Haiku #3090
It looks like the cone
is wide enough that he should
be able to eat.
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It looks like the cone
is wide enough that he should
be able to eat.
God damn it! Thank you
for answering our questions,
and for your patience.
Being insulted?
Having to deal with this mess
in the first instance?
I believe that if
we get out of people's way,
the sky's the limit.
Shame! Get off your duff,
wipe the jelly off your shirt
Asshole. It was just
the first word that came to mind,
but I'll stick with it.
When you carry MORE
WEIGHT, you PAY MORE. I carry
You can use black cloth
for the ceiling and painted
cardboard for the floor.
Chester.. This is how
you tell if someone has no
taste whatsoever.
His name is Robert
Paulson. It works really well?
Do you have a link?
Instant Win Women?
I think those girls can barely
be called teenagers.
The heat. Everything.
Everything except rolling.
I love rolling joints.
Berlusconi planned
to go there and "give the keys"
to the new owner.
I am the exact
same way, so I understand
where you're coming from.
And when you compete
with something vastly smarter
than yourself, you lose.
Today's my birthday,
and I suddenly feel much
better about it.
That's stupid. A site
that restricted and useless
will never catch on*.
Couldn't be much worse
than the game... [deleted] Thanks!
Citizen's arrest.
I suspect you're just
lying, and you'll find a weak
excuse not to. Thanks.
That's right! All cops are
bad and only want power
and money and... Ugh.
Wait... he'd go down on
someone who is on the rag
if they *are* dating?
Though to be fair, all
superpower countries are
evil in some way.
pm me if you
have any questions, and i'll
be happy to help.
It could be better
written, but it hits the nail
firmly on the head.
[deleted] Just cause
we think it's funny doesn't
mean we think it's true.
I have it as well.
Friend gave it to me. Still has
some balance issues.
This just increases
my difficulty under
the circumstances.
DA PLANE! I heard most
NASCAR fans are closet gays,
do you like NASCAR?
I think I actually
see more dogs, wolves, and rabbits
than foxes, actually.
Thus the old joke, "Why
is divorce so expensive?
Because it's worth it."
Who is "we," Shylock?
Working hours are whatever
you want them to be.
Israel was under
constant missile attacks, but
noone spoke about it.
System B hasn't
finished its work on object
O. This leads to fail.
THey have zombie mod,
soccer mod, etc.
Very addicting.
I've been wondering
why I do it, I knew there
was a good reason!
Maybe I'm stupid,
but I don't understand what
you're trying to do here.
Israel was under
constant missile attacks, but
noone spoke about it.
Then either put them
in a different order or
add the gap yourself.
What triggers smoking?
I find these to be very
important questions.
I left the wallets
she doesn't go anywhere
with her the wallet.
Am I wrong. maybe,
but if it doesn't work out,
out well. such is life.
No taxation is
welcome but there are mainly
good reasons for it.
Modest Mouse- We Were
Dead Before the Ship Even
Sank well, that was weird.
We are a tad more
sophisticated up here
Success manual
for beginner and expert
drug dealers alike.
It's lovely to be
in a place where they actually
appreciate us.
Secondly, treatment
costs money, regardless how
bad the problem is.
His body of work
has become an important
portrait of our time.
"The Lord of the Rings:
The Two Towers" better than
"Apocalypse Now"!?
I decided I'd
search to see if anyone
else had posted this.
The people who know
what they're doing, already
know what they're doing.
The economy
collapsed, and nobody was
left to tend the crops.
This is no different
with software, technology,
or anything else.
How unfortunate
for you. Sounds like luck to me.
Bad, then good, then bad.
I know. It should read:
It seems that these kids... *puts on
sunglasses* ...are dope.
It's strange, he didn't bark,
not that he normally did, but
he didn't seem nervous.
Seeing these comments
makes me really really want
to see this movie.
This is *grand*. A Spore
movie I can wrap my head
around, but the Sims?
Then, one week later,
on the next Monday evening,
they did it again.
A bunch of student
friends were computer scientists
and also Christians.
Thanks I just realized
that those are like Twilight but
for older women!
The Room changed my life.
It's Dov Charney Yeah it's just
C++ that sucks.
Not shocking at all,
this is to be expected
from a racist cunt.
Why wouldn't parents
allow their 15-year olds to see
The Fifth Element?
what a way to start
the day Maybe it was staged,
maybe it wasn't.
[deleted] Is becoming?
It already is!!!
I'm afraid I can't
make head or tails out of it,
so I can't tell you.
I fear that these tough
questions are being ignored
in this whole debate.
ok Exactly
how would the US be able
to pay for those elves?
He uses is right
hand for the head grab and his
left hand for the strike.
Hah, no it doesn't.
That gives you anonymous
internet browsing.
My head hurts... I'm trying
to think of even ONE way
this metaphor works.
That and obvious
grammatical mistakes make
most reader's eyes bleed.
[deleted] Was fraud
legal in Iceland, or am
I missing something?
She seems just about
to totally lose it, but
holds it together.
Have you ever done
something "bad" with the food you
were delivering?
It sounds exactly
like what people are saying
about Australia.
change it to "I" or
"me" as needed. Does that mean
you do Lesbian?
There isn't enough
love for The Iron Giant,
such a great movie.
You're looking at art
the wrong way _if you only
think one metric counts_.
And yet, it is Jews
in Israel who by far do
the most slaughtering.
Liquid Sky It costs
$350K to hire and train a clerk
at a record store?
Can you?" If you don't
change gears in traffic, you're not
in a manual.
Always arguing
about that you duck in time
and thus didn't get hit.
They are powerful
symbols that state that the sub
is my property.
Can you say missing
the absolute entire
and whole freaking point?
It is illegal.
lol [deleted] ME.
More for me. Yum, yum.
Maybe you could try
actually living in a place
without trashing it.
sir, you hit the nail
on the head. I salute you.
why not, share away.
Don't push it mister,
we still remember what you
did with the last batch.
So, my question is,
what is it with Indians
and engineering?
As a parent, I'd
like to know how, exactly,
he contracted it.
Corporations were
allowed to do this under
the "key man" theory.
[deleted] I guess
you can find advice on just
about anything!!
Good list though. I had
to read your comment three times
before it made sense.
I've never replied
to one, but it's reasonable
to see someone would.
I was focusing
on trying to get through each day,
one hour at a time.
Get rich on my death
while my family goes bankrupt.
Bet on my suffering."
It is amazing
how cold that is and how fast
that will wake you up.
I think the "reason"
for the article was made
clear by its title.
You'd be a doormat
if he came calling again
and you came willing.
He's sort of the George
W. of heaven, then?
Nice Motorcycle.
Yes. Yes, you can Watch
The Invention of Lying
full movie right here.
The one thing you run
into though is that you did
not protest the search.
Let me be the first
to say I think there should be
more women like you.
I have to go back
and listen to some Bill Hicks
now, it's been awhile.
I delivered once
to a house full of injured
cats, but that was nice.
Why aren't you out there
with her? Some hubby you are.
I love that movie.
In second grade you
were invited to go if
you excelled enough.
Just wanted to point
that out in case people didn't
know any better.
[deleted] I can
ask mine, but I don't know how
to type in cuddle.
From my point of view,
trade publishers are down there
with estate agents.
When economies
take hits do services slow?
cant happen also.
I draw (on a white
board) the area, and place
dots where people are.
At least that'll show
the true nature of the act.
You know what I've learned?
Awesome. Just awesome...
I was usually up when
the alarm went off.
The lake itself dries
up in autumn but fills up
with melting water.
The PC version
has a whole extra chapter,
including boss fight.
I cannot believe
that Foreign Policy missed
that obvious point.
I grew up in PA,
and have driven through amish
country a good deal.
You chose your name well,
I see, but it doesn't mean
you're right. loo loo loo!
I though Office live
was it, as far as online
MS Office stuff goes.
Call a parent you
haven't talked to in a while
and take them to lunch.
In the long run, dumb
luck may lead to, on average,
positive returns.
When economies
take hits do services slow?
cant happen also.
So they call in these
guys who have plasma rifles
to kill the ants yeah?
I have to really
use my imagination
to get aroused now.
Absolutely none.
Not in the media, or
in society.
But alas, one could
argue that he's hurting his
kid either way, right?
Jon Stewart gets all
his news from watching other
cable news shows though.
_EDITS_: clicked save too
early, sorry This happened
to a friend of mine.
Asteroids. Old School
Vector Pew Pew. Ditto on
the Bright House hatred.
I only ever
successfully used debug
mode twice lol.
Don't stress over this.
It'll make your boyfriend nervous
("Why's she so nervous?
We should play sometime.
Wonder if the Cadbury
bunny is exempt?
Holy shit. Why are
you having such a hard time
understanding this?
We are forced to fund
these offensive circus freaks.
Precisely the point.
More please! Guys, relax.
It's a feature. Next time use
the reply button.
I hope it was more
enjoyable than actually
watching the movie.
It became clear how
all this stuff really works through
that experience.
As far as I know,
Sup Com: Forged Alliance is
the better version.
It HAS been awhile.
I need to play that again.
There's strength in numbers.
That looks like it slips
in so easily before
reaching those deep spots.
Which branch of Islam
do you adhere to, if you
don't mind me asking?
WRONG. Even the best
friend I had used me for free
meals, at my expense.
What you need to do
is to first decide who you
want to be friends with.
:P Isn't that like
saying AIDS is much better
than Ebola? Phew!
I can take a hint.
*Cracks knuckles*. I know. I feel
like such a jackass.
He started being
concerned about the future
when he had children.
That what you get when
you let the private sector
run thing like water?
The phrase you've used is
similar to the "sigh" you've
used previously.
You didn't use the hell
out of it. You just used it.
It is defective.
I feel like I must
have something horribly wrong
with me mentally.
Number one you won't
be so worried or anxious
which is always good.
Is it just me or
does she look a little like
Michelle Trachtenberg?
The compiler will
happily swallow it up
without a warning.
THERE Because you can't
distinguish commentary
from reality?
Which is very close
to being yours for as long
as your rent is current.
[deleted] He should
get an award, and we should
get the video.
Th post itself
is correct America
hates the Rule of Law.
And, ultimately,
that means r has to divide
either p or q.
generic greeting
Unfortunately, normal
people would do this.
Well, I certainly
thought it was fucking scary.
My sister did too.
Any messages
you want me to pass along
to your sober self?
Spell check fail. that first
thing you typed, i said the same
exact thing out loud.
People are mostly
happy, at least in Florence.
I'm a fan of that.
If you try and get
out of your car, you just get
knocked down all the time.
I felt like I might
as well just get 3D modeling
software and do that.
Yes it does. If you
can buy from an online store,
you can research parts.
I'm going to add
this to the "awesome things from
the internet" drawer!
The definition
has been stretched so fucking thin
you can see through it.
That's what sucked me in.
Holy SHIT "Lair of the White
Worm" was odd as hell.
The injected birth
control for women only
goes for, what, three months?
that was the most pretentious
thing I've read all week!
Because deliveries
are a service and one should
tip for services.
Don't worry about
"missing out on all the fun."
(More on this later.)
Jerk. Which bit was wrong?
I'm good for this. I'm sending
you an email now.
Can You Really Lose
That Fat Belly And Still Eat
Burgers And Drink Beer?
Only a good dad
would allow it's own baby
to chew off his face.
however, it does
mean that not every man gets
bashed over the head.
How many people
don't 'own up' to the actions
that put them in there?
You don't care about
looking odd, you just do what
feels right. Rock on, dude.
who thinks honestly
that iran would actually use
nuclear weapons?
I once got rotten
shark from my aunt that went there
for a holiday.
he most likely did
not have a drivers licence,
or car insurance.
Nobody's saying
that rap isn't a verb, it's
just also a noun.
Hell, you could have just
flown it back out while the doors
closed really slowly.
yeah I was stoned all
the time when I used to work
at a pizza place.
Actually, having said
that, I do know one girl who
has "spoken in tongues".
ever [deleted]
It's not male bonding if you're
drinking miller light.
A great man once said,
"Fuck art, let's dance!". Wiser words
were never spoken.
A simple smokescreen
(pyrotechnics smoke charge) would
do fine already.
It seems that you had
already sold out of them
(including your own).
Writing letters is
not something your professors
do just to be nice.
I blame Snow Leopard.
I NEVER had a problem
before Snow Leopard.
Disagree with me
all you want, but you won't change
my experience.
You've been working there
for a year and a half, don't
you know anything?
Excellent. Next time
I throw a party, I want
ALL of y'all to come.
Just take a deep breath
(in through your nose, out your mouth)
and the urge will pass.
The media just
chooses not to give them air
time for the most part.
You can let it go.
He's in Dallas now and can't
hurt you anymore.