Haiku #6360
Though, I know nothing
about war, and respect what
you guys to no end.
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Though, I know nothing
about war, and respect what
you guys to no end.
Dude, he said the blue
light freaked him out so he didn't
have time to finish.
Spews nothing but shit
from his mouth, but god damn can
he tell a story.
Yeah defiantly,
sometimes I need to eat on
my way back to work.
On a dating site.
"my arrests are much the same
as my love making.
I have had several
brand new thermostats that would
not open at all.
You mean ignoring
the times when it was one man
and several women.
Mouthwash, Tylenol
pain relievers, or sleeping
pills to sleep it off.
It's an article
about the League of Women
Voters and health care.
If you let them fail,
the bottom of the housing
market is a cave.
His point was that shit
happens and countries go on
to host more events.
The other had been
run off by the feral cats
that infest this town.
If you can find it,
I recommend listening straight
though with headphones on.
It's beautiful if
you like it, no matter what
other people say.
Still, it's extremely
wrong to continue to live
with the molester.
She has to do them
correctly otherwise you'll
give her a spanking.
Can you do heavy
exercise or will that cause
you to lose control?
and 2moons support is
the worst customer support
i've ever dealt with.
I miss Andy! Friends?
I think we should form a cult.
You're an idiot.
Either I know you
or this has spread far and fast.
Fuck conservatives.
You can also go
to another doctor on
the insurance list.
Its not expensive.
[deleted] I thought she was
engaged to [this guy.
It should also be
illegal to buy and sell
political speech.
make it a job. work.
all the time. no time for rest.
gotta stay healthy.
Look, I know it makes
people form England, Scotland,
Wales etc.
If you do brake check
just say you saw a black dog
run across the road.
God, the entity,
may not exist but the word
"god" is very real.
Wait what? I've just moved
to Canberra and am bored
as hell. Suggestions?
Seems like this recent
flood of copycat posts is
starting to slow down.
My point is about
the least hostile point one could
ever hope to make.
We had multiple
conversations in that one
thread, and then, just, that.
it doesn't sound like
the father has it very
together either.
You could tone that down
somehow though and I don't think
people would complain.
I have a very
slight understanding of him,
and I didn't get it.
It's not like these three
things just suddenly appeared
out of nowhere. Right.
Very true Class1, but
in all honesty we aren't
driving coast to coast.
That depends on what
port you're docking in, Sailor.
What the fuck was that?
I find it akin
to seeing a video
that says "Meth is rad!
Maybe she wants you
to lose weight and wants to know
what are you eating?
You can do that but
something tells me it won't be
very successful.
They fuck you up worse
than whatever condition
was affecting you.
I realize this but
I don't mind being honest
at my own expense.
Then the step after
that is laser, but that's not
for the faint of heart.
[deleted] It's true
although I think baseball is
boring regardless.
If the differences
are significant, it tends
to wreck marriages.
Where????? [deleted] Drop
your head on the concrete floor?
Most definitely.
Believe me, we *don't*
want the computers to be
smart enough to talk.
Try not to work if
you don't have to and finish
homework before play.
by the way, I will
respect the diamond midget,
thanks for the advice.
Even to this day
I have a strong attachment
to unexplained tales.
Change your legal name.
Prank call people. Learn to laugh
at insanity.
If they want to be
brown they can go to Gaza
with the rest of em.
Most of us grew up
hearing it refer to that,
so not weird at all.
It's a camp. Move on.
Focus your energy on
something positive.
And bring wine coolers.
I would love to buy the whole
show on DVD.
Dead Kennedys were
always a great fit for those
last few seconds. Yes!
Israel also broke
the ceasefire and then launched
Cast Lead 'in response'.
I see no difference
and agree that people need
to learn the hard way.
I'm kinda upset
I didn't jump on that Steam sale
when I had the chance.
It smelled like fucking
*AWESOME*. Dad? fuck Apartheid
Israel My mistake.
I don't know how you
can say Sony has been shit
this generation.
Well. I think i may
go ahead and freak out now.
Later (so to speak).
Wrong; this was the most
mature and appropriate
way to handle it.
What's to compromise?
She has no business in his
personal spending.
It's not the same oil,
the fries and the patties are
cooked in different vats.
You don't want to be
using an improperly
maintained glory hole.
[deleted] you will
not go to jail [deleted]
The Lord of the Rings.
We agree. You just
think create and destroy are
the wrong words to use.
[gestures up his nose]
And when you die, it squirms out
and flies away. [Source.
They drink most of their
calories so they really
hardly eat a thing.
Instantly I was
prompted to download the first
part of the update.
True, but some people
are dicks and trick new players
into things like that.
It's really just up
to parents to teach their kids
about finances.
[deleted] Sorry,
I was just guessing that you
were American.
Citations needed.
I entirely agree
with your point of view.
But for the cleanup
part I think anyone could
do a better job.
Months? I bet you can't
even make a microwave
cheese sandwich. Oh damn.
Cab ride. Fuck it Dude,
I love this movie! You know
this how? "Feck" next, please.
This discussion is
not about the conflict you
fucking mongoloid.
I've never even
*played* any of them. He said
golf, not Simon says.
What year are we in?
And your citation? What do
you want from science?!!!
Gotta keep a wet
cloth handy to keep the old
bay off the lips. So?!
It's not ground breaking
in the same way that deep blue
wasn't ground breaking.
In any case, it's
not something that cannot be
calibrated for.
Horrible story,
but I noticed he did not
say how old he was.
Also, this system
was one of many projects
we had going on.
I like our subject
better though, because he is
hopeful and joyous.
Is it possible
to press it rapidly but
NOT repeatedly?
Yeah I think I was
supposed to rhyme the last line
with the first two, tho.
Blow out to dislodge
carbon black (you'll see smoke wisp
up and out of it).
We're in Britain though
where EVERYONE watches it.
Even old people.
I was unhappy
to find out how accurate
the episode was.
Then they will either
make no move on this girl, or
do sweet "nice guy" things.
If there are other
sides to the story, someone
usually finds out.
Your bed should be clean.
And showering before bed
keeps it that way. Lies.
You'd be a person
with role models, some better
than others. That's all.
"Oh well, I guess I'll
get that ammo lying on
the floor over there".
Bah! Every. Single.
Day.. God i wish i lived there
so i could take her.
Get some vampire fangs
and fake blood and put it all
over yourself, too.
And that's exactly
what the people in this thread
seem to be doing.
You know what other
games have sold more than the whole
Diablo franchise?
Not sure if we still
hold this title, but I guess
we did for a time.
There aren't that many
variables in the red
dot gun sight design.
Maybe, but the "don't
shit where you eat" mantra is
also relevant.
Nice revelation,
lol But I think that's
as far as it goes.
That does require some
level of scientific
rigor, I agree.
I know where I live
(New Zealand), Day light savings
dates recently changed.
Let me at least tell
you a reason why people
may be doing it.
Big Pussies chase Cock;
Cock escapes. This is against
the laws of nature.
Its not a harder
job its just that less people
want to do those jobs.
I've had them.. they look
and taste like regular ribs.
They pretty tasty.
like this one being
posted here is on some bright
yellow gradient.
These brands are very
easy to apply and looks
beautiful on face.
They really shouldn't
have been in the position
to lose anyway.
That little guy? Oh,
I wouldn't worry about
that little guy. Sure.
It overtook worm
wrestling in TV ratings
in the past five years.
[deleted] Nope, all
forms of copyright law is
wrong if you ask me.
African culture
requires that you get the snip
to become a man.
The whole process should
be overseen by elders,
but often it's not.
So, the Government
in the 90s put in a plan
to rectify this.
But as you said, there's
no way of knowing that till
the load screen comes up.
If oil company
know they are guilty, and knows
court will find that out.
Some say this Peter
Parker might not have ever
existed at all.
I can't disable
permissions on an item
by item basis.
It doesn't happen
in some cities, Seattle
is not one of them.
Do you ever find
yourself at work with black eyes
and blood on your shirt?
That's why it was all
mined out, leaving the planet
completely hollow.
Arsenal players
haven't figured much at all
in this tournament.
You can't fault someone
for just wanting to bypass
the unpleasantness.
Can't we all just hate
on the specific bitches
and dicks and play nice?
This is the worst part.
Then the battle's not so bad?
Oh. Right. The battle.
[deleted] Well, all
relationships end, either
in divorce or death.
It just doesn't sound
realistic, certainly
less than divine! Church.
Yeah, at the moment
I just seem to need more wood
than is growing back.
actually, the school used
in the movie looks nothing
like my old high school.
I won't deny it.
I'm pretty odd, even by
strange people standards.
I was never raised
to believe faith in God was
all that important.
It's unbeatable.
I saw that once... never thought
I'd find it again!
If you have any
evidence, the onus is
on you to show it.
My thoughts exactly.
He could be a voyeur. So,
how bad did it hurt?
But surely it should
stop this, as anyone can
just 'corrupt' their files?
You don't know me, man.
Hell, you don't even know what
you're talking about.
:D I'm wondering
if the jump guide is popping
wood during this dive.
Maradonna has
always been delusional.
Used to play well, though.
On nice days sometimes
I'll just wander The Town. Oh,
you meant you look good.
Often times squatters
run into things they don't need
but are still useful.
[deleted] That has
to be the least scary thing
I have ever seen.
You don't want to die;
you just want an easy, quick
solution to things.
Move on. If you can
afford a computer, you
can afford the OS.
It's one of the main
reasons I hardly play on
PC anymore.
I don't understand
why companies would not be
guided their profit.
Enjoy! [deleted]
If that were for sale, I would
buy it with money.
My favorite bit though,
is the camera is filming
another camera.
I don't think we need
anymore people jumping
in the library.
It wasn't too bad.
It was kinda like Zelda
crossed with God of War.
Your shutter speed will
vary so that you can get
proper exposures.
Then there's people like
you who just want to shit all
over everyone.
It could also be
the multicolored bike shorts
and orange tank top.
His thoughts vis a vis
epistemology are
impressive as well.
Think the Christian Bale
from American Psycho
without the chainsaw.
I started calling
all adults by their first names
when I was thirteen.
Look in to his life
after Star Trek and you'll see
why people like him.
[deleted] First thing
that popped into my head when
i read the title.
Can anyone come
home at lunchtime and take him
for a good long walk?
I had the guns, both
kinds the rocks and hammers did
better lol.
Anyways, my pick
is "Into the Blue Again"
by the Album Leaf.
So you consider
yourself not Jewish because
you're an atheist?
But as traffic grew
steadily, their existence
became imperiled.
I was living on
their property, they can do
whatever they want.
In other words, food
companies need to present
growth to investors.
Fascinating Who's
Jim, and what was his choice? Sad,
but he speaks the truth.
[deleted] You too?
Constipation is a bitch.
EDIT: Still no word.
And contributions
to a certain field in no
way means you're able.
He told me it was
too early to figure out
what was going on.
"A reasonable chance"
is very poor odds as far
as l am concerned.
It burnt down. We had
this really awesome old house
outside the village.
As for other parts,
not quite so realistic
but a damned good romp.
Overall, this is
my picture of what happens
(informed by your post).
I couldn't watch it.
[deleted] Your boyfriend is
very proud of you.
They hit an iceberg
and the only survivor
is that smelly whore.
Soaking once a day
in an **epsom salt** bath can
provide some relief.
We were opening
the bullets and extracting
the exploding stuff.
posted more! Awesome!
Heh, I saw that entire
transaction coming.
Well unbeatable
except that they're not actually
breaking any laws.
We basically don't
care whether you speak English
or Swedish to us.
I've gotten a bit
better but it still hits me
if I get turned down.
Then you walk around
the back of the car and look
through the rear window.
Thanks! Wow, what a deep
and insightful look into
some one else that is.
Furthermore, water
bills are allocated based
on how much you use.
I have cash waiting.
The future is late again.
Just ask them to stop.
(citation needed)
I don't know where we get it.
Not my department.
Searching for Jazz is
the same thing, only the song
isn't a Jazz song.
I'll bet you'll even
be surprised at how much you
enjoy the country.
I've always wondered
why we don't have rotating
valves on car engines.
Writers were only
just exploring what it meant
to "tell" a story.
I enjoyed it though.
Will probably do more with more
being shown. We'll see.
Once decided, there
is no accounting of how
the money is spent.
His "dialog" is
often just two monologues
running parallel.
It's supposed to be
cold or room temp, I think, but
I prefer it warm.