Haiku #15282
Those are VERY mixed
signals, and frankly actions
speak louder than words.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Those are VERY mixed
signals, and frankly actions
speak louder than words.
Any idea
what you'd replace them with, time
and money willing?
I don't think the Sun
sets into muddy waters
or in a black spring.
However if you
feel she's mature enough, then
more power too her.
Oh, definitely,
if it makes it easier
to communicate.
I will stay here, you
know how to open your eyes
It's a halfway house.
Rice and potato
flour are simple substitutes
for most recipes.
If you are reaching
the point of saturation,
cool it for a while.
Yes it's a kid, but
you need to learn that actions
have consequences.
I love fucking when
that happens and, I fucking
love when that happens!
Good Luck It's not clear
there is much of a difference-
other than degree.
So I guess u would
do A on a mon and B
on wed for instance?
Wait- "we"? You mean you
found a real live lady who
likes Rush? CLONE HER NOW.
Visit a car show.
Does he like dinosaurs, go
to a museum.
But seriously,
no one deserves a handout.
Fuck socialism.
Why should there not be?
Why are blatant lies about
laws desirable?
I tried! But then there
were the restraining orders...
Doesn't interest me.
Avoid confusion.
You always know, always know
how much your paying.
No, I always go
out eating with my best friends.
It's less than normal.
Avoid confusion.
You always know, always know
how much your paying.
Avoid confusion.
You always know, always know
how much your paying.
Is there anything
in particular you are
looking to pick up?
Your body will start
to do this all by itself
once it's starved enough.
Before or after
the kidnapping of foreigners.
There is a real place.
Have either of you
had sex with anybody
else in your lifetimes?
I've learned so much from
dogs that I could have never
learned from a human.
That said, I have not
played as Takeda, which is
THE calvary clan.
[deleted] I think
this one can be safely blamed
on your media.
coolest hack ever!
Let her. No big loss. Don't stick
your dick in crazy.
No big loss. Don't stick
your dick in crazy. Good luck.
You're boulanger god.
But as I recall,
there are chip packets around
and such. [Here you go.
telling him to start
looking for it and wish him
luck in finding it.
When I recovered
my senses, my sinuses
were perfectly clear.
Come to think of it...
about the same while playing
Top Gun on the NES!
People who give them
out on Halloween should be
visited by ghosts.
Dude, it's not about
being skinny, it's also
about attitude.
I push her further
to tell me whether there is
something between them.
My Girl is very,
very patient with my car
hobby though. I'm in!
He died yesterday.
If you have a car, do NOT
live in Hoboken.
That's why I don't like
that kind of stuff here either.
I am consistent.
I also put some
ropes across the top of him
to keep his shell there.
It is way more than
just getting out and running
and eating right though.
Leave a comment on
this web zone if you want some
pizza rolls. Poor cat.
lol, having
thought back on it quite a few
times over the years....
Now, on to the rant:
Microsoft has been making
great ads as of late.
That's right! He also
said people without weapons
had nothing to fear.
I want off fossil
fuels as much as you but
this is NOT easy.
This process is slow,
and normally taking thousands
and thousands of years.
I go to the Whole
Foods buffet and get some meats
and cooked vegetables.
There is no telling
how far away she was though.
Those things spread a lot.
Meanwhile, you're half way
across the country feeling
completely helpless.
The overall tone
screams that age range. Possible?
Yes. Plausible? No.
If it IS a big
deal to her, then YOU'RE going
to have some problems.
All *she* did was bitch
at how the youth these days should
be taught some manners.
story isn't adding up.
This is why I make
sure I'm always really neat
when browsing clothes shops...
I thought it was me.
I've been sleeping with a new
girl recently though.
Chances are he is
trolling or just confused, but
thanks for reporting.
You can have them make
the list, and nitpick about
their stance if you want.
She responded no,
because that would create more
grading work for her.
It doesn't look good
now, and it will look even
worse in retrospect.
Acquaintances? Sure.
Helpful neighbors? Sure. Lovers,
husbands and wives? Yep.
At first, I was like,
whoa, I am on the very
left in that photo.
Planning on taking
my pipe to the bar tonight.
I like how you just
fail to provide citations
in your arguments.
It wasn't until
recently that I found out
she was a stoner.
TIL that all humans
probably descended from one
common ancestor.
I didn't think there could
be a game worse than a flash
game, but there it is.
So, when I poke fun
at the south, I'm poking fun
at myself as well.
what about wireless?
Or are we strictly talking
about AD accounts?
So we came home, hung
out with my family, then left
to meet his family.
I go to college
north of most populated
parts of Canada.
I told my dad it's
too complicated to learn.
No need to bother.
Next time I'll butter
the outside of the bowls first.
Don't do it again.
seriously, when's
the last time he seemed to want
to do anything?
I just think that there's
no reason it couldn't be
used that way. Watch this!
So, your brain hates you
I take it. Nobody thought
he was a hero.
Yeah I know, that's not
the point I was trying to point
across of course though.
After that, the work
load did not decrease, I just
had to do it all.
Boy, this is sure is
what gaming is about! Which.
you know. It isn't.
It seems to happen
more often when I drink large
amounts of liquid.
Awesome pic. WHAT ELSE
We can assume he'll
have access to your account
and the responses.
You should really stop
thinking about your girlfriend's
sister in that way.
Bag? This. I only
used private trackers, and didn't
have any issues.
A lot of psychics
have told me I'm gifted, if
that means anything.
Did you ever think
that maybe your rabbit *caused*
your panic attack?
No one is using
carbon as nuclear fuel.
It keeps its protons.
And who knows, you might
even get a choice between
Windows or Android.
Do I have a choice?
I suppose I could just live
without Internet...
He just hates people
who do annoying things like
breathe and take up space.
However, it is
not often *the limiting
factor* in plant growth.
That sounds familiar,
but I just can't remember
how the routine ends.
Also, it doesn't
make the title *that* cluttered,
does it? Nicely done.
i would think you should
be ok as long as you
are running a mix.
they're going to sprout
legs and arms and start dancing
around and singing?
You probably can skip
the temperature, still you might
be up to something.
It's not fair! And if
you think London is bad, come
to Copenhagen!
What do people think
when the hit the "save" button
for comments like these?
she probably knows where
to find the best fried chicken,
in all of china.
[deleted] I work
evening shifts (3pm to 1am)
in a machine shop.
You started it, but
thanks for confirming you can't
take what you dish out.
But per capita,
more drug dealers are black [or
hispanic] than white.
will look around, thanks
I'm not entirely sure
what you're point is here.
The amount of noise
and seemingly chaos is
part of how it works.
Perhaps the puffy
nipples in men has to do
with increased hormones.
I cant believe no
one has mentioned them here, but
i freaking LOVE mine.
Now imagine years
down the road, countries around
you start to protest.
How did you ask her?
Signs with your hands? Wear your badge!
It could save your life!
Sounds like you're the one
who has a problem with men
in general... not me.
You just changed my life.
Didn't realize I could do that.
I use hot corners.
Get over yourself,
mind your damn business, and leave
other folks alone.
*meow meow God,
I hate that name. [deleted]
I'd have to concur.
Nice to finally
see a Federal Court tell them
to go suck it hard!
I feel like people
SHOULD be able to, but that's
neither here nor there.
Neither of us has
any care for money or
material things.
My SO has a high
water pass and I think it's
good for several years.
This was funnier
than the OP's entire list.
I did not know that.
I just completed
our census and put myself
as no religion.
During your lunch break
you can only eat lunch when
off the premises.
I've been waiting two
years to take that picture, just
got it yesterday.
It is a baseline
against which you may always
have a starting point.
After that, they weren't
getting away with murder,
so the murders stopped.
I'm generally not
into the pig squeals at all,
but they do it right.
Because we gave them
back their countries yet they still
come and work in ours!
Every. Fucking. Time.
is your dad in a really
rural area?
I just seems to me
that you are part of whats wrong
with parents these days.
Your heart is telling
you that this new wild girls NEEDS
to meet your mother?
lowering taxes
increases the incentive
to earn more money.
Ultimate Running
Championships. Kind of like
Road Rash, but on foot.
You've been studying
this shit since you stumbled on
the community.
My husband has been
soap free for quite a while now.
No, he doesn't stink.
Really not liking
the "Bianca" character
in this article.
You will likely get
emotional responses
to your points as well.
Uh, no. Did you look
at the image I linked to?
That was not a veil.
I once phoned my dad
during college to tell him
I had been kicked out.
Every day he seems
to be stuck in a rut, just
spinning his tires.
Lentils are the most
nutritionally dense food you
can buy for their cost.
Yes, just as quickly
as I credit myself when
the team starts winning.
I assumed something
about you, without really
knowing the whole spiel.
But my manager
heard me doing it one day
and told me to stop.
Look up how many
kids in the United States
starve to death each year.
Because Oahu
is mostly urban with sparse
rural areas.
From the 4-some hours I've
played, I couldn't find any.
That makes the difference.
It can also get
infected (as well as look
trashy easily...
I was expecting
this to be a "with Mac or
Linux" post, actually.
Why? Because it has
the biggest game library
at the time (still does?
Is this reasonable
for the work I'm describing?
End world hunger! Guys.
My family member
has changed careers, so they're not
in touch anymore.
And which polar bear?
The one with the bucket or
the one on the rock?
One day, we were all
playing soccer and he was
on the opposite team.
Guess anybody
without a Gold membership
need not apply eh?
The things we take for granted
in America.
would you two just hook
up already?! A whole week?
Reform is working!
I don't have the balls
to continue this either.
Time to hit the sack.
God is omniscient,
meaning he knows all things past,
present, and future.
Yes that's right! *Evil
laughs* Now only if it didn't
contain Ellen Page.
I saw a black sky
and stars like I had NEVER
seen them on the ground.
A tribunal that's
apparently authorized
to impose large fines.
They're also widely
supported, I'm pretty sure
Ruby is too though.
How can fixing what
is essentially a glitch
be a selling point?
Brothers have started
figuring out this ice thing.
Hope you enjoyed it!"
](/spoiler) Hitchens had the balls
to go through with this.
Also first game where
you had to adjust your sights
for distance, I think.
According to you,
Chinese are still more likely
to lie anyway?
Also don't assume
that everything will just turn
up on time... it won't.
Lion's release will
stop them from running at all,
so back to zero.
Yeah, if hair length is
the worst problem we've got, it's
pretty good so far.
I'm still trying to learn
how to play the bass so you'll
have to bear with me.
They also made him
shower and inspected his
bits with a blue light.
Those damn terrorists.
Why didn't they hijack those planes
two days earlier.
Not this Friday, I'll
be at a conference, I was
thinking NEXT Friday.
The Little Mermaid
came out closer to the moon
landing than today.
Seems like no safety
system at all if only
the front wheels don't lock.
If you rage and stress
about it, maybe it's time
for some custom games.
Would the ones with room
for a couple more ounces
really break the bank???
In high school I was
at a friend's house and she had
Nair lying around.
Some authors even
bother to translate themselves,
which I think is great.
have a real problem with their
black & white thinking.
This is great, I can
just imagine his racing
thoughts at that moment.
Women cut your hair
while rubbing some part of their
body against you.
You are Mexican
and you called yourself Captain
Tacos? ...I love you.
This probably doesn't
count but if you want body
to weight ratio.
Fucking idiot.
Only stupid people will
listen to him now.
Yeah I wish I caught
that that early but I didn't
really sleep last night.
And if the smelter
is next to the forge it works
out even better.
You must be jelly
Lower the weight! [deleted]
She's smiling at me.
Here is another
great one I used alongside
khan academy!
Why are you here when
you should be playing until
you get promoted?
[deleted] thirty
days pass September, April,
June and November.
Love is war, my friend.
We are pretty much fighting
women into bed.
Now an elegant
girl doing some ass juggling
is extremely hot.
It's not a health food
and certainly isn't good
for the cows, either.
:D Whatever makes
you happy, just be careful
trading your hats Yeah..
You get all the sun
you want, a portable lunch,
and a free fur coat.
Anything you can
tell me about the college
(as I'm told they're called)?
A few months have passed
and not a single one has
defeated a boss.
We beat them alone,
now they come out in full force.
Quit blaming updates.
Rose is my favorite.
I don't remember the brand
to recommend though.
I did some research
online and saw that he served
time back in the 70's.