Haiku #252476
Sushi. Not even
the vegetarian one
did any justice.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Sushi. Not even
the vegetarian one
did any justice.
Definitely more
variation of map types
in the older games.
If you go over
even a little you pay
tax on all of it.
I am usually
in the middle in control
for overall kills.
I apologize
if I came across strongly
in my above post.
Europe has a big
advantage over the us
in this arena.
But okay, I'm sure
I should believe you rather
than my lying eyes.
We haven't gotten
our order confirmation
or anything yet.
I'm going to be
honestly helpful and not
make it personal.
I seriously
would expect our shit to be
together by now.
[deleted] super
idea somebody should
tell that paradox.
Lol You're not
disrespected at work or
anything like that.
The blood sacrifice
enables magic to be
entwined with the steel.
Just about breaking
any set of manners or
cultural bias.
To have investment
properties and to actually
own their property.
People who get their
news from TV are even
starting to like him.
She has so many
excessively attractive
people in her life.
Canadian here.
Similar, don't remember
that in theatres.
It's definitely
possible, but it really
depends on timing.
All objects exert
gravitational pull on
all other objects.
This is bad advice.
This is how idiots get
into accidents.
Anyone thinking
he will be nominated
is delusional.
Red Dead Redemption
I would definitely love
to have on PC.
I suppose it could
be done as a video.
Idea noted!
The electrician
hasn't lost anything but
time and energy.
For me, it depends
on the advisor and what
benefit I get.
That happens from time
to time and doesn't result
in a misconduct.
Being an author
himself he doesn't even
bother crediting.
And by that I mean
he royally fucked that day
over and over.
to send a PM
to also be reminded
and to reduce spam.
I mean, how the fuck
am I supposed to respond
to that? "Oh okay.
Wow, now I should go
to Peru with some table
saws in my baggage.
Well, he went for it!
Pretty good job, too! What ties
to the KKK?
Most of my MEd was
online through Arcadia
Extremely poor work
by a company as big
as Panasonic.
I absolutely
agree about sexual
safety, ofc.
Some ibuprofen
is essential if you don't
already have it.
Would it be correct
to say, however, that you
"came from" your cousin?
Edit: My bad, saw
your other comments about
the poll and all that.
I think I would do
that option if a refund
isn't possible.
So in your daily
routine, going to the gym
is part of your job.
My rule of thumb is
definitely to not go
to chiropractors.
to send a PM
to also be reminded
and to reduce spam.
to you, a Luke born on May
4th is perfect!
If you want advice
on specific areas
to look, pm me.
[deleted] Python
for Felons is a good read.
If you have the time.
Anything I cant
get locally I can get
via Amazon.
Never have I been
so fast to open a link
after reading it.
How can you compare
to pedophilia?
Even the Paris
agreement is nothing more
than comforting words.
As a layperson
in that area I can
only say this much.
News flash: her voter
base (liberal Amerika)
doesn't really care.
In a visual
medium the visuals are
pretty important.
It's an internal
administrative issue.
It's not important.
I apologize
to all of the Serena
Cha Cha fans out there.
Was round at a mates
one weekend back when I was
around eleven.
The ability
to objectively think just
does not exist here.
Being on campus
early definitely has
perks in this regard.
But I'm not going
to let it tear me apart
if it does happen.
I'd be more ok
with it if this was actually
accurate data.
Or define certain
attributes or predicate
into existence?
Really hard to say.
I don't have any other
ideas really.
There are so many
variables when it comes
to collectibles.
It was a pretty
reliable way to KO
two people at once.
But I'd gladly get
back to my original
argument of course.
But I haven't seen
any actual video
proof on here before.
Then, oh, mistaken
identity and I swear
I tried to fix it.
Makes it easier
to agree to disagree,
in my opinion.
For me it's mostly
the superiority
complex I can't stand.
Got any other
exercise routines you can
do besides biking?
millions of people
enjoy abstract art, it's not
that much of a niche.
AKA they have more
to lose than gain to pander
to people like me.
My mom legally
ran away from home and joined
the military.
As previously
stated, personality
This is a really
pretty mountain area
in Colorado.
Total idiot.
CNN makes Fox News look
like the BBC.
Lol Damn yea
I would too if it ended
up happening for me.
It could be any
day now but they ran into
last minute problems.
This also describes
the northern Midwest, except
maybe Wisconsin.
So I'm not sure how
everyone else is doing
but I love my monk.
Inter equalized
instantly after we scored
and then scored again.
I am not into
the IO games but you seem
to be having fun.
You are blatantly
ignoring the point I am
trying to illustrate.
If the comment is
trying to advance a harmful
social agenda.
Eating a sandwich
in front of a starving man
is at his expense.
But they do rely
on Qualcomm to a extent
on some devices.
[deleted] Have done
already so it wasn't
cynical at all!
I can lift tunes off
the radio and play them
on the piano.
The situation
is similar to David
Johnson's breakout year.
Anyways, enough
from me, im just a jaded
former superfan.
That she is even
able to run for office
is a fucking joke.
But the galaxy
is also influenced by
other galaxies...
I did one using
brushes and interior
enamel house paint.
It can hardly be
the good taste of it, or am
I missing something?
You might also read
the "lazy way to success",
similar concept.
you can aim to be bought out
by a larger firm.
Great portfolio!
Logo design services.
Great portfolio!
I think the real gem
is the demo of Croquet.
Totally awesome!
[deleted] Because
murder happens frequently,
murder is okay.
There is no mention
that Christ turned around and put
oils on the woman.
Now let's hear it from
Paul Graham. Are you just gonna
sit there and take that?
I think the trend is
already starting, it will
just gain momentum.
Weird. I found the text
article as interesting
as the video.
There are very few
real historians that doubt
that Christ existed.
Those who drive drunk will
think "this will never happen
to me anyway".
Thanks, guys! You say smart
things, and in a clear way too.
I stand corrected.
What about people
who speed because they are late
to miss the school bus?
**I N T R O
N** Seriously.
OK, I'll admit
that anything's possible,
but a racist joke?
Can't wait. _how low can
you go_ /me dances I've read
your essay before.
Who knows, maybe these
guys will come up with a new
way to do forums?
This thing has a high
initial "ooh, neat" factor,
I'll give it that much.
This is probably why
you see many top athletes
who are religious.
The product itself
is great but that name just does
not roll off the tongue.
I'm still trying to find
out why Christianity
is unique like that.
Its your opinion
that it is wrong, but who are
you to say it is?
Everything to you
is about my Religion
is better than yours.
There are several MUTE
clients, and most of them are
not up to par yet.
This is why there should
be no regulations on
starting a business.
But, of course, it's too
late to put that genie back
into the bottle.
That guy, the knuckle
dragging narrator, started
doing other shows.
I'm thinking about
the kinds of people that start
wars for oil profits.
He consistently
refers to Western culture
as something "we" own.
Jewish tradition
explicitly says, teach these
things to your children.
I assume that you
condone some things, and condemn
certain other things.
Some day I too will
write something entirely
devoid of content.
Am I the only
one who finds some of that text
VERY hard to read?
This would be much more
helpful to me that the current
"hide story" button.
Its ugly. Don't be
surprised if we have to fight
fascism again.
Friend, *that* is the true
reason many people are
gunning for the US.
Wow. That's got to be
the most blatant press hit I've
read in a long time.
If not zero then
run the following as root
to reclaim swap space.
It's a miracle!!!!
I think this cartoon really
captures the whole point.
We need to show them,
quite clearly, that this isn't
going to happen.
I find the latter
charmingly neurotic, but
the schools are better.
Psychiatrists do
worry very much about
weight gain side effects.
Now, that's one country
just begging for a regime
change if you ask me.
No women are tried
without representation
in the Middle East.
[deleted] That is
the type of stories that cheer
you up. Nice reading.
But I think we can
both agree that it doesn't
matter in this case.
We should take more from
the article than pity
for the Arab world.
What particular
points in the article are
you arguing with?
GAP searches that last
gap of yours that we haven't
been able to reach.
Further... this is what
health insurance companies
(supposedly) *do*.
We're in Chicago
so space is definitely
at a premium.
A form of cancer
in which ALL forms of treatment
are experimental?
Is it because their
impact on whether you die
is so prominent?
But what if, as some
people believes, the peak has
already been passed?
You don't laugh in court.
You don't mouth off to highway
patrol officers.
The latter if you
ask MS, the former if you
ask anyone else.
hey, it (free markets)
worked for the California
electric system.
There's a right to speak
absolutely anywhere
you're allowed to be.
It sounds easier
than it is in practice but
you should at least try.
That I should only
submit new developments
on any subjects?
i just joined after
years of resisting because
i hate joining things.
They are a proven
carcinogen and that's why
this is good advice.
Why? It's a gag site.
It's a big joke. Lighten up.
Dunno about that.
So far these pills just
make the patient feel better
and be more alert.
However, if one
accepts the premise outlined,
why so short sited?
Then it extended
upwards as the bottom was
dragged under the bridge.
At night the forest
site is dark and only his
supporters stand guard.
And I honestly
believed that I was being
really productive.
Another, perhaps
less obvious, example
is the Unix shell.
I'm definitely
going to have to ponder
on it for a while.
you don't need the full
text of all documents but
only the vectors.
Tough situation
either way, definitely
not one I envy.
That's funny as hell.
I don't understand. Could you
provide more detail?
For example, when
i read through the New section,
there's a lot of crap.
(To the outsiders:
Norway has two official
written languages.
I agree. The current
recommended list does not
really work for me.
What's so wrong about
publishing company goals
that are likable?
i forgot, this is
beyond the attention span
on the internet.
Something similar
exists today in the US
and Japan today.
It'll be a very
cool toy, but I don't think it'll
beat out a real pet.
It hasn't been signed
into law yet, so it's not
as if it's been banned.
If everyone knew
how common natural diamonds
were, demand would fall.
But I only like
that corner part with the tree
and the guy's finger.
If not, then this would
make an attack on Iran
even more pointless.
But, if they're happy
and things are moving along,
then so be it... Lies!
If they did traffic
shaping it was in order
to improve service.
The evidence mounts
year after year that we are
dealing with *humans*.
Something to come back
to from time to time to get
some inspiration.
But it doesn't work.
And the link "Continue to"
doesn't work either.
Why in Heaven's name
do we always try to make
things complicated?
I guess I won't feel
so bad the next time I mess
up my tax return.
I honestly think
that at the end of the day,
it doesn't matter.
I'm going to do
the activities advised
in this article.
Kidding. I have no
idea how it's supposed
to work. I agree.
They haven't even
been accused of anything
in particular.
If the almighty
is doing it, why can't we?
Thanks for the response.
I've found it's the rare
cop who has it together
to handle banter.
The minimum width
on these comments needs to be
increased just a bit.
Notes might kill Users
but apart from that it is
not a killer app.
Queens of the Stone Age,
Go With the Flow I'm intrigued
by the idea.
Who is right? I'd like
to give competent advice
to smart young people.
Yup, Black and White was
what popped into my head while
I was watching this.
and it's another
case of too many people
chasing too few jobs.
The other thing that's
interesting is how many
teachers are women.
Sheesh. That's all I had.
This is just revenge for what
your hockey team did.
Not really. It works
around them to various
degrees of success.