Haiku #2684
Nobody really
examines who they approve
to have out of work.
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Nobody really
examines who they approve
to have out of work.
And i'm pretty sure
that i never arrested
someone innocent.
As an after thought,
the best money I didn't spend
was on a spice rack.
In my mind the dark
matter thing doesn't make sense
until its observed.
[citation]? I'm no
expert but he should probably
go to a doctor.
Thumbs up. [deleted]
Why would you direct traffic
to the Daily Mail?
And Obese... No, wait.
Scratch that. This has been argued
over and over.
Yes. Certain people define
themselves by their tools.
Billions are millions.
A few thousand millions, but
millions nonetheless.
I remember when
my dad took me to his work
at the Railway yard.
Trophies are kinda
expensive so can we just
send you a medal?
Truly a Premier
soccer sock, but at a price
you'll appreciate!
Mushroom cloud? I thought
mushroom clouds were dependent
on an atmosphere.
It is very sad.
I have bought two new Saturns
in the last few years.
The fact that cops are
held to such a low standard
tells the whole story.
It was the only
thing I tried that actually took
care of the problem.
That movie freaked me
out even more than the one
I'm trying to think of.
America is
no longer "home of the brave"
and "land of the free".
A lot of people
in the health care debate would
think you're full of it.
It's good. I doubt more
stories like yours are going
to mean anything.
The latest auto
company sales figures are
evidence of that.
That's why I always
carry a little extra
peat in my pocket.
What was odder was
I hadn't seen them despite
going to the store.
This is wrong. There's no
reason to eat there if you
just want to work there.
wonderful, shows you
what cognitive dissonance
can do to a mind.
Healthy recovery
is when you will grow the hard,
lean muscle tissue.
I have everything
on my laptop so this would
make things easier.
I prefer people
saying C sucks to people
saying "now a days".
Greedy people can
be blamed for everything wrong
with society.
It is because you're
white, polite and a pussy
with a clean record.
So basically when
we've become a planet where
apes evolve from men?
This may be true, but
I doubt they see it like that,
or would admit that.
Are you serious?
Just checking. No, never paid
property taxes.
The word out is these
changing planets are going
to change humankind.
I didn't find public
quests all that entertaining
from the ones I tried.
[deleted] Make sure
there is a section that is
quiet and real dark.
If you hate Glen Beck
then keep on posting every
stupid thing he says.
And there are some who
seem decent just long enough
to fuck you over.
This is for the same
reason I don't trust random
people off the street.
Someone had gotten
into a fight in the bar.
The police were called.
Girl: What?! Me: I thought
we were talking about things
that didn't matter. Forth.
everything about
that country's culture is wrong,
wrong, wrong and evil.
Here are some other
great Swans tracks for anyone
who may be intrigued.
But maybe I just
also have no idea
how the male mind works.
I am surprised by
the fact that the guy didn't just
punch it in the face.
Hell yes Grand Buffet!
I got news for you about
Fedex employees...
did the guys see you
as a threat to their guys club,
or a novelty?
Does this change depending on
the state of water?
There are huge floods all
the time, not so much people
rising from the dead.
That's hilarious.
No idea, all I know
is I don't do it!
it *could* simply be
that you are new to it, i'm
assuming you are.
One of the better
episodes of that season.
Learn your Sunny. Geez.
So does this mean if
your claim is denied you should
try to argue it?
As time passes, there
are less religious people
in America.
Hopefully other
developing nations will
learn from our mistakes.
The first rule of web
design is, there is no such
thing as web design.
Thanks! I find that those
three categories of hip
hop are pretty true.
The card was a real
card, it really existed.
Light bounced off of it.
Know where each one is.
Go to pains to make sure you
*never* commit them.
Or raise their children
to be Olympic athletes.
I agree, it's weird.
I asked the teller
at the BoA branch to call
for me, she refused.
However, after
LSD she spent more time
in REM episodes.
Get out and see there
is so much to do rather
than blaming people.
its all i've heard from
multiple people who work
in the government.
You don't even get
what I'm asking, so why do
you just run along.
It was in the fall
and the first time I'd ever
seen red aspen leaves.
He'll love to see them
now, and you'll love to see them
in later years. no.
Also, furniture,
rugs, pills, air conditioners,
clothes, etc.
He does really good,
he can't read, but he can pick
out words from the books.
I believe I was
responding to _your_ post, not
the one above it.
The guy in the white
shirt looked SUSPICIOUSLY like
Miley with a beard.
Its cheaper and you
will know how to fix them if
anything goes wrong.
and he and the girl
had (consensual) sex, no
law was broken here.
This means that you don't
have to free() the memory
when you're done with it.
I'm tired of meek
democrats who I agree
with being cowards.
So it sounds like strength
training is not exactly
what you're looking for.
She would bury her
face in it trying to clear out
the treasure within.
Thank you for your time
in replying, it really
is a lot of help.
And how are you not
going to agree about
the lawn care nonsense?
Takes some balls to ship
that much in simply a bag
in my opinion.
Plenty of people
come on here and state that they're
somebody they aren't.
Yes, wholeheartedly.
[You're not the only one who
wonders about it.
Don't do drugs around
your kid, presumably if
you do them at all!
I love Chicago
and it would be cool to see
the Olympics there.
We are all nerds here.
I'm not sure if you're a troll
or an idiot.
To be fair, I've done
similar to what she did
in this sort of case.
I almost always
use public transportation
here in Chicago.
(Maybe it was just
plowed into that muck being
pulled up to that point.
Democrats voted
for them, but republicans
created it all.
This is a common
story in this beautiful
little mountain town.
It just gets so darn
cold in the winter, no one
wants to go outside.
My condolences
to all those who worked hard trying
to make it happen.
His name is Robert
Paulson. Dude, I don't think I'm
pulling "a fast one".
It's just another
country, we had tons, not like
we'd really miss one.
You can only do
what you have capacity
to do in this world.
Accept that making
60k a year is a privilege,
like driving a car.
But, being cocky
doesn't mean you're confident..
at least not to me.
Try to be yourself,
and by that I also mean
go for what you want.
My Quaker Parrot
does this to our hands, heads, her
perch, etc.
Any suggestions
on anything free out there
to help out with this?
I want to find more
out about this, if you could,
update with a source?
If you liked this clip,
you can no longer say bad
things about Twilight.
Sometimes addresses
get mixed up and messages
don't get delivered.
You'll most likely see
the same woman that gave you
the counterfeit bill.
Oh you'll tell us how
this magical bullshit works
when you're elected?
Once he has clearly,
and politely, expressed his
views they should back off.
No. For companies
that already have a good
IT operation?
You fail it! That kid,
Ed, in Cowboy Bebop gets
on my nerves sometimes.
Apple updates work,
and I haven't run into
any problem apps.
Am I the only
one that finds the construction
"signed off on" awkward?
Plenty of highly
intelligent people do
idiotic things.
Do not be Ashamed
for asking for help, to help
you get on your feet.
And for what it's worth,
I'm not an IP lawyer but
I am a lawyer.
Anything that can
conceivably be made from
corn is subsidized.
How is it at all
similar to God of War?
So there's blood. Big whoop.
Might be a bit too
'cute' to fly in the Python
community, though.
I'll look into it.
Yea it's not that interesting,
but i'll contribute.
OK Computer
has been one of my all time
favorites since high school.
Hopefully it'll make
you better than the garbage
that is out there now.
Most of the people
working at brick kilns and farms
are bonded labour.
Out of battery?
No prob! Just push it and leave
the gear on second.
Sorry to be blunt,
but these situations don't
get better with time.
Now, go give your time
to someone who can really
appreciate it.
Just think about it:
how much do these idiots
REALLY affect you?
Free room and board, but
maybe the hardest work you
could possibly do.
We ate there our last
night there and that was the best
steak I've ever had!
I first saw her when
I was in 10th grade Are
you me? Wow. Asa?
Instead, he ended
up on the wrong train, and woke
up in Ohio.
But folks have been charged
with more ridiculous things,
so bear that in mind.
His roommate had no
call to give out his number
without his consent.
you don't have as much legal
standing as you think.
[deleted] Too true.
One of many reasons I'm
not a Democrat.
But this is awesome.
Pointers have eluded me
my entire life.
A lot of victim
blaming comes from ignorance
in my opinion.
When you 'die', be sure
to carry all the love you
can muster with you.
I've actually never
heard of a poker player
being audited.
some of the other
answers implied that you would
not get high at all.
They were a pain when
I was moving and needed
to close an account.
Contrary to what
the show would have you believe,
she is not a bitch.
There are some pretty
terrible games out there, why
the hate for this one?
I have never had
to do this yet and to be
honest, I couldn't.
You could let them know
that you're fragile at this time
and could use their help.
It is a great thing
to have someone to support
you through your weight loss.
I saw people who
wouldn't even get up from
their machine to eat.
I suck at it too,
so that may be a reason
why I think it blows.
The person can yell
and use the curtains to grab
at folks passing by.
And fuck the loony
right for even attempting
to denounce the man.
But those stickers make
everybody feel better
about themselves, right?
The republic is
crumbling and only fiddlers
can get elected.
Parrot: Who is it?
Plumber: It's the plumber, I've
come to fix the sink.
This time the plumber
thinks he hears a chuckle from
the trickster inside.
I asked the teller
at the BoA branch to call
for me, she refused.
[deleted] Science
is based on experiments
and observation.
If you're sick, you too
can teach yourself to jump through
hoops to get some help.
The judge was also
apparently present when
the sides made the deal.
ask him to explain
something to you, to help you
understand something.
They think those two are
so powerful they can get
anything they want.
Also, since they will
be in on it, the costumed
actors can grab them.
I see. Well, good luck,
I hope you find a place you
love after college.
In your case, it would
be a lawsuit that you should
have been pursuing.
The worst for me was
that digital conversion
box conversation.
I just totally
posted this in the wrong tab,
but i'll let it stand.
[deleted] So why
exactly is this story
getting voted down?
a uni degree
WILL NOT hurt you, and lacking
one MAY NOT hurt you.
You know exactly
what people mean when they say
the North of Ireland.
But seriously,
I wanted them to follow
their own policies.
You owe it to me.
Where is your experiment
showing your theory?
I just downloaded
this demo and the menu
is fucking awesome!
is a very personal
thing for most people.
She already has.
European royalty
is not a culture.
Pavlov or Skinner.
It's not Chicagoans you
need to tell this to.
What contradictions
would arise if this matter
truly existed?
Why on earth are you
talking about the recent
Gaza offensive?
It was sent via
Wave though so who knows how long
before it'll arrive.
You don't really need
to do that if you obtain
the right kind of box.
I'm tired of you
idiots posting these fear
inducing stories.
someone get on that.
[deleted] I know that you
commented on it.
The good chemicals
are very fat soluble.
I like pasta sauce.
The kids here need me
than almost anywhere else
in America.
That way if either
is a scammer, the detailed
records will prove it.
Yeah I thought I heard
the "allah" bit, which is why
I guessed what I guessed.
If you don't play, you
have no right to complain when
the idiots win.
Hillbillies. I'm just
saying education needs
to be a focus.
No, --pedantic is
pedantic about GNU C
extensions only.
Gauging by the stuff
that makes it to the top, though,
it seems like I'm wrong.
I apologize.
I have a digital frame
or a toy camera.
Not me. Ultra was
my first since it came out when
I was in high school.
You're just a student.
I can't even understand
what you are saying.
John Arbuckle from
Garfield. Sort of like how you
just used it? Straight porn.
If you just sit back,
assuming you have no voice,
you WILL have no voice.
That sounds fine to me,
maybe we can talk on steam
if we get a fourth?
There there was Eric
Robert Rudolph coming out
from under his rock.
Perfect example.
You know why? [Because he turned
out to be a fake.
Then I slowly rise
to a standing position
and open my eyes.
Credit unions are
nonprofit, and literally
owned by their members.
You know, "Dude, I saw
the craziest pic online
today" Stuff like that.
Do you use any
particular kind of sports
bra for working out?
So it's not the right
meaning, but it has become
"common usage." Sigh.
My pit does the same
thing, even to the point where
she chews her fur off.
Don't bring up China.
I know the downsides of forced
quotas for children.
This whole 'it won't make
money outside the US' thing
is a poor excuse.