
Your post title good
sir, unfortunately is
very misleading.
If you would belong
in Diamond, then you wouldn't
be stuck in silver.
If you're the average
neck beard on the internet,
it doesn't matter.
not shaped like a pan)
you can brew Turkish coffee
pretty decently.
I noticed some clear
discharge a few days before
she started bleeding.
She looks towards her friends
for support, and does her best
to support others.
They bought the game, just
let people play how they want
or multiple ways.
I'm glad it wasn't
worse and I hope the young man
gets help and support.
You're just... wrong. It should
be an option in settings
not an artifact..
This dude needs to quit
leaching off the government.
Blue drop... not worth it.
Everything that's great
about Simon Pegg and Nick
Frost was in that film.
Then you come to work
one day and there is a "SEIZED"
sticker on the door.
Pretty sure there was
some attraction there, before
the sudden shutdown.
Fingers crossed! Good luck!
Don't do that. You'll give limbo
and trance ideas.
However, I don't
think a "complete" edition
has been released yet.
And, I actually find
games easier to win, though
that might just be rank.
[removed] Wisconsin
Its funny because you think
"You got WIndows Phones?
I scared her. She left
in a panic and I don't
think I've seen her since.
He can be a lap
dog from time to time but he's
always on alert.
A final point is
that Trump made the sober, safe
choice when picking Pence.
People can take some
pretty extreme lateral
forces, so probably.
Did you ever see
the documentary Black
Fish for example?
i don't recommend
you wrap yourself in wiring
in pass a current through.
Several nuclear
power plants are known to be
hooked up to the web.
Did you miss the bard
off between Chance and Scanlan
that happened this week.
Maybe I'll grab some
RAM this week cause its fairly
cheap as an upgrade.
But if nobody
else answer, at least you got
the correct phrases.
im not an english
rapper so its hard to just
give an example.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
This is the only
hairstyle I can wear also.
Ahh heredity.
Want to make that big
scary hero go away?
Wipe his memories!
I might have to stop
being an antisocial
bastard and turn up.
Should they be able
to refuse because the bride
isn't a virgin?
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Would not recommend.
Annual tuition there
is already $30-40k.
What commands did you
use to reset the password
from the command prompt?
I've played more than you
and I don't even know what
you're referring to.
i notice the burnt
taste lingers even after
swapping coils. Nice job.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Can't knock a player
into another player
if they can't collide.
Eh he did almost
fail at reestablishing
the economy.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Anyone else know
what kind of material
breaks like this? They do?
Cheaper because less
import tax coming into
the US or some shit.
It came out last year.
This made me feel a bit gross,
which means it's working.
Some may say that not
only is Trump well spoken,
he's the most spoken.
No I mean legal
action taken against him
not some articles.
I believe there is
also a button to sound
the alarm yourself.
is that Assad's alt?
It's a children's arcade game.
What do you expect?
Which one of the five
dozen versions that have been
released should I watch?
Because the saying
doesn't come from other sports.
It comes from that one.
Even the losses,
just being with the team was
the greatest feeling.
Sorry I can't help
much, I have only played on
Apple devices.
She's a strong girl who
is pretty good at the game.
I'm not that petty.
I guess the rubble
will just part of the game or
something lol.
Will check out the link.
Thanks, EDIT: Yeah, I see that,
still don't like it though.
*Employees must wash
hands after naked pictures*
your debt is still wrong.
I can hardly blame
someone for wanting to get
laid without romance.
Right hand to her face.
"Enjoy that equal right." No,
no, please continue.
By the time ROTS came
out, expectations had been
suitably tempered.
From your very first
post, I could tell you guys are
not American.
Best girls are the ones
you can count on to get shit
done without your help.
Only one person
has recognized it or said
anything to me.
At some point you're just
used to blurring your face when
having your suit on.
I don't see parent
to see what the subject was.
I understand that.
Alexis does look
gorgeous but Kelly Bishop
looks fabulous too.
Also since when has
GOT had guest stars? It's like he's
never watched the show.
The bridge and tunnel
discounts new yorkers get are
serious money.
It's silent right now.
I'll make another comment
when it goes back live.
This song made me feel
infinitely more hyped than
Ignite ever did.
But she spends more time
flirting with you and asking
personal questions.
Either way, "War on
Drugs" is a far cry from drugs
being illegal.
I could drive decent
cars and take vacations, just
like my parents did.
Explain why he had
to resign if the issue
was so minor then.
So, for what it's worth,
the author doesn't care how
people pronounce things.
Just because it works
for you doesn't mean it works
for everyone else.
Still a good game tho.
[deleted] Are there even
any contenders?
I can't remember
the last time I used my card
to pay for something.
I'd wager Ram could
sell 10K of these things per year
with zero problem.
Sorry you got laid
off of the only job you
could ever hold down.
I'm in the same boat
and I'm gonna wait until
the end of the con.
I'd give it to you
wherever you wanted it,
beautiful body.
Sell everything that's
not nailed down and essential
to pay off your debts.
Certainly signals
Ford's continued emphasis
on performance cars.
I don't give a shit.
Good father? FUCK YOU, GO HOME
If only Laurel
lived, i'd give this shit a chance,
but no thanks so far.
There are these things called
opinions, everyone is
allowed to have them.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
The black hole prevents
tide from casting another
skill after ravage.
Should I just get back
and get a tank to take poke
damage and heal them?
[deleted] Make sure
the lock goes into the frame
and you're probably good.
Remember, she was
actually investigated
about this. No Crime.
Scam! Don't send this man
your email, name, or other
personal details.
Full of stamina.
Or they haven't had the chance
to give news like this.
I don't think it's fear
at this point, I think it's just
muscle memory.
Home turf hype! I did
not expect this to happen.
Fucking amazing.
And somewhere down deep
where he won't acknowledge it,
he's figured this out.
The fashion model
one wasn't scary at all.
This... This made me smile.
I know it creates
grey areas but it can
be such a hassle.
Could you add due date
columns as an option (both
for task and lessons)?
I will shit arrows
all over you and you will
be impaled by them.
(Im allowed to say
that because im chinese) What
is up with the flair?
It smells different on
the body than it does if
you just sniff the bomb.
Yup, I just saw em
walking down the sidewalk near
the student center.