Haiku #336780
Rather pricey though.
Now this is going to sound
strange but hear me out.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Rather pricey though.
Now this is going to sound
strange but hear me out.
So Balanced He does
exist, I've seen him so far
no luck on that one.
A little butter,
some sour cream, add in bacon
and chives... so tasty!
The truth is coming
out despite her best efforts.
Instructions unclear.
Good times. Just wait till
you play a team with a good
secondary bud.
Outdoor fireplace
is anything under 1M,
including closed flames.
The only downside
is it only comes out once
every couple weeks.
because it was in alpha
and beta back then.
[removed] Bump! I tried
both of these places last week
and still have nothing.
All you have to do
if anyone asks her name
is say "Minerva.
Kevin Williamson
UNBOUND Take every downward
path and then head north.
Unless there are some
obscure exceptions, then feel
free to correct me.
Secondly, it is
never outside of work hours.
Never assume that.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
its the surface if
the lead oxidizing, if
im not mistaken.
Trump team once again
**whining**. Also, keep going
after Obama.
don't cry if you end
up being slaves again tho.
I'm in the same boat.
thank u parrot man
The content creator is
the noblest of all.
Should do it for what?
To what end? "People should do
something because..." what?
The man spun in place
and spread his arms to the sky.
"Who the fuck are you?"
However if you're
ugly, doing those moves could
end of killing them.
I was wondering
when someone would post something
like this. Cruise control?
Yeah! If we say it's
gonna end every day, we're
sure to be right... soon!
His stream was actually
fun to watch back then, but now
all he does is smurf.
The introvert club.
Currently one week into
two weeks between jobs.
She has already
proven that she is thinking
only of herself.
Some of us truly
do not want children and will
not try and trap you.
Thanks! Nope. Virginian.
I wear make up when I want
to *stand out* in crowds.
My point is why are
people demanding only
Trump takes the exams?
Feel like Blake's fallen
out of favor for blasting
that dude in the face.
Then they did a huge
overhaul where they glued these
walkways on the sides.
I have seen the post
about that pot5 thingy, could
be quite interesting.
While the car may get
damaged, passengers are not
at risk of dying.
We got a "that was
awesome" chant for Kevin Nash
doing an arm drag!
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Is everybody
who sees the world differently
from you a moron?
but hey you can be
willfully ignorant if
that's your cup of tea.
How much would you say
is acceptable to spend
on a holiday?
I usually say:
"Hey, use a tissue asshole!"
Hello, welcome! Love!
I did not expect
to see that there too. How cute.
You did a great job!
My understanding
is that the flight software was
developed that way.
[removed] Anyone
else watching this Vin ending
and losing their shit?
I always suggest
their daily special if it's
still available.
With zero seconds
left the returning team has
to touch the ball first.
like to claim their cars are race
ready, but they're not.
His guitar teacher
is a good friend of mine What's
not to understand?
Can't believe the Saints
let him walk and traded Sproles
for a late round pick.
Nice in a way since
you don't have to lift your foot
to go to the brake.
I'd personally add
one or two bright and crunchy
vegetables as well.
We will need mines all
over the planet to get
all the things we need.
The left lane is not
some mystical place that no
one is allowed in.
!......can we get a fact
check on the fly if this is
indeed a pepe?
I just hope it was
someone who was actually poor
and ashamed to ask.
Great, now I'm going
to feel really guilty when
one stings me and dies.
"Lets not be hastey.
Seems you guys have been battling
pretty hard today.
I almost cried when
I saw it. He didn't say hip
hop is white culture.
Fingers crossed they come
out with some more patterns though
or do a restock.
I wake up after
he does and find a brownie
bomb waiting for me.
Anyone? Hell, they've
vile to any leftist who
doesn't fall in line.
We've only played one
game so hit me up if you
want some more info.
What about blowing
his load because Martial scored?
Thanks for the heads up.
God is not to blame.
He has offered a way out
from the starting line.
Makes you wonder what
would happen if the pilot
tried to crash the plane.
The only people
who never make mistakes are
people who aren't trying.
Some might try, but get
tired of supporting you
during the bad times.
The place I work does
this and it makes it super
tender and juicy.
It's by Team Four Star,
who made the Dragon Ball Z
Abridged videos.
Anyone who says
that needs to do their homework!!
I'm glad you did yours!
Perhaps you could ask
Sandro to update us on
the situation?
You are pointing out
the precise problem my post
was meant to address.
You think everyone
is a 100%accurate with mouse
movement and gun play?
Wow these dudes are smart.
This is why the whole smart straps
concept largely failed.
It's really tiring
to constantly feel the need
for reassurance.
Point being by them
fighting back that to me is
assumed as content.
There's no tax impact.
They should deduct the amount
from the total paid.
Your only expense
is food and whatever else
you decide you want.
It's the author's choice
to make, and it's him that reaps
the consequences.
You bet your ass I'll
be voting for him or her.
You're on the right team.
You will still really
have to be picky in what
you are looking for.
Couldn't choose between
"Disney to help open" or
"Disney helps open."
It seems like people
are making this way harder
than it needs to be.
My room is really
big so I think all the bass
will just go away.
His smart you see You
might as well ask if I like
music or colors.
Given the rusty
screw and the burnt stuff I tend
to believe that part.
He should take Mayfield
to Cedar to E 105th
to *i think* Chester.
Anyone who thinks
walls don't work needs to play some
Age of Empires.
The staff are badly
presented and really didn't
seem to give a damn.
I believe it is
the purest form of freedom
I can imagine.
I think she's doing
pretty well considering
how hard it would be.
Generally speaking
the Republican party
opposes unions.
You realize, at one
point, you had a better growth
rate than India?
What are your strike rates
looking like for league football?
Glad you enjoy it!
It happens often.
Only an asshole wouldn't
support civil rights.
hey presto, things went
into stalemate mode before
the army stepped in.
Holy shit. Who do
you trust more NOT TO KILL YOU?
Yourself or this thing?
I cannot say it any
more clearly than that.
I think you going
to fight it with that bullet.
She's built to run long!
It's a time waster
but it focuses my mind
away from my thoughts.
I'm not there yet but
I'm really thinking about
getting Marion.
Though since it's a pay
as you go meter, I'm not
sure if it applies.
The image for app
preview messaging doesn't
show the full process.
Even if it cost
Lapis to transfer units,
I'd be all for it.
I'm fresh outta c1.
The drop gods have been unkind
to me recently...
That looks good, thank you
for the suggestion, I'll be
looking into it.
Butters is simply
seeing things in a context
that makes sense to him.
*also the fail rate
in trade school for plumbing is
incredibly high!
I always wondered
why she picked me and I tried
to make her happy.
I don't think I'll be
slowing down anytime soon!
[reminds me of this.
Using for longer
or higher doses than planned.
And a couple more.
Think hard about what
was going on and what you
were or weren't doing.
I'd love to figure
this out but like I said, no
one will talk to me.
I have this nagging
feeling that Benjamin will
get a better game.
**Confession:** I may
have gotten carried away
with races this year.
If you've got a heads
up for me here that be great.
PM me maybe?
I'm thrilled that there is
so much ethical tension
within the party.
Neither of them is
likely to "live up to" their
campaign promises.
So. no.. Body mass,
being big and hunky does
not mean attractive.
Well that just make *my*
decision easier on
what to watch tonight.
They respond really
quickly to the "Contact Us"
form on the site, too.
The strong desire
to sue blair for that war still
hasn't been fulfilled.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
-Crying and Singing
Time with Garnet, Amethyst
and Pearl and Steven.
Yeah, gay students can
bring girls too and straight students
can't bring boys either!
They also must be
stuttering, half dinosaur,
and a drug user.
"And our mayor, our
new mayor, refused to go
forward with the case.
I'm willing to throw
in a topper as well if
you can reserve them.
His performance dropped
because he was constantly
fighting injuries.
I totally didn't
even see your link because
the text was so small.
OW has it, and it's
awesome, would like to see here
as well Not congress.
Even if I'm wrong,
I still appreciate his
calm demeanor here.
Surely this is one
the things we should be happy
to put money towards?
[deleted] Can you
provide court records of these
civil settlements?
Actually the only
thing that matters is you don't
take it with caffeine.
Anyone who still
thinks this is a stunt is nuts.
He wants the power.
Highlighting! It makes
my flat look less flat and more
radiant and alive.
I'm on the other
side of the world, but won't mind
being online friends.
A full monarchy
is a government lead by
inbred parasites.
And you want to see
if you can understand what
the stuff is made of.
Our interior
D last year was abysmal.
It can't get much worse.
If the C9 from NA
summer split championships
shows up, then they lose.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Everything except
mythic is flex now so it's
pretty forgiving.
How old was your rift?
Hope it isn't a common
thing Knowing crew chiefs?
Do you like anal?
Thanks for the input. This is
all quite new to me.
WORTH SOMETHING. *He readies up
with with a slight smile.
I really like not
being talked about [removed]
put them in there place?
Not every reference,
nod or *homage* to something
is an Easter egg.
Serving beef would be
like committing suicide
Yes you can Oh damn.
Im just curious
how high volume sellers would
allocate their time.
Video credit:
the guy does it several times.
Its the cactus guy.
What item grade do?
Why some items are better
at inferior?
He has to solve it,
come to terms with stuff, only
then he can move on.
it looked like it might
have been an unintended
thing from the app side.
Your claims are absurd,
and reaching for attention
where none is needed.
Ever since then I've
seen it as the first major
hard point of the game!
Slight chance of being
legit since owners can charge
whatever they like.
Tell me honestly
that you've gone out of your way
to study this stuff.
I wonder if it's
from water and possibly
mineral accretion?
Or click share and use
the options I still have some
hope for indians.
You get the fuck up
and you swing into action,
instinct takes over.
Please report any
inappropriate comments
for moderation.
There is code in post.
Is there something specific
you are looking for?
I hope that helps some.
Good luck and I hope you start
to see improvement.
Hope that helps a bit.
Also, look up the Terrace
Higgins Trust website.
But what will you do
when you physically can't do
the job anymore?
This is a pretty
important bump that I hope
Hillary can hold.
Mercenaries are
hired by the state and paid
via taxation.
That said, I agree
that Tommy coming back would
be a step backwards.
I'm reasonably
new to knitting, but getting
better every day.
I'd like those first Or
returning players who are
really, really good.
It was a little
nerve racking because I thought
I looked kinda big.
It does, in no case,
allow them not to use French
once settled in France.
They only mentioned
that there was a threat but didn't
go into detail.
Sorry to be blunt,
couldn't think of another
way to hint at it.
I think DeLeon
is a bench player on our
roster at this point.
As quick as I could
I pointed at both of them
and my teammates saw.
It doesn't matter
how little you care about
someone's position.
Yeah didn't think we'll get
any Lapis anyway
Thanks for the update.
Check yo firewall dog.
You be getting scanned. Also,
Yes. By Aliens.
I hope you people
don't take all action movies
this seriously.
(probably a stupid
question) Pretty sure I work
where you used to work.
they definitely
belong down here in the south.
Use it as a tool.
Shift work can suck, but
we make a lot of money
without a degree.
And I disagree.
It's true for some (most, I'd say)
tables, but not all.
Starting salary
for a conductor is $60-80k.
Union job, pension.
The point is, and you
said it yourself, that neither
is acceptable.
If you are hands on.
Installing granite counter
tops pays great money.
Installing granite
counter tops pays great money.
Don't need the schooling.
Evolution or
gravity aren't proofs if that's
how you use that term.
I also found out
I wake up often after
eating a late meal.
All of those questions
maybe help you determine
what is happening here.
I just need to get
over this devastation
I'm feeling today.
If he wears a mask
on his dick, he can't even
be arrested. THIS!
Really though you could
make an argument to start
any of these guys.