Haiku #348
I read it again
but I'm still unsure what you
are referring to.
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I read it again
but I'm still unsure what you
are referring to.
Wow. It's not often
you see a prejudice flag
flown quite so boldly.
It's not often you
see someone so quick to toss
around the insults.
Your essay has changed
my viewpoint. Thanks for share it.
this is really cool.
[removed] [deleted]
yes, but I think that the punch
line was a mistake.
It did. And I've seen
fights nearly break out because
someone's baby cried.
Atmospheric CO2
doesn't correlate with mean
global temperature.
I never printed
color since I always set
my printing to black.
I bet he took her
on a romantic hot air
balloon ride, actually.
It is already
illegal to distribute
some information.
And some of you guys
wonder why more people aren't
willing to try Lisp.
Well obviously
you just don't understand it.
Lisp requires a brain.
how have we ended
up here? do you have a point?
Why is it a stretch?
For each hash there is
infinite number of strings
that produce that hash.
I'd like to hear why
those crappy system went off
in the first place, though.
Great story, but what
has it to do with Easter?
Why bring this up now?
If you are like me,
it probably did so about
ten minutes ago.
good advice, i guess.
Do you think she believes that,
or she just says it?
Did you even read
the article, or did you
not understand it?
What an excellent
way of working up a crowd.
Bring a "local" out.
In my current project,
I am using both Common
Lisp and C++.
Wrapping it in OOP
Syntax is overhead, if
you want the whole deal.
Maybe it actually
isn't written (or even
inspired) by God?
The Da Vinci Code
is the worst book I Never
Bothered To Finish.
The "balanced debate."
Why, each side of a debate
has EQUAL merit!
So if you respect
their beliefs should you also
respect the people?
It is not that hard
to get US citizenship
for an Israeli.
I suppose he went
on to talk about software
and philosophy...???
I know of no big
world problem caused by different
religious views. None.
People not getting
the chance to build a decent
life through honest work.
Again, you only
say this because you've never
experienced it.
Can't believe he had
that "mind virus" which led him
to do what he did.
Random errors can
be overcome by better
and more measurements.
The only time it's
bad for performance is when
you've got many strings.
The character is
(in Snatch, not Fight Club) based on
Irish Travellers.
What the user sees
is the more frequent jamming
and need for maintenance.
stand to learn a lot
if they can just be humble
enough to see it.
To say those shapes show
any kind of meaningful
patterns is a stretch.
You could maybe pull
off a soccer shirt if you
really know your teams.
I'd say this should be
common knowledge no matter
who or where you are.
If I enter it,
I am a guest, and I should
act accordingly.
*Crowd:* "YES, WE ARE ALL
"You are all different!"
The most progressive
societies are ones where
people follow rules.
Definitely not.
Humans, if nothing else, are
imitation fiends.
If he wants to be
discovered, it will be on
his terms, not on mine.
[deleted] pica
and others have gone on mass
deletions before.
He wasn't hurting
on cash so he was in no
rush to sell the cards.
If you don't know what
you want, how can you know what
other people want?
Things like this happened
before and they are always
going to happen.
Because the second
name is harder to fit on
the box they come in.
Why? Because they might
die or the terrorists will
destroy the good things.
I do not dispute
that I engage in overt
personal attacks.
It's not even close.
The same is true for other
"creative class" jobs.
We all hate some, same
as we hate some italians
or indonesians.
"Do some design first,
think about the program, then
try hacking it out".
I expect that there
are many improvements yet
to be discovered.
The creators are
obviously abusing
this ability.
Something that I found
interesting was tabs in tabs.
Oi tab overload!
A body belongs
to the attached person, not
to the government.
It's been a while since
I've seen somebody get things
so totally wrong.
Is there any real
example where this cycle
has operated?
Moral rights my ass,
artists don't have moral rights,
they have legal rights.
For yourself, if you
want something you can upgrade
later on, build it.
I hear you. How much
you wanna bet the woman
votes Republican?
The center panel
shows as humankind slowly
spreads all over earth.
My apologies
to Eddie Izzard, I know
I butchered that one.
Nothing but the truth
should be spoken about him
or any one else.
Leveling up, getting
the A, beating the other
guy, etc.
The great purge. Mao tried
to catch up to the West through
tripling production.
The second step is
to get states to adopt fair
ballot practices.
Wow. They must truly
represent the entire
Muslim faith. You know.
God, the lyrics are
even more depressing than
the animation.
So, probably you'll want
to hold as little dollars
as possible now.
I know the answer,
but I'm tired of doing
your research for you.
It seems like weather
records are being broken
every single day.
We have done something
to mess up nature or there
is another cause.
He's talking about
limiting salaries &
other benefits.
Right let's look at all
the Democrats that believe
Saddam was a threat.
Many of our Poor
have cars, refrigerators
and color TV.
Our biggest problem
is those that feel entitled
to more. I blame Marx.
We've had lots of these
'undeclared' actions over
the last century.
Or so I've, um, heard.
The actual lamps may not be
designed for them, no.
China, by doing
nothing, gets to be the knight
in shining armor.
America has
to be the single greatest
threat to our species.
Huh. It would be more
useful to have a smaller
number of GOOD books.
The best of the best.
[deleted] I never thought
to put this up here!
As for language, do
you seriously think "aren't"
is formal language?
Supply of refined
products is not their bag, it's
the oil companies'.
A few of my past
relatives I know of are
Jewish, but I'm not.
We can make comments
about it all we want, but
Their lives were only
"wasted" if you don't believe
in an afterlife.
The conservatives
used to dream of impeaching
Earl Warren back when.
Ok what about
your local newspaper, what
about CNN?
Who cares what they say?
Sorry, your logic simply
doesn't hold up there.
Something that, to me,
sounds more philosophical
than scientific.
Although he probably
should have given them something
instead of nothing.
And guess what, reader
macro language of Common
Lisp is Common Lisp.
In other news, there
are far fewer young women
in China than men.
Most of what's being
taught is still useless, or taught
poorly and slowly.
The European
Union is doing more than
you like to admit.
They're presenting these
ideas as if they're fresh
and original?
The buses and trains
may not get you there on time,
but they'll get you there.
Most people do hate
commuting, and traffic jams,
and high gas prices.
Well, obviously.
They are rolled up into balls
like Sonic can do.
[removed] think we can
figure out exactly where
the satellite was?
[deleted] Makes me
want to go all Godzilla
on Venice's ass!
People who believe
this have always insisted
on converting Jews.
so to some extent,
they pretty much give up their
lives for that money.
[deleted] Nuevo
Laredo soon to become
Nuevo Amsterdam.
I was there; were you?
Wow, I was thinking the same
thing too. lol.
But those who are more
upbeat are likely to live
longer, anyway.
Okay, I hate Rush
as much as anyone, but...
this is painkillers.
I still despise them,
but it doesn't mean they're wrong
about everything.
She was addicted
to heroin and was trying
to get off the drug.
I guess we had had
our fill in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
Talk to some actual
vets about this, like I have.
You might learn something.
[deleted] I like
how he said that the flatworm
didn't need better eyes.
Iraq is a great
country as are the people.
How long were you here?
Yes, it could happen,
intelligent people do
learn from their mistakes.
To further pressure
the Committee to act on
the memorials.
You know, irony
is hard for to understand
and use for foreigners.
The 'double membrane
without liquid' is used just
for the TV show.
And I learned about
most of the books with the best
info from the web.
But I suppose they're
probably getting signatures
pretty rapidly.
The prisoners began
to shout at him to sit down.
"What happened to him?"
A good joke doesn't
have to be clever, it just
has to be funny.
The US' problems are
due to mismanagement, not
the rise of China.
To make matters worse,
programming languages don't
matter anymore.
Another issue
here is that Wellesley is not
really a city.
It seems that he's trying
to do things to actually help
tech entrepreneurs.
I'll bet they'll been some
good prison reform bills come
next January.
It's not worth the time
in general, especially if
in any way hard.
Since no two of them
agree on what is "right", they'll
never be happy.
That, however, would
have jeopardized his status
as left wing icon.
Must have deleted
my comment right as you were
replying to it.
Who would let someone
paint over their white stucco
villa with blue paint?
A) Europeans
don't have nearly as many
children on average.
Or the new shopping
center which will bring in new
taxes for the group?
Not sure if the right
word is simple or single,
but you get the point.
We really don't want
government to be messing
where it don't belong.
Do they really think
Colbert expected to get
thunderous laughter?
Nothing but the truth
should be spoken about him
or any one else.
On every license
plate, you see "Live free or die".
There was no sales tax.
There was no sales tax.
There was no state income tax.
This is just one step.
If visitors like
your site, they will return there
again and again.
-Army of Darkness
But it's not a calorie
restriction diet.
It depends on who
the one person is and who
the five people are.
I respect Henry
Baker a lot, but he missed
the boat with this one.
Lots of AI projects
generated successful
innovations too.
Whenever we make
computers do something smart,
the goalpost is moved.
Their online readers.
Basically it says "Is God
only in your head?
This is so simple
and yet so clever it just
had to work. Well thought.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
I believe many
are made with a silicone
type material.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Superheroes who
don't comply will themselves be
branded fugitives.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
Impeach Bush yourself!
That's right. This is much more than
just a petition.
The 30-pound box. You can
find him on the DOC website,
but not much background.
Social Democrat
and Libertarian Back
together again.
I, for one, welcome
our new cyborg overlords.
False, just False dammit!
What's your point? They were
just wearing blue shirts, khakis
and black belt and shoes.
Once again: *They could
not possibly have been more
Are those who only
know english the only ones
called "monolingual"?
I will take the time
to learn to more about this.
[Or not. I was wrong.
Or does that not count,
because Lebanon also
has many Christians?
In fact, I'd say you
want to blow up whoever
just blew up your dad.
I can provide you
with numerous citations
to back up my claims.
Personally, I like
the perspective, since I live
on this continent.
Which is why I think
the buffet owner's actions
are completely just.
How could you do that?
It is one the most precious
dishes in the world.
If I do not do
so, no one will punish me
for it. That's funny.
To put it simply
not only do you not know,
you REFUSE to know.
I'd finish them, though.
There is no difference between
theory and practice.
Which is why modern
economic theory starts
with that assumption.
I can frame myself
as moderate by putting
Moore in the picture.
What capitalist
government has persisted
without taxation?
That is what you get
when you make them so damn big.
Yeah, it's "hard." So hard.
No doubt Iraq was
the aggressor, but Iran
was no pushover.
So sadly true. OWNED!
[couldn't stop myself] Depends
who took the photo.
Medicare...), start by
cutting from military
budget first, will you?
This is why Word97, Word2000,
Word2002, and Word2003 all use the same
binary format.
[deleted] [removed]
It's pretty confusing, what
she is trying to say.
Your statement "a week
or so ago" was also
somewhat misleading.
This is the bad bit:
"The requested document
is totally fake.