Haiku #1658
The most viciously
vile offender I hear is
roaming on cruise ships.
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The most viciously
vile offender I hear is
roaming on cruise ships.
It seems like they must
have been really stupid, but
now I'll never know.
Data, is that you?
Don't be so sensitive, guy,
I was just kidding.
America are
just really really behind
and it's despairing.
Starting today, just
ignore any traffic law
you don't agree with.
Where exactly is
your law degree from again?
Where have you practiced?
for the few it does,
the majority love it.
I thought there were roads?
Don't forget fishing.
I love the neutrality
in this article.
Arnie visited
the set of Batman Begins
when they were filming...
What if everyone
decided to not text each
other for a month?
Who should I vote for?
Where will my vote count the most?
Will it count at all?
I'll agree the few
poor ones I've worked with were not
among the readers.
You don't need sweeping
government legislation
to make it happen.
Johnny & Sarah:
If you can't hunt with the big
dogs, stay on the porch.
this guy is a joke.
anyone voting for him
is also a joke.
It's a good thing you
keep up to date on your news
with Time magazine.
Does this mean that Bill
O'Reilly is popular
among Democrats?
Small towns around me
don't share those values, but that's
what the code words mean.
"Pot had helped, and booze;
maybe a little blow when
you could afford it.
And if you can not
understand these sentences,
that is your problem.
Damn, Henderson made
more than all the other Main
Card Fighters combined.
I say this even
if it means my music won't
make it to the top.
There was a bigger
version of it whose funding
got cut by congress.
The cake is a lie.
No actually, socialism
is none of those things.
Windows has never
failed to boot, even though I'm
hard on my system.
So no perfume is
actually costs quite a bit more
to make than you think.
But I hear they are
getting better gas mileage
than the old hogs did.
They didn't so he's not.
Stop complaining. [deleted]
I kinda agree.
It probably detects
slight pauses as you hover
over each letter.
Good thing you said most,
Jesus and God would be mad
if you said 'All deaths".
Because it involves
much less movement to than just
writing the letters.
Maybe we all need
some clarification here?
You beat me to it...
on finally besting both
our hearts and our minds.
The guy who became
Robocop wasn't even
shot that many times!
"A general increase
in the level of prices
as compared to what?..
And yet he's clearly
smarter and more thoughtful than
Sarah Palin. Weird.
remember Jackie:
You don't have to give em hell.
just tell em the truth.
They have a vested
interest in our future more
than we do in theirs.
Because it involves
much less movement to than just
writing the letters.
Regardless, let me
restate this since you can't seem
to read very well.
The difference between
the genocides in Iraq
and Sudan is OIL.
Well everybody
voting for Obama wants
something for nothing.
They're going to pay
for the people who don't want
to works' welfare checks.
Down voted for trying
to emphasize an issue
that doesn't matter.
If we never asked
questions we'd still work for Queen
Elizabeth. No.
Do you want to know
the truth, or stay brainwashed by
the violent Bible?
So he just hired
one and then put her to work
with daily 17-mile walks.
lol quitter
Very nice. He is a thought
on how to do that.
Forcefully, sure, but
Bill's constant interruptions
were pretty childish.
but the main reason
people don't use dollar coins
is people fear change.
Make your own food is
the single most important
part of surviving.
[deleted] So, does
she or does she not believe
in Evolution?
He wouldn't because
he'd try to combat crazy
with calm and rational.
Make your own food is
the single most important
part of surviving.
I did not know her
church was one of those in it,
that's fucking sickening.
mikes hard lemonade
should be illegal Kinda
weird without music.
Honestly, I can't
imagine any kid would
find this interesting.
Edit: It's always
about some stupid fucking
coupon bullshit, too.
If I was a girl
I would so be fucking Matt
Damon after that.
They play a shitty
schedule and then get raped by
far better SEC teams.
I can't remember
the last time their search has been
useful in the least.
Sweet- **it's time for you
to educate yourself on
reality, son.
The government is
supposed to be a servant
not a dictator.
The electoral
college thing is pretty f'd
up to begin with.
What the hell? *ring ring*
Hello? Satan is that you?
What? It froze over?
And how do you know
that was the implication
that Matt Damon gave?
We will overcome
this fiasco and we will
be stronger for it.
It'd be nice if
i could get a reasonable
job using it, though.
Speaking of prices,
I wonder what the mark up
would be on the green?
if the truth doesn't
matter then this country is
run by lies and greed.
Every extra vote,
every extra percentage
point, sends its message.
What ever happened
to paying for a six pack
and her bus fare home??
Basically, my dad
accidentally became
feminism fuel.
[deleted] You were
instructed to skip that part!
And yes, yes he did.
Keenan is much more
artistic in APC
in my opinion.
I understand, but
that does not mean that the current
set of rules is fair.
I know what I'll be
drinking my morning coffee
from in the morning!
It only covers
male abusers, what about
female abusers?
Matt Damon on his
own against Sarah Palin
plus her support team?
That sounds far better
than any office party
I was ever at.
And Bigfoot. From their
secret underground control
center in Roswell.
Obama can make
education better. How?
Spend more $$$money$$$ wow.
This is pretty much
all third parties ever do.
Talk talk talk talk talk.
Have fun invading
Iran you useless moron
third party voters.
[deleted] Voted
up to jump on this comment
karma gravy train.
He'd be an awesome
grandpa, but he's too far off
mainstream politics.
They play a tough fought
game but on paper, it just
doesn't look that way.
It takes space away
from dealing with other, more
interesting, issues.
If they were smokers,
they'd take a book out with them
on their smoking breaks.
[deleted] Thank you,
thank you very much. Sorry.
You left it out there.
Even the Bible
says it, women prefer men
with big penises.
Don't sit on the fence.
That's what the republicans
want you to believe.
So... she looks awkward
because you're not banging her...?
It's all your fault, then!
i see no lipstick
on that pig... One less moron.
Break out the champagne.
Learn respect. I moved
to a small town from a big
city for my job.
That would've been cool.
[deleted] I think Morse Code
is the way to go.
Someone please tell me
why the fuck Obama is
pulling his punches?
I'm glad I finished
swallowing my food before
reading your comment.
I appreciate
the sentiment, but the all
caps have got to go.
I moved to a small
town from a BIG one. It... sucks.
It is terrible.
[deleted] I can't
believe someone actually paid
money to do that.
Click the door over
and over until it breaks,
revealing the key.
`:p` cool, but why do
I feel like there was a big
"but" after that clip?
I copped hell for that.
Hey, so long as they're only
popping out of it.
Look for the words "love,"
"acceptance," and "compassion"
among the gospels.
did you know doing
the thumbs up in the middle
east is offensive?
I do wonder how
different the world would be if
Dukakis had won.
Yeah.... South Ossetians
have been openly saying
this since it began.
Ok, what would you
call music on a CD?
A "digital" score?
It is only child
abuse if you hang them up
in a tree with one.
Anyone who made
that a race issue would be
equally stupid.
If not, then why is
this crap so damn prevalent
in this country? Yep.
How much of a queer
do you have to be to say
"deary, deary me"?
Why would you have songs
in a jukebox if you aren't
allowed to play them?
[deleted] I skimmed
the article (too tired
to read in detail).
What an amazing
smoke screen the McCain campaign
is blowing around.
I sure wont ever
be getting a motorbike
after seeing that.
Call around and get
estimates, you'd be amazed
at the price difference.
The Bible describes,
but the indecency is
when it is performed.
Not over who said
what about whom or who won't
where what pin and why.
The funny thing was,
the building they lived in was
zoned industrial.
I promise I didn't
even acknowledge my son
pulling up his pants.
You know when someone
yells into your ear and you
pull back from the shock?
Despondent? I thought
you had a chip in your brain
that prevented that?
Well, the US is doomed
anyway, as all nations
eventually fall.
No self respecting
man would use a phone like this,
much less pay for one.
Thanks! That's the one thing
that frustrates me about him
as a candidate.
The awkward part was
not a one of us had been
following along.
Advertisers know
that you probably left the room
to get a sandwich.
She banned zero books.
She tried to ban zero books.
There is your razor.
It is like vs
mech I'm curious about
this too. Anyone?
Good point. How many
terms had he fucked up before
the last election?
I can rest safely
knowing I won't be bludgeoned
with a meat product.
Sure, he could make his
point using less words, but less
isn't always more.
Anyway, if you're
saying electricity,
then I say metal.
Without metal, we'd
never be able to move
electrical current.
I feel like there are
other more productive things
I could be doing.
You can still scroll *way*
down to the bottom to get
the unmasked answers.
I dream of the day
when all consensual acts
are not illegal.
My intelligent
guess is that the right button
is for "genius" mode.
Software? I guess you
could call it software, or you
could call it music.
Thank goodness- I thought
I was just wasting time but
I'm actually elite!
That's because many
religious people don't trust
atheists at all..
Should definitely
be in the conversation.
Had no idea.
I mean, who the fuck
are you to say somebody
else is "living wrong"?
They sure could've used
help from the people that vote;
why didn't they get it?
i am sure you speak
more than one language fluent.
you better teach me!
The world is way too
fucked up to take everything
too seriously.
It can't penetrate
your brain. Here I'll try again.
Netscape used to suck.
You say that your vote
didn't do a damn thing the last
few times you voted.
It would explain why
the CD cases were still
wrapped and unopened.
The secondary
factor, however, is its
level of expense.
The bits I needed
out of that could have been done
in a paragraph.
You're an idiot.
Good luck with that, by the way.
Darwin strikes again.
[deleted] give up
is the wrong phrase, but changing
the strategy: yes.
Every now and then
I'll bump onto a stupid
expert sex change page.
We got it. Are you
saying that there is something
wrong with young people.
Cynical fucks who
sit on their asses and ask
'what makes them heroes'.
I have been an oil
using man all my life, but
enough is enough.
I personally do
not care who I'm murdering,
as long as it's fun.
Had she been sitting
on a gravel driveway just
before that picture?
Does this mean I think
search engines and deep linking
should be illegal?
I'm sensing a **great**
new line of greeting cards here.
"I'd come back for you!"
No, Sarah Palin
being young and pretty is
hurting Obama.
Perfect. Let's keep them
segregated so we don't
have to deal with them.
Now days, typing is
like writing, it's unusual
if you can't do it.
Who has what Steve puts
in the cake, eh? Not many.
Very few I'd say.
Though I'm not too sure
if I'd go out of my way
to just purchase it.
Even if it came
with a free bottle of scotch,
I still wouldn't care.
I think the simplest
answer is that God prefers
to work through humans.
Modern Christians are
the most accepting people
I have ever met.
Who's to say that all
other planets won't look like
Western Canada?
the finger pointing
needs to stop before any
progress can be made.
Be strong. He may be
smart, but he is a very
angry little man.
Down is the natural
direction for that to fail.
Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!
This sometimes results
in the alternative name
"furthest past the post"."
Saying that there would
be a state religion is
also ludicrous.
He did take little
pauses after each feature,
but the screams didn't come.
If you could just keep
our mouth shut there would be less
text to begin with.
Both don't want to raise
corporate tax rates and both will
raise the national debt.
The Chinese can do
this because they export WAY
more than they import.
you're obviously
trying to MILK as many cows
as you can off this.
Ukraine does not pay
shit for gas, and owes several
billions to Russia.
They all stem from our
desire to be special
on a cosmic scale.
Both don't want to raise
corporate tax rates and both will
raise the national debt.
Who said anything
about giving more power
to the government?
When most celebs voice
up they seem to be almost
fringe crazy talkers.
Say man. Hey baby.
Saw your wife the other day.
Yeah? Yeah, she's ugly.
Yeah? Yeah, she's ugly.
Yeah, she's ugly but she sure
can cook. Yeah?. Okay.
Right, but take a stroll
around lower Manhattan
and see what you find.
Fight back Obama.
It's Washington. Nice guys don't
win in Washington.
He comes back from work
late, even to the extent
on working weekends.
And figuring out
that mosquitoes spread disease.
Other than that, what?
Other than that, what?
[deleted] My house actually
went up more than that.
Hopefully they broke
the mould when they made this one!
No, it's not just you.
Who knows, maybe they'll
link stock price to investor
speculation next.
If I can do it,
and I am one stubborn SOB,
we can all do it.
Microsoft themselves
got hacked in a similar
fashion some time back.
"Say Cheese"! And carrots,
and corn, and whatever else
you had for breakfast.
[deleted] I think
the conservatives' thinking
was just the opposite.
The rich avoid most
taxes anyway, so why
worry about them?