Haiku #15774
I did some research
online and saw that he served
time back in the 70's.
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I did some research
online and saw that he served
time back in the 70's.
The great Doug Stanhope
had a bit about this on
his latest album.
Perfect idea
showcasing the contained blocks.
Also, nice carpet.
I love Seattle,
but the sweetheart burger chains
here, I've found lacking.
I'd let you know if
I ever was successful
in my endeavors.
They sure aren't shunning
Blackberries anymore. ...you
have to let me guess.
And wear a condom.
They keep you safe. And what is
your plan exactly?
If I see a work
acquaintance outside of work,
I freak the geek out.
So do employers
Is there anything you can't
do in your kitchen?
Usually the guys
brave enough to do it can
drop them in one shot.
It'll be more stable,
and it'll tuck out of the way
when it's folded up.
But until you speak
up, these people will not be
shamed for their beliefs.
There is a massive
difference in skill and play style
for all these players.
You're talking about
the opposite of the question
that the scientists ask.
How come I just knew
there would be one of you guys
on this comment thread?
Never said it would
but it would have protected
his head just in case.
But "LOL brick
and mortar" is ignorant
and just plain stupid.
Oh hey, didn't realize
we had another plasma
physics guy in here.
They have a pretty
good understanding of why
those things are healthy.
Specifically, how
well would a sentinel work
at taking down Drams?
Moderate christians
want you to follow their laws,
but they don't have to?!
trucks are hard to gear
down during normal driving
conditions even.
Got a source for this?
I thought that "drunk" just meant full,
but with beverages.
Knife play, rope bondage,
spanking, paddling, mind fucks, wax
play, etc.
House prices suck but
no worse than other east coast
capital cities.
Very very nice.
I think her hips are a bit
wider than that though.
In fact the word should
be reserved for judgements based
on actions really.
I should've said what
good game* A game that we could
enjoy together!
I'm not arguing
for or against that system,
it has pros and cons.
That's kind of the point.
sexually assaulted
by a woman... *Nice.
Looks that way. I like
the way companies want me
to pirate there games!
What part of "all else
being equal" can you not
wrap your head around?
I know you mean well,
but if I was him, I'd be
pretty annoyed. Yes.
I haven't even
heard about this, did you just
make this up right now?
Since everyone is
not a Christian, it is not
forced on everyone.
When I was really
young I believed that spiders
were spawned from raindrops.
Ha, every guy does
say it was "good", but they don't
all say it the same.
No monetary
investment but have some depth
to keep you playing.
Lots of companies
over come threatening lawsuits
to lead industries.
Examples include
terrorism, nuclear
power, and flying.
You best be ready
for that. [deleted] I laughed.
Then burst into flames.
That was a good life
lesson- having money gives
you authority.
Link in comment now.
I had it the other night,
it's called green fever.
I had spent some time
wondering how this could be
done in Javascript.
It's okay to just
admit you didn't get the joke
and move on........... Come on!!!
That way you can show
off what appears to be some
great elbow patches...
In reality,
pit bulls are the ONLY dog
certain people get.
If you're asking me,
I would say it depends on
the circumstances.
I just got fired,
so, not fire me would probably
be high on that list.
I believe your right
about having to change all
the hard coded links.
Is this a new shop?
I know. They are delicious
evil things! Agreed.
The sliding glass door
was ajar, but my roommate
had left hours ago.
TIL criminals are
treated better than the poor
in the states. agreed.
Just have a normal
party where someone who is
straight could feel at home.
Perhaps this is what
you're going to tell me, too,
I do not know yet.
Thanks! it's the only
appliance that hasn't died
in my apartment.
Outside the building?
Who knows? And **that's** why dead zones
are inconvenient.
They get everyone
to march in lockstep with his
xenophobic serfs.
"Pop" is even more
annoying than "coke" Well there
goes my afternoon.
Well, he didn't really
*lose* his job. I mean, he knows
where his job still is.
I put my tweet out
there despite the fact I find
this stupid as shit.
What I'm trying to say,
is that I know exactly
what you are feeling.
**Just the ultimate
production, biggest cash prize
outside of Korea.
There isn't even
any details of any
programming flaws here.
He won me over
at having sex with puppies.
Wait.. that came out wrong.
That's why whenever
I start a project, I work
and I work on it.
But still remaining
pleasant so they do not fire
the firm- no bueno.
Most of your comment
history is leveling insults
at other people.
They had a report
on the same thing yesterday
or the day before.
The producers came
up with the most absurd skits
and these guys did them.
He drew this during
christmas, while I was busy
drawing stick figures.
It's PADDY. Why does
the rest of the world call our
patron saint 'Patty'?
That's socialism!
And you know what that means right?
Nazi's! And death camps!
I don't like to look
at it either, but her art
is like her disease.
I think the sleeves are
too baggy, and wife beater
is too wife beater.
However I don't
think that most places will not
change their way right now.
Whatever you say
after this shall be the last
word on the subject.
Its a person who
helps sick people, but that's not
important right now.
And I would assume
you claim to be a humble
person, am I right?
Every previous
lover is brought into bed
with every new one.
I had more culture
shock in America than
I did in China.
Love how those cars go
from 160mph to a stop
in about ten feet.
Throwing glass bottles
into those large recycling
bins can be useful.
If you had a gym,
then all different compound lifts
would strengthen your abs.
Rapier. It has
sped up my slaying more than
anything else has.
Ya, I was thinking
someone who knew someone who
was would help them out.
Oh hey, until you
mentioned it, I forgot how
charming South Cape was.
[deleted] Super
kudos to you for the link
to the menu! Thanks!
Ironic to see
this posted here as absurd.
House of fools, indeed.
Focus on learning
the technique of the thruster
and gaining raw strength.
This makes me feel sick.
Planned Parenthood is not just
about abortions.
Only way to get
rid of them at this point is
to keep dieting.
pretty crazy how
i post this an hour ago
& you do too? hmmm....
He has a greater
idea of the dangers
in the north than most.
Especially with cheese.
thanks for the advice and no
need for sarcasm.
I would, but only
if we were in London or
All lobbying laws
will do is push it further
under the table.
How much does it take?
Are you FUCKING kidding me.
This was disgusting.
It's one of the few
cases where arch doesn't "just
work," at least for me.
if you want to do
anything raunchy or bad,
come to nevada.
would eliminate the need
for alimony.
Wow this video
makes me want to rage, those things
are so expensive.
That said, whoever
is doing this is a sad
sack of shit indeed.
At my last cleaning
the hygienist went bat shit
crazy with the floss.
The dream world is yours
to manipulate if you
allow yourself to.
Well, it's not like dudes
can be impregnated, that's
just biology.
So, it's not about
hating women, it's about
hating aliens.
Go listen to some
Dusty Rhodes commentary,
then come back. That's right.
We exchanged one look
with each other and she was
like shut the fuck up.
And when it has gone
past I will turn the inner
eye to see its path.
If they fail they could
have to retake the village
and help rebuild it.
So I guess I grew
up alright, albeit on
my own in college.
his stance on certain
aspects of church practices.
Why didn't God stop them?
You might say that since
God knew how they would react,
that means God tricked them.
Awesome, good to see
some Kiwi music making
some waves overseas..!
Or is it pretty
much hell no matter how you
benefit from it.
Kind of a lazy
stance for a staunch states rights guy
to take, don't you think?
They have NO natural
predators due to their bold
patterns in their coats.
That is the exact
question we are asking here.
What should that term be?
I don't know, couldn't
she just as easily grabbed
the blade of the knife?
I love Invasion,
but this is a HUGE problem.
You're missing the point.
Great choice man. Me too,
only I did it without
the vulgarity.
Someone else can pay
for it but it has to be
sold to the owner.
For fucks sake, do you
think they would cover stories
that no one will watch?
I am pretty sure
that is not something they do
to everybody.
Someone healthy, strong,
and prepared enough to go
on a nature walk.
In general? Not quite.
Awesome at basketball? Yes.
Yeah, it's called "Monday".
And I utilize
public transit, I have seen
some things. ...so I am.
Do you see any
dents around that area
on the other side?
It should be implied
that it is going to be
very, very loud.
When your point is filled
with holes, it shows that you aren't
thinking very hard.
If you don't goto
N only. Heroin scares
the shit out of me.
And that's a good thing.
Also: twisted little girls;
what's not to love? No.
Screen out the congealed
protein and make a gravy
out of the juices.
Maybe every once
in a while he should just take
off in a dead sprint.
He captured that sweet
tummy and those wonderful
breasts just perfectly!
Seems like one of those
wasteful plastic trash items
like mardi gras beads.
His name is Jesus,
and you should try asking him
into your heart too.
If I am unarmed,
and two guys start chasing me,
I'm going to run.
I love our funny
money Okay thank you, that's
what I had assumed.
It was a highly
erotic statue of two
lovers goin' at it.
You're told how to look,
what to wear, how to feel, how
to act, all of it.
"I've been so alone.
Ain't no fun since you've been gone
crying on the phone.
Many people do
not know that dryer sheets do
not soften your clothes.
I'm with you. This witch
hunt that everyone has been
on is getting old.
There's a chance if you
bought them like this that this could
be the case as well.
You can love and care
for your parents all you want,
but you can't fix them.
The only problem
I have with the teapot is
that it drips a bit.
The top comments there
make me want to commit war
crimes against puppies.
It's amazing how
there's an Einstein quote to fit
every opinion.
I give him credit.
This woman's fine work is now
on my reading list.
was nothing at all like what
the movie gave us.
Not quite *that* far back,
but I remember his last
season with the Bills.
I don't understand
why people have a problem
with me saying that.
Which is a real shame.
Ben and his brother are both
great actors imo.
the evidence for this is
clear and positive.
The Marine Corps is
Very close knit and You make
A lot of new friends.
If you have had NO
communication with him
other than "You're hot.
She told the cable
company we were getting
channels we shouldn't.
It's amazing what
two decades of Fox News can
do to a country.
In all my ~~years~~ one
month here, so that's a pretty
big accomplishment.
But that, to me, is
the only way this world will
ever make progress.
I always wonder
if these people that say stuff
like that tell the truth.
(assuming he was
not drunk) [deleted] I love
all of these so much!
That's not blasphemy.
She wasn't claiming to be
God or cursing God.
A long time ago
back in 8th grade I was
stubborn about school.
I wonder if that's
the same gun he used to wrap
up the last chapter.
Not sure who made it.
I've had it for quite some time
and use it a lot.
First thing I thought when
I read this. Except I thought
mental handicap.
Sent request to friend
who was on Jeopardy, we'll
see if he agrees.
when I've been working
my ass off at dieting
and exercising.
It set up a nice
rocking motion, but didn't spin
all the way around.
This is how it was
for my Speed Four and this looks
like the same set up.
It reads like someone
in their 20s trying to sound like
someone in their 50s.
When we move we aren't
telling anyone we know
where we are going.
winter is coming
This came naturally to me
during my first time.
The infomercials
are *supposed* to be cheesy.
So are their movies.
Ok great thank you!
I suspected as much but
wanted to confirm.
I'm really not sure,
I'm just going by what I've
heard over the years.
D: Looked at dark meat.
Heard voice of dark side (har har)
calling me. Wavered.
I could take a look
if you wanted and if you
are around campus.
You can acquire
stuff along the way, you don't
need it all day one.
She turned, and looked him
up and down and said 'Your bike
sucks' and walked away.
The few that you'll pick
up from buying other things
are more than enough.
The big scene has its
drawbacks too, but for the most
part I love it. No.
That was the *first* thing
I noticed in the first scene
with the aliens.
Are you implying
that smokers don't cause the waste
that non smokers do?
Either way, that needs
to change quick or you should end
the relationship.
Carnegie Mellon?
If you're looking for nightlife,
Southside is the place.
You didn't really give
much useful information
to work with either.
Incredible pic.
If someone knows this guy please
forward it to him.
Done it. Moved back home.
Arbitrary data yes,
but it is coming.
Reaching for the stick
that isn't there can also
cause awkward moments.
I am sure you could
find some riots in the US
that are just as bad.
Especially if you
meet an early unique or
monster with banish.
This promo has gone
way off the strange deep end, yet
I'm still digging it.
Seriously, you
couldn't have warned me before?
[deleted] Ooh! ME!
I appreciate
your concern that I came off
as condescending.
How do I get one?
No, but I don't really mind
cashing checks monthly.
I can't imagine
the series ending the same
way the season did.