Haiku #2274
The problem is not
lack of taxation it is
excessive spending.
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The problem is not
lack of taxation it is
excessive spending.
I noticed they were
books also only after
concentrating now.
I can't believe how
hard FOX works to make up crap
to blame liberals for.
[deleted] How close
do you think the election
is going to be?
NASA. [deleted]
I'm sorry sir, but you are
sorely mistaken.
the soldiers arent
invading to hand out hot
chocolate and blankets.
I guess you guys like
to bury what you don't like
to hear. Oh, dammit.
This has to be kept
really simple or it will
become a contest.
Remember NATO
being irrelevant? Heh.
Agent of Karl Rove?
At least then we would
get to make our decision
based on actual facts.
I'm going to vote
for whoever has the best
plan for my riding.
[deleted] I think
old Joe's done more than enough
damage already.
You may think bacon
and eggs would be best of friends,
but think about it.
Is this a record
or did Nintendo support
NES games for longer?
It seems the US _does_
want to escalate the war
into Pakistan.
Let China take on
the monetary and blood
cost of empire.
The problem with these
polls is that they reveal no
new information.
The rest of us could
easily see from the start
what Apple's plans were.
Suddenly there was
nary a mention of him
on TV again.
To you that is fair.
Hell, I've seen people in job
interviews do it.
"I'm going to die
soon, so what do I care what
happens when I'm gone?
A lot of people
have done research already.
Alex Jones, for one.
Yea, but the problem
is consoles have affected
gaming as a whole.
[deleted] you left
out the word INCOME between
total and taxes.
I guess the question
is why should their contempt know
any final depth?
Did the article
really need to use the word
every other line?
The biggest difference
between the candidates is
their stance on issues.
I know I wouldn't.
Well, not after the first time.
I didn't the first time.
They deal with it by
getting heavily into
debt, more so each year.
I believe the best
course of action is not two
wrongs that make a right.
[deleted] God loves
only those who help themselves.
Response: Israel first.
I would further add
that this should not be a large
percentage, either.
To put it even
more starkly, the checkpoint was
nowhere near Israel.
Cure what exactly?
This is like saying can you
cure hemoglobin.
So much for "human
rights" and "freedom of speech" from
Heaven forbid those
folks should heed words of wisdom
and leave when told to!
If being rich is
not a crime why do you want
to penalize it?
that Georgia could have struck first
is not good enough.
President Bush used
these events to launch the War
on Terrorism.
It's the western world's
idea that they're better
then everyone else.
Biden is every
bit as scary as Palin,
just in different ways.
I've seen a LOT more
poor people these places then
in California.
So my feeling is
that many people could do
the exact same thing.
Think about the check
with far more zeros going
to those with far more.
Sorry, spoken like
someone who has never done
any of those things.
And for what reason?
the government is helping
CHILDREN, the horror.
We don't need old man
government swooping into
save them. I've got it!
now take away 40k,
and he can only afford
to pay 60k a year.
Now, make this legal,
and you take away any
incentive to work.
Obama leading?
Make McCain more popular.
Hillary leading?
Where to they come from?
The social contract is meant
to be practical.
Obama tells us
what we want to hear and does
the complete opposite.
How are they failing?
They're seeing a naked man,
and it excites them.
Then they'll see it!" Seems
like it's more a play on words
than a paradox.
Working out, talking
about it with other men
on the internet.
if you had the chance
to go back in time and kill
hitler, wouldn't you?
By the time I got
out of my lease here, I'd not
have saved anything.
You cannot argue
that fiat currency ought
to be abandoned.
Funny, when I buy
that stuff for my wife, it scores
major brownie points.
Stop the US monkeys.
"Let Kenny Stay!" "Let Kenny
Stay!" "Let Kenny Stay!"
In the end, they are
banking on India's flash
communal riots.
Anything, When did
Jesus last tell you something
about anything?
Stop hitting yourself.
Have no fear, for there is no
free world at this time.
thanks for the info.
I stand corrected. Of course
she's gonna return.
It would be greater
work than letting your natural
training take over.
Now, you say that some
people are disgusted by
corrupt media.
I just really dropped
the ball when I had the chance
to learn French in school.
Now the government
twists the formula to get
the outcome they want.
Too many letters.
She is the ho. vote down, vote
up, vote down, vote up.
Yeah, they benefit
from this war, but that doesn't
say a god damn thing.
you would see a lot
more people participate
in politics though.
But we may predict
what must be true, even though
we can't prove its truth.
israel couldn't do
anything without a green
light from washington.
In college I had
to pick a minor after
the first year or two.
All it needs is some
'fresh meat' to be shot at, blown
up, etc.
How did a nation
so supposedly Christian
become so *selfish*?
They only say "Fuck
Authority" when they don't
have any of it.
People need to not
be afraid of critical
thinking and science.
Is that kind of like
not being racist because
you have a black friend?
in fact almost all
your news shows in the states give
news shows a bad name.
And by science, tell
the poor guy straight up if you
want kids. I hate kids.
That could be either
from psychological or
physical trauma.
Form balls of salmon
into patties just like you
would with hamburger.
Edit: Down vote me
if you want but the writer's
question was valid.
Arnold has more range
and presence then most people
give him credit for.
Then you realize how
eerie and atmospheric
those long slow shots are.
[deleted] BEST QUOTE
EVER!!! Rodney Dangerfield
plays Mr. Burns son.
many of them will
admit that it's possible
or even likely.
After all, it's their
(the public's) land. But a bar?
No. Property rights.
I plan on finding
out more, and probably joining.
Im in the SAME school.
I bought my girlfriend
Lovage. Was the first present
I ever gave her.
Or just rebellion?
That's was basically going
to be my answer.
clowns can only go
on so long before they snap
and kill everyone.
Um, where does it say
that the new bundle will be
the latest hardware?
Hard to shoot your wives
if you only have your gun
when you're on duty.
[deleted] oh wow
I thought I was the only
one, we should hang out.
Evolution is
the original reason
for the Holocaust.
My wife and I eat
go out to eat about four
to six times a year.
You don't get it, it's
illegal to use the code,
not the ideas.
[deleted] I live
in central california
They have a great sound.
Our biggest killer
is traffic accidents if
you can believe it.
Its not cool to rip
content from a site and not
even link to them.
As he was never
approved a marketing card,
he could not sell it.
The rent alone looks
like it's going to put you
right into the red.
It would have happened,
but it also would have been
stopped much much faster.
Pat, Please, just shut up.
You are embarrassing me
with your ignorance.
This sounds absurd, does
the paper need to exist
for me to exist.
More exposure means
more possible tickets sold
when you go on tour.
Son, let me tell ya
now exactly what I mean..
Oh yeah, they love it.
[deleted] Well played.
Well said. Are you in your late
twenties to mid 40s?
As an engineer
I think you'll find it very
interesting indeed.
We care. It's okay
to want things to be better.
You can PM me.
You can keep shouting
about how it's "real" food, but
that don't make it so.
Changing those things stopped
that and I began to feel
much more at home there.
I doubt tears would be
shed if a soldier killed bin
Laden in combat.
I don't think it would
be good to make a combat
martyr out of him.
It was a running
joke for the whole episode.
Any ideas?
There is a difference.
Because we talk shit about
the sites in that list.
Just look at Mono.
Can't say I haven't been there...
Agreed. Fuck the mall.
I'm originally
from a tiny little town
in Iowa (pop.
As for your second
sentence, maybe you should find
some better male friends.
When i was a kid
my auntie bought me a creed
album for christmas.
All the same, I'd still
feel better if we had some
more discipline. No.
There's a real solid
chance that by then it will be
too late to matter.
Look it up. Blue food
coloring, and one of those
binder sticker rings.
What do they do well
compared to others and what
do they do badly?
You are naive if
you think that a white house aide
signed off on this. So.
He sees things his way
because his brain is programmed
to see things that way.
Trying to simplify
things into good and bad is
sometimes silly. weird.
I bring flasks into
bars, and order a soda,
then mix my own drinks.
How about some change.
Seriously. How about
taking a year off?
The mall is okay,
but give me a Mexican
swap meet any day.
Pretty ingenious.
EDIT: I'm guessing you didn't
watch the video.
Arrange your lifestyle
so that practicing your thing
is convenient. 2b.
It is not subject
to debate or scrutiny
by definition.
I am a shithead*
What? You want to put your tongue
between my butt cheeks?
At this point, I think
we can both cite examples
to the contrary.
It has a constant
distance between radial
points on the spiral.
Property, to me,
is fundamentally based
in morality.
Wouldn't be too sure.
He was a little fucker.
Could've gone to Hell.
Shame they overstepped
their authority, but that's
par for Discovery.
Fossil fuel and coal
and uranium other
such things will run out.
Despite that, other
things related to music
can be objective!*.
[deleted] I see
your point, however, I still
remain skeptical.
Nylon rope away
from sunlight? Quite possible.
[deleted] uhh... no.
It categorize
people by physical traits.
Sounds racist to me.
I'm very saddened
to know that this is what's screwed
your life up so hard.
...But it's totally
different because our bullets
are filled with justice!
I always respect
your opinions and you may
very well be right.
However, many
wish exactly as you do
to do what is best.
Definitely time
to start shitting bricks if you
are on the Porter.
Simply because you
have the most to lose by not
believing in it.
Start looking around
for an attorney and start
figuring it out.
I might be getting
smaller, but it seems that it's
right where it belongs.
Went quite well actually.
It was a bunch of final
year Java students.
Maybe if you guys
stop doing horrible shit,
then we'll believe you.
If by love you mean
vomiting to Garth Brooks then
rock on!... Don't do it.
Tomorrow you put
your pants back on and get back
to being a man.
I didn't realize brain
dead as on the same level
as cardiac death.
When fired, the balls
would penetrate the body
and kill the person.
Who has time to look?
Who looks at their mothers, their
front yards, their own hands?
I've flown first class once,
from Chicago to Madrid.
Really enjoyed it.
An inaccurate
historical claim isn't
in itself hateful.
If you plant them do
NOT do rows, and do NOT leave
anything behind.
A degree doesn't
entitle you to a great
job straight off the bat.
Tap water is free.
You said that we bombed cities
to the ground. Bullshit.
It categorize
people by physical traits.
Sounds racist to me.
I'll never forgive
what he did to mike myers.
I can't be certain
that there isn't a flying
spaghetti monster.
Also the L word
was a sure way to send them
running for the hills.
Wow, Tucker Carlson
was kind of an enormous
douche there towards the end.
A criminal who
attacked the US didn't just pass
through Afghanistan.
You're right. I'm not you,
you're not me, etc.
But please, try to live.
It sounds like it is
about time for your mid life
crisis anyway.
Maybe when I am
on my third or something I'll
do more, but jesus.
It is just a fact
that there will always be games
that push the boundaries.
People will always
personally find that some things
work, although they don't.
[deleted] correct!
Church's & popeye's are like
crack to black people.
Next time I'm feeling
questionable, hopefully
I'll remember this.
He must kick himself
every time he thinks about
that band and that hair.
Make sure to cross him
off the invitation list
for the christmas ball!
Now that they have no
one to talk to but themselves,
they are at a loss.
I'm not sure what else
to say, but I understand
the feeling, I think.
Also, if you want
to debate something, then you
should know about it.
That is just dead wrong
(perhaps a poor choice of words,
but I went with it).
I start to like some
girl, and things can even get
pretty interesting.
Someone calls out her
name, or I see it on her
phone, or she tells me.
It was the third time
he took the test, it wasn't
about passing it.
And anyway, what's
wrong with letting people do
something nice for you?
My mother in law
had a similar problem.
She talked to the guy.
Is it possibly
because your headline makes no
sense whatsoever?
No, threads like this are
the perfect drug for a bad
day Yeah, we agree.
[deleted] You can
completely ignore those new
ones, if you want to.
Marge: Have you noticed
something different about Bart?
Homer: New glasses?
They really believe
that they are fighting for their
god, against Satan.
And yes, that includes
cash tips that you don't report
to the employer!
Is a cute elf girl
included with the deal, like
the pic on the site?
I doubt that statement
very much, but I still find
your post intriguing.
I wonder how much
extra Dijon mustard Kraft
sold the last few days.
Everyone wanting
lower taxes must therefore
be an idiot.