Haiku #2477
Everyone wanting
lower taxes must therefore
be an idiot.
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Everyone wanting
lower taxes must therefore
be an idiot.
[deleted] RISC means
simple instructions rather
than few instructions.
Kids just waste time not
learning anything with all
the computer labs.
Imagine if each
state created it's own "state
bank" and currency.
Now, if the question
is the death penalty just.
My answer is no.
My answer is no.
Is it hypocritical?
Yes. Is it murder?
An ordinary
worker risks only the time
he spends on the job.
With community
services, that is almost
always not the case.
Consider yourself
lucky punk, they were supposed
to stone you to death.
They were each able
to become so popular
because they were new.
But now, everyone
has one and they no longer
have the "wow" effect.
I have a little
bit of savings but I think
this would wipe them out.
[deleted] I think
we should discuss supporting
the Zeitgeist Movement.
And sorry, I didn't
mean Christianity was
good for S. Korea.
If service is bad,
then by all means, do not tip.
Or tip VERY low.
It's one of many
reasons the state is hurting
for money right now.
Currently, any
private road has to compete
with "free" public roads.
It is not simply
the case of who can provide
the cheapest loan, wins.
I'm not sure what steel
wheels and suicide machines
have to do with that.
In a blocking way.
I think the English name is
"Lens light blocker" thing.
The state of British
Parliament at the moment
really upsets me.
Documents that don't
reference future parts don't need
to be compiled twice.
Excellent service
gets a bit more, depending
on circumstances.
I don't remember
ever subscribing to it.
[deleted] MIND BLOWN.
Great, now I won't be
able to **not** look for them
when I see it. SIGH.
Do you have any
proof that he did her *after*
she was a mother?
[deleted] So you're
for mandated salaries
and forced taxation?
I think the point is
that SOMEONE benefits from
the new policy.
a) but no private
corporation created
that market did they?
Maybe talk to them,
run away with those that are
more open minded.
Why does anyone
give these thieves access to their
REAL checking account?
Most servers I know
would prefer the cash in hand,
thank you very much.
The news media
will pick up this thread and no
one will suspect you.
And don't forget, if
you do visit Australia,
try the national rum.
I used to go quite
frequently, but I've only
been a few times since.
Then we'd have to start
chasing them off with guns just
to keep the dogs safe.
[deleted] Reading
and comprehension are not
your greatest skills, huh?
I mean, really, what
actual 'atheism' news can
there possibly be?
Night shots look a bit
grainy but that might be from
my ineptitude.
This was a tight road
with a bend that people sped
on despite those facts.
I went back to check
after reading your comment.
I get it now too.
The line staff needed
to be your best friend as well
as the bartender.
that is some shitty
editing ,,FAIL I also
disliked Firefly.
You take the first word
out of this sentence, things would
be so much better.
It already does,
you fabulous atheist
genius (SARCASM).
They're tapping into
deposits and they're probably
just about tapped out.
My British inlaws
refuse to tip when they come
to America.
And the evidence
collected and published would
clearly refute it.
[deleted] Yea if
obama starts any new
wars, check back with us.
When was that? BIG HUGE
SPOILER They blew up Vulcan,
and left it that way.
Also, just because
that's the way the tax code works
doesn't mean it's right.
They'll just get a job
somewhere else, and some other
sucker will work there.
I feel like I lift
my head up just to get punched
in the face again.
Why the sarcasm?
I'm an ex pat and that's why
I left Australia.
We hear some yelling,
shots, and bullets going through
the bushes near us.
You should ask yourself,
will your kids be better off
with you there or gone.
If you stay you can
give them more love and support.
What is best for them?
Another frog jumps
the snake at the end, letting
the first one escape?
Have no fear. A black
helicopter will be by
to pick you up soon.
Thank you, by the way,
for the compliments, even
if they are in jest.
Just not invading
half the world and stealing their
natural resources.
Don't feel bad, there are
plenty of people that can't
even drive sober.
[deleted] I guess,
I do it all the time *shrugs*.
Laptop, desktop, n800.
Does the mafia
give you due process if you
refuse to pay them?
If this bill goes through
I'm moving to..... Where the fuck
am I gonna move?
Women are very
rare but I do see them on
ships from time to time.
And I didn't even
kill any human beings,
can you believe that?!
I feel like I lift
my head up just to get punched
in the face again.
Something was wrong on
the internet for a brief
period of time.
Government granted
monopoly that is not
in *your* best interest.
No online payments
come from there and the account
has no debit card.
Do you have a link
to some of the conventions,
standards and so on?
Trust me he will not
remove you without letting
you know it was him.
I guess there won't be
any need, the punch pretty
much says everything!
Dark *energy* on
the other hand, well that is
quite the mystery.
I've never been more
disappointed in this board
than I am today.
Thankfully my speech
impediment doesn't much
affect my writing.
The slavic people
living in those lands would be
expelled or kicked out.
Great program although
this series isn't really
as good as the first.
Maybe I'm being
pedantic here, but it's not
really a tax cut.
Since you said you like
computers you might also
like CMU kids.
Whether or not it's
global warming or something
else, hardly matters.
Also boys must be
guaranteed a similar
protection by law.
Kids just waste time not
learning anything with all
the computer labs.
That you do not know
how to use a tool isn't
the fault of the tool.
Then, he sold his soul
to the right wing and went mad
in search for power.
EDIT: Not to say
liberals and Democrats don't
have their own issues.
I think he may be
right that employees don't want
unions anymore.
No, but if you build
houses too close together
there's a common risk.
Last time I went through
customs, the customs dog was
quite adorable.
The very people
who would probably very much
like to find a link.
use a grammar check
next time, this document is
covered in mistakes.
This punishes fat
intake with violent hot oil
squirts from your anus.
You can diff files straight
from Eclipse, check your history,
do patches, the works.
She pointed out how
I was so distraught and lost
over just one girl.
Now I'm trying to buy
bus tickets and suddenly
the website is 'closed'.
[deleted] This is
the most controversial post
I've seen in a while.
Can anyone make
that video bigger or
something and make sure.
I had no problem
leaving the church and I am
much happier now.
I have a hard time
imagining that your kids
would get over it.
All in all, I think
tipping is a crappy way
to pay for something.
Turned out the 'before'
and 'after' were completely
different locations.
[deleted] I can
say for certain he is not
walking anywhere.
If you have a sign,
somewhere by the front door or
driveway would be good.
I live in Georgia
and this would be awesome, but
I won't hold my breath.
How was that for you?
Driving anxiety is
no laughing matter.
But I'd rather see
base wages increased a bit
and tips stay level.
This TV trick may
be just the thing we all need
to get our revenge.
This worked as such but
felt like the hack of all hacks.
Not good for farmers.
You should trust Best Buy
to fix the problem, not give
you the lowest price.
The state should have child
protective remove the kid
from the mothers care.
I used to be you.
Now I find no evidence
that a god exists.
Which if I recall,
there are still little sisters
to save afterward.
I think you're correct.
Recently Real World Haskell
has been pretty cool.
The second it didn't
give them astronomical
brand recognition.
Then he was either
misdiagnosed, or he just
got really lucky.
So are you saying
the government can perform
some functions ably?
I don't collect strays.
The cats I have are all fixed
and don't go outside.
there are numerous
things wrong with what you just said
in my opinion.
This does not mean that,
as a principle, it does
not exist elsewhere.
What is this about
only if you kill your son?
Where does that come from?
Which you would have known
had you read the article.
Whose the asshole here?
But if there is one
thing that freaks me out it is
standing in a queue.
Odd, as I opened
this up the guy on TV
says "When stunts go bad".
It's sick and twisted.
Call her crazy, but leave out
the religion part.
You are just making
up dumb hypotheticals,
no one thinks like that.
It was intended
to spark interest in a "Man
Bites Dog" sort of way.
Kind of a cheap gag,
but I loved it all the same.
Way to prove the point.
They're like walking tanks!
I'm a female, so I think
you mean "rub one out".
amazing shrimp yeah,
but I thought I was going
to be blown away.
Then, the *blinks* themselves
start appearing in more or
less random places.
Only now, you can
not possibly predict where
the next flash will be.
I didn't see any
instances of "snickering"
by the justices.
You may also try
closing apps you aren't using
if you're low on space.
Even though your truth
seems to make more sense, can you
ever really know?
our Commie has no
regard for human life, not
even of his own.
Good luck to you all.
[deleted] It does not move
with the song either.
My parents let me
and my sister throw parties
and did the same thing.
Pretty nonetheless.
Glad to see you finally
read the article.
It can roam the place
at will if I'm not around.
I will not kill it.
I appreciate
both of your replies and feel
better that I asked.
[deleted] I hate
having to give my little
brother a bath. Hmmm.
I visited there
once the place was FULL of them.
Especially St. John.
My solution is
much stricter regulations
on dog ownership.
As for your final
point, I disagree for two
primary reasons.
Let them marinate
in the sun until the next
Saturday morning.
Do you have any
idea if new models
will be released soon?
Yeah. You're a good boy.
Alright, almost done. We'll get
you a nice treat, huh?
Don't roll around on
the lawn! I just cleaned you! Hey!
Hey! Get Over here!
Granted, if you want
more control over certain
things, that's difficult.
Points off for lateness,
but you have seen this concept
through to perfection.
not like we haven't
all had one of those before.
he just finished his.
How much media
play does Joe get besides us
making fun of him?
We have a strong team
that works together to help
each other succeed.
restraining order?
smoke a bunch of weed and stop
caring what they say?
Generally, if you
aren't *credibly* threatened, you
can't use deadly force.
Something someone has
never heard before grates on
his ear. Amazing.
What are the other
other sneaky backhanded
policy changes?
Isn't that the whole
Adam and Eve banished from
paradise story.
"That was your first wish..."
[deleted] Transcendental?
I know, right? Fuck him!
She was leaning her
head against the wall, facing
away from the door.
Why not? I have just
discovered that I have five
fingers and two hands.
'Find Treasure' sounds great
but you need more detail than
that for investment.
I feel your pain. Plus,
what are these magic flying
rocket testicles?
It's nice in the Bay
Area the only tolls
are on the bridges.
Not long after Ming
China was about to go
through a renaissance.
I can guarantee
there is at least one of those
in my room right now.
The second one says
I love Pavel. I can't tell
with the first one though.
Show me any code
MS ever gave to the world
to make it better.
That's not exactly
"proper" English, but it's good
enough to get by.
So, I truly think
this is misinformation
at the very least.
Then when they are all
scared, start acting like you are
casting spells on them.
And a court has no
right to force someone into
expensive treatments.
He felt that they were
muddying up his work by
doing their own thing.
[deleted] Smaller
units makes it more precise,
not more accurate.
Please start with yourself.
Everyone is a winner.
Give them all trophies.
Maybe it's because
I worked in a not so great
part of town... Of course.
[deleted] "even
though smoking and punching aren't
the same thing" Says you.
left Hemisphere or
the right. Oh the list goes on!
[deleted] Do it.
as long as they weren't
directly over my bed
i'd just let them be.
What's the governments
logic for the large difference
between these numbers?
We should allow it,
and deal with it by actually
talking about it.
So the characters
aren't as defined as they are
in vanilla d2.
I'm surprised! I would
have thought information like
that was lost to time.
When my mother got
to the door and called for him
there was no answer.
Right? From what I saw
in the article, this was
not a Christian group.
What he wanted was
not a 'reward' that I had
decided upon.
It's one of those things
that I cannot help myself,
I have to watch it.
The submission is
making fun of racism
in the so called joke.
[deleted] I've seen
this story posted four times
in the last two days...
So is hide and seek.
Kids LOVE hide and seek. So much,
it'll drive you nutty.
I understand what
dark matter is, or what it's
theorized to be.
What do these words mean?
It's a mystery and that's
why so is mankind.
Been listening to them
for years and I'll have to check
out their new stuff. Thanks!
I think that the way
to check this, though, is to just
do the second run.
I wanted to add
some things to my previous
parenting advice...
Just because it's not
very usable doesn't
mean it's not useful.
I have seen the same
type of information on
other lefty sites.
This is exactly
the service they offer, like
renting but for free.
I just like to watch
porn where it's the other way
around usually.
Nobody really
examines who they approve
to have out of work.