Haiku #149
Not really. It works
around them to various
degrees of success.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
Not really. It works
around them to various
degrees of success.
They don't have a whole
lot to do with what is wrong
with the war on drugs.
This site is ancient,
highly referenced, useful, but
For example, you
don't have to know where their maps
are to find a map.
Sorry, but I had
to downgrade because she's got
really hairy arms.
Double True. "Random
Conclusions" Funny... they don't
seem 'random' to me.
Fuck Johnny. I don't
want Johnny to build my house
or my car either.
This video has
been around for quite a while.
It's still funny, though.
Thus, if you know C,
it will be quick to pick up
Java, or Python.
Lua would be much
faster if variables
were declared local.
What in the fuck can
you say without offending
someone in this place?
Plus, it's written by
women and therefore at least
somewhat accurate.
I don't care for sites
which require registration.
Sounded interesting.
I don't see why you
should pretend to be corporate
when you simply aren't.
Sometimes, it's better
to work shorter hours, but be
more intense at work.
It comes down to, who
has the right to take away
that right from people?
You don't hear about
the problem until something
goes terribly wrong.
pica never said
that they would force these people
to be sterilized.
Full deck of cards, shit
some of them are trying to play
checkers for their hand.
That seems to make sense.
Making it really a two
party decision.
If that is the case,
then it seems like her actions
should constitute fraud.
If that is the case,
then it seems like her actions
should constitute fraud.
The same way any
other case of civil fraud
would be determined.
Obviously, where
I am at the time I run
low plays a role, too.
[deleted] Maybe
this is a silly question,
but I'm interested.
Their users are good
at digging the internet
for new articles.
There is no attempt
to establish a party
line and enforce it.
I totally got
the reverse of what you wrote.
I'm sorry. Must. Try.
But if it doesn't,
this experiment is not
going to last long.
Catalyst for Perl
and Seaside for Smalltalk has
done it all before.
Everything about
natural digital systems
is fascinating.
It would be nice if
he could come up with some new
material though.
Many folks don't know
where the platform ends and where
the language begins.
The company has
bought an Oracle license
just for this project.
I mean, when he joined
Amazon, he did not know
all this. But he learned.
If you have any
others, or if this doesn't
make sense, let me know.
Mom said, "Hi. My son
is supposed to meet with you.
What times work for you?"
It's a much steeper
learning curve to start doing
things right in Java.
Maybe that is just
what we all want, rich or poor,
a reason to dream.
The fact that you found
all the F's or not can not
determine gender.
Or maybe it is
time to pick a side and fight
to the bitter end.
And that's a valid
argument, and God is like:
"You know what, you're right.
If you reject him
in this life, he's not going
to stick up for you.
I suggest that you
read it again if you don't
understand this point.
On notice that it's
potentially worth selling
for a higher price?
Trump isn't nearly
as bad as the media
makes him out to be.
I like the past tense
sound better, which is what you
get in your current name.
No doubt they'll have some
kind of extravagant death,
or something crazy.
This article is
full of half truths and omits
some important facts.
But who in our current
political landscape is
Graham arguing with?
Don't mod down comments
you disagree with unless
you can back it up.
I know what the Great
Compromise was, and you are
absolutely wrong.
**Edit**: And I mean
*that comment*, not all comments
on the article.
make developers
define the function themselves,
it's a one liner.
You teach the teachers
how to use them and the kids
learn from the teachers.
Unlikely, clever
customers will usually
get the thing running.
putative] facts are
in dispute" that there can be
no proof either way?
You are both teachers,
then, I take it? Child abuse?
Exaggerate much?
Why can't I assume
that Christian theism is
true at the outset?
Insider trading
does happen, a lot, and not
everyone gets caught.
You can't imagine
something, therefore you believe
in it? What the Christ?
I can vividly
imagine that one ice cone
drops into my head.
If all our reading
is tendentious, directed,
how can we change minds?
You said that saying
something is possible is
completely useless.
need to test planets
for oxygen or listen
for EM transmissions.
This certainly can
be a crime, depending on
the circumstances.
"Science is the way
we surprise God," said Kelly.
"That's what we're here for."
I still don't believe
this is the case, but of course
I'm stubborn like that...
What makes us rich is
not having or not having
any of those things.
Good examples might
be Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak,
Paul Graham, and so on.
its worth clicking But
the patent office should be
sued for doing this.
Sun's business should be
making money by selling
stuff at a profit.
My advise would be:
abort, retry, and ignore.
That's not the first time.
People generally
ignore sales hassles because
the product is great.
I think I think you
mean the opposite of what you
think I think you mean.
Id like to read more
on ways of making people
like your ideas.
Microsoft's biggest
competitor in the OS
market is itself.
It's almost as if
whining is second nature
to this audience.
Many of us own
cars, travel by plane, or buy
clothes made in sweatshops.
He is thought to be
slightly autistic, which would
explain the rocking.
Do you think someone's
about to reach a higher
understanding here?
This does not single
out Christians any more than
other religions.
Maybe you can still
stop your two other friends from
joining the navy?
I have considered
drinking my way through it, but
that would be cheating.
hah, the first few times
I read that I thought it said
"get some more often."
Actually, there are some
amazing related links
on that Russian page.
"Dupe" "we saw this two
months ago" "repeat" So what.
Get a new hobby.
It doesn't increase
the population at all.
Tell me about it.
The onion headline:
"Its clear they have The Bomb, but
do they have The Food".
I'd say Page Rank would
top the list of useful, real
world algorithms.
Otherwise life is
far too dull. "Bisexual?
Unhappy? You're screwed."
More and more people
are saying no to having
kids all together.
Note: If I'm wrong on
any of these statements, feel
free to correct me.
(Not that I agree
with him) Python makes a good
calculator too.
In truth, though, I think
few really believe people
own their own bodies.
I am no expert,
but I do have lots of hands
on experience.
That bringing the queen
out quickly probably isn't
the best idea?
If our resources
were limitless (like Mr.
Burns') I would agree.
I'm just pointing out
what I see as an error
in reasoning.) Doh!
The land area
is increased, and there's more plant
and animal life.
I beg to differ:
you do learn to write good code
by writing bad code.
They are basically
the same commercial over
and over again.
it's either one big
joke or the most frightening thing
i have ever seen.
I can't understand
people whose attitude is,
"Damn those rich bastards!
I also only
expect this to continue.
He's Armenian.
An economy
can be positive, zero,
or negative sum.
The Economist's
analysis is great, not
just on Tech issues.
But it's a big world
out there, with lots of other
smart people in it.
The underlying
facts and realities are
rather prosaic.
Because one study
has shown otherwise, we should
ignore the others?
I'm starting to like
this idea more and more;
I'm voting it up.
But this is something
that takes place over a long
period of time.
It's something that all
BlackBerry users should check
out if they like games.
-where do people who
have lost their faith but not done
any sins yet go?
so what does THAT mean?
Well, it means she didn't actually
write the article.
The burden of proof
lies on the party making
the outrageous claim.
Interesting and cool
idea, but *OMG,
the time and expense!
It would certainly
produce a much readable
and "standard" styled code.
Our troops are dying
so that Iraqis can be
free to kill our troops.
Competition is
not "economic damage".
How is that damage?
Does this mean if you
agree with that truth, you are
as evil as he?
Please, let us all know
how it is that I can change
my society.
A year ago, there
had been no trains blowing up
in London, either.
[deleted] This game
is called Contra some of you
might have heard of it.
Just because they will
not live on, does that make all
your actions pointless?
can see most of hot
sites to make my daily life
simpler and better.
Or perhaps you just
enjoy tossing about terms
you don't understand?
Regarding Plato,
"every word in Plato counts",
I'd have to argue.
First, I've never heard
that as a fundamental
leftist assumption.
Should we burn their books?
That way leads to the abyss.
It's "savvy", savvy?
And I agree, two
dedicated parents is
much better than one.
It's just good. I just
won't bump it's karma any.
My thoughts exactly.
Anybody can
claim something, its what they do
that really matters.
Both a bold, and smart
move to take away the risk
in buying a mac.
Never ever lie
to your user about what
you (the program) do!
Not sure I buy it,
but it's more plausible than
Totally agree.
As an atheist, I want
to spread my world view.
Actually, Robert Lang
probably IS the best folder
in the world right now.
I thought the first post
made much more sense, especially
the length histogram.
By the way, is there
anywhere I can sample
real world lisp programs?
Example: That whole
"let he who is without sin
cast the first stone" thing.
Yes, it does, because
the "functional constructs" are
no longer *functions*.
Why is there a peak
in almost all those graphs right
at the end of March?
There is no question
that the New Testament text
has changed over time.
The time has come now.
Lisp will at least be a "stretch"
language for a while.
For instance, shouldn't
"Gospel of Judas" be right
up there at the top?
Holy cow this is
one of the coolest things I've
read in a long time.
While we're at it, can
we get them to quit using
modern medicine?
I don't trust ancient
texts completely, but I trust
religious texts less.
I fully agree.
But I wouldn't want to get
rid of the "new" page.
Very interesting
article on the Kyoto
protocol in there.
That still makes a lie
out of the article, though
not ARM's press release.
I'm not even sure
how to form a coherent
response to that. Wait...
Oh, and gotta love
insulting other people
on the internet.
A miscarriage would
have caused the breasts to shrink back
to some smaller size.
And whether or not
you agree with slavery,
it DOES hurt the slaves.
The spirit is clothed
in the body, so you should
deprive the body.
I played donkey kong
until the scoreboard wrapped round,
and I enjoyed it.
But, obviously
everyone has thier own
opinion and all.
Since degrees are now
required for getting a good
job, they are worth more.
I definitely
agree about not using
the apricot scrub!
Then why blame Judas?
Why the "with friends like that" bit
from that Fox asshole?
Yeah, me too. I can't
wait until the Israelis
get out of their land.
Humans developed
protruding breasts when their their
mouths became smaller.
However, what's good
for the goose, must also be
good for the gander.
Should we keep bombing
until they vote for the ones
we want them to have?
My observations
have shown more of the latter
(laws) than former (speech).
And you wonder why
I consider this to be
"dictating hatred"?
You will only get
as much as you put into
something like schooling.
I personally don't
care if an atheist finds
my faith repugnant.
That's it. It's a page
you can decorate and post
thoughts and pictures on.
What's not strange to me
is that your assumptions are
entirely wrong.
Why should any one
group be "protected" any
more than another?
There is no reason
to grant a monopoly
to patent holders.
For example, does
"Long" automatically mean
"Intense" as well? Heh.
humans will always
find advantage in any
system that has them.
Well one time I had
these Guardians start talking
to me on the board.
Evolution is
death to any religion,
especially Islam.
yeah, right, that's a real
story and I'm Santa Claus
with a third nipple.
Also, Hawaii
is a really weird state, if
you think about it.
[deleted] Ever
hear of this thing called walking?
You've made some good points.
Bashing the author
doesn't tell me anything.
That was so stupid!
That's why both patents
and copyrights are described
as monopolies.
Besides this, maybe
the majority was wrong,
but that was its choice.
On the other hand,
perhaps he can't understand
your mentality.
In Python, some types
are mutable while others
are immutable.
"How is a mugger
different from the Internal
Revenue Service?
It's simply that there
is no way for us to know
what that number is.
Economics is
boring and everybody
loves a welfare check.
I hope you can see
why the question was different
and the answer is.
Everything just works
and seems to be where one would
expect it to be.
you probably work on
640x480 since I can't think why else
would you mind this one.
If they wipe Iran
off the map all the precious
Gulf oil would be spoiled.
Piracy wouldn't
affect sales if the software
price is reasonable.
How is this different
than ruby where you @repeat
@your @punctuation.
As long as interest
rates remain stable, you get
the numbers above.
If so, all this hype
about a debt collapse is
just doomsday thinking.
People are living,
thinking beings that can make
their own decisions.
I assume there are
taxes on goods imported
into our country.
Do we really want
to discourage people from
starting companies?
I read it again
but I'm still unsure what you
are referring to.