Haiku #32406
They don't let people
in easily, physically
or emotionally.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
They don't let people
in easily, physically
or emotionally.
Same items, different
interface, which, really, is
the bare minimum.
There was just this dot,
and it had no volume or
size whatsoever.
After Benoit won
the title, he still wasn't
the focus of Raw.
Debating between
getting a custom class top
or clear epoxy.
I only use its
basic configuration,
but is up to you.
In my opinion,
this is going way too far
in hiring people.
I eat wheat only
on the rarest occasions,
never felt better.
Possibly the most
condescending thing I've seen
in my life. Spiffy!
Such as classic cars
refitted for modern day
use, etc.?
I don't even play
video games but I am
annoyed anyway.
It was just a mind
blowing day and I'm so glad
I got to watch it.
exactly my point.
individuals never
need military.
For instance, I was
really expecting Iran
to be overblown.
Casey Anthony
and George Zimmerman are great
examples of this.
So if you are not
for one I don't see how you
can support any.
To feel confident
and sexy again after
being rejected.
If its all you got
then go for it but don't plan
on its use for this.
Exactly. The OP
has no idea what he's
talking about. Next!
Not an uncommon
phenomena in modern
European states.
Your facial structure
and hair composition is
similar to them.
It's okay. I think
the animation is too
fast, and too jerky.
Infinite canvas
and minimal interface
are both amazing.
Modulation can
affect the feel of music
any way you'd like.
The experience
has definitely made me
who I am today.
*Oh, dude, a haiku.
Seven syllables go here?
Oh, already done.
Siri was a stand
alone app before it was
integrated right?
No big deal says I,
physical attractiveness
isn't everything.
Encoding converts
the video to play on
other devices.
Lol. I can
not afford to buy any
series V five packs.
I suppose I could
also get an audio
cable if needed.
I seriously
almost passed out when I was
walking in the halls.
The most important
thing you can ever do is
take charge of your life.
they tend to restrict
access once the incoming
traffic is too big.
operated workplaces
have no hierarchy.
Why is Anderson
even running down the hill?
He's an Admiral.
I'm from Seattle
area and would be down
to hit up Westport.
ARE RINGING I'm not saying
I prefer Romney.
Yes but I also
think rules can be updated
when necessary.
Did you see them on
tour with Aficionado
opening for them?
Both offenses were
totally apathetic,
very ugly game.
The really funky
part is the short queue I had
to get into it.
I'd like to get back
and study graphic design
and photography.
But if you don't need
any you can always use
more Project Tables.
But oh wait we need
to disarm only people
and not governments.
i tried putting them
in there and my desktop goes
on but doesn't load.
I would but I am
not very good at writing.
[deleted] What ads?
He was very good
at presenting himself well
in the media.
I find it a lot
more enjoyable to use
than a lot of guns.
He's got everything
Andre had, and then he's got
that agility.
Just because you paid
money for champions, skins,
points, etc.
It gives a good look
into the competition
barbecue circuit.
You already see
the music industry way
out in front with this.
You can tell by how
negatively it reacts
to others' humor.
I still eat largely
vegetarian but it's
not a religion.
Continue to go
to hell for hating direct
download Microsoft.
I am honestly
very interested to know
how your mind differs.
Marx was likely more
libertarian than most
Democrats today.
A curb that has been
designated as a no
parking area?
So our initial
assumption was false, and there
is only one Dog.
It's America's
Funniest Home Videos
for edgy people.
It's definitely
worth a watch for anyone
who hasn't seen it.
Woman here. Sounds like
he was unlucky enough
to meet a real bitch.
I'm pretty lost right
now I've lived in Chicago
my entire life.
Any woman would
love the opportunity
to turn a gay man.
My question is, what
classes should I be taking
before the transfer?
Not enough if you
ask me ''Hopefully'' going
to start losing weight?
It's just contracting
in a specific pattern
to pump blood. I know.
Lol Hey love.
I suffer from this exact
same situation.
Whose political
beliefs are okay to look
at and whose are not?
I'm jealous of that steady
supply lol.
[deleted] we can't
even get weapons that don't
clip through our armor.
(Canadian here!)
Because its late and he has
to wake up early.
I am satisfied
with the answers I received.
I don't have any.
To never smoke or
drink any alcoholic
beverages ever.
And to be honest,
I have no idea why
I was accepted.
It's that such a *large*
part of the media is
controlled by so *few*.
either it wasn't
tested for or it isn't
considered a drug.
How we have mastered
the elements and put them
to our benefit.
I'm shouldn't even
have to mention Fleetwood Mac
or the Grateful Dead.
'report an error')
I used to be a pizza
delivery girl.
I saw it a few
times when I was there to pick
up a cookie pie.
The Internet is
not a single entity
with one opinion.
If anybody
out there is an artist, please
steal this idea.
One a tired day
my face might look a little
retarded as well.
Kinda a lasting
divide from the Civil War.
Winter is coming.
I didn't even know
the proper spelling of his
original name.
A good example
is early Jewish settlers
to the Holy Land.
Almost on topic!
LOL That Diablo
guy is awesome tho.
Islam is indeed
inherently destructive
to societies.
Petitions, online
or in person are just too
open to abuse.
The same could be said
for any building you do
on any planet.
But I don't think OP
bothered or invaded on
Parker's privacy.
20th episode.
Knew what happened to "the safe"
was and didn't tell us.
Is the solution
to this puzzle, not even
*slightly* obvious?
...moded Iowa
City has an amazing
public library.
The video is
pretentious about deeper
meaning about stuff.
It's incredibly
hard to determine based on
arbitrary notes.
I want to forget
all the memories and be
able to move on.
I was so careful
not to get the colors mixed
in the wrong sections.
:D [deleted] Right
out of an Arnold movie
lol Ok.
OP was arrested
for a DWI,
that doesn't mean shit.
So I denied it.
I would have to ride it out
to the bitter end.
Your body wont be
able to repair itself
due to lack of fuel.
You are astounding
attracted to people who
you feel sorry for?
I'm glad to give more
info on particular
shops, etc.
The "offensively
stereotypical Sex
in the City gay".
Is that bad? I didn't
say one way or another.
You did however.
How exactly is
The Division a better
tactical shooter?
Formula only.
[deleted] JR and Pop
could be funny though.
I have smacked the hood before
in those instances.
Yeah, glad we all got
together to put a stop
to this guy's rampage.
not bad Keep walking.
Paco, maybe an inch or
two deep, but a foot?
is infidelity" is
not an argument.
This totally could
be me, and her story could
totally be true.
Use a napkin on
top then pat the powder on
the napkin. Liar.
Mario Party?
More like Communist Party.
"Oh, Comrade Yoshi!
Love that movie, Wes
Anderson's masterpiece, could
watch it every day.
I found some items
and started killing zombies
with a machete.
I think he's kidding
Oh ya, they definitely
cared genuinely!
Elsewhere in baseball,
how about this Fernandez
kid for Miami?
I never managed
to shake that anxiety
even in college.
Everyone gets one.
Get another opinion
AND have them show you.
He had it shipped by
rail out to California
to be modified.
He will probably be
in uniform and easy
to identify.
There's no period
after 'Dr' in 'Dr Pepper'
Very insightful.
Higher minimum
wage states do not lose business
across the border.
Is that why on one
episode of Firefly
his ear gets sliced off?
If you want the look
you desire you gotta
stretch the area.
It still looks awesome
to me, and it looks awesome
from every angle.
Fuck the internet
and the hypocritical
horse it rode in on.
"Anomaly" is
just a word used to denote
something unexplained.
Yesterday a few
people put together some
beers on the canal.
It's free, and pretty
easy so far (only on
chapter three myself).
They look delicious
and give me more ideas
for healthy eating.
Not everything is
so black and white and I hope
you understand that.
i use Microsoft
security essentials
im confused Linux.
Works for the people
who lack critical thinking
skills and the lazy.
I just logged into
mine and it was right where you'd
expect it to be.
NOT A CURE. It just
prolongs the incubation
time of the virus.
Look up riverbed
networking technology.
What an idiot.
So I avoid them.
I never said they were bad
at the game did I?
That's almost as bad
as my first political
science professor.
[deleted] This is
exactly why I don't eat
Gummy anything.
Really tricky but
exactly the kind of thing
I was looking for.
Amanda saying
I fought my ass off. Shut up.
Everybody did.
Maybe a little
dressier than normal, but
will depend in club.
Any doesn't work,
it depends which area
you're interested in.
If my primary
attribute is intellect,
I build a Dagon.
The ability
to make video calls is
very important.
Not all racists are
stupid, but lots of stupid
people are racists.
Very hard to do,
and very rewarding when
you can make it work.
When the victim rubs
their eyes, the iron filings
harm their corneas.
I ran a super
clean high calorie diet
during the program.
Whether it gave me
the intended HGH
or not I don't care.
If you want a big
budget game sure console or
PC all the way.
Actually, neither can
I! I disagree There is.
It's a full time job.
I feel like I could
overthrow the government
while listening to it.
I'm assuming our
currents are only different
because of rounding.
I also assume
intelligent people do
something similar.
Candice? I suppose that is
true to an extent.
Amazing really
capture the feeling of fear
and adrenaline.
But it certainly
needs to be available
more than once a month.
I can't remember
the last time one of my games
went so far as that.
Do your best to try
just about anything you
are interested in.
I wouldn't call it dumb but
I suppose some might.
or low priority might
be more accurate.
All lies. I've always
figured it must be frightening
to kiss Ellen Page.
I'm a women, why
wouldn't I want me to be
treated equally?
I think cases is
the wrong way of doing it.
Any ideas?
The majority
if women in the US are
wearing the wrong size.
man up and take them
Quoting for the irony
if he deletes this.
I sincerely hope
we see a realistic
budget tomorrow.
Seriously, our
situations are really
fucking similar.
Magic erasers
are okay, so long as you
don't overuse them.
Physio isn't
helping anymore, neither
is Acupuncture.
I said it doesn't
matter if it's negative
or positive lift.
For a week or so,
try an elimination
diet, if you can.
Unless you're playing
Polynesia. [deleted]
Runs in the family.
No. Incredible!
I agree the bar scene was
wonderful for that.
Also, another
ancestor was a lawyer
to Billy the Kid.
I'd never do a "rescue
dog" ever again.
What's so appalling
to you about getting good
furniture for free?
I can open tabs
from Chrome app on my phone on
other devices.
I doubt anyone
will get fired for someone
taking a picture.
there is no support
at all so you must know how
to run a server.
Its decentralized
with no regulatory
agency, correct?
Also why do all
professional gamers seem
to have such short names?
Had an initial
email consultation, week
later booked a flight.
Doesn't she also
legitimately sing live
in her shows as well?
Here is my question
I am asking you again
for a **second time.
I didn't personally
know who was hosting it but
I went anyway.
who would have thought. what.
Died stupidly. Then I died
stupidly again.
I'm not verified,
but I could use an escrow.
I have 60k to sell.
Tomorrow I am
making Jamie Oliver's
turkey Wellington.
Great, I'd like to buy!
I will send you a private
message about it.
I am an avid
gamer, I also happen
to have lady parts.
I'm not believing
anything unless it comes
from the BBC.
I never got past
like the 5th screen where you
have to run from dogs.
When I made Eagle
I got a letter signed by
George W. Bush.
[deleted] Isn't
the Tang Dynasty Chinese?
Or is that the joke?