Haiku #4716
Not hide the warrant
and wait for the next "bigger
crime" to come along.
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Not hide the warrant
and wait for the next "bigger
crime" to come along.
I wasted a whole
afternoon going through all
the levels again.
[deleted] Whether
or not Jesus existed
isn't the issue.
I have never heard
so many crazy and smart
things from the same place.
and when i do hook
up with people, i rarely
have feelings for them.
If the answer is
'yes', marry them and enjoy
your life together.
But it is much more
commonly used to refer
to me near bar close.
The Devil made him
do it. Yep, that's the answer.
Are you guys kidding?
His only warning
is that that a lot of use
can cause addiction.
Careful, some people
really hate those (like me, met
plenty of others).
I am interested
in knowing if it really
is a crappy site?
or is this a cheap
shot because you have nothing
else to bitch about?
Off to store to get
some cold beers and sit outside
for an hour or so.
If I had to guess
I would say the movement is
fairly Ah, all right.
i usually do
alot of touring with big
bands and other bands.
When I decided
to stop playing video
games and go outside.
Really, in the large
scheme of things, how much time do
you spend having sex?
They even supply
the rockets to idiots
willing to fire them.
You don't understand
why Atheists create groups
and join together?
Until you get stuck
in the door frame while walking
backwards and shooting.
Whether or not you
are able to pay it is
another story.
Oh NO you did NOT
just link me to your site while
I'm at work again.
is such a small price to pay
for her transgressions!
No mechanical
restraint a la hannibal
lector lol.
Let me do a text
search of the material
in the library.
Please focus on costs
for actual procedures, not
health insurance costs.
Those aren't the words or
the actions of someone who
is really in love.
[deleted] And think
about the people that can't
work or are retired.
I'm not sure if I'd
actually say "are you sure you
want to marry her?
Women, in general,
don't like their husbands to be
so subordinate.
Must suck when you're trying
to schedule things so you can
watch multiple shows.
It's like... well it's like
Disney got to him. This is
very good advice.
I guess I could bring
some nuts or trail mix with nuts
and that would do it.
Happens all the time.
You just don't like it happening
to Sarah Palin.
It's all too easy
for people to request more
when they put in less.
Dude watch some of her
other videos and see
how she treats the cops.
I only come here
to see how people reason
about the world here.
The on this other
the day saw, actually sad quite.
Do the great transect.
Is it just me or
do the colors keep changing??
First orange now red?
Moreover, I don't
categorize those beliefs
as *only* christian.
Ugh! You pacifists
are willing to let them do
***ANYTHING*** they want.
Anything will do,
necklaces and bracelets are
the best I would say.
Just drop this new guy
now before things get awkward.
Don't lie to yourself.
This is the problem
with most Christians. Disclaimer:
I am a Christian.
If they succeed, i'll
buy an Apple appliance
(first time in my life).
It's like what happened
with Chuck Norris, and we all
know how *that* turned out.
Do you have any
idea what Germany
charges for collage?
If oral sex is
like Diet Coke, then anal
sex is Mountain Dew.
I can only guess
you're saving a few cents if
anything at all.
Happy now? I would
have thought "the average person"
would have implied that.
As always, success
depends on not going too
deeply into debt.
he goes on to talk
about other movie shit
and just chats. it's cool.
Thanks for explaining
Now it all makes so much sense
I still lack answers...
Back down. Where are you?
You're on a boat... with The Man
Your Man Could Smell Like!
The type of event
you are talking about here
would be game changing.
So the above is
what I think could happen, but
I don't think it will.
But for someone who
fundamentally can't swim,
that way lies madness.
It seems even more
logical than the British
or "logical" style.
Crispin Glover who
played Marty's dad, is younger
than Michael J. Fox.
And as such, the state
can decide who can use them,
and how they are used.
How long did it take
you to lost your weight and what
tips can you offer?
Can anyone else
not see the post, and instead
sees just a blue line?
Damn, it's taking her
long enough. [deleted] Cool.
Thanks! are brains kosher?
Older movies just
felt as though you were looking
at some illusion.
The last third would be
invested in various
stocks of my choosing.
Yeah the old man had
nothing to do besides try
to fight with young folk.
That article was
hard to read for some reason.
It just didn't flow well.
It would ask to be
freed from a closed mind that keeps
our hearts enslaved, man.
You do that? How do
you have fun being around
drunk people while high?
Maybe it's a band
or a short story or his
fathers middle name.
I get it, the bitch
be crazy but they probably
both got off lucky.
I wouldn't waste too
much time on losers that aren't
going to make it.
Do this every day.
There will come a morning when
you won't get back up.
Generally they were
letters saying they'd received
my information.
With the evidence
she caught on tape, the law seems
to be on her side.
I'm the farthest thing
from a writer so that might
be a dumb question.
There's nothing i want
to see more on bro style shirts
than the wearers blood.
The real reason is
that now global warming can
travel back in time.
I waved to my wife
and kid from the car window
as I left for work.
What you download is
not the copyrighted part,
but what you view is.
In related news,
I may never sit down on
the subway again.
Do you mean you can't
stop drinking once you've started,
or just in general?
Whether it be dorm
room, apartment, or even
house, we've all been there.
A nickel for some
Icelandic hooch? I might buy
some since it's so cheap.
I'd think that it would
be way better to know than
to sit wondering.
Technically the church
now has representation
without taxation.
Haven't had to send
you a single reminder.
You sir, are a King.
My question is, does
he do this *all the time* or
just very often?
How is this funny?
It doesn't matter. You won't
listen anyway.
I think so, Brain, but
where is she going to get
that much mayonnaise?
Yes we are. For me,
this is the most important
part of this new bill.
The hell that Ripley
goes through in Aliens is
*very* personal.
Sure, but 'make it through'
is metaphorical, just
like going through hell.
Also, once you get
the ammo and medic packs,
USE them all the time.
and then i just left
the room because arguments
like that go nowhere.
Love him or hate him
(I hate him) he should be on
that list. And sink boats.
It's really easy
to make her laugh, and then hard
to get her to stop.
All these things have been
done by gay couples for years
now, without marriage.
See? I can make up
bullshit and publish it on
the internet too.
Make sure to shower
only every fourth day or
so, just to be safe.
Why do you believe
you have the right to impose
your will on others?
I'd say the water
is the most important thing,
but the toast won't hurt.
It's a real question.
You think it's unrealistic
to be athletic?
Isn't getting some
rights and some progress better
than nothing at all?
The next time I talked
to him, I said, "dad, I just
read this article.
It explains nothing.
It's like a cop saying 'it's
the law. I should know.
Successful women
are smarter and have many
invaluable skills.
It may very well
be true unless your ship is
really together.
You should ask her out.
You would have a nice story
to tell your children.
After another
hundred yards or so, it stopped
and looked back again.
And the funny thing
is that the second "dip" has
already started.
I could just rip you
to shreds, but I will just point
out some statistics.
I will literally
escort him around England,
dressed as a wizard.
But, that is for rats
and my math or sources may
very well be wrong.
Ditch the sleeping bag.
Bulky and heavy and you
probably won't need it.
If *The Norwegian*
called, I'm not sure I'd know how
to answer either.
Have you ever had
any particularly
unusual requests?
Challenge your morals.
Inspect your philosophies.
Add to the future.
Get educated
on the topic before you
rant about it, please.
It's a wall my mind
refuses to climb over.
I'm typing from it.
People will still seek
to add value that cannot
be duplicated.
I smell bestseller!
I thought that too. There was no
face in that photo.
Challenge your morals.
Inspect your philosophies.
Add to the future.
I haven't tried their
products yet, but it sounds like
what you're looking for.
Let's at least give them
some benefit of the doubt.
Is that your pet snake?
It was a great way
to be productive while you're
looking for a group.
She came home with him
and stayed with us for a week
in a safe compound.
One thing that really
bothers me is when adults
call the cops on kids.
Also, people latch
onto top voted comments
so they can be seen.
I don't care if they're
buying drugs or equipment,
it's wrong either way.
Underneath comment
karma, there's a little link
which says send message.
If either of us
is being obtuse, it is
you, chum. I haven't.
Singapore: less weird
than you think No, I think you
misunderstood me.
We don't really hang
out or anything, but we've
had conversations.
Teddy Roosevelt
actually succeeded though it's
been a hundred years.
Or a complete bitch.
Wasn't he being an nice
guy to begin with?
That same example
applies to 3D, some games just
look cooler in 3D.
I guess another
question is who cares if it's
only a "gimmick"?
It's cool. Some games look
cooler, even if they work
just fine without 3D.
Okay so 'perfect
sense' is not the best phrase but
there was some sense there.
I don't think I can
explain it any simpler,
so I won't try to.
After living here
for a few months, I started
speaking really well.
Do you advertise?
How many hours would you work
per week, on average?
He has a hard time
finding women that don't freak
out over his size.
You'd need an all out
public uprising to change
any of this shit.
Bullshit. There has not
been a single clinical
study proving this.
Not at all. Just go
ahead, I won't be looking.
No way. Thanks for that.
They wanted things done
fast and cheaper, which in turn
makes it dangerous.
Faye, so hot... She'd be
more attractive if it weren't
for all the comics.
can't we distinguish
between relevant debate
and rival drivel?
I smile, then lay down.
A minute later, both ham
and feline were gone.
He'll know what to do.
Good luck! I'll have them, and then
keep them. That's fair, right?
[deleted] Great point!
It's really important not
to mix those two up.
That's just something I've
heard, don't know why or by whom
in particular...
Really high volume
in the hope that at least one
will be successful.
Don't get a full fledged
"power adapter" unless
you really need it.
mariah carey
Which baby? The thirteen year
old one? Ah, fuck it!
Cool. this isn't where
I parked my car. Or any
prison sentences.
I'm always talking
about Washington's farewell
address to people.
It is the 10th
biggest city in the US
for crying out loud.
My girlfriend buys fresh
groceries and cooks most of her
own meals and spends ~$100/week.
One of the best lead
off tracks to any album
I have ever heard.
Excuse me, it's time
for me to count my money,
which used to be hers.
Try that with REAL wheat
bread and you would probably end
up breaking your hand.
I wanted to see
Australia put up a fight
against Germany.
Whether or not he'd
take you to court for it is
another story.
The characters can
be really expressive when
you want them to be.
No, but they were on
the finish line, where they got
by their appearance.
What kind of sugar?
Temp? rise time? any other
special instructions?
If you kill someone
with premeditation, that's
first degree murder.
**Warning:** You will *still*
crash into depression from
this kind of approach.
Also, your tangent
about anal has nothing
to do with facials.
I'm guessing you just
started paying attention.
He has a good point.
Why are there three or
four different reasons given
for why Jesus died?
[deleted] Clearly,
the Move never had a chance
with people like you.
No need to protest
I merely had to say na
lets not and we didn't.
That's the one! I don't
remember the praise Jesus
part but I'll take it.
Fun fact: the awesome
new swedish metro cars are
made by Bombardier.
I believe it is
quoting Supreme Court cases
without citation.
My advice would be
keep trying shit until something
just blows you away.
You're floating in space
next to the shuttle, and you
need to get to it.
I wouldn't really
trust failure rate to improve
unless I see it.
But really, paying
for the top brand just isn't
worth it with Vodka.
god damn, that would be
pretty sweet if she were filmed
taking hits of meth.
After the way North
played against Brasil today,
I will root for them!
This is important
since the exchange rate for CAN
vs Real is 1.7...ouch.
Yes, those things can be
done in many places, but
this is where we are.
Having an awesome
yet reachable goal to work
towards makes me happy.
But I loved it there
as a kid, and when I go
back it's always fun.
This is what I wrote
as my comment on this game.
Simply amazing.
anybody else
hear that in your head when you
open the picture?
If you need to take
more pictures to get better
results, then do that.
*Ratings disabled*
*comments require approval*
Can't say I'm surprised.
I mean, it was well
done, but why it was done I'm
not too sure about.
When a person can't
make sense of something it is
deemed "illogical".
This is my biggest
complaint with action movies
and how they treat guns.
We never emailed
anyone ever again
if they unsubscribed.
Are you kidding me?
Conservative radio
is broadcast on AM.
I suggest you take
the public transportation
city bus instead.
Interesting. I thought
the Source engine runs pretty
much or anything.