Haiku #7584
As long as you are
enjoying it, it really
doesn't matter though.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
As long as you are
enjoying it, it really
doesn't matter though.
While that works for some
musicians, I just can't get
into his music.
No. Black people will
continue to vote for him,
because he is black.
You can really make
those power tubes burn without
loosing your hearing.
This is such bullshit.
How long do we have to wait
for this to happen?
I just lost the game.
He's only directed six
hollywood features.
The question remains...
why do all of the women
he casts look like that?
But what if you scout
early in the game and see
barracks with tech lab?
Probably, I haven't
been there in a while either.
Good times though, good times.
Pleasantly surprised
to see a girl sticking up
for us guys like this.
I think that if you
were to actually read his works,
you would have known this.
i am one of two
people with my name (who are
on the internet).
[deleted] They would
get pretty gross, but they were
so easy to clean.
It sounds a bit strange
in English since it doesn't
rhyme when translated.
Where to go? Don't make
the situation longer
than it needs to be.
Why do people from
Seattle go to garage
sales in Tacoma?
ANY beer. That's why
Americans drink theirs cold,
it all tastes like piss.
Why do you hate gays?
"Because everyone else does!"
Why do they hate gays?
The easiest ones
to bang are the damaged ones
hanging out in bars.
Failing to address
those issues is what got us
here in the first place.
You didn't link to what
those computers are, there are
dozen of models.
Anyway, your call.
[deleted] I don't get it,
please explain your joke.
Honestly, unless
you really screw up, no cop
is going to care.
lets make this happen
Frank!!! [deleted] You wouldn't
download a picture....
Comic book guy was
named after ME! I'M FAMOUS!
I've already got
my 2-day tickets and.. supplies.
You down in Austin?
On linux it has
been a while since I have tried
so I am not sure.
The employees was
NOT coerced into giving
up his phone number.
My only regret
during the Summer Sale was
not buying this game.
Secondly was when
I began to look for what
I knew to be true.
You made it worse by
asking him to stop talking
to the other girl.
Because he has his
hands back and his oar in his
lap like a guitar.
This had a fairly
severe negative impact
on me growing up.
Bees! Bees in the car!
Bees everywhere! God, they're huge
and they're sting crazy!
Kids who grow up on
farms typically learn to drive
at an early age.
You're going to be
very accurate and still
fire pretty quickly.
More of a good game
is better, less of a bad
game is even worse.
They came for the mosques
but I said nothing because
I am not muslim.
These are the people
who do as you say, "beating
down" their opponents.
Does he have siblings?
Does he sleep on the left or
right side of his bed?
Please, I know many
many adults that stay up
all night playing games.
To be technically
fair, homes used to be designed
to let hot air out.
I'm going to get
back to enjoying using
my Apple laptop.
You're telling me Rush
has no culpability
in that? damn d key.
They really do mean
prioritizing packets
from specific sites.
I think you just turn
into a pretentious douche
with too much money.
But a religion
always has adherents who
read the instructions.
\*zips up* That first part
is all I needed. Thank you!
I understand now.
Beat it on brutal
and I opted for taking
out the air units.
Even if you are
fully surrounded you can
still give them the slip.
Well, I was meaning
in the context of this US
media outlet.
Have you ever played
Paul Simon's "You Can Call me
Al" at a wedding?
[deleted] Agreed.
Frankly, I think she just sounds
way too feminine.
So sick of this shit...
get to work I blew my brain
out through the nostril.
Is anyone else
annoyed that he only has
one L in his name??
Eventually you
break into a cave system,
and can go from there.
Your hair is too think
and wavy, I know, because
mine is like that too.
[deleted] For some
reason, when I'm high i get
very nostalgic.
The Fredericksburg show
is kind of small, but you can
get good prices there.
Thanks for your advice,
I might try the urgent care
thing if it keeps up.
I absolutely
did not ask you to prove it's
not propaganda.
Legal abortions
virtually eliminate
unsafe abortions.
Who else is looking
at every picture waiting
for something to move?
Finally they get
rid of the chicken and just
give us the good part.
I didn't quite realize
I had gotten the couple
in *that* good a pose.
exactly, she has
had a million characters
since then, all the same.
Totally creepy,
decent acting, great effects,
just all around good.
I hated my old
handwriting, so in 11th
grade I switched it up.
Tell them NOT to use
force, when the driver does not
follow instructions.
But it's not helpful
to single him out for *ad
hominem* attacks.
Keep going. I pop
concord grapes out of the skin
and swallow them whole.
[deleted] I like
vending machines 'cause snacks are
better when they fall.
Amen. It slowly
becomes more fun to watch, then
to participate.
The look on his face
when he realizes he's live
is hilarious!
One of those bastards
fell off my visor into
my lap in the car.
How can you expect
to draw people in a place
where you've never been?
This was just a pork
filled stupid bill that pretty
much screwed most people.
He didn't answer when
I knocked, and I let myself
in, looking for him.
Install all of them
and see which one you like most.
Shitty parenting.
Whatever router
by **BUFFALO** you can find
that has good reviews.
In the end, either
the state or the poor father
gets to pay the bills.
They had the perfect
chance to shoot and kill two dogs
and they let them go.
This is probably how
the spiders get in, but those
bastards are crafty.
If all you do is
whine about the build, you will
keep losing to it.
Otherwise, it might
be sort of jarring for her.
Good luck. Who wrote this?
I have a good job
and a dental plan, but still
can't afford all that.
Some are updated
more frequently, while some are
very far behind.
Although it does seem
to me like you are a bit
jaded with women.
I'll be waiting. Hey,
I used to know a stoner
girl named Ash Marie.
Starring Rachel Weisz
All you have to do is check
the machine. They'll drop.
His purpose here is
not to debate but to stir
up controversy.
That is the only
instance in which I have been
affected by it.
As for your second
point, I don't even know what
you're talking about.
Now you're saying you
don't agree that they should pay
more tax?! I'm confused.
It's a frustration,
but it also lets me see
the world differently.
I think government
spending on "social programs"
is out of control.
If this does not sound
good to you try the Coast Guard
or even reserves.
I really began
to wonder whether or not
I had went insane.
Most couples are just
looking for a woman or
another couple.
You never Know how
far one good deed resonates.
Just don't be a dick.
This is why there are
different standards for beauty
in different cultures....
Make up a date if
you want, it won't make any
difference what it is.
I want it to be
his decision what is put
on the internet.
Good to know! The key
with the liquid courage is
to not use too much.
That's good. Just don't think
too hard about what you just
said and you'll be fine.
Israel has killed more
palestinian babies
than the other way.
oh, and pulsing lights.
oh fuck it, i love it all.
Who said ban all mosques?
All they are doing
is trying to intimidate
you and raise conflict.
Currently, since you
can't stack meat, it's just a time
sink and a PITA.
Just from one person
not shaving completely? DING!
We have a winner!!@!@!!
No. A reservoir
is an artificial lake,
created by dams.
People wonder why
the court system is bogged down
and a joke at times.
Just based on the current
pool, President Obama
sounds like a shoe in.
There were some classics
that weren't on the DVD
for some dumb reason.
The fun thing about
your post is it sounds like you're
describing the US!
And what would you say
that wouldn't be totally
awkward anyway?
I've born in Buenos
Aires but I'm currently
living in Brazil.
For everyone else
without insurance, it means
not paying their bills.
Were you arrested
and thrown in prison without
trial for your statements?
I just need to work
on my studies and then go
to school for two years.
Thank the Gods. Here is
my laptop, I bought it last
year and I love it.
The government has
absolutely abysmal
internal controls.
I didn't on purpose,
hoping people would pick up
on the sarcasm.
I was expecting
Deepak Chopra to be near
the top of that list.
As for the other,
I really hope you don't blame
yourself for his death.
It certainly would
have kept its monarchy, laws,
language, and culture.
Machine is bullshit.
Shake shake shake, Shake your foodie.
It is not broken.
You should try it out.
It's fun, and you get to show
off your creations.
Scottsdale pretty much
is a blight on both nature
and society.
I doubt anyone
will blame you for taking what
is rightfully yours.
The US government
may be corrupt and greedy,
but they're not stupid.
Fine if they can live
with that, but I consider
that a shoddy job.
Could he be testing
you to see what you would do
while he was away?
I say go for it!
What do you do if the pain
doesn't go away?
Were you arrested
and thrown in prison without
trial for your statements?
[deleted] That is
indeed my bum but sorry,
I'm a lesbian.
Bah, that is also
my feeling, but then why all
the stereotypes?
I was later told
that they thought I was going
to columbine them.
I drew some Breen too
but they didn't come out looking
all that amazing.
Hey buddy, this is
for things that have died out, not
things that still rock hard.
I hated looking
at the obviously fake
high scores on that game.
You're an idiot.
It isn't something that can
be fixed overnight.
Another reason
for Stephen Colbert to be
afraid of them now.
Another reason
for Stephen Colbert to be
afraid of them now.
Pass a New New Deal.
That worked in the 1930s. It will
work again today.
If you have any
suggestions, I'd certainly
appreciate it.
Like the canning pot,
the turkey fryer is thin
and prone to scorching.
But I suspect you
want to go on the trip more
than to help your dad.
I do what I do
because I want to, that is
how I live my life.
Because motorists
react differently based on
how a cyclist looks.
How much did you make
from that college gig if you
don't mind me asking.
Margaret Thatcher Still...
That is pretty good... Are you
sure this is legit?
Yes but, if all you
ate was vagina, you would
probably not survive.
Those are Egyptian
pounds and the tickets are site
tickets in Egypt.
Actually, the comics
where I lack color came first.
You are really gross.
If she asks weather
you've cum you can lie and say
"almost" if you want.
were you scared during
orgasm that you might tip
over and fall out?
Hunter gatherers
from Europe? From the arctic?
Should we eat blubber?
Its not really *my*
definition per say, but
the factual one.
But hey, I don't want
to ruin your happy face
with my rude manners.
Also, how do you
anticipate selecting
this random person?
When people walk out
in a bikini, they make
the choice to be seen.
Photo and headline
go together like a fine
wine and a good meal.
You should be careful
about getting all your facts
from a single book.
I'll keep that in mind
as I would love to one day
go to Reykjavik.
My biggest complaint
is probably with the Steelers
and Greg Olsen picks.
No, it will teach them
to fuck with you even worse
next time they drive by.
My age group (mid 30's)
however, is what culture
is revolved around.
But they also sell
samples of that so you can
try it first and see.
I'll pirate and watch
the next day for free if that's
the only option.
They pretty much cook
themselves while you're free to make
the rest of the meal.
I don't get the name.
Since when were all driving or
fighting games 'funny'?
Insurance is far
and away the largest con
in this country. What?
As for gay marriage,
I don't see why anyone
would object to that.
Phoenix was the first
in the nation to adopt
these types of freeways.
It sure was for me.
People actually play Red Dead
Redemption online?
Do you have any
reading recommendations
about this topic?
They need to do some
detective work and find all
the financial crooks.
But at the same time,
I'd love to keep this open
and see where it goes.
Ouch, burn. Or maybe
I am a genetics geek.
We require more RAM.
How'd you feel about
Steppenwolf? I love Hesse but
haven't read it yet.
If you your mom wants
nothing to do with him, then
she should take a stand.
(to the right). Bump is
great if you have friends you share
files with in person.
what if the rich were
treated just like the guy who
works at mcdonalds?
I just hate having
to choke down her boiled, almost
gray asparagus.
It was the single
most frustrating and painful
moment of my life.
The whole debate should
be about form, not what you
are or aren't wearing.
Wow, first of all, did
you see the video or
read the article?
Well done! chicken... soup?
What a novel idea.
It just might catch on!
Thanks! I believe some
bar hopping in LA will be
called for post exam.
The circumcision
pushers see it as a win
for circumcision.
Reports to photo
shoot with dislocated knee
and fractured ankle.
Creepy, yes. Count me
as interested though if you
decide to do it.
Free alterations!!!
I've seen shirts that had Asian
characters on them.
You didn't specify
the trigger of the gun, you
just said "on the gun".
His name is Robert
Paulson. That's bullshit. You can't
remove anything.
I was wondering
what the fuck Jim Raynor had
in his sleeve. indeed.
Your father has just
as much right to happiness
as anyone else.
Advice for the OP:
Or should I always
stop off after half a mile
or a mile or so?
Would have been too good!
Going to have to still give
this a try tonight!