Haiku #7378
Private industry
is only more efficient
when it has to be.
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Private industry
is only more efficient
when it has to be.
They burned up and Joe
didn't really do much more than
spin around in place.
after he showed what?
I work in a library
as a programmer.
By this argument,
suppose you pay your doctor
$X for being late.
Does anyone out
there other than me realize
this is a big hoax?
And a highway will
be built to facilitate
this experience.
Please stop doing what
you're doing. Very sexy!!
Love her flawless skin!
They're the dirtiest,
most crooked mother fuckers
you will ever meet.
Roasted red peppers
and some red chili flakes made
the mix last weekend.
Weed hasn't impaired
my focus in longer than
I can remember.
I apologize
if I seemed blunt and perhaps
arrogant before.
So I accomplish
little by discussing these
ideas with you.
Michael? I need you
guys to do me a favor
and get off the shed.
You will get better
at this as you continue
to make approaches.
I'd recommend you
approach this guy, real close, like
whispering distance.
I've begun using
Bing since the news dropped and hey,
I kinda like it.
Yes. But I have no
idea how one would go
about doing that.
The main problem is
this is being planned to be
held in a city.
I buy old pictures
at yard sales, thrift shops and write
stories about them.
I think I just struck
gold after clicking around
the site a little.
The bullet also
passed through both feet which were crossed
over each other.
Moreover, why should
there be proof of Wil Wheaton
being good or bad?
Adjust for better
sight lines if need be during
lulls in the action.
But we need to get
through it and deal with it one
problem at a time.
Religion can do
this, but it doesn't always
and doesn't have to.
I'd look to find out
if this is the case, why she's
upset about it.
pretend someone calls
you to go to another
more important fight.
She says I'm robbing
the cradle and I say she's
robbing the grave. Thanks!
You can't understand
because you haven't been there.
I will check them out.
Viking funeral.
Wooden boat and all. Guests can
wear pointy helmets.
Gotta agree on
the Taco Bell, I could eat
that shit every day.
I just took two days
off, a rare event, and feel
better than ever.
The real world is too
harsh to be raised to believe
we are so fragile.
Or just pack something
lite and eat it before you
get into the lab.
I need to find out
how to cure a fresh nugget
that I just received.
Got it. You have free
speech only so long as you
agree with my views.
The circumcision
pushers see it as a win
for circumcision.
My mom did that too.
Twice, actually. She just didn't want
all the attention.
ignorant racist
bigots like you are what's wrong
with america.
I hate doing it,
but my body hair makes me
very self conscious.
Kind of like telling
the girl you raped that you didn't
intend to rape her?
I loved Inception,
but I didn't think the dream worlds
were surreal enough.
It certainly would
have kept its monarchy, laws,
language, and culture.
Well admittedly,
he does hide his joo issues
very, very well.
I agree countries
with huge populations are
harder to manage.
Or are you saying
that because you're offended
by my opinions?
I stay on schedule
because I schedule enough
time for my patients.
Correction: the whole
point of seduction theory
is not aimed at men.
Pretty interesting.
Not sure that would be allowed
in most of the world.
I have been doing
this for a month and a half
now and it works great.
Do you think they just
wanted to collect welfare,
so jumped on the boat?
That might not always
be the case, but that doesn't
make it right, either.
That's why I don't see
this as a valid response
to the question asked.
He said, "that's a good
point, let me go ask my staff"
and he left the room.
A single knob is
simple compared to the crap
that I put up with.
Blanket pardoning
is a sure way to losing
the next election.
Make good note of her
biology and listen
to her as you work.
Otherwise people
will just look at you and say,
"There's that atheist.
It's sad, but it's our
equivalent of bringing
out the good wine first.
Sucks balls, completely
useless and never runs when
you actually need it.
Jesus christ though, now
that I know what I'm doing
this game is awesome.
There's one slight problem...
Welcome. It's been a while since
I've listened these guys.
Is it me or does
this sound similar to Judge
Dredd? Not worth the risk.
They were very smart
for the period of time
that they were alive.
They are a very
intelligent species, but
not as much as us.
Putting beer in small
glasses in your garden will
catch tons of snails too.
I am not going
to make an argument from
authority here.
I'll even donate
the bullet for the poor beast.
summers leg looks.... wrong.
It all makes sense if
you use Polish notation.
Nah he's Italian.
Truly a model
example of a floating
voter I daresay.
I figured throwing
in a little bit of pink
wouldn't hurt. Who? Who?
I was actually just
able to figure it out
using Firebug.
I only get red
grapes and red and green apples
plus the nuts and dip.
You usually just
blow them with your mouth. And me?
Are you both of us?
But not less convinced.
In fact, my convictions are
backed by evidence.
But if people won't
even dance to bad shit or
good shit, that can suck.
Instead of working
the salesman down all I could
do is walk away.
if you want to throw
one my direction i would
happily accept.
It just seems to take
on a whole different level
during those ages.
They are smaller than
meat eaters and get injured
more often. Fuck. That.
I'm sure there must be
some countries that have stricter
laws on name changing.
The place is a whole
in the wall, do not expect
anything fancy.
It could determine
whether he gets to heat his
home in the winter.
I am speaking from
experience here and not
some bullshit theory.
It's pretty stable
and bugs are being ironed
out really quickly.
Which is really messed
up since we were collecting
money to staff them.
She likely is now
and is using this to "fight"
those inner feelings.
Those damn raisins are
always causing computer
related trouble.
That's what I think is
going to happen over
the next several years.
Mandating healthcare
is a separate issue from
the public option.
If it does not help
you get along with others,
it is immoral.
The simplest way is
to show what happens [without
net neutrality.
Dude, if you make it,
I'll definitely buy it.
....since **ITS** discovery...
This makes your traps less
lethal, I don't think it will
slow down the training.
It is now my quest
to find said picture and post
here for all to see.
Period. Second,
you talk about "by the time
I have the money."
I hop in, survive
my first night, and then do stuff
the manual way.
[deleted] The vines
from last year have already
started to wither.
It's funny because
the priest is getting oral
sex from a centaur.
Go read the comments
in the other submissions
about this topic.
Sometimes these awkward
things just fade away on their
own, sometimes they don't.
You can't really help
being put in the second
situation, though.
I also started
winking when I read this, just
to see if I could.
By the time you get
there, you are up and won't want
to get back in bed.
Thanks so much, this is
exactly what I'm hoping
will happen for me!
I wish I had more
*brain* to be able to work
through a lot of this.
So, of course, that would,
by definition, include
the Ground Zero mosque.
An inefficient
one is one where raising price
increases profit.
I'm just saying you
can have a good time even
when you're trying to win.
Even Mozart had
to put in the hours before
he could write music.
[deleted] you laugh,
but he's about to slit some
politician's throat.
I prefer to pack
light and then buy whatever
I end up needing.
behind every good
author is satan dressed up
as an editor.
I usually just
put American veggies
and chicken in it.
Is it bad to say
that I thought they were going
to be frozen dicks?
Too bad your parents
didn't feel the same so we could
be spared your nonsense.
This can be playing
with him, petting him, giving
treats, etc.
Then feel free to go
through some old classics and read
the first page of each.
If you really want
to sell it seriously,
you need an agent.
is that what i said?
*checks her post nope! whew... didn't say
anything like that.
[deleted] I don't
think killing Rudi's owner
is a good option.
People often want
to over look the numbers
killed through starvation.
I never even
knew this type of gymnastics
even existed.
It's absolutely
worth it though, as accidents
will always happen.
Uh, Stewart? Oh, dear.
I'm a graduate student
in mathematics.
But these are just thoughts;
whatever my descendants
want to do is fine.
The title would be
"Boob from the side" or something.
Where *are* you hiring?
Would you please post you
mailing address so I can
oblige you interest?
I remember when
I was young, I used to think
*blank* was actually *blank*!
What size battery
really depends on your run
time of the device.
That has value. Plus,
why do you care what people
spend their money on?
Uh... marauders rape
stalkers, unless you can blink
out of his vision.
I think the correct
question might be *do you piss**
into **the shower*.
I just hope he can
still trust me and doesn't think
any less of me.
No one worthwhile is
going to refuse to date
you because of this.
It doesn't matter
how much fish you can grow if
you don't eat the fish.
.it is easier
to preach to them if you eat
and drink as they do.
Maybe it's a threat.
You won't be let down. The first
session is INSANE!
at least the issues
you found are discussed the most
and the most strange ones.
The ones where people
were blocking roads and other
annoying actions.
What your body DOES
need is glucose, especially
for building muscle.
However, the word
"slavery" has itself been
changed over the years.
Heh I never knew
the order of the letters
marked that distinction!
My guess is they would
place the call themselves rather
than have you do it.
No? That's because those
bits were completely cut out
in syndication.
Hey, it's plausible.
She seems to be using brains
that isn't there. Should.
Get a crappy, cheap
electric guitar and get
on the internet.
Yes, but in a game
engine, you can designate
which lights cast shadows.
And, that's just the part
I pay. My employer pays
twice that much for me.
I think zipper pants
are now part of the Boy Scouts'
Class A uniform.
I don't doubt that some
Afghans harbor ill will when
seeing US soldiers.
That's not a really
attractive character trait
in someone, is it?
My female teacher
then said "Psycho, I feel bad
for your future wife".
If this software could
be pushed it would have made things
so much easier.
Sometimes in life you
will need to fight, and there is
nothing wrong with it.
Don't make people think.
Don't make people use it just
to figure it out.
Too bad no other
scientist could replicate
his bizarre findings.
[deleted] But if
you're kissing you close your eyes
The power of love.
Cool, thanks very much!
You posited that the cost
was not trivial.
mirror anyone?
I've got one that was given
to me as a gift.
It really depends
in what context you would call
Americans fat.
Drink lots of water
the day before and don't eat
much before you go.
why do internet
nerds feel like they need to come
up with new curses.
Not cool. It was News
Corp, they own FOX and the Wall
Street Journal. So no.
Skit is a talk show
where the guests are all stalkers,
and they compare notes.
But he's still drowning!
Can anyone figure out
how to make him stop?
As you already
know, the intensity can
leave you pretty spent.
Luckily for me,
finals JUST finished so I'll
have time to read it.
It might be fun, but
I'm sure not everyone would
feel comfortable.
Question is how does
he keep the inside of his
suit sanitary.
Even if he didn't
do it the fact that he beat
his wife makes him scum.
If you know Unix
and C++ (and those are
the skills the job needs)....
Now with a name like
Nose Hair, you can imagine
how good it must be.
Start learning some songs
that are easier to play
like Nirvana songs.
Tell them to *advise*
you of any low fluids,
then add them yourself.
I'm confused. There is
nothing wrong with pushing her
boundaries a little.
(If anyone knows
where this comes from, I would be
glad to be refreshed).
Bad cops make for bad
police work and bad justice.
Get rid of bad cops.
WHOOPS. Thank you good sir.
I loathe this book and I loathe
this sort of advice.
He didn't. He called his
actions dumb. Anger! Outrage!
Feelings of distrust!
In addition, there
are additional assumptions
behind your statement.
Hasn't anyone
ever heard of being smart?
Jeeze. [deleted] damn!
Do you think we'll need
reservations for camp sites
in Feb?
Note: It's been a few
years since I've seen it but that's
what I remember.
Don't take more than that,
though, or you'll never finish.
Made me Lol.
Or are you worried
someone is going to play
the racism card?
In fact, once we didn't
use protection and nothing
seemed wrong afterwards.
Good luck. If he can
take it, tell him honestly
what you think of him.
Net neutrality
wouldn't outlaw bandwidth caps
or traffic shaping.
also it must be
the shape of the bronze one, not
the stainless steel one.
Give yourself some time
to recover from the shock.
Tell him about it.
I imagine there's
some tube or chute where he can
get rid of his waste.
Sadly in Puerto
Rico they are huge along
with rat tails. Yea. Yea.
No, because I didn't
think he was making any
significant point.
I didn't see any
real questions or answers from
his observations.
Presto desktop does.
Presto mobile does not What's
wrong with a handout?
A Guatemalan
friend we went with summed it all
up as "fucking weird".
Nice. 'round here we call
'em, "grape smugglers." I agree
with that. OMG!
but, for my money
I'd rather see a Kubrick
film for the first time.
As long as you are
enjoying it, it really
doesn't matter though.