Haiku #336011
Aw you were doing
so good in this thread and then
you got weird again.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
Aw you were doing
so good in this thread and then
you got weird again.
If you buy one brand
new set every three sets, it's
very reasonable.
[deleted] Yeah, if
anything, this author has
Apple fans pinned down.
Did you mean to post
this here because it makes no
sense in this context...
Is that enough or
should I have terror alarms
like in Silent Hill.
I suspect that some
folks are just more reactive
to it than others.
Oh man, this sounds like
something she would totally
do I've seen those posts.
Take your books and go
to the park, backyard, study
hall or whatever.
The cover looks fine!
When I noticed this, there was
no debris on it.
Swelling Wave replied
smoothly, not flinching in his
leery scrutiny.
Now I have every
barrage user in the game,
I'm really happy!
Matthews is a beast
and will get better as Wentz
plays more I believe!
I don't even want
to be that close to other
cars on the freeway.
I'm a newer fan
and have been working my way
backwards through your stuff.
I'm pretty sure one of our
regulars works there.
Hey I noticed you
have a new sub I can help
with moderating!
Half the time he drives
somewhere only to not fly
because of weather.
But if I was asked
what she was TRAINED to do, then
I have to answer.
I don't know whether
I hope to be on the right
side of it or not.
She'd be pretty stoked
about the Atari's song
written about her.
Just imagine if
this same thing happened to him
at a Trump rally.
All the time actually.
And I never had any
issues personal.
I like supporting
you guys as well as Stirling!
Blood. Much blood 2RB
I take it? I think I'd want
to hold for awhile.
Believe it or not
the world used to be a much
much scarier place.
Beautiful. no thank
you [deleted] [deleted]
I would like to join.
Funny and awkward
situations could arise
At this stage he is
just a parasite who is
sucking your life out.
reasons one would pay
for the opportunity
for education.
More menacing then
"how may have you killed?" "More than
you can count" imo.
Today I'm fully
sober and happy with that.
Do what works for you.
I'm ready to trade
whenever you are, I'll add
you now. **Attention!
But it could come back
if you go through another
period of stress.
What really is there
for you to do currently?
She knows how you feel.
He took a sip from
the wine goblet he had been
holding in his hand.
And I'm gonna keep
fucking talking about it.
Because it's awesome.
It REEKS from your post.
It smells like LOSER. Why SHOULD
women look at you?
keep your chin up friend.
E2 too high or too low can
affect morning wood.
I think it runs more
like 5k though. Thank you! Oh. Huh.
Well, that sucks. Goodnight.
I obviously
care about her I just don't
want to be with her.
That's scary as hell.
There are no online loopholes,
or gun show loopholes.
You bastard, I was
going to say this and then
I saw your comment.
Take sometime to think,
switching their stats is exact
same thing lol.
lol Popper
isn't saying Marxism
has been falsified.
Where'd you get these from?
I think you might be getting
your shootings mixed up.
Liberal Media:
It's racism. People don't
like you cus you're black.
It's a terribly
egocentric but I want
to see myself fuck.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
The game is supposed
to be about fun, not just
about W's.
love it when they make
the questions where all answers
are wrong Not a chance.
Been making myself
drink at least some coffee each
day for this reason.
I love how Vin is
dying at why the players
call Dave Roberts, "Doc".
FLEE!!! [removed] And yet
he cared so little for his
own adopted son.
I don't understand
why universities are
safe zones for rapists.
It's slimy and gross
and I still shudder when those
bandages come off.
Best part is it just
makes us madder so we can
ignore them some more.
I would have the urge
to give in so quickly but
I'd have to resist!
Except Cody picked
Derrick when Derrick clearly
played a better game.
What about Worms or
Speyer? Are they equally
boring to live in?
Yesterday I walked
through my apartment without
turning the lights on.
But these are separate
issues that you cannot merge
into each other.
I think this was filmed
in china though but I'm not
sure That's just cheating.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
And that rotation...
Tesla never did believe
Hang on a second,
this is not just any pie,
the click is worth it.
So many of these
were great and I'd love to see
which you liked the best!
I do a steep hill
run, and go by the taco
stand on the way home.
Like how thick creams might
clog pores in the summer, but
are great for winter.
He wins, even if
Bullseye had a gun. This is
not the best approach.
We're also rich, poor,
white, black, disabled, able
bodied, old and young.
Its their choice. They can
choose to try to take away
enough food to live.
They're going to bitch
about everything he says
and does, anyway.
Other than that, big
cities (which seem to get them
all) are your best bet.
Or you challenged him
to another game of hide
n seek and you won.
Really though, how is
he popular with working
class Americans?
Hi there, your post was
removed as it does not use
the title format.
So your dad and Matt
Damon's Mom got together
in the 60's I see!
Weird book, but also
the book with the most direct
impact on my life.
I have lately found
myself discovering deep
and long term problems.
They'll quickly find their
maneuverability has
dropped dramatically.
New distilleries
often sell their new make while
their stock is aging.
Well if you really
want to go deep it all starts
with choice doesn't it.
[removed] vanessa
hudgens definitely has
Just show him this thread!
But for android, its
been in "beta" for a while
now, and had its bugs.
"By accepting these
terms and conditions, you will
become my wingman.
[deleted] Have you
considered automating
food delivery?
Marriages, even
arranged ones, are meant to be
happy occasions.
sorry everyone's
treating your apology
like this. you're okay.
Yeah, I just started
using Roll20 for a game I'm
in with friends back home.
You will be managed
well and there are definite
spots for advancement.
Then one pulls out his
phone ass I did the cross on
just a casual solve.
you are my spirit
animal There is no free
speech in Canada.
Want to squeeze. So cute.
This is a great idea.
I would support this.
I believe in God
too, and I believe He is
the most merciful.
As the night went on,
the man started down a strange
conversation path.
Where people you thought
were respectable hit you
with something like that?
Also turn your feet
before you turn, not while you
turn (unless you jump).
You can't decide it's
$65K and then complain when you
can't find anyone.
When Elliot is
passing out after getting
shot, we hear Mr.
Ofc this is
not a good thing to do but
in this case its fine.
Nay. 'Tis not the hour.
Ye shall plunder no longer.
'Tis be a war now.
The kids then (on their
own) usually try to see
who can find the most.
I lean towards Tyrell
being real, but I always
have this nagging doubt.
One of the guys is
driving a Range Rover that's
probably a year old.
Looks like somebody
didn't play when every deck was
bomb Tower or bust.
You're right to say you
have to adapt to your team,
but that goes both ways.
Nintendo sure does
know how to generate hype
for a Zelda game.
if I see a spawn
point at 1x15, will it always
be 1x15 every hour?
It sucks not knowing
what the other person is
thinking or feeling.
Thanks for posting this.
It has a few points I missed
elsewhere Entitled?
They just chose to go
with range For those wondering,
they fucked in the car.
The savings are more
than "moderate" if you know
how to shop and cook.
Thanks for giving me
the benefit of the doubt,
but you don't need to.
You want to tell her
you love her because you think
you still have a chance.
Not as eventful,
but the effort on goal more
than makes up for it.
Use regular pods
They look so perky! I was
there two weeks ago.
Only Congress can
fire the members and only
with difficulty.
I appreciate
the offer, but am going
to have to pass. Thanks.
And that is the last
place I figured they would pull
off a huge angle.
Nothing insane, but
definitely some echo
or mic overlap.
Some are really high
brow on the other hand some
are very low brow.
If anything, look
into what medication
will work best for you.
Some might say the speech
he gives is over the top
and trying, but it works.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Collecting this was
worth it just for the Marine
Tactical Helmet.
[deleted] Sorry
about the bad editing,
did this on my phone.
Next you'll act surprised
that he believes in some things
without evidence.
Warning: side effects
may include strange looks, lawsuits
and being fired.
I mean, who needs more
attack when you can have... umm....
what does Siren do?
There is a difference.
You have been visited by
the coffee demon.
[deleted] Terry?
But that's a girls name Fuck it.
Do it anyway.
Having the skill up
won't help her when she gets saps
on her and what not.
Now they're attacking
people because a black cop
shot a black armed thug.
Yeah well I drink 7up
which puts me to *nine* whole ups!
Or worse... a whistle.
A lot of the things
that the kid [in the book] says
are things that John said.
Beautiful! It will
all be answered over time
hold your damn horses.
I like the layout.
I'm pretty sure it starts with,
"eyes up guardian!"
The Senate wouldn't
ratify a hand job if
Obama got one.
The oldest that prime
age ever has or ever
will be is late 20s.
As a diver, I'd
like to hear what went wrong, if
you don't mind sharing?
With improvements come
more suppliers so they can
produce better crates!
Undying isn't
bad either if you're ok
with running dual lanes.
You've heard how you can
lead a horse to water but
you can't make him drink?
The Japanese were
also horrible rapists
and brutal killers.
They want perfect test
scores at minimum wages.
Dude, that's pretty cool.
But I believe they're
pretty comparable on less
than ideal paper.
Rap from spain though is
much less gangster more abstract
and sentimental.
They aren't referring
to a different sub, they are
just delusional.
Would you give away
something for free if you spent
so much time on it?
Sometimes I sunder
because I need the quick heal
to stay in a fight.
Then again, staying
in the Earthquake zone would make
Thrall invincible.
Nightfall too. It takes
two to tango and you're not
even standing up.
This is a very
clear cut cops making a tough
decision moment.
They can also get
misty step which really helps
to close the distance.
[deleted] Did you
know in the book the dude who
goes clever girl lives?
It's quite another
to actually know what it feels
like to be hungry.
Just you wait! They'll make
another music man just
for the occasion.
Also, do you play
with a friend or solo queue?
Awesome, keep it up!
It's essentially
impossible for Leblanc
to not win the lane.
Which means there will be
many customers out there
with no idea.
...wat? Millions go up
every year and there's never
been an incident.
You should be able
to find the ashes around
the last bonfire.
It's not only those
uneducated people
who watch these movies.
I'm a chemical
engineer, oxidation
is a real issue.
to send a PM
to also be reminded
and to reduce spam.
There is the young brown
belt at your local school you
think is pretty tough.
It's clear that all you
want is to spread fear through lies.
Whoops, mixed up my words.
The conservative
voter is trying to elect
Trump. Seriously.
I'll look all around
my bed, I'll shake out my sheets,
I'll look everywhere.
Suddenly, a warmth
moved towards me. It was Wowie.
I was so happy.
It's an old tech clip
when they were first comparing
voice recognition.
I don't have the time
or willingness to actually
learn music theory.
Why isn't Kenny
dying, or better yet where
the hell is Kenny?
This is fantastic
Perform better on paper
at long range perhaps.
Just calling it like
I see it, sorry if you
can't handle the truth.
My wife knows when I'm
in this mode that just wanting
to chat doesn't work.
You aren't missing much.
Plenty of better burger
places in Portland.
add me i do both
[deleted] Monster Garage
Fried potato chips?
I thought she got off
because there was actually no
laws against it? Good!
Show was amazing!
[removed] No but Yeah if it's
mental pain maybe.
[removed] No but Yeah
if it's mental pain maybe.
maybe Holy shit!
They can be brutal
sometimes, but the truth can be
really hard to hear.
I just randomly
thought of this question, but was
Carl Menger a jew?
So the question is:
do you want to scale your team
JUST to deal with this?
Trying to quickly do
mental math for the diapers
one was bananas.
Blizzard is aiming
to make all of these talents
hero specific.
He was coming back
from his trial for the gun charge.
He was not pleasant.
I'm not saying she's
just a luck based character.
She does take some skill.
Meaning if you die,
then they are still 2v1 the ranked
system is a joke.
There is a difference
between having strong boundaries
and holding a grudge.
If your feelings are
still what they were last April,
tell me so at once.
you totally aren't
good enough" and basically
saying I am trash.
We have those too but
I never saw one until
I moved to New York.
Kind of like how all
the finance companies here
collapsed few years back?
Don't generalize
something because it is hard
for you to fathom.
Nothing has moved yet.
Last day of supposed shipping
date is tomorrow.
are you a moron?
[deleted] [deleted] Why
didn't I think of that.
I'm definitely
gonna try this out when it's
released in alpha.
It's amazing how
intense he is at his age.
Incredible show.
The apartment is
still available if you
want to take a look.
Rather pricey though.
Now this is going to sound
strange but hear me out.