Haiku #563
This is the bad bit:
"The requested document
is totally fake.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
This is the bad bit:
"The requested document
is totally fake.
I am not the most
tech savvy person out there
to put it nicely.
This kind of problem
is why we have financial
markets, anyway.
But he who unites
himself with the Lord is one
with him in spirit.
You let everyone
use the technology, not
just the government.
Great read. Hard to find
interesting stuff out there on
enterprise software.
Not affecting change,
either in the members or
in the world at large.
Not affecting change,
either in the members or
in the world at large.
How about I say
'all people who x are y.'
Does this make it so?
Again, terrible
advice, if you do actually
care about your grade.
Extreme left wingers
love to say that Fox is far
right, just as you did.
I assume you've had
some bad experiences
with the Catholic church.
it would be nice if
we limited ourselves to,
you know, actual stuff.
What exactly would
I gain? How exactly would
my life get better?
I remember when
I was a kid, we did all
kinds of crazy shit.
However, there's no
reason that medicare should
be tied to income.
Nobody's suing
anybody for letting
kids run on playgrounds.
I'm starting to feel
like a lawyer) No, it's not
that he could speak French.
It turns out to be
cheaper to just use one truck
from start to finish.
You are with your thoughts.
You can listen to music
or the radio.
But how to remain
objective enough to be
able to say that?
Millions of people
forego the car every day
and it's a good thing.
Perhaps we should stop
looking to our government
to provide for us?
asserting an opinion
is an argument.
There is no reason
to think that China will be
any different. Ha!
To my mind, something
you can just buy doesn't seem
like an achievement.
Thirdly: if you give
people money, they don't just
burn it. They spend it.
He's obviously
risking his health, so we should
outlaw what he does.
What if my number
is "The square root of the time
on the reader's watch"?
The fact that different
denominations have been
used doesn't help things.
NO development
tools have the power to make
full use of it (yet).
Another SONY
picture that looks amazing.
My point exactly.
It's not the arabs,
it is the kiwi eaters
who are terrorists!!
I hate to say it,
but our lifestyle is probably
not sustainable.
I haven't seen anything
like that in Houston.
Either way it is
enough to save money if
you are smart with it.
There are also spikes
when Turkey (the Country) is
in the news as well.
[removed] no, i can't
put it in a nicer tone.
that's the way it is.
Since it was a side
comment, I didn't want to spend
too much time on it.
It made me realize
how lyrically challenged E40
can be. Good sound, though.
Financial assets
are valued based on future
expected cashflows.
People with higher
testosterone levels are
more likely to kill?
Windows, mostly, "just
works" for your average person,
doing average stuff.
Good point. Although, make
sure to get their permission
before lifting them.
People have the right
to expect that their private
lives be kept private.
People are voting
on the headlines rather than
the story itself.
I went to a strip
club once because I was dragged
there by my teammates.
Because they're happy
enough to wait until it's
public and certain?
If you don't you'd just
look like a right idiot.
[removed] Hierarchy?
That's an argument
I've been having in my head
for the past eight years.
Respect in online
journalism should be led
by the newspapers.
Believe it or not,
it is possible to hate
Bush and be crazy.
Why not sell water
bottles instead of bottled
water then? what next?
I got it. We are
supposed to guess the keyword
based on the results.
How much would that save
to just do ONE day a week!
That's not the issue.
There is an issue
here, and it needs to be thought
out very clearly.
Which is the very
sense that we're using the term
"chastity" here, right?
This is amazing...
now you don't need a phone line
at all. Really cool!
There is spam, stuff I'm
not interested in, and stuff
I'm interested in.
Although it has been
known before, this interview
just confirms the fact.
Ms. Parker implies
that the whole evening, until
the rape, was normal.
It's a fantastic
thing and very effective.
Go try it! Agreed.
I think the issue
is again between Jersey
style vs. MIT style.
I'd rather say sex
is getting better with time
and experience.
I knew one guy who
did but his main concern was
to trade jeans for furs.
If a person broke
your ribs here you have recourse,
press charges, sue them.
A well designed page
will be able to adapt
to its medium.
Ah, gotcha. But why
dock my karma for what some
headline writer wrote?
He's definitely
right that they look nicer on
the showroom floor though.
And it has kept its
promise to share the nation's
oil wealth with the poor.
But they certainly
have the best ability
to change the culture.
I was just going
to cite the exact same thing.
Excellent insight.
If the government
can tax your property, do
you really own it?
[deleted] [removed]
I hope the law is challenged.
Too funny for words.
Also there wasn't
much in the path of the air
out of the engines.
Absolutely right!
I can't believe your reply!
are you serious?
How many of us
native Europeans are
prepared to do that?
Right now in france there
are two pots and they are not
getting together.
Reality can't
be what it appears to be.
It wouldn't make sense.
Geography works
to our advantage having
no real local threats.
However I can
see clearly how this woman
has betrayed the left.
[deleted] Mr.
Cruise sure is trying very hard
to prove he's not gay.
But if he'd have split
the difference on Kuwait, we'd
still be best buds, right?
After you get where
you're going by plane or train,
you don't have a car.
The port spokespeople
never denied this, even
in direct debate.
That's why government
pricing is at least as good
as private pricing.
Ask your interview
to specify the constraints
to your solution.
Their show ought to be
rigorous and Jon Stewart's
ought to be funny.
And that's the only
other extended clip I've
ever seen of him.
And the "bumpy road"
title failed to explain why
poor countries were poor.
Crack is whack The stripes
probably make it look longer
than it really is...
When politics is
what you do for a living,
I guess it comes out?
to be quite honest,
Stewart doesn't really "take
bill o'reilly down".
Shouldn't that have been
caught by the dupe detector?
I'd call that a bug.
I am forced to read
the narrow column, and no,
I do not like it.
Often used by those
in power to those who are
not under control.
On the other hand,
some of the key libraries
are very well done.
Gee, that's a surprise;
a system that's being shut
down "just doesn't work".
Who cares if many
Baltimore black women are
overweight Pica?
And this happened just
the same in Greece, in Russia,
in Ukraine or France.
You get kicked out when
you're too young, you get a gold
watch, you go to work.
Taxpayers deserve
to have their money better
invested than that.
However, in more
recent, mature years I've grown
accustomed to it.
You are probably right.
The past week has been a ton
better anyway.
[removed] Oh really?
So how does Rails prevents you
from writing long tests?
You learn closures by
practicing them, programming
in them. It takes time.
This is backwards from
what we (USA) regard
as a good time slot.
Maybe I should move
to Germany where puns like
this aren't used as much.
The irony here
is that this article calls
those people cowards.
Yes, I'm familiar
with the difference between de
facto and de jure.
Other viruses
evolved to have a shorter
incubation phase.
But besides that, how
do you "average" something like
the shape of the face?
is that why you were
in his bathroom LOL.
How did he do it?
I think it is sad
that there are still pages where
you have to do that.
Nice hyperbole.
Popular in New Zealand
to say it that way.
I just haven't seen
much that warranted and up
or down vote lately.
I don't have numbers
for the other, but at least
those two points seem right.
Don't ban illegal
Mexicans from opening
restaurants in the US.
Not "I think foo is
the best, probably", just "foo is
the best because bar".
This is what happens
to the high school outcast who
remains embittered.
I've done the same thing
to men when I thought they just
wanted something fixed.
For Iraq they zoomed
in on the speakers and didn't
talk about the crowd.
And the prisons, right
now, allow prisoners to be
raped and beaten. Right?
"Popular fiction"
is Harry Potter, which is
just a bit of fun.
A very large grass
roots movement in the churches
around the country.
But corporations
only make money, so they're
quite predictable.
Can someone who gives
serious thought to complex
issues enjoy it?
I'll launch the site once
we have a handful of names.
Are you kidding me?
Drop school sports programs
and put that funding into
teachers salaries.
I do get a large
part of my identity
from my role at work.
I would never shop
at a store that runs a noise
pollution device.
[deleted] of course,
you know what would completely
solve this problem? SNAKES!
Like a little bit
if you were drunk in the pub
and not thinking straight?
The main point of Kill
Bill is not all the murders,
it's the dialogues.
There is no difference
between the Republicans
and the Democrats.
The people want US
troops out immediately,
but the US won't leave.
The main point of Kill
Bill was the visual styles
he paid homage to.
I think the chances
are greater of the remote
web site being hacked.
These things do take time.
Never, ever, EVER vote
for an incumbent.
He is a young guy
trying to figure out the right
way to live his life.
Moreover, saying
something is "common sense" is
very misleading.
If he's quitting like
this, does he deserve to keep
that equity? Nice.
This is why we breed
animals for food and not
the other way round.
If the *rules* were changed
overnight people would do
bad to get heaven.
That tells me they were
stupid or **really desperate**.
That seems more like it.
Corporations are
doing it too and they're not
'planting' these stories.
Therefore, Christians are
instructed to condemn sin
and not the sinner.
About two percent
above inflation is much
more realistic.
Possibly for tech
graduates, other countries
are catching up though.
[removed] [deleted]
This is a familiar pain
to me as well though.
Yes, alarm about
global warming does affect
people's decisions.
The duck leaves. The next
day the duck returns and hops
up on the same stool.
[deleted] First off,
nobody's ever said "you
own your own business?
Q: What do you get
if you cross the atlantic
with the titanic?
Something with a P.
Hey I suddenly notice
the TOP list is gone!
I had people who
tried their little gags on me...
you get used to them.
It's not the caller's
idea to harass you,
they are a wage slave.
How could a list like
this omit the Tacoma
Narrows bridge collapse?
[deleted] I like
to say early in the call:
"Highly interesting!
It becomes a bit
confusing at that point just
who's body it is.
Many people think
that a woman's body does
not belong to her.
How are you today?"
"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"
"Good! Thanks for asking.
Various gambling
sites, being located offshore,
are very shady.
Honestly how do
people in America
put up with this crap?
A valid question.
The article gives some good
answers to it, though.
"I'm quite sure he'd love
Green Day if he where awake"
she says with a smile.
"You were so obsessed
with alcohol that you named
your firstborn Brandy.
Chef's are socialized
to believe in gas in school
and by their mentors.
If you want something
more serious try *Eden*
or *His Master's Voice*.
This issue turns on
the unbridled obsession
with what OTHERS do.
Such hostility!
Especially considering
you're totally wrong!
So, the woman comes
to the pet store the next day,
and confronts the bird.
Some people want choice
and want their commentators
to have opinions.
[removed] [deleted]
[deleted] [deleted] none
I think he got laid.
Well that hideous
thing on her nose is still there,
and now it's blurry!
On the other hand,
if it's permanent, then you
get a paradox.
And ends up falling
with the plane, but he ends up
saving in the end.
While you are not worth
responding to, I will go
ahead and do so.
Hey cool, so that's why
these tools you forget to name
have conquered the world!
I understand you
said 'tend', so we agree it's
just a heuristic.
Many of the things
I did in objects, I had
no need of in Lisp.
He has to have Al
Gore and Evangelical
Christians convince him?
The biggest news from
this article is that Cal
Tech has a problem.
This generation
has produced the lawyers who
sue for accidents.
And they demonstrate
their love of seals by launching
themselves at the seal.
They were still a huge
minority, but I was
seeing more of them.
You can get stuff done,
and the result may be much
more satisfactory.
If you're a fool, you
and your money will be soon
parted anyways.
Those laws were also
passed by the "majority"
in those areas.
The American
schooling system is better
than Ghana's! Woo hoo!
When every subject
voluntarily places
himself under it.
The first sentence, thrown
in there by the journalist,
was was off the mark.
[deleted] People
only vote up what they want
to believe is true.
Smart people come up
with an idea, test it,
and implement it.
I have two comments
in the "Should comments affect
Karma?" submission.
Similarly where
do things like malaria
fit into free will?
"God makes us clean up
our own damn messes" Then what
is the point in god?
Just because something
is implicit, it doesn't
mean it's superfluous.
In other words, one
big win for generics gets
chucked out the window.
Big Ben, Parliament!
Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament!
[removed] He didn't wait.
It's easy for me
to understand teenagers,
because _I was one_.