Haiku #16952
I like it a lot,
I don't do much more than cruise
my flat campus though.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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I like it a lot,
I don't do much more than cruise
my flat campus though.
This has been brewing
for decades, and the camels
back finally broke.
Guess you just never
really hear it when the song
is playing out loud.
Veggies I only
eat when combined with meat, or
at least drowned in sauce.
An edge gets dull by
being beat on hard shit like
shields, armor, and swords.
Some of the general
educational courses
though were like this though...
Safari also
indicates when those pages
contain new content.
this haiku has been
provided by bo burnham
this person stole it.
Is that not rather
specifically why we should
help these idiots?
Turned it in before
anyone else, ran back home
to go back to sleep.
[deleted] Sorry
dude, nothing personal, just
really bored at work.
Try not to sit right
down the back or in the seats
just behind bulkheads.
I have a father
from Taiwan and a mother
from Mainland China.
I didn't think it was
in human nature to do
something this evil.
And subconsciously
he will be your best wing man,
just you see. Karma.
The only thing I'll
probably end up using is
the cleanser. Maybe.
Bigger fish to fry.
I am a casual player
and play by myself.
Not me; she's pretty
adamant it won't be her.
And so: happiness.
I trust that applies
to the USA and their
southern border too?
You're the first person
here who's said that, can I get
you to explain why?
My friend would just blast
their asshole geese with a hose
to keep 'em at bay.
my left palm stays on
the keyboard when i type, but
my right hand hovers.
Their loss. I'm famous!
I play WoW. That's why I don't
have that many hours.
Regardless, this is
going nowhere so good night.
Why wouldn't you know?
When I was little
I would walk around the house
and eat the petals.
Why? This isn't good!"
Well, it isn't good. There are
multiple reason.
Parliament! Drop balls
are used if the game stops while
the ball is in play.
Personally, I love
the twist that everyone saw
coming at the end.
If there are no good
spots for that, go sandman or
maybe fan o war.
Wheeling in the big
guns is a bandaid that will
not cure this issue.
No, most girls wouldn't
do that, just the crazy ones.
Good luck with that one.
It's funny looking
back, because I'm not even
going to college!
She can either pay
or SHE must find another
roommate for you guys.
My Grandmother is
still in my heart and I still
feel she is with me.
That guy always hurts
his leg in the background. false.
please do your research.
Its government was
also composed of artists,
almost to a man.
Fun fact: In Stockholm
the public buses actually
run on human shit.
Nope, not high schoolers,
even though my friend still think
hee is in high school.
/dog owner, just far
far away I think I may
have been the third one.
Not intense? Darling,
you literally had a brush
with death. That's intense.
That's intense. At least
I'D be really fucked up if
that happened to me.
Worst thing is being
stuck at a closed gas station
with an empty tank.
LOVE IT! Damn.. I would
totally take you up on
that offer.. :P Yes.
That is all. I've met
Steve Albini and he's not
the nicest person.
Cody is the best,
stoked to see him fight again!
Classy gentleman.
It's not hard to come
up with evidence against
I will second that,
Buffalo Trace white dog is
rich in corn flavor.
It's his first day back.
It can only get better.
Beam him out, Scotty!
Best of luck! I find
landing strips very sexy.
James Potter at heart.
Regardless of this,
I still have to defend Track
geometry though.
Animal control
couldn't do much because they're
just overloaded.
I think Spanish too.
But I wanted to know what
people thought out there.
Was just starting on
the last question when I had
to put my pen down.
Why are you so far
from saving me, so far from
my cries of anguish?
Living in Europe,
one would think at least I would
be aware of this.
Also, Blizzard sold
their games at those prices long
before the merger.
I think so Brain, but
where are we going to find
rubber pants our size?
Perry hasn't said
how much tax money was spent
on the prayer rally.
She's leaving markers.
It's her way of knowing who
you have in your room.
Does that mean you now
feel it is ok to force
people to do things?
Stop putting pressure
on it, and just try to get
to know her better.
What's with the delay?
Do you have enough supplies
for the trail ahead?
In a few years she'll
know what she wants, be it one,
the other, or both).
In a perfect world
no parties, but we all know
that wouldn't happen.
The only ones who
are homeless are mentally
ill or drug addicts.
This is exactly
what you and 10s of other
Day9 followers did.
My house has something
very similar to that,
it is delightful.
Second time it was
my turn I did it again,
hoping for more laughs.
If not, after three
weeks, ask the fine lady out.
Commence sexy time.
Superlatives fail
to adequately describe
this piece. Black at heart!
This one just happened
to be in a Dining Hall.
This guy never stops!!
Was this behavior
motivated by other
men in your mom's life?
About bleeding time.
Not putting that in till now
was just laziness.
Then you try being
nice and cheery, and see how
that works out for you.
Yes, the sky is blue,
thugs are thugs, and people put
up with misery.
Second, I'm not sure
what standard you are using
for "the nick of time".
In Hold 'Em, people
get winners on the river
all the fucking time.
You are certainly
free to think that, and I won't
hold it against you.
You are free to think
what you want even if you
have no evidence.
And that's OK, but
enough with this trite contrived
pandering bullshit.
But if you really
do want to be exclusive
with her, then tell her.
So I'm better off
buying keys as trading pawns
if I want this hat?
Just shut the fuck up.
I don't know, I think the guy
was pretty funny.
What the? I did try
talking to him about it.
A few times actually.
Like I said, report
any post that you think is
not tagged properly.
I thought this would be
one funny joke that people
would see and move on.
He wound up getting
fired from both because his
volume got too low.
Does this vehicle
belong to someone from clan
Giusti? Well good luck!
What sort of things did
she do that were related
to her disorder?
its my favorite place.
i look hawaiian so i'll
fit in. and NO KIDS.
These things are not well
explained in the marketing.
I do the same thing!
His answer is good
enough for Marie and things
begin to heat up.
With something as big
as that, it would be stupid
to implement it.
So I've only had
meat once or twice and it makes
my physically ill.
I am not English,
but I acknowledge your great
history and culture.
Man it would have been
cool to smoke a jay with him.
that's still not enough.
They are, perhaps, not
quite as popular today
as they used to be.
I love how he shouts
"And I'm sorry I'm losing
my temper right now".
I'm sorry friend, but
I really don't think this sub
is the place for this.
I agree with this,
the doctor might recommend
you change the dosage.
Where does government
get its resources to do
the things you listed?
Like out running cops.
Ugh "Abraham... the one who
nearly killed his son?
[deleted] This is
the first time Anonymous
has had my support.
If she's just being
careful great, fine, I'd rather
she do her job well.
I knew I shouldn't
have watched the videos, but
I did anyway.
I don't understand
why people would want long nails
at all. Fake or real.
Tech companies give
you a faster chip and you
think hallelujah.
One should never be
proud of that over which one
never had control.
Very dangerous.
Only use it to balance
what you are doing.
It's entirely
possible, but it doesn't
really seem like it.
Any suggestion
or which I should pick up first?
:D How apt. Fuck you.
I suggest something
minimalist, like this one,
as a first project.
Barely old enough
to get in the clubs they play,
but savvy trippers.
But it is in fact
probably getting dirtier
more than wearing out.
The kids of course all
started laughing, and I felt
like an idiot.
Surrounding it is
nearly a sea of lava
from what I can tell.
with the sharks and jets.
I'm going to stupid hell
aren't I? love it! thanks.
With some of them you
might get along, others will
disagree with you.
Either way, she would
*not* be single. you're the one
who is crying here.
What's England? I know
London's a city, but what's
with the other shit.
Does she have any
tips for an up and coming
version of herself?
I was so busy
playing, I actually didn't care
about that either.
Tired of sitting
at your computer but want
to keep doing stuff?
In as much as it's
your money, I don't care if
you want to waste it.
For example, who
got decide that a hammer
was called a hammer?
The LA Riots raised
important questions about
race and poverty.
They have no reason
to riot and they want free
shit without the work.
I would have to say
that there are less Idiots
in Indiana.
You gotta commit.
Fellow November 4th
birthday, standing by.
Bear mace? Fuck them first
to establish dominance?
This. Very much this.
Hat off to you Sir.
And godspeed to the fallen.
Jesus would be proud.
And the only way
to do that is to reform
our voting system.
MY TREAT BITCH?" This comment will
not be deleted.
I had a horse while
I was at school (still do) yet
I was not this girl.
Your logic may just
be slipping a bit now No,
it isn't OK.
In other words, you
have no idea what you
are talking about.
It is because you
are not enough tolerant!
Be more tolerant!
You seem like a smart
guy, but you aren't any good
at hurling insults.
Exactly, also, i was
high as fuck last night.
I would like to see
footage of the government
stomping these punks down.
Girls with make up caked
on their faces while wearing
flip flops and short shorts.
I can confirm this.
I got one! Pm me what
you'd like to offer.
But the time it takes
isn't really a factor
to look down on it.
Now. People who play
games like that are not people
worth being around.
People who play games
like that are not people worth
being around. Ah.
Had the same message.
You're not as unrecognized
as you think, Hero.
Maybe he was just
remarking on how horny
for kills I was. Why?
Some are turning towards
islam, some are leaving, some
are apathetic.
In fact If i hide
the pill in the grape i can
swallow that just fine.
Yesterday he was
telling me Hitler was right.
sharp edges I bet.
I know from now on
to not read any comments
by YOU! lol.
As you pointed out,
the only people here are
Harry Potter fans.
Is it really her
consciousness stored in there or
is it a copy?
We are not talking
about only teens that are
obsessed with horses.
people donated
absolutely everything,
including candy.
"Hey, a sexy girl
has the same birthday as me,
what's the chance of that?
Nothing beats football
(soccer) though, sorry. I'm from
Ireland, by the way.
Thank you for giving
such a well reasoned, thoughtful,
and polite response.
track his IP, lure him
to admit things that'll help
identify him.
No, it's not. No ones
saying that they literally
can't tell the difference.
If you really want
to know all about it, though,
books are your best choice.
I've noticed this on
some of the newer cards, since
duelist pack Crow.
Yea, he's dope but good
luck finding enough events
to wear a tux to.
Seriously, no
one else immediately
thought to comment that?
Watching the liquid
bubble into the cup is
strangely hypnotic.
Oh, it is there. Huh.
It's just in a place my mind
naturally ignores.
I agree, for me
socializing is the best
thing for depression.
my adorable
sensors are on serious
overload Bullies?
I've showed my parents
and close friends once and they didn't
believe it was me.
As for inflation,
consumers are not spending
because they're in debt.
That 3-pager is all
I've seen anyway, maybe
there is more somewhere?
So I don't see why
you see Sweden as second
best after Korea.
Moreover, they don't
despair, because despairing
implies _losing_ faith.
I'll tell you what I've
been telling myself, which is:
Don't beat yourself up.
I'll see if i can
find a better example
to explain my point.
Plenty of loving
stable families out there who
would kill for a kid.
Kinda why I want
to be able to discuss
things, best way to learn.
There is one stupid
glitch I know of that might be
causing your problem.
And you can't reason
or even talk with this guy
and people like him.
Somebody boo her
for everything that is wrong
with America.
Except for the seat
and the sissy bar, nice bike
with a great motor.
Can't decide which is
the best, tho Her elbows are
clearly too pointy.
I don't really get
the process for rendering
controls on pages.
So there aren't dead stars
that you can actually look up
and see with your eyes?
And you're entitled
to enjoy it whichever
way you want, of course.
Fuck I hate this state.
I'm moving away again
after the winter.
If anyone wants
some of my other sources,
I'll be glad to share.
Remove the english
premium and he should be
going for like 7-10m.
I can't figure out
if that should be captioned "hot,"
"dumb," or "hot and dumb."
None of these people
can throw very good punches.
Yeah it is worth it.
Lets hope they can skip
the huge wars part that happened
after we did that.
Some people feel judged
when they learn of the lifestyle
choices of others.
*No no no, no no.
If you squint your eyes, they find
you in cereal.
There was a homeless
woman in my hometown who
was bat shit crazy.
Am I the only
one who crossed my legs and winced
after reading that?
A man is defined
by his character, not his
outward appearance.
I was the naive
kid who did this when I was
in kindergarten.
[deleted] Speechless.
It doesn't get a whole lot
crazier than that.
Made an account just
to comment on this, WHERE IS
They test you, push you
to go as far as you can
in what you excel.
I would rather guess
that thief knew exactly what
the "jewelry" was worth.