Haiku #25169
The Huffington Post
is a bad publication
and you should feel bad.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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The Huffington Post
is a bad publication
and you should feel bad.
There will be other
casual players who will stay
behind and play it.
I bank with US Bank
and they've been extremely good
to me in the past.
Try and emphasize
the really unique things you
have done succinctly.
Thanks for the detailed
explanation, I really
appreciate it.
Does this mean i should
be embarrassed when someone
sees my socks? What point?
From a "Hey guys, lets
make more money" perspective,
sure, they can do that.
(Or what's cute.) Good thing
my rights are not dependent
on **needing** something.
Heavy armor is
good against stun lockers, but
bad against casters.
I have been reading
and dabbling in the Occult
for a few years now.
You should feel like shit.
Your own paranoia cost
you a hundred bucks.
Why thank you fine sir.
This brings up a good point though.
How long is too long?
Plus, when you do get
lava it leaves an ugly
flow animation.
Oh, and you also
omitting the "third" very
practical issue?
Apparently its
not plain enough for a whole
lot of them to see.
Finds out he has lung
cancer and starts making meth.
I'll take the goggles.
[deleted] He is
learning, yes, and it's quite fun
to watch him do so.
Pay off all credit
card debt immediately.
Buy a newer car.
Ditto. I kinda
wish I had managed to sign
up here first. Oh well!
I say the same thing
to all women who complain
that men are all jerks.
There is hope for you,
if you choose to pursue it.
I pray that you do.
On the upside you
don't need permission to make
changes to the house.
You are wrong. Don't date
David. Don't quit swimming, you're
going to get fat.
nothing makes me rage
more than a little fag not
recognizing me.
The movie "Alive"
has a pretty good plane crash
at the beginning.
If you want an arms
race that often makes forum
sites unusable.
The "basic" engine
noise is exhaust escaping
from the cylinders.
"Hey, it's not like I'm
killing anyone, pepper
spray for everyone!
Anyways, I'll be
happy to help you as long
as this post gets cleaned.
If you want to vote
as a fuck you to National,
go Labour or Greens.
[](/joke) I had one where
my can of Coca Cola
floated through my room.
It's just technically
very good. Does it inspire?
Does it have meaning?
sorry, I view all
women the same!.... can't get you.....
You know that surprised
stoner face you always see
in stoner comics?
That doesn't mean she's
cheating, maybe she just wants
to keep you separate.
*Hey coach spitz, isn't
that suppose to be your boy
with the golden toe?
This guy took "it is
what it is" and put it far
more eloquently.
Don't let your smile hide.
You're gorgeous, and your smile will
only add to it.
[deleted] I'm not
saying you wouldn't stay friends
or keep in contact.
They're her breasts, if she's
not concerned you have no right
to comment on them.
Helping Libyan
rebels while not calling out
Bahrain is bullshit.
Find a way to make
my food better with no heat,
and I will do that.
They are normally based
on what ever game I am
playing at the time.
You don't know me, you
don't know how sheltered or not
I was from the world.
Then again, she might
have just been run off her feet
on a busy night.
[deleted] You will
regret everything that you
don't do in High School.
The most important
thing for you to do right now
is stop worrying!
There are so many
options, and you cant give up
without trying them out.
My younger siblings
never have to present ID
as they are minors.
Like they don't teach good
morals, giving the power
without the control.
Fake your IP address,
you'd do it anyways if
you were pirating.
Not the car business.
Yes, yes I did. No one is
selling anything.
Mind linking to him?
Exactly what I thought when
I saw it. Well done.
And that's reasonable.
I'd live with you. If that's not
terribly creepy.
All I could think was
'what a guy'. I bet he's still
out there though... somewhere.
I think some movie
or show tunes qualify here.
So enjoying this!
The pins have different
length and thus the thermostat
knows which one is it.
I hated the fact
that I had to surrender
to the corrupt guards.
Just have someone check
his garage for any trap
doors every few weeks.
[deleted] I hate
smoking with matches, always
makes my bowls taste weird.
They are the one who
agreed that the specs complied
with the Nexus brand.
Then I think of her,
and realize that it's genius:
Mary Todd Lincoln.
take disk, chuck toward wall
so it hits a few inches
above garbage can.
An arrow the knee
is just as deadly as one
to the head it seems.
If the survival
mode works with pc servers
I'll probably get it.
Yes, because he went
ahead of them when the cop
was slowing them down.
Let's focus on that.
Let's focus on fixing that.
Sigh... We're in first place.
What's that? We got some
for our nine year old daughter.
She loves them. Which school?
Remember that girl
Amanda who got into
everyone's business?
Hopefully I'm not
"out of line" in anyway
by bringing this up.
EDIT: Not Deja
Vu!, that was the theme from Saw
by Charlie Clouser.
Call me insane, but
I'd prefer to use Python
for this sort of thing.
Surely the difference
is that the religious claim
their texts are divine.
Snow reflects sunlight,
thus is appears brightly on
thermal imaging.
That when a nun walks
in with an itty bitty
waist Try Australia.
[deleted] At least
you are attracted to girls
and can masturbate.
You shouldn't have kept
going when the cop was trying
to pull you over.
You probably wouldn't
even have to hold the screen
yourself while typing!
I didn't want to seem
like I was a victim or
let it bother me.
Sometimes it's the same
beach, sometimes not, but always
the same idea.
It's liberating
I noticed that my rage has
gone down quite a bit.
[deleted] GOOD GOD
you just ruined the whole game
for me. Thanks a lot.
Didn't go in a pool
again for another year.
oh i love this short.
I've basically trained
myself to not touch my face
before using it.
As for Oregon,
I feel very fortunate
to have grown up here.
Yes, they've been looking
for Sophia for a while,
but, frankly, so what?
[Well, you guys probably
weren't going to try to eat
anytime soon, right?
It isn't nearly
as good, but it'll give you some
more information.
Who do you think would
fill the power vacuum once
all US troops are gone?
LOOKING!!! My mom did this once!
Welcome to the club!
Then, for each gender
combination, how many
teams can you create?
I guess, that she's not
meant for me, and that I should
try to avoid her.
I imagine some
people couldn't get around
this issue at all.
Cute than hot if you
ask me, unless we're talking
about her bottom.
I don't regret it,
but I'm definitely not
proud of it either.
Yeah, for serious.
That was my first reaction
to seeing his name.
But me and pretty
much everyone heard about
Axe with a top hat.
I hope you, sir, were
responsible for wiring
that lever? :P why?
the minerals sector
supports less of the country
than people suppose.
On my sword and board
warrior they're a life saver
many times over.
I've only ever
got a train, and I'm not male!
how's the term going?
Not sure if still trashed
or actually blind as a bat
Stafford and T. Smith.
They never actually
said how many people had
that happen to them.
There are people who
don't know that? Seriously?
They are immense live.
It was priced just less
than the private listed bikes
here before haggling.
Scott Pilgrim almost
had the idea fully
down in the movie.
And then for two years.
TWO years. Not just once and then
"oh shit I fucked up."
grew up on Grand Woods.
Much love. this is exactly
why i want a pug.
There is no reason
I should get a key above
everyone else here.
Notch will get back from
vacation thinking clearly
and apologize.
Takes longer to get
through places too since you don't
charge in guns blazing.
People had a right,
and power, to vote and get
their will accomplished.
I didn't realize it until
after i lost him.
No, but at least you're
asking to find out, and you
know know that they aren't.
I think it makes more
sense to see her character
progression this way.
I'd say in your case,
it seems like emphasizing
patience would be good.
You would have to put
wires through the hinge, and that would
break pretty quickly.
Besides, not to make
light, but the name "Miracle"
is unisex, right?
[deleted] Never
would have taught the 64bit version
was so popular.
Lose fat, add muscle.
Tilt your head down a bit when
taking self portraits.
And right after you
made this Then he's laughing his
three balls off right now.
She's clearly racist,
because she mentions race all
through her piece... no wait.
Seems the smarter choice
to me even if the IS
is superior.
Both of those kick like
mules and are all but worthless
at longer ranges.
The strings are plucked much
more rapidly in the song
for which I'm looking.
Quick blaze through answers:
1a) Defense, generally play
ball side of your man.
by your own statement
he set up the conditions
which we are now in.
Get away from them
as fast as you can and find
someone more rational.
wow glad you're okay.
can i just ask why you live
on hunting park though?
Now it all makes sense.
:D Go on... This should be on
the show, "Oddities".
Any bulge in her
stomach could easily be
fat or loose clothing.
I hope you guys get
put in charge soon and can fix
all the world's problems.
Wat. For what it's worth,
I have served and I know what
I'm talking about.
Science ones are good,
and just go for random stuff
you're interested in.
Helping this stranger
would decrease his well being,
likely for some time.
The omnipotent
paradox is, in effect,
not a paradox.
Gorbachev was trying
to do what the Chinese are
doing, he just failed.
It's weird how you can
have so much fun with people
you have never met.
I don't think god is
concerned with my lunch, football
team etc.
A better image
for the movement will attract
more mainstream people.
**You can always use
boldface if you want to shout
on the internet.
Make him some cookies.
Someone made a recipe
for cookies with sperm.
You have written out
the reason I put the word
so in italics.
[deleted] No, If
he was really sorry his
ice cream would be free.
However, this is
far from mathematically
proven in 3-D space.
[deleted] Bennetts
are an insurance broker,
not an insurer.
I planned to swap out
that background image every
few days anyway.
Not a paradox.
I don't know why you can't wrap
your brain around it.
I would have "stolen"
the truck back to base, and left
the gambler hanging.
Still, Latex is slow
as shit and fat as a pig
on any platform.
But that just affects
how easily one picks up
new information.
It's what you are good
at and more importantly,
it's what you enjoy.
please email or chat
with us on the site if you
are having issues!
The saving grace there
is that they do it after
the epidural.
If getting drunk is
your goal find a casino
with cheaper tables.
In family issues
the law just isn't fair, it's
biased against men.
And on the small things,
maybe not everybody
cares enough to vote.
All the flippant jokes
are gone and he is all rage
and ad hominem.
And also many
other gigantic gaping
holes in the bible.
the director was
trying to be way too artsy
in my opinion.
You know what, that's too
suggestive a name for me
to really enjoy.
Hopefully this will
fix the problem, fingers crossed
and thanks for the help.
you know like "the french
like to surrender" and such...
It's smoking. It's bad.
I soon bought the game.
I see the A and F, but
you lack the T No.
I bet this woman
worked harder than everyone
on Wall St. combined.
Your father is smart.
Listen to him. He will be
your best friend one day.
He will be your best
friend one day. And love yourself!
You ARE good enough.
[deleted] Offshoot?
I think this is pretty much
the definition.
The launch numbers seem
to be all they care about.
/b/, to be exact.
I'm sick and fucking
tired of college students
who think they know shit.
Want to recreate
Archer in the character
generator now.
I'm only saying
all this cause i've been on both
sides and it's not cool.
Drawing a mermaid.
Tell that to a woman who's
had a miscarriage.
I just thought this was
the funniest video
I had ever seen.
Surely he can not
compare the total package
you have to offer..
My apologies.
In that case, the top poster
has some great advice.
I don't think this is
hot or not, but it's super
fucking impressive.
Those are what every
pair of developing breasts
should aspire to be.
My pleasure. Feel free
to ask more questions about
specific issues.
Also, Comcast does
not moderate the content
we receive and send.
And if you really
need to get somewhere fast, use
the carriage. C'mon!
I tasted yogurt
with the chopped pickles and dill
not so long ago.
Its always all those
other millions of Christians
that don't do it. what?
That could be good (more
doctors per person) or bad
(too much management).
I'd say that you should
first try to solve your problem
with shear force of will.
Also, I can't seem
to find the dock for the prime.
Is that not there too?
This is exactly
why car insurance goes up
and never comes down.
But at least I said
NOPE. That's not very funny.
Why is it better?
It's going to be
tough to change this guy when he's
approaching his 40s.
Limit drinks to non.
[deleted] Lol did
you **see** that picture?
[deleted] do you
see skill range indicators
like in lol?
Are a genius, Space
Cowboy is amazing, check
out the live version.
It's an interesting
idea, I'm not sure how
I feel about it.
I will never be
his girlfriend and he knows this,
we've had many talks.
Yeah I like pancakes!
That gave me a chuckle first
thing in the morning.
Use it, but force them
to actually talk the whole time
like they're supposed to.
Made me laugh out loud,
My only real comment is:
Do you need both knives?
He made a longish
survival series that got
pretty popular.
We are flesh and bone
and when we die that is it.
I say go for it.
I'm kinda confused
how this will work but I'll try
and figure it out.
Is this the season
when those snobby French fucks leave
for somewhere warmer?