Haiku #1460
That has got to be
the least readable font I've
seen in body text.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
That has got to be
the least readable font I've
seen in body text.
You didn't say you would
classify it as such, you
said that what you like.
Man, I really think
you want to lose more than win.
Racism indeed.
I assumed he'd be
picking her up at her place,
and she'd leave them there.
I'm also not sure
how this is an argument
against what I said.
They are totally
friendly to each other greek
orthodox churches.
Way to ignore all
my other points and focus
on one little part.
I'm starting to get
really curious about
what it would look like.
I think I never
laughed so hard over music.
This is goin' top ten!
:D :D :D If you
stop posting O'Reilly stuff,
he may go away?
Better be extra
careful and spray bleach before
you sit. Wow, just wow.
We recently moved
into a new townhouse (small
town Ontario).
Fight the good fight, don't
abandon America
in its hour of need.
there was nothing about cars
in the article.
10x single feature
expansion packs. in lubbock.
that's one tiny fist.
I just haven't seen
Obama taking mccain
to task like he should.
I don't bank with these
guys so it's not a problem.
My bank is legit.
Something that exists
has a specific nature.
Meaningless statement.
Yea, you're right, fuck that.
Don't know what I was thinking!
Ah there's the problem.
Haikus can be fun,
but sometimes they don't make sense.
from whence did it manifest
and where is it now?
All throughout school "DON'T
HANDS". NO exceptions.
the second device
should be a phone you keep locked
in your safe at home.
There are some subjects
that should be avoided when
trying to convince them.
You apparently
missed the whole Unitary
Executive thing.
Should you have to call
Samsung for your new TV,
to /prove/ you bought it?
You're the one who seems
to think that no one ever
contradicts themselves.
Poo is much, much worse.
What would we do without you,
Captain Obvious?
He's my favorite, too.
He's not a Republican,
so he has my vote!
"Deprecated" means
"stop using it, you should be
using X instead".
Anyhow, seems like
you basically know what you
are talking about.
I didn't actually see
that there was more than one page
to the article.
Your own personal
conclusions might mean jack shit
to everyone else.
Funny, the races
that can change our lives the most
are largely ignored.
I don't really know
what can be done about this,
any ideas?
Exactly. If you
want to find good music you
have to look for it.
Stop acting like one.
Yes, I had to think about
that for a moment.
Get a rice cooker
and mix everything you buy
with lots of brown rice.
But after reading
this, I had to register
so I could comment.
Haikus are the best
form of poetry, ever.
I love you, Japan.
Jesus was **throwing
bastards out of the temple**
when he was just **twelve**.
What do you think all
those acids in your stomach
do to the proteins.
a quack, and a fraud.
Why would I care what he says
about politics?
It is the exact
same "style" as her aunt who is
in her early 60's.
So, when Obama
tells you to lay off Palin,
he's trolling? Evil.
=P That's what techies
said about the other quotes
when they were quoted.
Why is that and is
the book industry going
forward or backwards?
[deleted] Oh shit,
I hope nothing bad happens
at the Olympics!
And if we could, I'm
not at all certain it would
make a good story.
There is no 'social
media' either it is
their or it isn't.
People are saying
she didn't, but she didn't in fact
TRY to ban the books.
Pregnant women, stay
away from most canned foods, it's
just not worth the risk.
scared religious fanatics
are easy to rule.
Traffic Geyser is
possibly the best secret
that I can show you.
Sorry Canada,
we're about to get all up
in yours. It's Andrew.
Not sure why I need
to change my wording when I'm
making the same point.
You are the best man.
Nader! As pieces of art
these are amazing.
LOL. I had
to think for a minute there
to make sense of it.
There'll be swinging,
swaying, an' records playing,
dancing in the street.
I don't have spots or
flashes, just have a general
decrease in sharpness.
It's safe to assume
that the first two posts were made
by the same person.
The words in this piece
*are* real words, but that's about
as real as it gets.
They're made of the same
material, and they both
drag each other down.
No use arguing
over whether it is or
is not a bubble.
he needs to spend some
time in the gym before claw
hammering again!
Believers in more
than one god are wrong and are
going to hell. Right?
What is important
is that the children are placed
in a loving home.
[deleted] If it's
good enough for Dante, it's
good enough for me.
It just sucks that I'm
the one to contribute it,
to show my relief.
[deleted] Many
emotions can be explained
by evolution.
[deleted] I just
bought tickets to their live show,
I can't freaking wait!
You will probably find
familiar things in style sheets
from your publishing.
Whoever you are,
you can do the housework while
i go to the pub).
EDIT: and maybe
tell the author that Jesus
loves her anyway.
The Republicans
have for years, that's why they keep
winning the White House.
[deleted] i have,
for some reason, always had
macs as computers.
You are right about
the DR site being strictly
for real disasters.
Give you up, let you
down, run around and hurt you.
Show some backbone, man.
It's a free country,
the government should not make
laws about clothing.
Personally, I think
that the time for the substance
ban is long over.
The rich are better
off now than they were before
the Great Depression.
It might be the "worst",
but it's definitely not
the most unpleasant.
If stallman is downs,
I'll never make another
retard joke again.
Attack me because
I'm just trying to figure out
what was actually said.
You have to do some
reading between the lines here
to really get this.
Seriously, things
like this don't help Obama.
Thank you very much.
It's good to be King.
Where are the other three dwarves?
Run away again?
Where are the other
three dwarves? Run away again?
Ungrateful bastards.
Run away again?
Ungrateful bastards. Where are
the other three dwarves?
Ungrateful bastards.
Where are the other three dwarves?
Run away again?
Where are the other
three dwarves? Run away again?
Ungrateful bastards.
Sure, but why would you
want even more attention
focused on Palin?
Yeah, in no time I'll
be telling people to not
read what is written!
A lesson we must
relearn over and over
and over again.
Totally agree.
It's hurting our chances big
time, at least right now.
something huge) page bill
on the floor of the senate
as a stall tactic.
Is there any way
we can give him a reason
to not kill himself?
[deleted] OK.
McCain and Palin endorsed
Bush. Game, set, and match.
But we're still a whole
lot of sheep, and we can still
elect someone else.
The media keeps
telling them it will reduce
the price at the pump.
I've found my reason
and purpose, and I could do
without distractions.
those who like Palin, like her
for this type of thing.
But your asking "why
wouldn't they have" is almost
as ridiculous.
The media are
trying to sell ads that are bought
by Republicans.
If either McCain
or Obama wins, I'm done
with America.
I'm on internship
in Ireland right now, scoping
things out just in case.
you can keep trying all
you want, but you're not going
to get a response.
That is why even
in farm towns in Illinois
Obama is loved.
I, wrongfully, thought
that this was a *Family Guy*
invention as well.
Caught them this past year
and they drag out pretty much
every interlude.
I was beginning
to think I was the only
one who felt this way.
It's America.
Doing things well is not "how
we roll". Sadly. Weak.
[deleted] Well, I'll
have to convince my wife, but
I'm with you at least.
[deleted] tell her
to wipe her ass, that should clear
up the confusion.
That said I have been
thinking about moving back
to America.
There is a teapot
that orbits the sun, just past
Earth and before Mars.
It is possible
that most people did profit
from communism.
And at least desert
and prairie have likable
qualities to them.
Wow, rounded corners
are very easy to add
to an element.
From companies like
Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
and Mitsubishi.
Don't throw too many
stones, your preferred candidate's
glass house might get hit.
Why? Because every
american news source showed
the medal count. Why?
America was
supposed to make one of these
several years ago.
you can be racist
*for* black people and racist
*against* black people.
[deleted] I liked
the title of the comic
more than the comic.
I dunno though, there's
so little variety
in that area.
Maybe not alone,
but if a few countries teamed
up it's possible.
The biggest problem
with this thing being on MIPS
is a lack of flash.
It's the right wingers
that want to blow up people
and shoot everyone.
On the other hand
if you use or sell Meth, you
are screwed with this bill.
[deleted] We don't
need *more* uninformed people
weighing in on this.
The short of it is
that you're not a smart hacker,
you just think you are.
When you make it less
useful to people, they'll just
walk away from it.
There is enough food
stamps, welfare, and other free
handouts already.
Sorry, pet hate. So?
I don't remember telling
you who to vote for.
They know it's supposed
to destroy the world with its
"new fangled science."
Yea he talks a good
game but the puppet strings are
still attached. Food swap?
Anyone that tells
you that has probably never
left America.
That will make maintenance,
especially by the *next* guy,
so much easier.
The last thing we need
in that situation is
to dissolve NATO.
all those cheap goods you
like to buy at WalMart will
become empty shelves.
People should be more
concerned about her record
in public office.
I think it's a bit
to late for the "government
meddling" argument.
We can't just pick them
off one at a time, there's just
too much corruption.
I'd stop focusing
on her family when she stops
focusing on mine.
Components just says
what to do if a name is
found in the markup.
I hope people are
more intelligent than these
videos assume.
[deleted] I mean who cares
what he REALLY meant.
Not a web browser,
movie player, games device,
contact list... music.
I hope it happens,
but that's not the direction
we are heading. No.
Seriously, WHAT
THE LIVING FUCK? It was like
that scene from Airplane!
It has no bearing,
the will of the people is
far more important.
Note that meat being
healthy does not mean that you
should eat only meat.
But he was under
his mother's supervision,
so it was okay.
The gas used to get
your text message to where it's
going has gone up.
I guess we see what
we want to see Go ahead.
Throw your vote away!
I'd like to hear from
someone who knows more about
physics than we do.
OK, honestly,
who can be that passionate
about Al Franken?
It was talked about
in this fictional history
book called the bible.
Seems to me people
tend to vote out of fear more
than anything else.
They will discover
that ka pai means good or
well done in Maori.
Try turning the chart
into a 3D surface chart,
which you can rotate.
Why should he even
listen to your laws when you
take his vote away.
You're only hurting
yourself (or your company)
by shutting them out.
That would be a huge
win for our political
system as a whole.
The second coming
was just about to happen
and not to worry.
The second coming
was just about to happen
and not to worry.
I don't think the new
version is every actually
going to come out.
And remember, it's
_really_ easy to avoid
creating a life.
Really? Only one?
[deleted] Hey wow. The world's
still here today. Cool.
Actually... they didn't do
any collisions yet, they'll
start them in few weeks.
but i gotta tell
you, i don't have anywhere
to store a pony.
One thing of many?
It's the preamble to their
entire platform.
Heh, I was shouting
about this stupid war long
before you were, mate!
If it "were" easy.
Perfect haiku poetry
has correct grammar.
Spend lots of your own
money for studying is
sound so yesterday.
We never really
saw any showing off when
he was here at OU.
Switching currency
wont hurt anyone except
the folks at the top.
And John McCain used
the same verbiage against
Hillary Clinton.
Please note: when I say
republicans I mean small
town republicans.
Which of course makes no
sense since the terminator
is just flesh COVERED?
I just don't enjoy
saying the same things over
and over. Second.
[deleted] gonad?
bah, i'm not convinced that will
have any effect.
Hopefully we can
have some of you who have moved
away, coming back.
You're both wrong, he should
have thought about that before
having a mother!
And nobody knows
about how often he acts
on it. it's just you.
I would like to use
this old PC as a file,
web, and mail server.
If you're not loyal
though, I will cock glock and lay
you out. That's real talk.
Try a remote pull
on a project with a large
patch history. pita.
I knew I shouldn't
have screwed with that tech support
girl the other day.
Actually, I just hate
that yellow paste crap they sell
for dogs and burgers.
How about that one?
Let's say, hypothetically,
he ran a stop sign.
Also, you can spell
"typewriter" using only
keys on the first row.
[deleted] They sure
make it difficult to find
that information.
they certainly knew
that they have been trying to put
lipstick on a pig.
Worst case it lets you
decide from a set of words
which one you wanted.
No I don't. We were
discussing traffic laws if
you hadn't noticed.
Finally, Congress
is getting to the really
important issues!
Only a complete
idiot would think to link
those two together.
Nope. Will I even
be voting for "Obama
bin Biden" myself?
The most viciously
vile offender I hear is
roaming on cruise ships.