Haiku #3494
I kind of just did
what I remembered my mom
doing as a child.
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I kind of just did
what I remembered my mom
doing as a child.
SCIENCE!) I agree
that the post is too much, though.
I mean, what's the point?
makes me want to kill
myself She might be the one
to kill someone else.
I'm in medical
school, and this sort of stuff sounds
interesting to me.
For me, the worst thing
that can happen is you get
no response at all.
Artists are never
fully appreciated
in their own era.
But I can't help but
see the labels especially
when I am angry.
[deleted] How do
we know which parts to follow
and which to ignore?
The evil one goes
in the attic and the good
one gets raised normally.
If religion ruled
the day, such a discovery
could never be made.
If Ron Paul had been
elected, you'd be able
to be married here.
Shrimp in some white sauce
with some kind of nice crunchy
nuts, maybe pecans.
And that the system
ups that reward every week,
over and over.
God I hate that bitch.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
That's usually no
excuse for not following
through with a request.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope.
Change. Hope. Change. Hope. Change.
The last one they found,
they determined, fell several
billion years ago.
[deleted] Down by
McMaster? They were across
the street from my house.
are they cold and stiff?
do you fireman carry them
into the oven?
The fuzz doesn't like
alcohol being consumed
in public spaces.
What about the part
where they all rape that cripples
wife while he watches?
I will sift over
your responses while thinking
about my boyfriend.
And yes, that includes
every other movie you
think it should include.
Likewise. You aren't wrong.
And if she freaks out, tell her
"the cake is a lie."
I'm not moses, but
I've been known to part the red
sea Awesome! Thank you.
Clearly it's going
to take some kind of cage match
to settle this thing.
That question is both
incredibly insightful
*and* hilarious.
It's a difficult
decision to make but one
that we have to make.
I'm not saying it's
acceptable, just not **as**
low, considering.
It's boring as shit,
not even an interesting
music video.
Maybe they only
gave it to people that logged
on during those days?
It seems just one thing
after another started
going wrong with that.
Hey sexy even
then, at some point, someone had
to be the 1st one.
would be easier
than getting rid of it all
warm and fermented.
It's the only blind
melon album that I like
from start to finish.
Takes no time at all.
Hah. There's a key on the right
side of your keyboard.
I just looked this up
and the internet agrees
with you. More questions!
Are you saying you've
been forced to limit yourself,
or that I have to?
What predominant
issues do your clients show
up with? I'll stop now.
Do you also play
poker or any other
games or just blackjack?
"When you pat a dog
on the head, he wags his tail.
What about a goose?"
Watch Six Feet Under,
the TV series, if you
haven't already.
this is why you don't
drink while you are pregnant, you
spawn these kinds of kids.
Also what the fuck,
did he get his mom to dance
in the video??
She thinks I'm going
to die as soon as I hop
in the uniform.
given his answer
to Couric, it seems he CANT
even define it.
This was MGM
for Christ's sake, don't you fuckers
go jerking my chain!
The only problem
is that it's not a very
reliable thing.
Somehow that seems much
more barbaric than fishing.
i bet you play ROUGH.
if you tax risk more,
you get less investments, less
jobs, etc.
I mean socialized
medicine, cheap weed, low crime
and friendly people.
Met Jerome Bettis
one night when I was hammered
in downtown Detroit.
On the other hand,
she hasn't bothered me since.
Fuck it. drink water.
But when that monkey
was being shot at, I felt
sympathy for it.
That's what she said If
that's the only solution
that's unfortunate.
[deleted] At least
you can almost understand
what Joe is saying.
can deal with that tech
but augment reality
can take the shortcut.
Buy the one that makes
all the porno stars not look
like they have herpes.
That is a pretty
dumb thing to do no matter
how you look at it.
[deleted] You can
get fun party games along
that line of thinking.
He was pure white light.
No creepy, just really cool.
yes we both saw him.
Yes. What is should be.
Men also participate
in contraception.
But it can not fill
the hole which "killing god" has
left in people's life.
Then you know you're wrong.
That's lack of education
more than anything.
OR none of this would
happen because time travel
Religious reasons
are just as idiotic
as other reasons...
Maybe Japanese
health care is equivalent
to say, norwegian.
Who cares? So what, more
pressure is put on the man
to be good in bed.
I thought it might be
suspicious if you always
leave at a new desk.
Freaking killing me
(and Jacob). Yeah, basically.
And teach Calculus.
This article fails.
This is not an industry
first whatsoever.
Anyone who says
racism is over is
deluding themselves.
As long as they keep
the property clean, and don't
damage it, it's theirs.
I mean something more
interesting than a good knife
or food processor.
Wherever I go
I feel like there is a good
chance of getting robbed.
I've taught my friends how
to spot it to some degree
and "ride" a counter.
I went up to him
while he was standing on line
waiting to pay. "Hey!
No words. If I'm pissed
off enough I just walk up
and punch the asshole.
How can you get them
all ready and keep them clean
before going out?
take away that edge,
and everyone would actually
be free to compete.
But to tell the truth
life is still good, money is
only part of it.
You are in group X,
and people who are in group
Y are in your way.
Could you imagine
if you were drinking that much
regular soda?
They have to challenge
everything that even comes
close to their logo.
I took home around
200k. It was an "investment"
made by one person.
[deleted] Alan
Webb, american record
holder in the mile.
Yes, I learned a lot
and enjoyed getting out there
and flogging my book.
Honestly, it beats
all the side effects we've run
into in the past.
if someone provides
the right speed at the right price,
they win those dollars.
Well then, sounds like they'll
beat the procrastination
out of you! No grades?
If you're terrible,
which I'm sure you're not, people
will just forget you.
At least one pretty
good one I know didn't even
graduate High School.
See above. Rough guess,
about $5k but could be done
for less with more risk.
You do an action,
you get a reward, you then
repeat said action.
If I do manage
to push past that "cloudiness"
I can get work done.
It sounds to me like
he's cutting himself and his
own party down hard.
I'm sure all of them
are still far better off than
the average person.
Criminals get them
illegally now they don't
buy them from gun shops.
My first programming
course was with Felleisen who
taught us from this book.
i've been wrong before
Then you went to a different
middle school than me.
You didn't understand
what "null hypothesis" meant,
and used it wrongly.
Indiana Jones
and Kingdom of crystal skull...
It's a dalliance.
I finally caught
up to the guys at a rest
stop on the river.
Roman Polansky
was a pretty powerful
man in Hollywood.
**Strength** heroes can take
punishment but you shouldn't
be careless with them.
Everyday I find
myself searching for a way
to start over fresh.
In fact, it may not
seem dire at all to some folks.
I feel like a slave.
[deleted] I saw
that image before but didn't
see those crazy legs.
Please tell me they had
meant to have the words "lack of"
in that quote somewhere.
I wish I could link
you to something, but I don't
remember enough.
My two barrings were
boring and everything else
is just straightforward.
My entire right
hand, and the palm of my left
hand are solid red.
the signature has been smeared
by perspiration.
Even a healthy
child wouldn't exist solely
for your benefit.
This is the first year
we've had a major budget
shortfall in some time.
Can we be friends? :D
BULL MOOSE! You won't be getting
any writing jobs.
Look at the ram slot,
and at the edge of the ram
stick, and match up keys.
[deleted] would you
could you on a plane would you
could you with that mane.
Harman makes heavy
use of metaphor, so don't
read that literally.
Actually, no, it's you.
But you're young and pretty, I'm
sure you'll meet someone.
The more I wanted
this image to go away,
the more it wouldn't.
So the casinos
try to balance that against
defeating counters.
Crazy huh? My guess
is it has something to do
with the "Girls Raped" count.
It'll be easier
to show you how to do it.
That's really funny.
I always wanted
one, but my mom would never
order it for me.
I mean fuck, ignore
this [deleted] Jeremy
Clarkson is the man.
The Mean gross income
is like $200K, and expenses
are listed below.
Huh? Jump!" Do you feel
your life would be different if
you weren't the rapist?
There was an Amish
kid in a room down the hall;
I don't know what for.
Just be sure to pay
attention in your fluid
mechanics classes.
It doesn't explain
dark matter, because black holes
are detectable.
there is legal help
out there for the one and tax
breaks for the other.
I thought we might walk
up on a drug deal and end
up dead or something.
(heh, i took a look
through your submissions) How dry
to do you want it?
It would be governed,
with economics, and laws.
I couldn't do it.
It eventually
stopped, and somehow I managed
to get back to sleep.
Really. Go do it.
Make or adopt some kids too.
They help cheer you up.
Also, urinate
and get some salt and sugars.
And now Win7 is out.
If you're on Linux
or others I honestly
have no idea.
Why don't you go find
something with a point to be
so angry about?
*proceed to run like
the dickens* The Diving Bell
and the Butterfly.
That usually works.
Should be named "Haskell **Syntax**:
The Confusing Parts".
Stop being selfish,
and Do your part to make our
world a better place.
He's obviously
new to this "OG thang" and is
trying to find his niche.
There's a booming trade
for South Korean men to buy
wives from Vietnam.
Once they do know, they'll
fret about the decision
which eats up more time.
No matter what you
put on it, most people will
just delete it all.
Thanks for the input,
but my ex was certainly
better than pizza.
Fuck everyone else
I'm a winner. What do you
mean what would I do?
I'm always surprised
at some of the 'permissions'
and such apps ask for...
We just put the fires
out and left, like typical
evil dictators.
When I need to find
anything older or from
the US I torrent.
[deleted] She said
she had hoped it was me, but
wasn't really sure.
They will be around
for a while, they are almost
the new 'Hello World'.
If you're a woman
(I don't think you are), we should
NEVER have babies.
Anything special
you've come across you're having
alot of fun with?
At some point, people
will tell you that it doesn't
have everything right.
It is hard enough
to measure a sea level
change of an amount.
That's what they're there for.
Just because it seems healthy
does not mean it is.
I can buy a whole
circuit panel with breakers
for a hundred bucks.
Fact remains that you
made a false accusation
and were corrected.
I don't like fighting,
and try to keep my friends from
starting stupid fights.
You will really mess
up the screen, so don't use one
that you care about.
Whatever you chose,
having a goal in mind helps
keep you in focus.
But I am in need.
I wouldn't let the child be
born in the first place.
Do you have Pro Tools,
or have you only done work
in it somewhere else?
If that doesn't work,
try looking for a book on
the Impressionists.
You might as well be
running around with toilet
brushes in your hands.
Oh, the hot white girl?
I thought you meant the other
girl in that picture.
If you decide you
like the games, I think some game
stores rent consoles too.
So the potential
gain is strictly greater than
the potential loss.
The distance between
objects is expanding, but
the objects are not.
This was a very
insightful read into what
he actually went through.
That said, you don't need
to be a math wiz to be
able to count cards.
So the potential
gain is strictly greater than
the potential loss.
Don't close the console,
though, because the program still
runs as part of that.
Maybe if you stop
stressing yourself out by trying
too hard, it'll happen.
Fact remains that you
made a false accusation
and were corrected.
You turned left. I tried
walking slower to let you
get ahead of me.
Sad doesn't even
begin to say how I feel
about this. Angry?
Because it's okay
to wish misfortune on those
you disagree with.
Florida really
should spend more time making sure
their cops speak English.
But at least we know
the good spots, and get special
treatment everywhere.
We just put the fires
out and left, like typical
evil dictators.
He's just worried if
this restraining order will
make him lose his job.
It's not playing God
to select who one wishes
to lend a hand to.
They claimed that we "trashed"
the room, even though I didn't
think it was that bad.
They didn't know I was
bipolar, I think they just
thought i was crazy.
I still see them now
and again, but they don't stare
at me anymore.
Please fuck off and stop
contributing to the bad
geek stereotype.
There is no other
movie that came to mind when
I read the headline.
1st degree! This is
that probability thing
all over again.