Haiku #16118
I can't imagine
the series ending the same
way the season did.
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I can't imagine
the series ending the same
way the season did.
Let me know if you
have some feedback, I'd really
appreciate it!
I really hoped you
were trolling. I still hope that.
Or even Ladner.
Heaven forbid you
accidentally push stop
instead of title.
Anyone who's worked
through a web framework book could
do better than that...
Throw Duncan Edwards
into that mix and there's no
way we'd ever lose.
I'm reasonably
sure Canadian and US
law is the same there.
the original
is too dark and details get
lost in that darkness.
It took me a long
time to realize that normal
people don't do this.
The first time you yak
after a long bender is
always nice I've found.
Only bringing those
up to say that I'm stable
and dependable.
You associate
yourself with people that were
from the middle east?
Health care should never
be concerned with preventing
people's illnesses.
And if "your old self
comes with", then you're no worse off
than you were before.
Who knows? you could've
gone to one of those other
ones back in the day!
Worst. Now it feels like
the bonus piece of bread (since
I pay for bread now).
I see dinosaurs.
Student body president
in college. Best. Job.
One of those rights is
the choice to decide what is
done to their body.
I'll start with the best
case scenario and work
my way down from there.
Its a daily thing.
Any bookshelves left? How much
would you want for them?
drink from the cold one.
Suck on something for awhile.
Drink from the warm one.
Holy balls, that's good.
In regards to 'What do you
think is more likely?
By the horrible,
malevolent brats I had
to go to school with?
Don't know if I could
actually get away with it.
It says "Volume Two".
The city can choose
to hire a respectable
"policing service".
So the answer is
"people legitimately
dislike him that much".
Wouldn't it be sweet
to just wake up everyday
and just be happy?
We've been dating since
February and I know
she is right for me...
I think if I got
into a fight with Borden
he would mess me up.
I was a bigger
fan of Perry Saturn, but
not for his mic skills.
Which of these riders
is more likely to get hit
by a passing car?
He voted against
Iraq. He voted against
the Patriot Act.
I've been in a place
where I've wanted to before,
but not anymore.
There is only one
reason you would throw someone
in jail who can't pay.
Mountains. Shit won't stop
sucking just because you move
away and start fresh.
There is something out
there restricting medical
schools from teaching it.
They fixed it, I just
watched it a few hours ago
and it was perfect!
It's closer to "I'm
not sure *why* you're using these
I'm supposed to write
tickets and find stolen cars.
Do Bouley for lunch.
There are better ways
to fight it yet you refuse
to consider it.
The lie makes you feel
better and the truth hurts, but
is that what you want?
We could play laser
tag on second avenue
or meet for coffee.
I would love to see
more of your sexy body
doing dirty things.
But kudos to you
Tony, keep trying to broaden
the definition.
I think they're moving
in the right direction, not
sure if they're there yet.
You can PM me
if you do not want the site
mentioned in the thread.
Just because you are
in the gym more doesn't mean
you're doing more work.
Do it to enough
women and eventually
you'll find one that bites.
Who cares if he has
crazy stuff in his head he's
got crazy talent.
I just walked away.
Where do you start when someone
says something like that.
This is dope. Didn't see
anything I need but thank
you for the offer!
Do you see many
people who have come from North
Korea recently?
I learned how to get
blood stains out of anything
by reading that book.
[deleted] You don't
have any of that right since
you're mixing my words.
there's a sweet, older
man that comes into the store
every now and then.
Rest in peace to all
the people who went to sleep
forever today.
Only government
threat of a breakup forced them
to act honestly.
Still have that somewhere,
came one of the Nintendo
magazines didn't it?
I would like to know
what the lower limit was
for that department.
Our African Grey
took off once when someone left
the front door open.
Sore necks for a week!
Make sure you let the Humane
Society know!
Yes and the actual
auction was later declared
to be illegal.
When he gets back home,
you hold on to him and you
never let him go.
The reviews are great
lol It used to be
cool, but now it sucks.
It is as good or
better than The Godfather
or Citizen Cane.
How do you do this?
I mean, I know the technique,
but it tastes SO bad.
What a load. We're all
addicted to behavior
like a drug addict.
EDIT: I'm sorry,
I noticed this comment is
in the negative.
That is just silly,
I know he needs their money,
but why play that game?
No matter how loud
you made them, you still couldn't
make out the details.
I like long walks on
the beach, sunsets, and planking
during sunsets. This.
HE met HER on there.
After that, my WoW family
just kind of dissolved.
Anyone who was
surprised by his actions can
only blame themselves.
Anyone know how
much in baggage fees Southwest
Airlines collected?
I came home, slowly
my head began to unwind,
settle, and calm down.
What morals? You mean
the morals of extending
the patriot acT?
I had similar
problems with the so called 'friends'
I had in high school.
Details on that sling?
I'm still trying to figure out
something for my AR.
I won't (or rarely
do) use my phone when hanging
out with friends. Tristram.
Already married.
It's quite sad that even has
to be a demand.
[deleted] Sometimes,
but I don't trust the people
I meet who've done this.
As they get better
at it, you can make your lies
more believable.
I will never stop
masturbating to *appease*
my family or friends.
Jade has always been
the worst poster because he's
had *lots* of practice.
Which politicians
can we write to regarding
this fucking nonsense.
[deleted] no thanks
and the problem with this is........?
haters gonna hate.
If you ever get
the urge to drink Tennessee
Whiskey, try Dickel.
Note that I have no
citation, I'm just saying
that is what I've heard.
Tease them, talk to them,
let them talk about themselves
alot, smile alot.
Awesome! I love it!
Hey there! Yeah, it does feel good
to have it confirmed.
I take mine off when
I walk in the door, and I've
been white my whole life.
We stopped at a gas
station and my husband went
inside to get drinks.
And of course buying
Apple stock back when it was
at least lowest point.
Yeah, but the Asian
market is not my default
place to buy groceries.
I think face fucking
mickey might leave some children
emotionally scarred.
I would disappear
so fast, and let people think
I died. No problem.
You are one clever
man getting lots of precious
karma points! Well done.
[citation needed].
And I mean neuroscience,
not philosophy.
Just giving a tip
so you don't have to worry
about this again.
I love that i can
tell who's from East PA and West
PA just based on this.
I'm crying again.
I feel for you man. More than
you could ever know.
She isn't going
to make it through withdrawal
unless she wants to.
DAE think the thumbnail
kinda looks like Poe? Looks great!
Are those onions though?
It sounds illegal,
I just don't know why. "This is
where babies are born.
If you haven't yet,
try reading anything by
Brandon Sanderson.
That's a good movie,
but why did you bring it up?
That sure is a lie.
Life would be simple
and guys would just have to show
up to get a girl.
I typically play
Beta lands. The classic look
is too nice. Oh god.
People buy Windows?
A better story about
Adam West? PROVE IT.
seriously, don't
kill those fuckers, we're running
low on them right now.
Really that's weird, I've
blacked out on two different trips,
both high dosages.
That's why I asked if
the motor was spinning when
the cycle started.
No dice, spinning wheels,
or random card piles dictate
the flow of this game.
If 'the natural laws'
have taken over what will
worshipping God do?
I'm not arguing
anything, I'm describing
what's here and not here.
I'll try to see if
there isn't a better way
to express the plot.
I wasn't even
giving an opinion just
asking a question.
This is why on must
test there faith daily and know
why they believe it.
We don't ever want
to forget the horrible
events of the past.
I think learning on
how to pack a backpack would
be more essential.
There's your Electric
type (lack of STAB is taken
care of by Calm Mind).
Focus on what you're
trying to sell, either the search,
mail, etc.
Southerner now but
grew up in in the northeast.
They are fireflies.
When someone says "hey
so and so, play us a song".
Drink lots of water.
What's important is
the striving for the goodness
that your faith informs.
I can't quite tell, but
in the first panel it looks
like you're in the street.
The fact that weed is
against the law, however,
is part of the fun.
Anyone who was
surprised by his actions can
only blame themselves.
This is why WE don't
give a rat's ass if you come
into OUR city.
I swear you people
are worst than the people you
make fun of sometimes.
Personally, joining
the Army was the smartest
thing I've ever done.
This would also be
good, but conservatives will
not agree to this.
Not good with other
silicone toys, but the lube
itself is brilliant!
The chips don't give you
any knowledge or even
extra memory.
I didn't know I was
so happy until I was
unhappy again.
especially those not
dumb enough to drink and drive
My thought exactly.
I'm an atheist,
but believe me when I say
that you do God's work.
otherwise you will
get some garbage that could be
really bad for you.
It's a big risk. Yeah,
can someone please explain what
game this is about?
Corporate tax is passed
direction to consumers
in the price of goods.
Your wife is a babe!
You win! Are you implying
I am only mere?
I just think it's sad
that so many stories here
are just flat out lies.
Up your Black Anus!
That's a notebook processor,
not a desktop one.
Thanks for the support
and for actually knowing what
you're talking about.
Get a warm wash cloth
and wipe him clean and he will
love you forever.
Is it reasonable
to think that evolution
may not be the truth?
The did a picture
in picture and the Bulls game
was the small picture.
If you want cheap clothes
and shit go to Gabriel
Brothers in Box Hill.
get will make you tear
your hair out, but at least you'll
have fun doing it.
Thank you! This can be
hugely important, and is
often overlooked.
Ok, so I how
do I know when I'm ready
to use the front brake?
Development has
been slow but I can assure
you it never died.
best thing to happen
to me today. perfection!
If I only buy
two games from this sale, which ones
should they be and why?
I feel that the things
that I've gone through, good and bad,
make me who I am.
It's not up to you
to determine what some one
else's preference is.
OP please tell me why
you are just being a sheep
following the crowd?
If anything, 3's
intro is the one that is
odd, and out of place.
What the hell dude.... Don't.
It's one of the smartest things
you can do in life.
I can and will talk
freely about a book that's
been out for that long.
It's like watching Bill
O'Reilly except you don't
have final edit.
Just went there again.
Aw, yeah. And thus talent show
contestants are born.
It's all about how
casual you want to appear
to everyone else.
thank you! Yeah, agreed.
Don't want to do a good job
for your pay? Fired.
I feel equally
bad for any US soccer
fans living in LA.
You have your beliefs,
but they could not be true or
in entirety.
you have no way knowing who
someone is online.
I liked it! WHY DO
I'm disappointed.
Can I have your items then?
Serious question.
Or it could just be
that neither of them really
have the form this year.
I see what you Doh!
'ed there It tastes fine but gives
nasty hangovers.
[deleted] 100k old
anything but a cummins
dodge will have problems.
It made it even
more illogical, in his
view, that West was free.
Would love to see you
sucking your finger, very
nice lips you got there.
Fucking white people
And they go on forever,
very sexy legs.
Mandarin Chinese
is most spoken, followed by
English and Spanish.
I didn't know that there
was enough stuff in the game
to fill all those chests!
picture the one place
you are most comfortable,
and remember that.
The owners had come
from Germany but misjudged
the Portland food scene.
Computer repair,
childcare, tutoring, guitar
lessons, anything?
[deleted] Aha
I love that his ender was
the nollie front smith.
Something of a long
post but hopefully you got
something out of it.
Simple. And there's no
magical change that prevents
you from wrongdoing.
Like if she changes
in front of you all carefree,
because "You're just friends".
This idea is
so fucking retarded on
so many levels.
Every time I went
to see my uncle, which was
around once a month.
Stop being fucking
pussies and stand up for what
you claim believe in.
Move on to the REAL
STORIES!" "I couldn't agree
more, thanks for coming.
The photography
on her album covers was
amazing as well.
All right. *High five*") Good
luck running anything on
that piece of garbage!
I believe there are
still details being released
as each day passes.
Not sure what they were
arguing about, but I'm
not sure that matters.
If it means telling
your parents, do it right now
and get a lawyer.
Trust me, even if
you go in debt they will help
you stay out of jail.
Anyways, the slugs
can procreate, therefore there
isn't an issue.
My friend had his jacked
right out in front of Gould Hall
in broad daylight once.
Let me repeat this,
because it this is the point
you keep ignoring.
It's San Francisco...
their judges actually follow
the law, usually.
I **HOPE** you guys are
keeping the rest of the south
in the loop on this.
I would love to suck
on those huge breasts while I was
balls deep in your wife.
Claiming medical
conspiracies about weight
loss medications.