Haiku #3292
You can let it go.
He's in Dallas now and can't
hurt you anymore.
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You can let it go.
He's in Dallas now and can't
hurt you anymore.
And even though these
kids were spot on, there was not
much added to it.
Canada Geese is
one species I wouldn't miss
is we culled them *all*.
Totally unfair
when men don't have a legal
say in aborting.
No it didn't. I doubt
we will see much of a spike
in used car prices.
I take every chance
I get to talk to people
I disagree with.
It probably wasn't
your older sister unless
you're actually German.
Its worth the money
to the system to waste time,
like the NIST report.
She was a few years
older then me, but had slept
with a LOT of men.
Nobody ever
said anything about brick
being fireproof.
Maybe it would be
terrible under the current
government, who knows?
If you are going
to be pissed, at least know what
you are pissed about.
I was beginning
to think that nobody was
gonna contribute.
Franklin Delano
Romanowski, was it? Oh,
I see, fair enough!
and she has parents
to contend with, and may want
to just take things slow.
how is spreading raw
shit on a field where food is
grown even legal?
The teacher's response
was, "Don't worry about it.
It's not important."
If you want to be
doubly sure, pay out the ass
for a lawyer now.
Now that those dark times
have passed, I still have the skills
that I taught myself.
That's an outrageous
expenditure, and my sons
school is one of them.
Pink short shorts? You may
not be a special little
snowflake, but I am.
There are good reasons
why he can't keep friends as long
as most people can.
So, starting off, take
advice from the internet
with a grain of salt.
that's what *she* said. i1:
The virus in the shot is
very very dead.
Have a serious
genetic disorder or
require surgery?
You have a business
to run, and they're doing no
good for anyone.
I usually do
dude, but I am away from
home at the moment.
I am not saying
you are unaware of this,
but most people are.
Can you skate backwards,
turning, while crossing over
in both directions?
Just make sure when you
convert to weed that you grind
the weed properly.
I doubt you'll see him
again anyhow, even
if you wanted to.
Absolutely not.
My mom has worked in organ
donation for years.
This is exactly
what countries like Denmark do,
and do pretty well.
Watch out, he's going
to raid your coasts and pillage
your monasteries.
Maybe they thought you
were an attention seeking
lying teenager.
It is everything
I want in a car and drives
like it is on rails.
You just have to make
the decision to do it.
No patches no gum..
I don't see any
reason to think anything
is going to change.
Your health should come first
and I hope you consider
getting help. Good luck.
The lathe and the drill
press didn't come out of thin air.
Can you smelt iron?
Iman is the one
I want. They got free money.
Sounds like a success.
depending on where
you are in Canada, those
numbers are lower...
That money equals
literature and campaign
staff, which equal votes.
Too bad i love dr
pepper so much, so i put
up with the hiccups.
I'm going to go
demand my money back from
that speed reading class.
You are right about
those boxes of bearings, nuts,
bolts, etc.
yeah, but only if
you're willing to pay the court
costs to pursue it!
You mentioned the shirt.
Am I the only one who
thinks that this is fake?
I recently watched
the "classic" *Easy Rider*.
What an dreadful film.
[deleted] highly
doubt it you American!
care to elaborate?
I hate when people
have music ring tones on phones
with shitty speakers.
And I'm done with them.
Goodbye. [deleted] Ah shit,
I hate stuff like this.
If I see any
other gems from this group, I'll
be sure to post them.
You will learn a lot.
You will hate mask. But once you
get the hang of it.
And why is that where
his argument falls apart?
Well fuck me. Boiler.
More clearly stated,
trying to change the question from
"why do you believe?"
Relish in the fact
that your dad has come to terms
with your atheism.
any beta keys
left from anyone, i would
love to check it out.
There was no plumbing
so we had a girl's outhouse
and a boy's outhouse.
I get way too sick
to ever have a "cheat day"
or even cheat bite.
"It's just a theory."
**Edit:** And then, of course, those
guys were pillagers.
It doesn't get old,
as long as you keep being
sincere about it.
avoid instance state)
and pass everything needed
in as arguments.
I really regret
starting home roasting, it's like
getting hooked on smokes.
I had an issue
at work several months ago
with regards to this.
There need to be less
election laws if we want
true competition.
Maybe you could try
actually living in a place
without trashing it.
[deleted] Or would
you prefer a hamburger?
[Remind you of work?
Instead of just one
feeding time, they get to eat
whenever they want.
The people that do
that are called "shuffle trackers"
and are, imo, Gods.
Everyone going
slower is an idiot.
Very George Carlin.
No, sir, I do not
bite my thumb at you, sir, but
I bite my thumb, sir.
You should be looking
for features you want to live
with, and can afford.
Then later they changed
their minds and put me back one.
I have to agree.
A bad tipper is
always a bad tipper from
my experience.
If you can catch them
on video doing it,
you can get them all.
All we ever here
about is how Israel is
protecting itself.
I want to know why.
Come on Hops, you won't avoid
the question will you?
The blue dogs are just
republicans pretending
to be democrats.
I've only been banned
twice and it was at small card
rooms, not in Vegas.
And if you actually
get some gold flake out of it,
so much the better!
Came out and she was
poking holes through the package
with a bobby pin.
It is still fast food,
even if the employees
make the sandwiches.
Plus your insurance
is usually higher if
you have to tell them.
So you better go
back to your bars, your temples,
your massage parlors.
Bringing the ratings
down is one of many ways
to accomplish this.
I guess it is like
George Carlin said, we are bought
and fucking paid for.
This information
could obviously be used
to your advantage.
Only thing I can
figure is the quality
is going down. So.
Answered. I average
about $6000/month YOU GO TOO FAR!
*This has been a paid
advertisement by Taser
[deleted] I'm glad.
How many times has Laurence
Fishburne beat you up?
Absolutely no
chance of us kicking Iceland
out of anything.
Why do you think i'm
the one trying to prove iran
is making a bomb?
I personally don't
like injuring anyone
if I don't have to.
Then they continued
the interview about their
stunt work with the host.
i tuned in an hour
or so after it started,
good stuff all around.
if you need a front
end designer, PM me,
i'd be glad to help.
I don't have the life
skills required to get a place,
job, etc.
I'm not gonna lie,
I'd rather have a pilot
with arms fly my plane.
My dad also has
my quirk, (just one, loud hiccup);
genetics, maybe?
What is it about
the US that so inspires you
to stay? Liberty?
I'm not sure what good
that the constitution is
doing anymore.
Why would the US or
Canada deserve it more?
Or what did you mean?
Take a card and then
have someone else remove all
but one of the cards.
But today? I hope
I've thoroughly disabused
you of this notion.
The government is
buying industry support.
It's a big, fat lie.
You fire a single
shot when John Law comes for you
and your ass is grass.
You just want to make
sure everything is going
to work together.
I dunno if I'd
call that movie weird, but it's
definitely hot.
I managed to pee
into my own mouth once while
taking a shower.
the majority of farms
are not run like this.
The core of the post
is asking what you'd do if
someone funded you.
Excellent! I didn't
donate but now I want to.
Where can I do so?
Dirty Fucking Whore
i agree with everything
in that article.
Would we be any
better if we stop wanting
attractive people?
what about cloning?
soulless body or the clone
has some of your soul?
It never does but
I still think it is going
to happen one day.
As article says,
376mpg at a constant
speed of 30mph.
i don't even like
rugby and that list is shit.
no cricket either?
It's awfully short, but
for a budget price, it's well
worth it. No way man!
You excuse yourself?
NO! Only (Spelling) Jesus
pardons (spelling) sins!
The benefits are
too numerous to mention,
but do your own search.
if Law wrote those words
perhaps in the 1900s, you would
have a valid point.
So freaking Metal.
next you're going to tell me
santa claus is real.
Shows like the West Wing
made a living catering
to this audience.
It is a great way
to help break down some very
complex ideas.
Casinos here are
privately owned, they can ban
who ever they want.
I don't think she could
HANDle any guys. DO YOU
Did you see a man
one night when you were sleeping
at Grandma's?" Son: Yes.
Self taught. Gobbled all
the info available
online and in books.
The fact that she used
the word "revenge" is enough
for you to end it.
For instance, with our
RED, you have to light the shit
out of everything.
Honestly? Who do
you think is going to win
that competition?
I got laid off last
year though, and I've been looking
for work ever since.
Good case of a time
not to have been too lazy
to type out two words.
[deleted] It's hit
many friends but so far I'm
still about even.
Australia is more
obese than America.
Thanks for trying. YOU LOSE.
Go home. Are you too
good for your home? Answer me!
Do your parents know?
How did they take it? Cause you
can get it for free?
Seems like this would be
cheaper than paying the fee
and better for you.
I flew off the couch
and immediately went
to check on my friend.
i hope no one tries
to turn it into a live
action movie Why?
[deleted] So what
happens to the "equal to"
bit through all of this?
Hammer of fucking
*THOR*? Check. Tanks? Check. Garbage trucks
with rocket launchers?
"Then who was phone?" Did
you think anyone would know
what you were saying?
He was in the car
with us and we asked him how
he would meet women.
Kids LOVE ritual.
Try, as much as possible
to keep a schedule.
If I want something
sweet, I eat or drink something
with sugar in it.
The claim that women
never make false rape claims is
absolutely false.
Aid to Africa
increased significantly
during his tenure).
My point is you should
have to work to pay your bills
and feed your stomach.
The author probably
enjoys reading sad stories.
If not, post some proof.
[deleted] You can
know you exist *precisely*
because you ask things.
First of all, I am
"The" Josh, so, or at least "A"
Josh, so, you lost there.
A lot of it is
about being able sell
and promote yourself.
And applying these
two holes over others squares
shows the above fact.
But the differences
between Bush and Gore became
far too apparent.
I'm sorry? Jesus.
I'd hate to see what happens
when your bus is late.
I don't think I know
anybody who's gone down
the corporate path, though.
Even though it could
be torturous, boarding school
was a LOT of fun.
or if suddenly
my campus was invaded
by thousands of cats.
Lazy donut fed
pig pile couldn't chase this guy
down so he fry's him?
The letter A is
lighter than the letter B.
I stand corrected.
But it sounds that way.)
FUCK IT, you win. I've wondered
about the first one.
Same here. As I'm trying
to quit, I know that smoking
has been good to me.
As long as the kids
are getting molested don't
matter who does it.
Then, consider how
you might "crumple" the paper
up into a ball.
Everything bad you
heard about LSD is
most likely a myth.
This is true. But I'm
not making any such claim,
so what is your point?
It's pretty awesome.
So, do you watch any porn
or masturbate? nice!
This is asinine.
We can assume all we want
about each other.
No. I've been learning
from my mistakes since before
I can remember.
It hurts like nothing
I've EVER experienced
before in my life.
It's relatively
quick though, which is why I don't
use anesthetic.
The health insurance
companies are making large
profits as it is.
I came here looking
for a link, but didn't find one.
So I added one.
One time I woke up
to a face in the ceiling
staring down at me.
and so must Hamas...
regardless of which side one
stands on they all stink.
This is possibly
the single most important
skill you'll develop.
Sure there are some out
there, and those are the only
ones you hear about.
You can do this by
adding padding to the back
and shoulder supports.
But please explain why
you voted down the touching
story posted here.
but the mentally
boxing is a thousand times
harder then soccer.
I never noticed
this before, and now I am
very unhappy.
I can lay a track.
I can ball a jack. I can
pick and shovel too!
No no, he went on
the internet and complained
like he's supposed to.
Oh, that's right. Turns out
the smelly hippies were right
about that, weren't they?
Try again. Don't go
to school stoned, even if you
don't have weed on you.
Major cognitive
dissonance going on if
anybody is.
May be fucked up, but
you had an answer, so you
have thought about it!
Double Jeopardy
Double Entendre Double
Trouble ...Do I win?
Solar and wind don't
count because they're subsidized
by fossil fuels.
He didn't kick the guy's
ass and worse (I know he was
drunk) he let him go.
I'm not certain though.
HAM You beat me to this by
about a minute.
Don't take this the wrong
way, but your dad and uncles
sound awesome. ah. ha.
Say I can't. So what?
What point are you trying to make
by asking these things?
I had a buddy
that was scared to gamble but
just wanted to play.
Paying people who
are unproductive via
welfare DOES NOT WORK.
I recommend _not_
watching it if you value
your own peace of mind.
I kind of just did
what I remembered my mom
doing as a child.