Haiku #126243
[deleted] Isn't
the Tang Dynasty Chinese?
Or is that the joke?
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[deleted] Isn't
the Tang Dynasty Chinese?
Or is that the joke?
Not too expensive,
especially considering
Australian prices.
Lol, subtle
racism is okay when
you target the whites.
Had a similar
thing happen to me, but not
to such an extreme.
I like to fry them
in a wok with olive oil
and LOTS of pepper.
My brother had two:
anal lover and anal
lover media...
Excessive speed is
far less often the leading
cause of collisions.
Only reason I'm
not buying anything, it's
absolute bullshit.
geographically LA is
not close to a lot.
She's in therapy
and KNOWS how to work in her
head to beat this back.
Did he root it, then
try installing the OTA
from the carrier?
However, it is
inherently a weaker
one given free will.
[deleted] I am
considering a degree
in biology!
Its risky to lean
on Amendola with his
injury history.
As there is no rule
allowing "overflow games",
you must reschedule.
i feel a little
better already I'm new
to card collecting.
It's actually really
common in Calgary (yes,
in Canada) too.
Hitler wasn't wrong
about everything either.
Its a great city!
I very much look
forward to the Crusader,
I want to play her.
And in that same vein,
the republican party.
They can both get fucked.
It's not fun being
able to only have him
for half a season.
I really the "arch"
that coincidentally
forms in the water.
Isn't it going
to allow output to be
expanded sooner?
But being pretty
inebriated myself,
I got frustrated.
However, it was
usually only verbal
and emotional.
A CAT scan is not
the best way to diagnose
internal bleeding.
It's gotten so bad
for us that you just know we're
not going to score.
Speaking of which, who
is returning for next year
on Iowa State?
Are you honestly
trying to say that this seems more
logical to you?
Sorry lol
It totally blew away
my expectations.
I'd rather just use
the superior app or
pay to support them.
You probably *do* know
more than the developers
working at Blizzard.
And the whole design
ties together front to back
and top to bottom.
I tried to remain
comfortable and friendly
like I always am.
Not sure its a good
idea, but it's a *new*
idea to me!
Fucking lol,
Americans complaining
about gas prices.
It is an exact
copy of my room at home,
complete with futon.
The Soviets used
the suicide narrative
as a photo op.
The Holy Roman
Empire was dissolved two
centuries ago.
Classic scorpion
and frog. Joker can't help it.
Norman chooses it.
These proportions can
be easily multiplied
for larger batches.
Obama wanted
to have a public option
in with the ACA.
In all honesty,
I don't feel superior
to anybody.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Yes it is. Or do
you see them projecting their
power globally?
If you are married
to a ruler, it doesn't
make you the ruler.
You can also add
in other elements too.
It's fun. I promise.
I in no way am
society's ideal man
and I'm confident.
What happened to you
that you are such a stupid
human being? Hue.
It was a long time
ago galaxy far far
away afterall.
The whole bit about
all Japanese products is
just ridiculous.
His apology
is likely never, ever
going to happen.
This is only one
step away from religion
and feminism.
Felix Rodriguez
was a very interesting
CIA agent.
Hopefully he didn't
mean it as a reflection
on you personally.
Right and god forbid
the system allow for small
clerical errors.
The only other
logical person to be
champion is Kane.
[deleted] Better
than being hospitalized
in America!
[deleted] Nope, I'm
just a really boring guy.
my new desktop. thanks!
After a shower
in the morning, your fingers
just don't have the grit.
Anyway, copper
isn't super forgiving
to improper use.
This is exactly
the reason it's difficult
to wear with denim.
It goes from a light
blue to a saturated
red to a dark brown.
we put up a sign
because we are proud of how
evil we are Cool.
I'm ok with that.
[deleted] I never fucked
your mom. You're welcome!
Best of luck. I bet
Obama gets down on white
female on female.
He needed to leave
Barcelona and Chelsea
gave him a way out.
There is no ending
religious war, in Iraq
or anywhere else.
The people who want
that functionality are
playing on PC.
I apologize
for my first comment, it was
kind of impolite.
And I'm not okay
with that, fundamentally,
as an atheist.
Also, I don't like
the robe on other races.
It looks weird imo.
That's the kinda shit
you lie about until you
get into office.
There definitely
is a liability
that is created.
An independent
contractor is usually
not an employee.
[deleted] I don't
think the point disparity
is the big issue.
It's still fun to mess
around with tubes and reversed
lenses and whatnot.
Deal with it or don't,
but don't make the consumer
pay for your mistakes.
The sidebar is there
if he wants to buy more stuff.
I'm in the room now.
Decided my Shep
was just holding out for his
true love with Ashley.
So Alex puts out
word that "he's hurt" and "stunned," trying
to play the victim.
Hey now, I'm Tony.
I'm new to C2 and really
digging it so far.
The decline has more
geopolitical roots
than anything else.
If you're on the bus,
and you get left behind, then
you'll find it again.
We all know, deep down
inside, that we're probably right
(atheists that is).
I just enjoy their
often brutal eloquence.
The Jews aren't gone, yet!
Sure you take the heat
off *your* kid, but next it'll be
someone else and worse.
Clearly nobody
here has ever tried to walk
children to a store.
Thanks. I wonder what
shape THIS bubble comes in *if
you know what I mean*.
I hope so as long
as we don't give up to much.
[deleted] Uh, what?
[deleted] Uh, what?
I'm not ancient and I loved
The Land Before Time.
And their 'Loads of' chips!
The dill pickle are stronger
than any other!
Surely Shane would be
Brutus. He was stabbed by his
best friend after all.
Why don't you board it?
I don't understand what I'm
looking at. It's like.
The lighting is fun
and definitely highlights
how nice your skin is.
You should probably stop
going through his things and sit
down like an adult.
I used to, but then
I started hanging around
people that say it.
But I do believe,
it happens more often than
you may actually think.
Since you can't actually
come up with a response, you
have been defeated.
truth is absolute,
whether you feel anything
about it or not.
They're just higher off
the ground and have a newer
computer on it.
How stupid is that?
Anyway, you've made the right
decision today.
ONE. Oh well. I guess
you can't really expect too
much from McDonald's.
Forget the haters.
It's your game, you pay for it,
play it how you want.
It's your game, you pay
for it, play it how you want.
Is it optimal?
This looks like Ed from
Cowboy Bebop. Didn't see that...
but it is shitty.
I feel like I could
play Oregon trail by trying
to walk to the store.
Actually, she probably
is losing money value
due to inflation.
A nursery that's
not about zoo animals
or fairy tales? Sweet!
Also pluto is
considered by many now
as a dwarf planet.
I have been wanting
this for a while and it was
sold out around here.
Interesting people
from all walks of life doing
incredible things.
Tokyo. The tech.
I'd also be surrounded
by Asian women.
And one for you good
sir Ignorant means they don't
know any better.
I'm about to go
in to the comments section
and set some things straight.
Well, unless they made
the fall set an Un- set, but
that would be stupid.
sucks, dude, it might be
too late, but try some different
strains if possible.
I honestly do
not think pragmatism means
what you think it means.
We're all entitled
to opinions, but there are
no personal facts.
At some point every
day I drive (obviously),
and I just love it.
"Nice guys" are boring.
"Nice guys" lack confidence. "Nice
guys" hide their motives.
And there is this point
where you are not longer just
"high" but really high.
4:50ish. He clearly moves
the blame to outside people,
parents and landlords.
We must root them out
and destroy them if we are
to protect ourselves!
What they get for free,
they'll take for granted, and then
demand as a right.
Lol, my friends
and I do this, thought we were
the only settlers.
During all of this,
I found out my father had
terminal cancer.
Yeah but if he got
clear, he'd be open to score
for sure. Red is right.
[deleted] Its not
about the child, its about
winning to the OP.
Try the bacon wrapped
hotdogs if you are a big
bacon food cart fan.
But that's not to say
you're constantly confronting
danger every day.
We get it. Probably.
And it will be cheaper than
executing him.
This here is the most
reasonable and sound response
I received. Thank you.
I have it, it's two
auditions to those pilots
you want to star in.
here we go again...
This is why all officers
should carry bear mace.
Carve out a nice sized
room and put in a weapon
rack or armor stand.
You should add a steak
in there... [deleted] Ooh, no!
But thanks for playing!
I'm sorry, but I'm
not quite sure I understand
what you're trying to say.
Remember that time
we all liked the different steps?
Yeah, that was awesome...
Has Alan Rickman
been knighted yet? He should be.
What's your storage space?
Drugs and alcohol
certainly helped me a lot
to change my shyness.
The one that provides
the goods customers want, or
the one that doesn't?
Didn't it take two years
after release for even
the R4 to come out?
The experience
left a sour taste in my mouth.
[deleted] Really?
I'd say this picture
shows that 4chan is exactly
as dumb as it looks.
Honestly, I don't
think a barrel of oil means
much to most people.
She was possibly
the most obese teenage girl
I have ever met.
The Apple Pie Mead
is what has gotten the best
reaction from folks.
White people who live
in the suburbs commit crimes
in the suburbs too.
Popular speech does
not need protection, only
unpopular speech.
Don't jog. Pun! that's what
i've been doing if you read
the rest of the post.
The profits for most
gangs at that time didn't come from
illegal drug sales.
I just have to say
that I just flew in, and boy
are my arms tired.
If a boat sails long
enough, it sometimes comes back
to where it started.
Dude. Seriously.
It's her body. Why do you
even care this much?
I'm not one of them
but I've seen quite a few friends
get turned back from gov.
Probably wouldn't hold
up in the European
court of human rights.
[deleted] Somewhere
down in Cornwall isn't it?
No. I hate needles.
Its a risk to try
and do, and he drew the short
straw on it this time.
Sad but true. Are you
planning to move back to where
you fled from now then?
Take this quarter, go
downtown and have a rat gnaw
that thing off your face.
Cops don't usually
make the laws though, their job is
just to enforce them.
[deleted] Please don't
tell people this, unless you
know something I don't.
I fell on some ice
and later got thawed out by
some of your scientists.
Hell, I even laughed
at myself reflecting on
when I was like that.
Did you even hear
my logic, or are you just
stuffing me with straw?
Obviously you
are a male and this isn't
about your body.
[deleted] Isn't
getting a more exciting
job motivating???
[deleted] Doesn't
that mean that Earth's gravity
is greater than 1g?
When I emerged from
the produce store two cop cars
pulled up next to me.
I guess nobody
told him that man is a 'tool
using' animal.
I never had one.
Pretty sure there is a TED
talk on this, same guy.
Good shit. My fave track
is probably So Bad or Cold
Wind Blows. Good album.
Lol, and true.
But I don't think the point is
going to a club.
I don't see why you
should resort to personal
attacks, but cheers man.
I honestly didn't
think it was gonna come out
eloquent at all.
As a former "nice
guy" this issue is somewhat
hot button to me.
It sounds like she has
trouble mixing with people.
Don't enable this.
but seriously,
don't put so much value on
the price of her gift.
[This is the instant
the previous Uruguay
player kicked the ball.
I'll be curious
to see if you are able
to find an answer.
Not unreasonable
given how things might have looked
from her perspective.
He declined and said
he was just picking her up
to give her a ride.
When prohibition
was lifted, these same people
continued to drink.
I'm talking about
any instance where impaired
judgment leads to crime.
Does Canadian
law stipulate what Israel
can and cannot do?
Money and power
are the opposite of freedom
and democracy.
I don't get what all
the crying about this oil
is for anyway.
Thanks for the advice,
I appreciate it more
than words can depict.
I don't understand
picky eaters at all, what
are they afraid of?
Does Canadian
law stipulate what Israel
can and cannot do?
In the end, we've still
got millions of dead bodies
that shouldn't be dead.
Ignoring the fact
that the drugs they are checking
for are illegal.
You could always ask
to have a "couple's" session
with her therapist.
The second I let
go, there was no more fear, no
more anxiety.
Common goals and dreams
are important in a long
term relationship.
If those were my cats
I would know. And then I would
kill him in his sleep.
If it blows up now,
it was going to blow up
later anyway.
THE FIRST MOVE. Oh, you're just pissed
you weren't in on it.
They don't have to not
pay the government, and not
use it's services.
The guy on the ground
sees the light slowly moving
ahead of the ship.