Haiku #11241
I would if I had
one Too late for Tall ships, too
early for space ships?
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I would if I had
one Too late for Tall ships, too
early for space ships?
You're not the Fonz dude.
...This is actually a really
interesting question.
Exact kind of stuff
I am looking for, but damn
is it expensive.
Damn California
and their idiotic 10-round
magazine limit...
You should really lay
off misinterpretation
and making things up.
Though I imagine
this figure is cherry picked,
it still speaks volumes.
I can bend my leg
at the knee and bring my heel
up past my hip bone.
With sugar cane, you
usually plant cuttings from
another cane plant.
So does alcohol.
But weed moreso. How did
you capture the screen?
Governments exist
to defend from enemies,
and enforce contracts.
Content is data
which is completely different
than a container.
It's yours. It's not like
you're really going to steal
any of the songs.
After all, you would
have to drive away after
you were pulled over.
I think the mistakes
were made much, much earlier
than the invasion.
Since this is a game,
meant to entertain, this line
because pretty blurred.
The main thing I would
like to stress is that try not
to think so short term.
When exactly did
the future happen and who
didn't tell me. Sounds good.
Great first! I've only
been doing this for a year,
so it's hard to tell.
[deleted] Just wait
until it throws shit at you,
you'll then disown it.
Glad to at least be
caught up, though, knowing a few
hectic days ahead.
Once ready to start
the next process, have them, or
yourself, poop it out.
The best part are his
faceless, wooden expressions.
He's perfect for porn.
Once you are past those
and can go to any quest
hub, it gets better.
As a new player
though, you might devote a lot
more time than you should.
If anyone wants
one, feel free to PM me,
I'll send one your way.
It's been your job for a while
to make the first go.
This guy was skinny
hell, and had a beard that would
impress Zeus himself.
We should try kissing
in front of our parents, you
know, to freak them out.
I have a couple
friends and relatives who swear
that they have seen ghosts.
I got some nasty
looks for the dudes when I said
I'd take it from there.
Measure. If there are
too many stitches per inch,
use a larger hook.
Thanks. I will read all,
and I will save what I like
in my Delicious.
If by straight you mean
not on other drugs, then that's
probably for the best.
Phew! Alright, too much
obsessing and worrying
for one night for me.
In that case, you are
treating people differently
because of their sex.
All brought about by
borderline psychopaths raised
by distant parents.
Brian? I never
thought a picture could make me
so hard so fast. Thanks.
There are some okra
dishes that you will die for.
Like smothered okra!
If you've ever done
drugs, its like the best drug you've
ever had (morphine).
It was a Pumpkin
Head contest with the local
radio station.
True enlightenment
is when there is no longer
any ignorance.
Heh I also missed
those two for the same reasons.
Get out of my brain!
having a common
name and living in a big
city will do that.
There are more blood cells
in the Milky Way than blood
cells in your body.
That's the furniture
that Sarah Kerrigan would
have inside her house.
For all the people
who got here after it was
deleted, thank you.
I've met very few
people who enjoy leveling
over and over.
Meanwhile, dangerous
driving (by both cars and bikes)
is largely ignored.
[deleted] Oh noes!
You must live in a very
lawless area.
all those things that YOU
can't live without, well guess what,
i can and i have.
I'd call 'em shadow
spirits more than ghosts, at least
what I saw and felt.
Thanks... Guys will be guys
but you're right, it over steps
the mark in my eyes.
I figured it'd
get no attention and I'd
move on with my life.
I don't rank up teams
who need help and don't control
their own destiny.
Anyone know what
software was used to create
the animation?
What did I just read?
There were words there, but only
some of them made sense.
I'm doing MY part!
I love you guys! You never
fail too amaze me.
Radio stations
often do an annual
childrens fund raiser.
A person with no
principles will always act
as a hypocrite.
Also, wall of text.
British common law is based
on *Mosaic Law*?
I would say it is
not going their way at all.
[deleted] Good point.
Or perhaps something
entirely different will
manifest itself.
Playing too slow or
too fast can have negative
effects to my score.
I try to not look
at with an entirely
negative outlook.
I was the music
director at my college
radio station.
You can get a door
with three bolts, one at the top,
middle and bottom.
Could you at least read
the transcript to the Wagner
music I linked to.
You need to rethink
your life if you think this shit
is OK, it's not.
Your game will be shit
but it will look and sound great.
pic2 ain't bad either.
go farther into
Europe, you guys still have some
issues to work out.
[deleted] actually
interested, what is lupus
and what causes it?
I'm pretty sure I'm
completely wrong by the way.
Edit: I was right.
Consider the fact
that I am a trans woman
and read it again.
Being insane is
lacking the ability
to notice patterns.
You wanting to be
more specific doesn't make
his math deficient.
But the internet
always waits for the sex tapes.
Sex tapes or it's fake!
Although I do like
the unofficial mascots
that are the green men.
Now you take this home,
throw it in a pot, add some
broth, a potato.
This will pass. If you
don't like the way you're living
your life then change it...
Cooks Illustrated
really like that knife, came top
in one of their tests.
Ten? Can't seem to find
that figure for the number
killed by bicyclists.
In that case, you can
get a refund before you
start the tournament.
Your girlfriend is still
probably gonna be pissed, come
armed with al the facts.
Please enlighten me.
I've not gotten a single
whisper for a port.
At the time I was
thinking how can a new tax
create a new job?
It's an autoimmune
disease and no one really
knows what causes it.
Well... I guess he'll be
celebrating Thanksgiving
with us for awhile.
I know that now, but
at the time I was clearly
stupid and evil.
Shit! She already
said that she wants to "clean up"
the media! What?
However, if you
are truly worried, you can
opt out of the scans.
They all look alike
in those games lol SURE
Ah!!! Don't tell me that!
you people are nuts.
In the high school world, they were
were the lower class.
[deleted] We take
great pride in our digital
audio cables.
I just thought it was
interesting and thought I'd share,
back up off my nuts.
On another note,
Keith Morris is way cooler
than Henry Rollins.
Their games against teams
like the Kings were just massive
offensive paced games.
I'll have to agree with what's
already been said.
These tools are way too
expensive for anyone
to buy on their own.
Same logic as "it's
cold outside, where's this global
warming you speak of?".
But even the best
stuff never made me feel like
I felt my first time.
At least you can buy
your own airplane with enough
money to fly it.
She needs to let me
give her a complete exam.
[deleted] Perhaps.
You realized that just
when your thought process started
as a little kid.
I don't understand
why castration of rapists
isn't more common.
Some days it's just like
"is this a dream" but even
less real than a dream.
I'm a bit too old
to care if I am having
fun to be honest.
We have great things like....
A lot of water and some
starving Africans.
I sit behind him.
he kept screaming while i was
trying to watch south park.
This area is
only accessible by
flying characters.
Umm.. Turn Black and White,
bump contrast and black levels,
local dodge and burn.
Literally. My hand
is on my bare dick right now.
Nothing sexual.
You're at a stoplight
in the crossroads of your life.
Now's the time to pick!
Or leave video
game scripts to video games.
[deleted] What game?
Seriously, shut
the hell up about shit you
know *nothing* about.
Mr. Brain's Faggot
Family. That kid looks ready
to die. Life ruined!
'Cause to my high ass,
this sounds like a cry for help...
you can talk to us.
I'm watching right now.
This made me feel bad about
what I was doing.
I suppose one could
say the same thing about red
blood cells and stars though...
I've never even
had a kill with Nova gas,
just tons of assists.
[deleted] Being
my ancestors came over
on the mayflower.
I don't like to hike.
I don't like to ski. I don't
like to meditate.
It can however
accept people who have those
kinds of fantasies.
The stress leads to more
health problems, both in the poor
and in the wealthy.
did this man forget
to put even a single
bolt to his tires?
Also you can both
not believe in god and not
care about belief.
I went in a guest
and was shown around the map.
Looks nice and friendly.
[deleted] That was
the whole point. To piss YOU off.
Specifically you.
It's just pretty hard
to determine how you feel
exactly sometimes.
the fact that you don't
recognize Richard Branson
doesn't surprise me.
I can't really blame
anyone for wanting just
one or the other.
I've managed so far.
Perhaps I'll splurge when I start
my new student job.
Perhaps I'll splurge when
I start my new student job.
Thanks for info though.
Nor does it require
more assumptions, it simply
requires different ones.
It's economics.
American doctors get
paid per procedure.
This one over here
is going up your narrow
fucking Irish ass.
Man, I can't even
get a goat, what percentile
does that leave me in?
Shit! She already
said that she wants to "clean up"
the media! What?
Whilst the need for not
panicking is important,
swine flu was no joke.
This device cannot
be programmed for all terrains
and situations.
Otherwise it's been
networking, working my way
up, etc.
And why would they put
so much effort coming out
here in the first place?
I mean, honestly,
can anything posted here
meet that requirement?
I'm tired of all
the blame being directed
at younger drivers.
If we wait to long,
that right may be gone before
we do have the chance.
I don't leave food down,
and he gets no more in each
feeding than he should.
I'm clearly asking
for advice from people who
are not my boyfriend.
(and feared for the near
future) Domino effect.
It's all connected.
Power needs to be
present for any corrupt
act to manifest.
Nations are myths, things
that bind people together
in nations are myths.
So, what do we need
to be doing to strengthen
our protections there?
Well presumably
I know you haven't so far.
Don't go fuck yourself.
So I assume you
won't be telling your children
about Santa Claus?
Now, you take this home,
throw it in a pot, add some
broth, a potato.
Street View in Berlin
is rapidly becoming
ugly and useless.
"What's it about?" "Em,
well, it's still in the very
early stages, so....
They are embarrassed
and their good mood is ruined.
They worry for you.
You should have just spent
that extra money on food.
*Dyslexic, but cheers!
If you insist on
caffeine, just get simple pills
at the pharmacy.
Why is it a drought
occurs when you have a clear
schedule and days free?
I honestly didn't
think changing the hook size would
change the piece at all.
Check. Depression. Check.
Acceptance.... Maybe this game
will be that last step.
Jewish tradition
also thinks it was Satan.
Classic! Very nice.
Your definitions
here are, at least, misleading
in my opinion.
Everything they want
from their computer is right
at their fingertips.
I'd go for preview
You're right, of course. But you can't
give them that window.
Avoid alcohol,
smoking, kissing and other
bodily fluids.
If Nixon hadn't
gotten cold feet, we could've
been on **MARS** right now!
Again, nobody
*wants* to stop exporting these
materials, but...
As an example,
a westerner may ask "How
was I created"?
Butter pastry is
the **only** orthodox crust
choice for pumpkin pie.
Just buy the yearly
subscription and say goodbye
to monthly charges.
You can run each map
from one end to another
in a few minutes.
I met someone who
met a real Indian once,
she said he was nice.
I'm kinda confused.
You're talking acoustic, right?
Just play sitting down.
Also, how very
brave of you to post a pic
in a bikini!
If only the kid
had any idea who
he was going as.
Humans do not live
and act because they are forced
to by entropy.
And what reason do
you have to believe he didn't
in fact create it?
Happened to click on
your name and saw you talking
about your boyfriend.
The description seems
more accurate to me than
these things normally do.
If the US like their
straight roads and ditto crossings,
so be it. Awesome.
Anyway, thank god
we don't split the stands the same
here in Morocco.
Its a shame because
these conversations are worth
having and hearing.
I believe I do
not need to explain you what
this word mean, do I?
[deleted] Every
day is a fucking law &
Order marathon.
Kinda worrisome
how little attention has
been paid to it here.
But then I get wrapped
up in how I'd actually feel
if she took her life.
Then cough up, it's not
that bad an estimate, though
you might shop around.
The question is what
exactly is a desktop
version of Linux.
In my opinion,
there are only two races:
robot and human.
Heh, I'll kind of give
that one to you, but that's not
really what I meant.
Did you know he was
against abortions when you
started dating him?
[deleted] But what
if your boss finds ou Nah who
gives a fuck. Enjoy!
Nobody here is
saying that consensual
drunken sex is rape.
If she's screaming "yes
yes yes" all night she doesn't
get to change her mind.
I don't mean to scare
you, but marriage lasts a long
time, and people change.
Is she still a mod?
OK I have to know what
the hell this thing is.
How is it people
get away with that over
and over again?