Haiku #6566
It's supposed to be
cold or room temp, I think, but
I prefer it warm.
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It's supposed to be
cold or room temp, I think, but
I prefer it warm.
This whole story is
now out of place and I feel
totally silly.
The President gives
direction and signs off on
the final budget.
Best of luck! I was
wondering the same about
the two fingered thing.
Do you freak out when
you see that people have knives
on them? ^troll Really?
Little red pegs on
circular metal bodies
around the flame box.
Power needs to be
present for any corrupt
act to manifest.
[deleted] TIL some
people are still learning things
I thought obvious.
Hell I made money
going to school and almost
never worked. Be smart.
Don't guilt yourself, you
have a family of your own
that takes up your time.
If I had any
fucking idea, I'd tell
you in a second.
Also remember
Glock has near legendary
customer service.
So, be sure you close
your account in the proper
bank accepted way.
Allow yourself time
to mourn this relationship.
Be kind to yourself.
When my blanket was
no more, I think I started
picking at myself.
I'm sure one of them
(if not all) would be willing
to give you a ride.
Even if I was,
I wouldn't post here. Just one
for complaining then.
.the kids and he love
my meat loaf, he called it crack
meatloaf) anyway.
How does it compare
to normal housing, price wise.
that's not true at all.
I was expecting
"handyman" to return more
salacious results.
I'm gonna bother
you in a couple of months
if you don't do this.
I can't begrudge her
the vague sense of wanderlust.
Who hasn't had it?
Actually, few people
know this, but rabbits actually
have two types of poo.
Then they go to sleep
in the basement, and the whole
movie goes to hell.
You realize that I'm
not saying we disagree
on every level.
Sometimes skunk, horse barn,
the crotch of my underwear,
moist soil, and catnip.
You have far too much
common sense to ever be
employed by the courts.
Fuck off. shape my tongue
as if voicing "ng" in "sing".
Then retract slightly.
duh stack overflow
Great set. :D thanks for sharing.
Would love to see more.
Now you take this home,
throw it in a pot, add some
broth, a potato.
Whitest kids u know?
Hey, I'm an American,
not a communist.
Shit like this is why
I'll probably end up playing
whatever Valve makes.
Perhaps. The point is
that you should not blame yourself
for anything here.
Turn some ice into
hydrogen and oxygen.
Need your mom back? Oops.
She doesn't really
have breasts either so it might
look something like that.
Same goes for Christians
or followers of any
other religion.
The ability
to prevent competition
will always win out.
One of my friends was
writing on an extremely
similar topic...
She didn't get yelled at.
Why did I? Eventually,
I graduated.
Then he joined a WoW
raiding guild, and I hardly
got to talk to him.
Everyone else I've
known who has asked for help has
been taken care of.
Hey, I didn't say that's
all I do, those are just what
I enjoy the most.
I always hoped there
would be an episode where
he meets him again.
I don't believe it.
Dude. I worked in a warehouse
driving a forklift.
Not much else you can
say about someone who would
do something like that.
While I'm certainly
not where I want to be yet,
I'm on the right path.
As long as you feel
like your building toward something,
then you're in good shape.
One of those crawly
motherfuckers can show up
fucking anywhere.
Ace is the place... Eh,
people say stuff like "it's twice
as slow" all the time.
On the same token,
most people have thought about
robbing a bank too.
I just saw your post.
Your point about dwindling state
funds is well taken.
and then continue
on to say "I WILL DESTROY
Are you sure they won't
hold your passport or throw you
in debtor's prison?
Every time I closed
my eyes I only saw her
eyes and rotting flesh.
I had only seen
the first one. What's the quote from?
In any case, yeah.
When I left my wife,
I honestly thought I'd be
alone forever.
Nobody knows why
our mental capacities
evolved as they did.
You must disable
Javascript site wide, then you
can add exceptions.
So did I... She's there
so later you can say, "Yeah,
we dated a while.
Just saying. I'm yet
to encounter one of these
creatures in the wild.
I didn't say it was
right, just passing the info
to the underground.
And of course always
being aware of what is
behind your target.
you want to be fucked
by him or, you really are
fucking retarded.
It is not flimsy
and has a very solid,
weighty feel to it.
I've never done that,
but I associate smells
with tastes quite often.
I can brush aside
more than that with one sentence:
*Rwanda? Fuck it.
Government debt can
be an investment into
our country's future.
If you don't like what
you're doing, you can just quit
and do something else.
sort of looks like him
These are outliers even
for religious types.
Look at her face when
the Dad comes in, and you should
make the connection.
You're cheating. What do
you mean 'why is he giving
the middle finger'?
my roommate feels like
this about straws, utensils,
knives etc.
anything she is
carrying that could, i guess,
go into her eye.
I'll never see Tim
Allen or the movie Joe
Somebody the same.
Using these steps has
save me hundreds in charges
and hours of my life.
This is the biggest
problem I have with Conroy
and his attitude.
Yeah man, why do you
think little kids cover their
eyes to try to hide?
And did you ever
talk to your dad about since
he saw something too?
Also, tiny cars
are awesome, especially when
parallel parking.
Because I knew this,
I knew I could smoke safely
on saturday nights.
You'd be surprised how
rare actual violence is
in this day and age.
They're revelations?
Ok.. Maybe I'm a bit
more obsessed than most.
"Here's a funny scene,
audience, now laugh, because
I just told you to."
Only Commonwealth
citizens can be knighted.
Tell me about it.
I like it! So, now,
I'm not a stranger. I've laid
down my credentials.
While amusing, just
because you can do something
doesn't mean you should.
Period. One shot
in the eye and game over.
Full of hot air, then.
Assume that I would
invest at the same rate you
are investing at.
Now the funny part
is, he says that they are charged
with terrorist acts.
It's cute because girls
only poop sugar cookies
and fart cinnamon.
I just wonder how
you function with people who
have different beliefs.
China didn't see strong
growth until after its birth
rates took a nose dive.
It seems that your cat
truly does not give a fuck.
Lisa needs braces.
[](/ok) Where do you
live, that is one of the most
important issues.
The basic question
is whether suppliers can
be substituted.
Thanks for the name on
the architect Who needs girls
when you have robots?
LOL. Will do.
They do it because it works.
Does it work on you?
Lol, I thought
that was a bit out of place.
Great list otherwise.
Some day years from now
I am going to think back
to this thread in thanks.
No. I picked my school
based on a pack of lies, just
like everyone else.
It's not worth going
to a doctor who doesn't
treat you with respect.
Mainly, I just need
my ass kicked into moving
towards a long term goal.
We have a warehouse
full of tangible product
and we are selling.
What is "TIL"? no one
has any idea Poor
by comparison...
I do not support
their overly aggressive
stance in the matter.
Why rationalize
sex without romance to these
people, but not you?
I wasn't any
more addicted than any
other teenage boy.
If I got a hot
dentist, I like to show off
what my tongue can do.
I have to say, though,
those drapes behind the bed are
horrible (sorry).
What you're describing
is exactly what happened
to my neighbor's cat.
I really don't think
gender inequity is
caused by religion.
walk around dragging
your feet to build up the charge
and then touch the wires.
I'd do either though.
Yep, i really like that ad
That looks really cool.
For a second there
you made me think I traveled
to the past. Asshole.
Add in the chicken
meat and as much of the cheese
as you desire.
Some people look good
with them, but it's really rare
to see it done well.
Pile up all the stuff
you think you'll need, and then get
rid of half of it.
Good luck. girls like his
act and dudes who like those girls
fucking them like him.
NICE FIND. [deleted]
September 7th. [I use
the internet. BAM.
I agree with them.
But those were crap examples.
There's no music notes!!!!!
There's no music notes!!!!!
Lame. Other way around, right
man in the wrong place.
They claim to be 'Fair
and Balanced', an obvious
attempt to deceive.
When I asked him why,
I never got a response.
The guy a nut job.
Like you I agree
that without payment israel
will not live in peace.
If this cat is dumb
enough to do this more than
once, let it stay there.
Boot into safe mode
and delete the sound card from
device manager.
This is what happens
when you completely ignore
all social context.
Then every single
person I walk by I'll scream,
Believe me people
wouldn't even be able
to agree on this.
You say what to do,
then magically it happens,
what is the interim?
If you are upside
down then you have no business
getting a new car.
At this point, tampons
and disposable pads seem
far worse, in my mind.
I like it, but can
you replace the clone trooper
with a storm trooper?
Though half the "indie"
artists in the world DO try
to pull off that voice.
All the cheap stuff you
buy initially can be
replaced over time.
The exact details
may change a bit but that will
be the gist of it.
Too late for defence,
All it teaches is a bad
lesson in revenge.
Bring to a boil, then
turn down and simmer, stirring,
for a few minutes.
Because one hand is
driving and the other hand
is flanking my steak!
Thanks! One of these days
I'll get my butt out there. Well,
i guess you are right.
She was burned on her
back as a child when she bumped
into a hot grill.
Sir, I don't know how
to break it to you, but you
may be a redneck.
It made the next week
or two kind of interesting.
do you live at school?
Yeah, turns out the First
Amendment can't protect you
from angry sponsors.
Look at yourself, how
long did it take you to learn
what you actually do?
It may not mean much
in the way of man power,
but it does exist.
Well, if I wake up
tomorrow and this is on
the front page, then yeah.
[deleted] This is
really a time to involve
professional help.
IF you really don't
want to do it, then make them
not want to ask you.
It's fear of elbows.
Elbows disgust me. Yours, mine,
his, hers, whatever.
I'm with you. Why is
this a picture of the same
guy from this OP's post?
And yet the compost
was tested and found to be
riddled with the stuff.
The staff is friendly
and the breakfast was the best
I had in Turkey.
I'm allergic to gluten,
so I must abstain.
As long as you don't
bring that shit into work it's
none of their business.
You'll keep the friends who
really matter, because that's
just how it happens.
Inch n' a quarter.
This is harder than it sounds
and damn good advice.
SWORD, MEET EVIL!!!! [deleted]
Nope, not illegal.
Apologies, but
I figure it's better than
right way up and not.
Statins (and even
fluoride) are treating symptoms
and not the disease.
In reality,
I could have knocked the bitch out.
I could have raped her.
Does the interview
become a separate post or
is it added here?
This trait manifests
itself in strange and often
hilarious ways.
To see amazing
plays that you would never see
when you play the game.
I'm more curious
as to what it actually is,
not what to call it.
I use a Vibrant
and it came with it, so no
need to check further.
"My cat is on fire."?
"I like eggplants."? "Would you like
to buy a jacket?"?
Couple of hundred
dollars for the bonds people.
several days in jail.
how about taxing
comments that suggest taxes?
Yeah. Crawfish. Okay.
Making friends would be
the least of this kid's worries
in my opinion.
as loud as you can,
and run to the nearest girl
for a surprise hug.
If you die your corpse
is dead and everything you're
carrying is lost.
The thing is, I am
not a particularly
attractive woman.
No, users would where
I am from. That notation
is the standard here.
Which is exactly
why it's such an important
topic to bring up.
Consider talking
to someone-- a counselor,
or a support group.
Putting in a new
sink is a pain in the rear
and it costs money.
Line of thought is you'll
steal something or you'll allow
yourself to be bribed.
What response were you
expecting out of me from
your tirade above?
As far as I can
tell OP didn't dump him because
he was religious.
The question I have,
is are you the only one
asked to do such things?
Weird but you might not
realize subtle neurotic
behaviors you have.
And you'd turn them down
and leave your fellow human
beings to suffer.
Perhaps if your friend
is okay with it, you could
share what your friend says.
Made it to top ten.
I was beast. Actually I don't
tolerate that shit.
in retrospect, it's
surprising that they couldn't
do better than this.
hopefully they come
back, take pictures of any
damage to their car.
Call the police and have them
ticketed and towed.
I don't think he would
survive in a city or
I'd have him come here.
Whenever its time
for the last hit, of course you
need to make it count.
Am promised a call
from the manager after
half an hour. No call.
We've known it would be
happen for years, but no one's
done shit about it.
GOD DAMMIT. You came
here to say exactly what
i came here to say.
[deleted] I still
have not seen pain Olympics,
and I don't plan to.
REALLY? that stuff would
make me lightheaded in lab
all the time.. Oh, please.
I am not, at all,
trying to tell anybody
what combat is like.
There really is no
reason for your pride to get
in the way of that.
Sarah Jessica
Parker doesn't just work on
*Sex and the City*.
I find this one fares
much better after a few
years in the cellar.
Lastly, get a cast
iron skillet and learn how
to take care of it.
I'm predicting you
were offended by someone
also in the Church.