Haiku #2885
This whole 'it won't make
money outside the US' thing
is a poor excuse.
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This whole 'it won't make
money outside the US' thing
is a poor excuse.
Now with Saturn gone,
she'll probably by a Honda
or a Toyota.
I work out and eat
healthy, and this is just what
my body type is.
Impressive. You are
definitely not easy
on your vehicles.
And yeah, we should stop
participating in US
aggression as well.
Sometimes raw speed must
be sacrificed for careful
quality control.
I suspect people
in this thread haven't traveled
much in Africa.
[deleted] How long
did you have to slave away
before you got signed?
[deleted] What is
Jewish, a race of people
or a religion?
He's also stated
that he thinks a union is
like getting herpes.
The other worst thing
is when they bring their mother
or father along.
So this one is when
acting against one's fate is
the cause of that fate.
I haven't a strong
enough word to express how
retarded that is.
Looks like Sarah is
not the only idiot
Palin in this world.
You need to listen
to more talk radio if
you want to hear it.
Don't say someone was
born a Jew, or a Christian
or anything else.
I saw people who
wouldn't even get up from
their machine to eat.
If you lie, sooner
or later it will come out
and you will be screwed.
The guy said UPS has
security guards that check
you on the way out.
Microsoft invents
the new tool bar (the thing that's
in the new MS Word).
Look in the mirror
before calling anyone
else a tool, jackass.
There's nothing I can
ask here that won't make me look
like a reprobate.
oh, and here I thought
she was traumatized because
I just wish I could
get Grim Fandango working
correctly in wine.
Gran Torino is
"not a Christian movie?" did
you even watch it?
I thought it was good.
Rudin likes to explain things
from first principles.
If someone doesn't
like the music it's easy
enough to move on.
This article gives
tips on how to not pack on
the pounds in winter.
She tells everyone
we both know that I cheated
on her and her friend.
Vote for any law
that outlaws political
influence buying.
Yea so? Yep. And we'd
repeat the chorus over
and over again.
Most developers
lower the prices of there
games when they get old.
Not to say Rio
has been better, I just don't
think we deserve it.
[deleted] Firstly,
do patents really protect
you successfully?
It's also somewhat
hard for me to trust strangers
or acquaintances.
They have to agree
to take the cash, and there is
nothing wrong with this.
IMO there is no
place for dogma in science.
Thank you. Just thank you.
I went completely
insane, I cried ALL the time,
and I never cry.
How you did it is
more exciting than just "YAY
People are treated
as people, with dignity,
and not as number.
is just as fucked up.
I totally watched them both
all the way through, though.
I was with a girl
who had sex with another
guy while we apart.
Yeah, I was looking
for that wolf in my closet
for like a decade.
Remember, it may
be your ass in the sling if
something should happen.
Failing that odds are
good you go to U of T
or York. Am I right?
Don't lie to me, I'm
making huge life decisions
based on your input!
Ask her what she feels,
what is going in her life,
and listen to her.
She *knows* she was there.
All she had to do was call
and say "Where's my bill?".
She gave you a free
sample, on loan, to convince
you to marry her.
It'll be on my cool
ideas to play with list,
for when I get home.
Nice try, Mork. The fact
that you like your music does
not matter to me.
It's not part of what's
real to me, and I feel free
to joke about it.
Then you could really
play up the whole "it's bigger
on the inside" joke.
I was born to rage
against them. Etc.
Awesome. I'd suggest.
how could this go wrong?
I can't wait, this is going
to be amazing!
I would hope not; but,
wouldn't be terrifically
surprised if it did.
Oh, and yeah, I do
hate it when people throw butts
out of their window.
Yes, we are. This all
started when I asked what you
meant by source escrow.
sir, are an asshole.
[deleted] And if
he is moved to another
post as a result?
So my question is:
do we have any control
over that branching?
My only problem
is that not every movie
is playing for me.
or your controller
was the closest thing to you.
Making a feather?
i can't remember
the rest An experience
is what you make it.
is a collection of ways
to do things better.
The lower life swings
you, the more momentum you
have coming back up.
Sorry dude. I can
respect an opinion like
Harold Bloom's on Smith.
Also, I don't think
video game anger is
limited to men.
Oh wait... How many
living people have you seen?
And how many dead?
From what I can tell,
the communication was
not there for you guys.
What's so bad about
everyone being healthy?
Rock, paper, scissors.
(Eat whatever you
don't bake, or bake them into
regular cookies.
Have you ever hurt
yourself or someone else by
acting out a dream?
That is to say, it's
okay not to date a girl
for *any* reason.
The funny thing is
I didn't even see that part
for a bit, then looked.
"Fuck you hippie, you
ARE the system". Live your life.
Do challenging things.
Now... is it really
cruelty if the animal
is enjoying it?
Apostate! That is
as bad as buying the game
just for Jack Black. Bad.
Anyways, good luck...
I know what you're going through
and how tough it is.
Go read your comments,
then call a professional
for talk therapy.
I am sure that his
girlfriend doesn't have a clue
what the problem is.
In therapy, there
is nobody else you can
work on but yourself.
Don't write what you think
the publishing world wants, write
what you like. Trends change.
If you consider
their side, you aren't exactly
militant, are you?
She actually got her
good powers by stealing them
through her bad power.
They scale your level
and you can still make a dent
in the other team.
It's present, but you're
not actually supposed to pay
attention to it.
Do you continue
to patronize businesses
which treat you poorly?
When are they going
to made the made for TV
movie about you?
They are not the same
thing just because you take out
your wallet in both.
I am a pretty
hardcore Harry Potter fan,
just for the record.
Nothing more to add.
It's true. Ask anyone from
outside the country.
What was that little
ball thingy he used to light
the pipe later on?
I love banana
peppers too, but Papa John's
doesn't give you those.
Fortunately, there
are plenty of alternate
ways to play those chords.
A minor scale feels
much different than a major
scale, etc.
It takes me right back
to the 6th grade every
time I play it. Sigh.
I had a friend who
"forgot" about a tampon
for over two weeks.
True Story. When you
compromise your health care, you
end up sick or dead.
Either way, you're not
very smart. Good day. It reads:
The cake is a lie!
Not really my thing.
But feel free to victimize
yourself all you want.
The Secret Service
are probably the least of our
governmental fears.
The beauty of forts
as a joint effort cannot
be understated.
Are you really not
worried about being caught
and losing your job?
He is known to be
very temperamental when
you get something wrong.
First of all she did
not consent second of all
Polanski drugged her.
I grew up in MI,
so I know all about snow
and humidity.
I eat both of them
as fast as I can open
the box and love them.
Seems like it's different
because the guys she has sex
with are also paid.
It was a joke. Hah.
No funny business, and its
not just alter boys.
No funny business,
and its not just alter boys.
There are alter girls.
Let me help you read
between the lines of the post
you're replying to.
I won't hold my breath,
but on the off chance I thought
I might as well ask.
just like with health care,
our food supply is getting
poisoned with profits.
Measure the belly?
Look and see approach? No! Way!
Who's Orson Scott Card?
No! Way! Who's Orson
Scott Card? ...but everyone loves
Canadians, right?
Last I heard, Pierre
Trudeau hasn't become Prime
Minister again.
Can you use your home
Internet connection while
you're away from home?
[deleted] Wait, you're
telling me there are other
countries out there now?
You on the other
hand have failed to grasp the most
basic of concepts.
Modern movies are
just plain worse and therefore get
cycled through faster?
[deleted] I was
on my way home with some friends
from Olive Garden.
Other people had
other reason for helping
to create the farm.
What's going on just
to the right of the camera?
What's he looking at?
It'll be interesting
to see the eventual
outcome of that work.
i don't really see
what the problem is... just leave!
get out of utah!
I miss the days when
all a zombie wanted was
your delicious brain.
He was a hateful
racist at a time when most
people were racist.
The future is more
expensive, apparently...
Throw away the card.
You don't care what wires
you call goes through, just that you
can talk to your mom.
I'm sad he's dead. ~hugs~
You're hurting real bad, and you
want someone to help.
I am lucky boy!
Why is this man half dressed up
as Yellow Ranger?
Why is this man half
dressed up as Yellow Ranger?
This is accurate.
The idea you're
stating is idyllic, but
terribly naive.
As in they don't leave
or try to ignore me when
I have a flashback.
I'm just pointing out
that this guy's ideas are
horrendously flawed.
And in a year just
about every one had crashed.
It just works my ass.
What kind of crazy
is this? Is this normal? Oh.
Yup, that's the problem.
You would probably pass
anyway so buy some self
test strips and find out.
Certainly, I had
fun playing WoW, but the time
was not productive.
I mean it may not
TECHNICALLY be so, but just
look at things like this.
He's a horrible
fighter, obviously not
military trained.
I also wouldn't
want to break my mother's heart
if she doesn't know.
Since then I have found
no other job anywhere
near as fulfilling.
When we got back, sure
enough there were dogs and no
less than three cop cars.
First off, I would like
to see the data which you
are referring to.
the central bank told
my dad to fly to over
there and bring the bills.
Came here to say this.
Did you hear it when I did
the same thing just now?
Or you could just not
be an asshole and not get
in peoples faces.
People slow down when
(if) they see the cop, then speed
up when they're past him.
I was, left after
6th grade when my teacher
died of breast cancer.
Do you really think
he is going to look out
for the "little guy"?
I've only had one
boyfriend, and have only had
sex twice after this.
got VERY tired.
I realize it comes
at a cost but I can see
the value of it.
Just reading in depth
into any of Campbell's
work will help your brain.
But I doubt there are.
Obvious shocked outburst is
obvious too, eh?
You can basically
cross compile to just about
anything that ticks.
In that case you need
to work on NOT surrounding
yourself with crazies.
Also, you mention
that she was spat on daily
when she was homeless.
Snow in September?
Where are you from? [deleted]
Yeah, Brother! Right On!
[deleted] First thing
that came out of my mouth when
I saw the graph. HA!
A boob in the mouth
is worth two on the bus is
what I always say!
I almost feel like
worship is a made up word
with no real value.
You know, they sell out
more when they take your money
than when you eat there.
Just give him a hug
and let him know that you will
always love him too.
[deleted] That's bad
ass dude But I'd have had him
sign Long Halloween.
So the real question
is, what makes negative rights
justified to you?
After this flashback
I'll get a nasty headache
and my neck will hurt.
Gonna have to buy
this shirt [deleted] His name
is Robert Paulson.
The healthy and rich
don't need it so they don't march.
Health care would be nice.
Can't sit in office
chairs for any extended
period of time.
"building up and up
until at the climax" Was
this intentional?
The John Wayne Gacy
Juniors! Holy crap, why don't
those people just walk?
Do some of the things
that you see while on the job
ever bother you?
and you're not jesus?
here i was trying to be all
good and puritan.
It has worked better
than any alternative
approach I've worked with.
It's time for people
to give up their pride, and vote
in the primaries.
I'm a spirits man.
Get some Jameson or something.
That game was fun too.
If one will not do
well in law school, then one should
not go to law school.
Has she been doing
anything different after
the pregnancy scare?
His arm movements look
kinda Karate to me,
but I'm no expert.
Those other flu strains
weren't named "swine flu" now were they,
Mr. Smarty Pants?
Sick girl. That movie
is one of the most fucked up
things I've ever seen.
Then I said he cuts
(or riffs) like an Australian.
So does David Thorne...
I'm in a new house
and I don't want that creepy
feeling seeping in.
I don't want someone
I don't want to know this stuff
stumbling across it.
It'd be a shame
if something happened to it.
A *Jewish* black man.
I want to know where
you other Americans
are learning your shit.
The reality
is that male gender roles come
naturally for me.
It's safer that way.
Humor the crazy, but don't
go along with him.
You're wrong. You're wrong on
the internet, which isn't
much, but you're still wrong.
[deleted] if you
couldn't tell by the picture
next to the text box.
This doesn't follow.
Why? Seems like you're just pulling
this out of thin air.
Even Opiate?
If I could speak Hindi or
Urdu, I would have.
Some of them, in some
areas, clearly didn't know
what they were doing.
Now: "hey, they don't stop
speaking about Perl, they must
be hiding its death!".
Why on earth are you
talking about the recent
Gaza offensive?
I always end up
canceling the order and just
going to the store.
It looks like the cone
is wide enough that he should
be able to eat.