Haiku #337694
Really though you could
make an argument to start
any of these guys.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Really though you could
make an argument to start
any of these guys.
If we want to get
out, we'll have to do our best
to trust each other.
Let's say I make some
money doing illegal
things like selling drugs.
The market for these
rare drugs is too small to cause
premium changes.
Nobody likes them,
but they're a necessary
part of the system.
My solution would
be to make everything go
to hell everywhere.
But he was taking
the same dose he did of whites.
I told him, try less.
There are equally
good phones in Android market
that are way cheaper.
Thank you very much.
You guess right, I asked vendors
advice on dosing.
The gym owner was
there and someone had turned them
in to lost and found!
Leads carried the show
well and the side characters
were also used well.
You can't live your life
without making a foot print.
Here's an idea.
Just read it and you'll
forget about until you
suddenly hit it.
Does the mini jack
on your headphones and the aux
cable look the same?
LISA's also got
something similiar with Joy.
His fur looks so nice!
You can refill them,
but you would have to go back
into the restaurant.
The amount of blood
in OP's picture does not look
good for that person.
My guild starts raiding
next week, I'm anxious to see
how I perform there.
But the more I was
focusing on the problem,
the more hair I lost.
That only removes
the photos from the multi
threaded view for me.
I still have moments
where I feel like I'm going
to fall into it.
I just went with it.
Men are so fucking weird. Hey,
he has a point though.
If it does poorly,
then the odds of it being
redone are lowered.
Is that true for all
24man raids that they are only
doable weekly?
For example, not
telling my partner every
crazy thing she does.
It is mostly black
backgrounds with white borders on
the window boxes.
HAM Warrior and Rogue
can because of Heroic
Leap and Grappling Hook.
I personally will
take tacos and a good butt
rub over flowers.
Josh is the supreme
master of turning stoner
into a pop sound.
He can't just decide
to never go there again
I hope it comes back.
I don't understand
how you can not be a good
parent to your child.
What if we watch porn
together and she's the one
tugging my willy?
Maybe working side
by side and industry you
would like to he in.
It's just one of those
little behaviors she has
that drives me insane.
Also if she was
the reason for the divorce
he may never heal.
Yeah it's weird that Dave
can't freely discuss without
checking his rankings.
I can't help but feel
that the efficient heal is
really a slow cast.
This is a product
showcase as well as something
pretty to look at.
How do you decide
when inner subdivision
patterns should appear?
I'm short for a dude
and probably stopped growing but
I'm fine with my height.
I was there four days
for work, stayed in the airport
the entire time.
For me it works best
to collect the stuff I need
off where I hord it.
Ugh. How many times
have I told you that Big Foot
is the Most. Famous.
Nah, Microsoft is
just awful /s Abortion
is not black and white.
There's also major
arteries to consider
in both arms and legs.
Firstly, you shouldn't
be starting a Thursday Night
player in your flex.
Odds on tickets are
so low it doesn't matter
much when I use them.
It's just a baffling
decision, but I am used
to that with these games.
I have Shady, Sims,
Ware, A Morris, D Henry,
and Dwayne Washington.
Interesting to think
about, probably doesn't hold
any merit though.
It would be very
boring if everyone thought
the same thing. Cool work!
You're still less able
to hear and respond than you
would be otherwise.
Don't worry, boy. [If
that bothers you, I'll destroy
something Maggie loves.
The burden of proof
is on your side, you can't just
say stuff and voila.
-The stock fuel pump is
unacceptable, even
when the car is stock.
I don't understand
why people never outline
what the costs are for.
Uh, that's a slightly
different situation How
are you doing that?
Also, I was up
worrying about my grass.
I think I need help.
It's just nice to see
more men doing yoga no
matter what they wear.
Just check for its length
or if it has null value
or something like that.
Very rarely do
you have control of the things
that happen to you.
Most people I know
hate both, to be quite honest.
Sad state of affairs.
I didn't even put
in a claim for him, I went
straight for Amari.
The details say "dark
denim wash" for both color
ways, so they're not raw.
This is a great deal,
especially as a public
offer, however.
While suicide is
technically a homicide,
it is not murder.
Make an alt account
and pass the guild leadership
position to it.
Right!? 'Hillary makes
my tummy feel weird because
she beat my hero.
My only time went
very similarly, not
sure what to tell you.
I think seized, he's been
spotted wiping under his
eyes, maybe the tears?
That's incredible.
I've had my hair cut at his
salon and met him.
Also I don't think
you guys get earthquakes like us
Californians do.
most voters don't take a hard
look at anything.
Don't be surprised if
Eli and Odell connect
for multiple scores.
As long as hey don't
screw if up somehow, I will
get the next model.
[deleted] You should
really check out Serial
Experiments Lain.
It was pretty sweet.
But you still needed a car
to get to the sticks.
All medals I get
go towards the rider gems ha
ha ha.... ^kill ^me ^now.
I've got a feeling
that it's much different when you're
directly involved.
It's been about three
months and it's still difficult
to resist sometimes.
Update Hey, I asked
this question before and now
I can answer it.
Turns out he and his
sister, same age as me, had
sex often for years.
Other countries do
you u mean? For fat loss, yes.
Same as with crunches.
Love both albums, just
can't find any info on
the actual artist.
PM me if you
want to talk more, I would be
happy to listen.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
To put it bluntly,
you should not be rewarded
so much for dying.
I love the way it's
like they're still underwater
with the hair movement.
Dunno what other
kind of pirate they can come
up with at this point.
I had to restart
the game, but it was funny
to watch for a while.
Look at Australia.
Watch the John Oliver bit
about gun control.
You undoubtedly
will have to wait, but if you
can you can uproot.
They're being salty.
Kindness and empathy come
naturally to me.
Looking at it now,
though, it doesn't really seem
to help her passive.
You'll feel fantastic,
you'll be even happier
and more confident!
Match Point. A Love Song
For Bobby Long. The Island.
The Perfect Score. Scoop.
The Prestige. If you
haven't seen these movies, you
can shut the fuck up.
*hugs* Things are going
to get better, I promise!!
:P Yes, once a week.
My dad did something
similar, although my mom
did not pass away.
The cause of death is
currently believed to be
cardiac arrest.
Men who sleep around
have mommy issues and are
mentally damaged.
A downward push would
mean a leftward motion or
directional change.
The post makes no sense.
NA? ON? Canada? Where did
the Vita come from?
You taking about
Ron Paul or the other guy?
Thanks for the reply!
And the other day
I realized it's basically
talking like friends do.
It's awesome he can
speak so candidly about
the girls personally.
If so, why? If not,
then I'm even more confused
than I thought I was.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Although I'm sure they've
hired people who have made
no contributions.
Sushi Ideally,
both, but if I had to choose
then I choose Healthy.
First rule of leaking
is you don't leak unless you
find the smoking gun.
It makes my blood boil
knowing he lives like he does
yet pays no taxes.
But I haven't caught
up with the latest issues
so things may have changed.
*Gandhi Also, not
where I would expect to see
this quote, but nice job.
On clear nights I get
the chance to guess the Milky
Way from my backyard!
I just got offered
Aaron Rodgers and Terrell
Pryor for Hopkins.
Yes, you sure showed me.
My dad showed me this movie
when I was a kid.
Another thing is
to find a professor you
can do research with.
The useful questions
about them would be about
the application.
So, I'd guess people
think the same of stay at home
Dads. I hear ya though.
This wasn't supposed
to be an easy season
but a sad one too?
Now, in your own words,
what is the argument you're
attempting to make?
I would have gotten
flatter and better speakers
with that Hang yourself.
But other than that,
where is tech really lacking?
Serious question.
2v2 is still fun though,
especially as the game is
smaller at the start.
AND if we assume
that yes black people commit
more crimes, why is that?
As for her family,
yeah, there's not too much logic
behind their actions.
But something between
this and the awesome as fuck
version would be nice.
Or a studio
electric version would be
really cool as well.
i gotta say, those
are quite delusional hopes
that you have there. patch?
Your flow was steady
throughout and the writing was
pretty good as well.
I can't say it gets
much easier over time.
Gucci kills this track.
I'm genuinely
interested in hearing you
try to explain that.
It's called disk golf Thanks.
As others have said the prawn
heads were damn tasty!
Other people are
going to tell you to try
all sorts of brave stuff.
where's her booty guards
Have any of you actually
read the proposed bill?
That clerk pushed forward
on the stick at the precise
moment of impact.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Seriously man,
you gotta find a girlfriend.
I am getting bruised."
Grinders. Your choice will
determine the intrusive
ads that you receive.
I will keep my ears
peeled for anyone who is
desperate to come home.
It just pissed them off
and I got lectured about
how I talk too much.
Personally I like
to believe there is something
good in everyone.
Why Do You Type Like
This, It's Annoying To Read
So Just Don't Do It.
Yes, Monte did make
that ONE comment--- but I think
he's just ignorant.
Basically people
complaining that the game LOOKS
like a mobile port.
Sensed some nervousness
but that should past if you keep
making videos.
Ok, cool, I didn't
play showdown for a long time,
so what? Who is them?
He had a massive
following, probably on par
with Clinton herself.
Doesn't like your friends
because they don't make as much
money as you two?
Should I think about
changing homes or can they be
brought under control?
I should be able
to get it flush with the wall
with some adjustments.
I guarantee you
there has definitely been
changes in your life.
So, I think there is
no upper limit on how
much you should practice.
This team has talent,
but they're young and don't know how
to win at this point.
This is disordered
eating, regardless of what
you want to call it.
until that time well
be stuck between democrats
and republicans.
I just hope you will
decide to lose weight and get
your act together.
I would do dirty,
sinful things to that body.
Your smile is so cute!
If they pulled it out,
I'm sure they didn't put all there
eggs in there wallet.
Running into bugs
is completely normal if
you're signed up for this.
Awkward stare until
he leaves the d5100 or the d5500
shall be good buy Gay.
So really just test
both classes and pick what feels
most natural to you.
When you say normal
do u mean the problem is
gone or its still there?
Come ona my house,
my house a come on, I want
to give you candy.
the little amp you
got will do? Sleep good baby.
See you in the am!
I'm actually not sure
which I'd prefer, nutrition
drinks are fucking foul.
Seeing where else you
posted that you mean it, what
is actually sader.
That's a bust from me.
What do they do when they do
random room searches?
Like seriously,
stand up and try it, then come
back with your results.
A part of my heart
will always be there amongst
those snowy mountains.
I had worked a night
shift doing fry vat clean outs
for extra ot pay.
The intro to star
trek the next generation
(his favorite) began.
Search for Custom Star
Galaxy Outer Space Cool
Cat Shower Curtain.
I'm surrounded all
day by people who cannot
explain what they do.
Killing someone does
not make the grenade they threw
at you disappear.
You eat more at once,
so more of it will end up
being stored as fat.
Fasting works very
well for some people and not
so well for others.
Now you need the male
and female tat so they can
determine your sex.
Its' more like a crop,
takes X amount of random
ticks for it to charge.
It's designed to break
like that inside the target
to do more damage.
One might even use
the same rhetoric you did
against your comment.
It is a great champ
with good options but you just
gotta respect that.
I can't get over
daylight savings, and that it's
light outside right now.
I'm calling it here,
I expect to be all done
by Valentine's Day.
I think the first one
was primarily an egg
eating predator.
Thanks for commenting
dear internet stranger, feels
good to discuss this.
If their general seems
exposed, try to kill him if
at all possible.
Once their general is
dead, their army will lose heart
and flee soon after.
To your latter point,
who is to judge how hard life
is for anyone?
Thus I really think
you're points don't hold water when
the tape is reviewed.
They're coming into
our house where our offense has
much greater success.
Sent~ I think she will
be played by the actor who
played Wren in hotel.
Relax mate, I thought
exactly this would happen
after your last post.
Just a wisp model
double jumping, then a wisp
falling down with wings?
Children who are not
brought up properly do not.
Children who were do.
[removed] Dude knows how
to box, he can dodge he just
doesn't feel the need.
Have a good day! Yeah,
I don't flipping know either.
Thanks for all your help!
Nobody else is
having trouble keeping up.
We're speaking English.
The forth paragraph
has zero to do with Brits
usage of the word.
On the other hand,
what happens, happens, no need
to procrastinate.