Haiku #338326
On the other hand,
what happens, happens, no need
to procrastinate.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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On the other hand,
what happens, happens, no need
to procrastinate.
And more swords I can
understand the 'not knowing
what else you say' look.
"my opinion is
stronger than yours so it must
be a fact!" thank you.
I'm so sorry dude.
I sincerely hope you find
some peace in this life.
She's dead already.
There's no Light in her soul, no
Life in her body.
Your very welcome.
I changed the format a bit,
have another look.
All leak indicate
the phone is going to be
pretty expensive.
At best he chugged some
swill with coke at a party.
"I'd like a whisky".
I hate everyone
who thinks that "different time" is
somehow an excuse.
It would give some teams
more battles with (the REAL) Best
Korea than others.
It's got great stats too
and performs well all the way
through to Faron Keep.
Knew you would go there.
It's a tactic commonly
employed by racists.
Plus they have a brand
new stadium, if you can
see them, check them out!
The house at some point
has had sky but it was then
lazily ripped out.
Source: The previous
owner Dan the Barber is
my girlfriends brother.
We are no longer
able to manufacture
and sell this product.
You might also want
to try ab wheels once your back
is feeling better.
Worst advice. There are
SAFE ways to help people who
desperately need help.
I wonder if hers
has done the same and whether
she'll talk about it.
What are you doing!?"
I slap him a few times but
he's unresponsive.
Then you shouldn't be
throwing rocks either if you're
trying to defend G2.
"you're a fag" hardly
constitutes an argument
in the first place, hah.
It's either very
confusing or there's something
we're not being told.
[deleted] Yeah man
I thought that was as scary
as they could get her.
Calculating God
by Robert J Sawyer sounds
right up your alley.
Even if Leafy
screwed him over twice, keeping
in contact can't hurt.
In January
only one of two people
will be President.
The only thing you
can find are these reports from
the end of last year.
And there're rumors
the boss likes that nervousness
to keep us working.
How long did they last?
Haven't seen anyone shit
on whiskey thus far.
Half these people are
now voting for Trump or not
voting period.
My friend did this once
to our local town drunk when
we were teenagers.
Worst case you can sort
out your own finances while
you figure things out.
*Alex grabs the glass
and tosses it in Justin's
direction* Welcome.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Not like Captain Jack
Sparrow because he didn't know
about up is down.
I take it one day
at a time, very cliche
but it works for me.
If they are in good
condition or better you
did dam well IMO.
Try navigating
to a particular house
in a small city.
but we've turned them round
to face the ceiling but still
he is terrified.
Missing the point here.
Balancing check books can be
done by fifth graders.
I don't either, but
from what I've seen some do both
or some do either.
It's nonfiction but
was every bit as gripping
as the books you've named.
"Did you see the girl?"
The man couldn't answer if
he had wanted to.
There was a little
welcome ceremony there
at about that time.
Is this sarcasm?
It's a relatively small
amount of running.
A teacher kindly
offered me their mobile phone
to call my parents.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
I like to read this,
it is a feeling I had
too during those years.
As long as you guys
stayed in the same instance you
should have gotten in.
There's a reason big
name indy guys do these things.
Don't forget salty!
Getting classic packs
should be your main objective
as a new player.
Especially when you
get what you wanted from them!
Your soles are perfect.
But usually used
as a swear word with meaning
really close to "Bitch".
And once they have done
that, how hard can it be do
build your own PC?
No problem! We will
have to look at the price on
October 4th.
That's idiotic
god of the gaps argument.
You can't assert proof.
Nope, just you. God damn
I can't wait until this is
fully translated.
While the one who played
the crappy pass in the first
place isn't mentioned.
This map is a pain
to view on mobile, so that's
all I got for you.
I mistreat my books.
I write in them, I bend them,
throw them, get them wet.
That 10,000mah battery
bank, yeah, probably be lucky
to put out half that.
It can be tricked by
changing your cookies as well.
We have open minds.
There might be cases,
but I have not seen any
evidence of such.
If SAPS orders you
to do something, you do not
resist, you comply.
It's the only way
to be even a little
safe anymore. Thanks!
Obviously you
didn't read the article or
watch the video.
I can't imagine
"Last One Out of Beach City"
getting through either.
And if that doesn't
sound like Bernie sanders than
I don't know what does.
Speaks volumes of his
character if you ask me.
Dealers or users?
People lampooned him
because they thought the picture
was exploitative.
They want to see you
taking the most rigorous
course load possible.
Even without new
players these should even out
and that means more goals.
Losing popular
shows like Doctor Who and South
Park is worrisome.
Come on. But they would
still fill their tank with the pump
from the other side?!
Most importantly,
take a deep breath and enjoy
your journey of life.
Actually its probably
likely the boxed copy just
contains a steam code.
However, your dad
tried bending it back, which may
void the warranty.
God, you people aren't
even attempting to be
subtle anymore.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Dear lord, no matter
what he says about himself,
he's not socialist.
I looked at the map
I need to basically leave
Europe as a whole.
Why did they change from
oily style booze production?
I thought he meant Chad.
[deleted] those nude
illusion suits still HAUNT ME
it seems like the way
most couple start so I don't
know why I'm so blocked.
If they had started
with four, it would have been Cruz.
And he might be worse.
I agree. There will
be no revenge and there will
be no special deal.
No matter what you
do, they'll always treat you like
you're a bad person.
Thanks daylight savings.
According to Johanna,
Murky is female.
From all the drawings,
renders and video it's
the third window in.
Feels like you can mess
up at least one time and not
feel like it's a wipe.
Doctor that people
can pick instead if they don't
like the female one.
Focus on the plot,
the character arcs, and build
the world to fit those.
So you don't lose them.
You'll default to whatever
you think is default.
You know that those are
like a small drop of water
into an ocean?
She wrapped her free leg
around his waist, pulling him
deeper than before.
You keep repeating
"false equivalence" but fail
to qualified it.
Absolutely pick
something that motivates you
and interests you. [nope.
Use all your spare time
wisely to learn new skills or
take an online class.
I was just shedding
some extra light that he may
have not considered.
Either God does not
care, or God does not exist
or God is quite cruel.
I wouldn't give up
my life for somebody else
if I don't want to.
If you're Dutch, surely
you're not expecting tips from
the bar anyway?
Thanks for the answer
and the wishes of good luck,
I'll need them it seems!
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
I got over it,
and you will too. I promise.
Therapy will help.
The system hasn't
changed mathematically since
elections began.
People ask for ID
in order to protect their
bank accounts from fraud.
It's fine to buy games
you love and who's publishers
you want to support.
Remember the whale
fight when the whale divided
itself into three.
Same, but after three
bad Dave jokes I'm more than done
with it already.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I really enjoy
the good times, and I think I'm
slowly getting there.
Pulse rifles are far
more versatile, accurate
close and far away.
I didn't see it, but
heard it from a friend working
behind the same bar.
In regards to were
to buy it in Zimbabwe
I couldn't tell you.
I would probably start
at about a tablespoon
for this recipe.
It's about who you
are as people not what you
wear or what you do.
Is it overbooked?
Yeah. Is it kinda dumb? yeah.
Would it be awesome?
Come to Australia;
we'll welcome you into our
tanned, bronzed arms instead.
Plenty of food was
had, and the people I was
with were nice enough.
You don't want cancer,
and you certainly don't want
genital cancer.
[deleted] It's not
hassling, it's part of the game.
And it is for fun.
That would be Star Trek
Frontiers. It really works well
as a solo game.
Powerful wards can
only be built upon homes,
well most of the time.
Oh man, so I should
have mentioned that I'm really,
really green at this.
but his lyric don't
give you any solution
to solve your problems!
If you can't get off
the island you may as well
enjoy dying there.
Look for players who
are as close to the players
ranks as possible.
I am not a pro,
and these are my opinions.
And welcome aboard!
I didn't think it was
all that close, I thought Dodson
won fairly clearly.
When did it happen?
What were the circumstances?
How did it work out?"
Our grandparents were
worried about TV when
our parents were kids.
Payload wins don't count,
so if you've been doing that,
then there's your answer.
It didn't get really
creepy until that night when
I was moving out.
I don't know if you
didn't get it or if you just
didn't find it funny.
It means the Trump camp
chose poorly, or couldn't find
anyone better.
If you do not like
the criteria, you are
welcome to not join.
Knowing when to switch
from one to the other is
important as well.
He has pretty much
nothing going for himself
(expect combo game).
It is with women
I don't know, attraction is
not necessary.
Exactly. It's not
just capitalism, it's
the world that's broken.
Nobody ever
sees any of the attempts
and they think he's chill.
I'd love to figure
out how to do a complete
head to head club match.
Open your goddamn
mouth when you manage to come
out of the stone age.
I'm a bit confused
by people piling in on
this story as well.
i would love to move
far away and delve into
music and writing.
I'm not saying I'm
right, I'm just trying to explain
where I'm coming from.
No video sounds
or anything will play sound.
[removed] I love this.
Who? I want to think
that was on purpose, being
the dick heel and all!
The real issues are
corruption and hierarchy,
not conspiracy.
When I was that age
I could barely play Chuck Rock
on the Amiga.
Six year old boy shows
up, successfully chases
away the baboons.
You could know every
world leader there is and still
have trouble with that.
Yes! Get over it.
It's a great game. It's missing
the start and end. Cool!
Yeah because that would
make a difference for broken
bones and a bruised lung.
But for the most part,
those people don't usually
make it to the end.
Obviously you
aren't a serious lifter
since you don't know this.
I hate how shitty
we come across because it's
not really like that.
All duly noted!
Thanks very much for taking
the time to respond!
Good for him, and all
the best to him, but we had
to part ways with him.
I don't even want
to imagine how much piss
is there too. TOLD YOU!
Sounds strict I know, but
I've been trying to get my hands
on this lol.
Never even been
seen in the same universe
at the same time. So?
He looks like the right
candidate to lead a young
cellar dwelling club.
Try and name something
that you don't know that you know.
wow It needs to stop.
*she says with a shrug,*
"You're okay, though, right?" *she asks,
trying to sound casual.
I'd love to play Dark
Souls for the first time again.
Among other things.
She was mocking him
for being up at 3am, since
there was no crisis.
Also I forgot
to mention mine ha always
been fine in the cold.
Structural changes
are the simplest solution
to this dilemma.
The Clinton's have been
robbing the American
people for decades!
The part where he did
NOT sit up despite getting
hit in the face?! Yeah.
If you sleep to long
the storm will hit just as you
wake so keep moving.
The best way I can
describe this game visually
is inconsistent.
(supposing they get
stuck at mars or whatever.
:p) great idea!
So it magically
changes direction and goes
straight for the keeper?
it sounds like you could
have caused some possible nerve
problems for yourself.
Hopefully after
the Arkansas game we will
have our routine down.
Thanks. As for powers,
it would be cool if I could
do telepathy.
Happy Hardcore Yeah,
but I still don't understand
why people wear clothes.
Deeney is a great
pick, his points per million spent
is so much better.
There are too many
changes that happen to plan
for longer than that.
You shut your whore mouth
Spot on. Apart from that one
dude on the left What?
After they drink it,
it won't matter that they are
sleeping on the floor.
Take a piss and shit
on it and then make the heart
splatter with my boot.
That was last year, you
went from an decent region
to worse than wildcard.
They were immigrants
and more focused on putting
food on the table.
Nice that plaza &
TH near one another,
not too many ponds.
I've never felt like
crying after a big win.
How does it feel like?
Your phone storage is
for apps and temporary
things, not permanent.
But I am pretty
sure that I only have one.
Wavy washer, eh?
I said it wasn't
as radical as you would
let people believe.
The fact you would bring
that up as an argument
is ridiculous.
She didn't. So either
you lied, exaggerated
or were misinformed.
I'm able to turn
off app permissions via
the settings menu.
If it's so cold you
may lose your fingers, or nose
in the temps, mall time.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I'm grateful because
if they won they probably would
have had to sign Barnes.
If we get a pass
rush with half a heartbeat then
we'll be in good shape.
Do you have to call
yourself when the cable goes
out on your glasses?