Haiku #5538
It doesn't matter
what the charge is, once they say
"You're under arrest."
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It doesn't matter
what the charge is, once they say
"You're under arrest."
Relax. "If I'm not
back in three days, then I guess
I wasn't Jesus."
If I tortured you
to obtain your pin number,
would you give it up?
This is probably due
to it being a culture
without a center.
[deleted] I'd go
straight for that man, if only
he'd go straight for me.
I love Airbase wish
he would come out with a new
cd Alvin Greene!
It is overly
simplistic and it doesn't
ring remotely true.
Also, if something's
broken in the laptop, go
ahead and fix it.
He is a lucky
guy to have family take cares
about him like you.
Many schools actually
have the entire body
wear the same color.
It's a gigantic
poor tax on someone who can't
afford to pay it.
[deleted] That would
take so much mad skill it's not
even viable.
You mean Democrats
and Obama with draining
Medicare? exact!
It should always be
the same and follow very
specific standards.
Looks like it may rain
though so I'll have to come up
with a backup plan.
I didn't even see
the person fall on the left
until your comment.
Thus by enforcing
the law, the officer is
protecting people.
There is potential
to hurt people beyond those
stupid teenagers.
The officer was
completely in the right here
by arresting them.
Football stadium
(now know as The Swamp). 50-yard line.
Atlantic Ocean.
You're not sure if that's
really possible, so you
came here for advice.
Anyway. Go. Read.
Another. Thread. If. This. One.
Is. Not. To. Your. Taste.
The sword controls felt
*limited*, and I never
could shake that feeling.
You have the option
to have your email address
public or private.
The ad hominem
attacks were annoying but
I've encountered worse.
Kitten in Danger:
Help it! Person in Danger:
Get a job ya bum!
Person in Danger:
Get a job ya bum! Okay,
where is it you live?
Fucking weasel.'' -John,
my hero I like me some
gator on a stick.
It's standard, and there's
no reason to change if it's
not an improvement.
because god said so.
This is great! Didn't know you can
do that with the mouse.
*edit: I realize
I misspoke here. I'll stand by
my later reply.
You did great. I don't
think much of your description
was extraneous.
As someone who rides
both I'm going to point out
this is very false.
Also, I suspect
your mother is a diseased
retard and a whore.
Eh, nothing really,
every truly successful
businessman takes flak.
He plays drums for Led
Zeppelin and his name is
John Bonham baby!"
He's like the perfect
combination of Steve Gadd
and Tony Williams.
And on top of that,
you're right, there almost is too
much idealism.
Humans like revenge
stories, not stories where you
learn from past mistakes.
Plus I already
have a fair amount of gear
might as well use it.
I'm not sure if you're
as observant as I am
(or watch as much porn?
"A bit of a poof"?
Not sure what that means, but I'm
with you on the nails.
Still couldn't even
*consider* it until there
are cheaper voice plans.
It may be something
that healed up, though, so it might
be worth finding out.
When the government
tortures people, it always
has other options.
Again, what moral
creditor would be sated
with a pound of flesh?
[deleted] I went
random in the beginning
to see what I liked.
Jews were wrongfully
evicted first long before
Palestine laid claim.
Who is doing lights?
Kiss his ass too. Does this bar
have a green room? No?
Is that everything?
Is this your crash? Why don't you
fucking pack it up?
Obviously you've
never played any of them.
Tightest ish ever.
Were those not also
designed with safety in mind?
You have this backward.
They pick a sidekick
with brain power comparable
to a fucking brick.
Could we at least wait
for the second match before
we jinx it again?
For some reason, I'm
less outgoing around girls
I want to ask out.
Different schools also
have different programs, which you
should take a look at.
Just saying, they got
screwed harder, than Lewinsky
did by Clinton. dang.
Ditto. It took years
and her name just so happens
to be Sara too.
From the look on her
(the cop) face I thought she was
going to kill her.
So are you saying
we should do random testing,
or that we shouldn't?
While looking to see
if he has turned his lights on
yet, I jumped the curb.
If you feel that I'm
prying or anything, feel
free to ignore me.
Some people like things
you don't, and you might like things
other people don't.
Everyone I know
has seen that photo and been
deeply effected.
beat that pussy up
beat that pussy up! BEAT It!
I got an error.
if you think 4chan is
dumb, you're just not sharp enough
to understand it.
Eh, subject matter
alone is seldom enough
to carry a show.
If you're too fucking
stupid to realize this, then
you can fuck off. No.
"Dad? Is that you dad?
Dad?" The guy looks up at me
like I am crazy.
He is giving all
this information based on
what someone told him.
He is just confused
with all the time traveling what
his actual age is.
You see I'm not sure
if I'm seeing shit or just
imagining it.
Well that's a unique
way to describe our little
monthly visitor.
Is there a corporate
policy or is it up
to each store for this?
If you don't know that,
well, I feel sorry for you.
Oh! That's what they're called?
Are you interested
in the theory behind why
certain tests are used?
If I eat enough
protein for the day I will
not break down muscle.
Will you please listen?
I am not the Messiah,
do you understand?
"Great minds think alike."
Then again, it just might be:
"Fools seldom differ."
:D How often did
the world "pinnacle" come up
in conversation?
Take the red layer,
drop it down to zero, then
copy the image.
Do you own your own
chicken coop, or in your case
I guess a cow ranch?
I've never even
heard of it, they should be thrilled
to be getting $10M.
Let's make sure the few
cities outside our border
are sustained as well.
I'm now just getting
paid for the fastest proven
results possible.
are all exempt from
the regulations they put
on everyone else?
What disturbs me is
that some people are actually
going to like this.
For some reason cops
don't have this effect even
though they have guns too.
They are distracting
because they are meant to be
attention getters.
why are only clubs
allowed to discriminate
against black people?
Why would the demand
for sex slaves skyrocket if
drugs are legalized?
Which means the rep could
have just added it on there
without you knowing.
Thanks then. Well, they can
use that income to help fend
off tuition hikes.
Also, the problem
sounds like the memory chips
are getting too hot.
Simple! I tried their
Brown Ale at Mellow Mushroom
last week. Decent stuff.
My training fixed gear
is at 49x17, whereas my road
bike tops out at 53x11.
I mean, if nothing
else, you have to grant that that's
where "free will" comes from.
Sounds like a violent
family that likes to vent their
anger on women.
Yeah, don't binge until
then, at least start making good
choices until then.
Robot Unicorn
Attack? Do I even want
to know what this is?
How on earth will stretched
ear lobes make that any worse?
[deleted] you win.
And the cable car
fight scene thousands of feet up?
This has been proven
over and over again
in the court systems.
Luring United
and Boeing downtown was done
mostly with tax breaks.
OnE of the reasons
we can't do that is because
:P Those two men could
cure world hunger or clean up
the oil spill or both.
Let's just pretend that's
why I don't watch the Cooking
Network. yes it is.
I think the girl had
lost the female gorilla
that was chasing her.
what all setup do
you have This is a fairly
ignorant comment.
Your original
thesis was that torture does
not work, period.
Agreed. [PA changes
their mind on Nintendo like
most people change socks.
[deleted] I didn't
think the domain included
negative numbers...
good luck and godspeed
[deleted] I think this is
pretty much the point.
You'd need to know what
A is to get B, so you
can subtract it out.
Fucking love that stuff.
I know exactly what Rich
is going through there.
Seriously look
at my post a bit lower,
you won't regret it.
I've just got a new
job working loads to save up
for that very thing!
This is so you can
run one, two or three graphics
card at the same time.
It's a one second
exposure so of course that's
going to happen.
I'd would love it if
you would push your idea
to a studio.
And clearly we're all
unique beings with unique
nutritional needs.
[deleted] Hey, if
you have intellectual
interests, you're boring!
Have fun. [deleted]
Midgets with blue body paint
would have been preferred.
They said put your hands
behind your back, I did, cuffs
went on, no problems.
[deleted] Every
time i clean a cheese grater
I need a new sponge.
I'm assuming you
didn't use an upgrade discount
for your N1, correct?
What do you look like
behind these rude posts, are you
better or something?
In a way Apple
is saying, "hey, we can now
makes machines this thin.
If you are unsure,
I could draw a diagram
to make it clearer.
[deleted] I must
not be explaining myself
well, I'll try again.
My wife was a non
believer, she changed her mind
after seeing things.
Then I just sat there
and tried not to cry until
I could walk it off.
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work.
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work.
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work.
I used to manage
the aquatic department
in Boca Raton.
It's only ok
after, and only after,
a breakup occurs.
His consultants were
university students
in Indonesia.
I am sure I am
not the only one who is
very curious!
already existed when
feudalism did.
The programme is made
cos the public want to get
rid of corruption.
Do you think that class
ranking is beneficial
or truly useful?
Now if only his
followers would let him RIP.
reported who. the.
Yeah, they need a top
secret, coded radio
system to run that.
The best way to not
support it is to not pay
attention to it.
Protecting one's young
is such a basic instinct
for most animals.
In the video
you see a child on it but
now they use robots.
However, why do
you think it isn't mostly
due to diligence?
That dollar wasted
on security would NOT
have gone to a road.
I can't envision
any way that US ever
gets any better.
Remember that kid
who was a thug in high school?
Yeah, he's a cop now.
I said, sorry, man
I just got it and wanted
grover to sign it.
Without knowing her
personally that's all I've got.
All my sympathy.
I smell everything
I drink before I sip it,
specifically beer.
It would also help
to know which religion if
one is specified.
[deleted] You can
easily inhibit spores
with vinegar though.
Say something about
the state of education
in America.
I have been amazed
at the quality that's come
out of vertigo.
I don't think we should
be rewriting the web from
scratch over again.
Guilty. and I am
fully conscious of it while
I am doing it.
I cant even look
at a cheese grater any
more without wincing.
Any new lava
exposed is instantly turned
to obsidian.
Forever Typecast.
I wasn't. My friend couldn't
do any better.
We go to houses
to pick up a body or
to a hospital.
I would gladly do
everything in my power
to make it better.
Remember back when
Rare put a Goldeneye clone
in all of their games?
I don't think any
other nation pronounces
the letter z "zee".
I don't know about
paper submissions being
easier to grade.
When I said one guy
on the internet, I was
referring to you.
And I feel your pain,
pads are kind of annoying
when doing groundwork.
Kappa is pretty
awful, *especially* if you
can't get a single.
The cost of renting
out an apartment also
has a exact cost.
I don't see how that's
ultimately a bad thing.
Do you have a van?
generally pretty
decent nowadays, with large
ranges of flavor.
I'm not interested
in conspiracy theories
about his funding.
It amazes me
how he is painted versus
the reality.
I'm wondering if
the OP also has access
to a library?
LOL Which is
why she said she had nothing
to do lol.
My asthma only
really cleared up when I moved
away to college.
Those get blown up by
the media and other
people way too much.
I'm assuming you
mean elephant tusk ivory.
Ivory doesn't melt.
So is there a right
way to identify what
things are real and true?
The military
industrial complex gave
you the internet.
Im afraid to say
I do! I wish I could watch
your dreams on TV.
Troll is the city
that was conquered by the Greeks
in The Iliad.
[deleted] He is
sawing her arm to the beat.
I wasn't a fan.
i am not able to play
all day every day.
in a Christian forum is
always interesting.
Why don't you present
some information if you're
the authority?
It would just be nice
to see more of that color
on more of the page.
Are you returning
on a permanent basis
or for a visit?
*so irritating*
creepy, a similar thing
happened at my school.
I'd answer something
like potato, or seven,
or something random.
NOW. EVERY generation's
childhood was the best.
In the 7th grade
I fell asleep in history
class, while watching Roots.
[deleted] Shotgun
is the only viable
way to go IMO.
Great choice bud enjoy
the Marius reforms :D.
You know what's funny?
Electric coals are
very uncommon and no
one really likes them.
I can't decide if
I agree or disagree
with this idea.
A general doctor
performed the operation,
not a specialist.
Not that elephant
skin is shiny or something.
Ok, never mind.
I'm an idiot
so I can't do anything
with this idea.
They don't let people
in easily, physically
or emotionally.