Haiku #76473
I have a morbid
curiosity that is
drawing me to it.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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I have a morbid
curiosity that is
drawing me to it.
have you ever told
anyone any made up
stories about them?
However there aren't
many of us and even
fewer in hardcore.
Try that. Currently,
Islam is interfering
with modernity.
In a sense, very
few people have a problem
with feminism.
I'll definitely
be copying that farming
base ASAP.
They had nothing but
kind words to say, as I do
for them. Lol.
and this is going
to be just as marginal
as Apple TV.
What if you pay off
the building and property
before you sell it?
All I remember
is not knowing who I was
or where I was. Yea.
I hope everyone's
preparation for Hate week
are going alright!
I did not appeal
to any logic at all
and neither did you.
Also, most of you
are dumb as rocks and I hate
your stupid faces.
My dog always lived
with another dog until
my roommate moved out.
I want to package
Headley and an outfielder.
Machine Gun Kelly.
DAE generalize
entire groups of people
by extremist sects?
What you are saying
only applies to open
range territory.
The botanical
became magical with you
and I to share it.
In any other
setting, it doesn't matter
but it does exist.
Conditions can be
measured as intended, or
as experienced.
Not my own story,
but I remember my friends
story vividly.
Bad thing is, I am
in Asia so my system
is PAL encoded.
the original
music piracy machine.
Evan Fournier.
I live in texas
and my internet speed has
got to be the worst.
You forgot to switch
back to your original
throwaway account.
Do you have any
idea how expensive
and complex that is?
Almost every dane
is incredibly easy
on their religion.
[deleted] I am
so happy i never met
anyone like this.
I did the same, but
now I feel like I've just come
out of a coma.
I'm totally fine
with people naming their kids
whatever they want.
Also, go Freedom
with your ideology
to run specialists.
The irony is
then she was less interested
all of a sudden.
men might not notice
as much as other women,
but we still notice.
You say a war crime
or atrocity needed
to be committed.
I absolutely
hate the show but jesus is
the intro catchy.
The academic
portion is ultimately
the stuff he got too.
Like everybody
wishes that No, it's only
for a few titles.
the only problem
i develop with smoking
alot is low funds.
I would never tell
you I have a headache Who
pays taxes on tips?
is just a nice way to say
If the focus is
not perfect, those images
are unusable.
That thing could put you
through college if you ever
get in a tight spot.
I never DID say
that they will successfully
manage such a thing.
That hydration is
NECESSARY when any
fever is present.
And traditional?
What exactly do you mean
by traditional?
No one abandoned
Libya, because no one
was in Libya.
So I would not mind
going to Arizona
for the next Fallout.
[deleted] There won't
be any conversation
on a new "New Deal".
House's agenda
is to put humanities
future back on track.
If so, that practice
is probably making at least
$1M in revenues.
I find the system
much more even and better
then it used to be.
if i had a tank
i would do that ALL THE TIME
This is so awesome!
As European,
I also fear it as hell.
The entire US?
Showers and wedding
etiquette in general is
very regional.
I don't exactly
know, but aren't these old arcades
kind of expensive?
Also, Angel is
pretty easy to use once
you get used to it.
I seriously
don't know why some of our fans
are in denial.
Took me just a few
days but it was that moment
I knew I was done.
I can't believe how
people are advocating
stepping on the gas.
I graduated
from there and this sounds pretty
accurate Add me?
Also happens when
I try to add a photo
in alien blue.
Original by
Lionel Richie. What build
do you have in mind?
That'd be awesome.
I want to see Jurassic
Park on the big screen.
My cube has no P9
and still I find myself trying
to curb blue's power.
The ten penises.
Planet of the penises.
Penis of the apes.
Even Merc wasn't
this powerful and you can
even counter him.
Having skills beyond
basic mathematics is
interesting to me.
I watched this before
I admitted publicly
I had a problem.
The first part of his
comment was entirely
accurate imo.
People not having
to do manual labor
and thus balloon up?
If anyone needs
to figure comedy out,
I'd say it was you.
Once again, events
in the story ended up
influencing it.
Do you recommend
any other companies
for a shared hosting?
I was wondering
why my photo suddenly
got so many views.
Easton Corbin is
crazy talented and just
now gaining traction.
Definitely check
with a specialist before
you do anything.
my question doing
little to alleviate
tension in the air.
Therefore it was not
purgatory either, but
A purgatory.
Have you ever been
suicidal or even
clinically depressed?
I felt kinda bad
because I hit him during
the animation.
Even nazis got
trials and mutilation was
not a punishment.
Example: apps are
valuable, and scarcity
is not a factor.
[deleted] That is
the exact brand, and exact
prescription I have.
I'm only a few
episodes in myself but
I really like it.
Awe lol yes,
I look ridiculous no
makeup lol!
Look up cognitive
behavioral therapy
for insomnia.
I never realized
I was a baker until
I became vegan.
Where did this teacher
get his ideas about
feminism from?
Bashing religion
is anything but taboo
on the internet.
ZING! [deleted] Why?
Riot making LoL
even easier?
is a relative concept,
not a certainty.
Better Do we need
to see every time someone
passes Danica?
Every previous
generation has had big
titles at release.
[deleted] Iain
M. Banks, in particular
the Culture series.
But, giving a name
to laying in a hammock
is also absurd.
Oh sorry about
getting in the defensive
like that lol!
Anyway I am
on the west coast so it is
still early for me.
Robot episode.
It's much easier having
actual range IMO.
And if he's making
you feel insignificant
than he's not worth it.
Alcoholics tend
to be more abusive than
heroin addicts.
Excellent! I love
that it's the original
all red bandanas!
What's funny about
Homer buying a painting
at the garage sale?
Edit: To be clear
"training" is necessary
to be a pastor.
Thank you [deleted]
I totally understand
that mentality.
PM me if you
want to take me up on it.
Any video?
No reality
fits an ideology.
Life is beyond that.
Yuck. Yeah but every
sperm is carrying the same
dna copy.
The emphasis is
on patience, humility,
love, etc.
Luckily I was
alone so no one saw me
embarrass myself.
He seems like he'd be
very much in denial
about gaining weight.
Get some personal
references to help for sure.
PC no problem.
Pm me if you
keep finding it difficult.
Those are amazing!
Basically, engage
in some open source work or
do some freelancing.
I can't imagine
the panic if the news went
out at the same time...
You have no assets
besides a phone and a car,
and you need money.
[deleted] As u
said, everyone can transfer
to Ascendancy.
Is this why Tom Hanks
is on my community
watch sign? I love it.
Now in going back
to edit that terribly
written paragraph.
Be unwavering,
outspoken, and positive
about your support.
map view and IVA
view simultaneously)
Is that a face swap?
I am such a fan,
you and Nick are my favorite
comedy duo!
I believe that kid
is going to deliver.
Keep an open mind.
Maybe in essence
Capaldi IS a return
to the first doctor.
A recovering
alcoholic shouldn't be
joking about that.
I might just do it,
if the idea doesn't
clash with the design.
This isn't about
never accepting a gift
from a guy ever.
Super fun, kinda
gory and really cheesy.
I also love Jaws.
The "original"
really wasn't important
in and of himself.
As I see it, males
in general* prefer to do
and not talk so much.
[deleted] Being
idealistic doesn't
stand the test of time.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Do you have any
idea whatsoever
how jealous I am?
Hope this gets removed.
I was ready for the feels
in Interstellar.
I played so many
Unreal Tournament matches
like that growing up.
The only reason
to learn Esperanto is
because you want to.
In what alternate
universe has Roman won
the Royal Rumble?
are selected upon (ex.
natural selection).
Noble is stepping
away from COD to focus
on their PC side.
Is that what happens
when a receiver runs his
route and gets open?
I was just saying
about needing an oil change
also sorry. Yes.
If you need to add
half a salad to it, why
not use shitty beef?
This is everything
Canada is. ^save ^me Full
Mojo Rampage please.
If anyone is
saying that, it is only
the extreme people.
Is there an option
to place individual
files into the zip?
Metro Manila?
I remember my last trip
there with my uncle.
That part is not law.
It is legal to protest
at a funeral.
Also, you can see
the invitations as well
as anyone else.
:P Also does know
if animal fat works well
to reuse often?
We didn't have any
when I lived in Nevada
or socal either.
I never knew cats
could show such emotion, mine
only has one look!
I need Anderson
singler and turner to go
off in the 4th.
My salvia trips
synchronize with whatever
music I have on.
Even if it's just
"fake" to get a better tip,
I kind of like it.
Eh.. The article
says the guy in Ottawa
was an Islamist..
I read them not long
ago and I don't know how
I feel about them.
Curious to know
how others feel about her
in this episode.
I'm not saying don't
believe anyone without
evidence ever.
They're a madison
brewery that makes a wide
array of brews. So.
I Do not harbor
any illusions about
our reality.
U! S! A! U! S!
A! U! S! A! U! S! A!
U! S! A! U! S!
Check your data used
before and after to get
the best estimate.
Lol that sucks
man but I can tell you he's
certainly worth it.
Honestly, the most
common thing is not making
any excuses.
An unfortunate
necessity with my current
life situation.
[deleted] Milan,
milan, Milan and Milan.
Seriously, OP.
I think they forgot
to turn the ignition on
for the ladder change.
I think the final
list will be enjoyable
and a solid mix.
I am a Colts fan
as well as a Hurricanes
fan, so I dig it.
If I am able
to ship before Saturday
I will let you know.
We will be renting
at first until we are used
to the area.
Lol probably
not exactly the ideal
thing for most people.
[deleted] What is
is irrelevant, it's how
the Scots will see it.
Nobody had known
about my embarrassing
tape worm incident.
Kids can be very
kind but very evil, too.
And always selfish.
What can I do now
to prepare to be a good
officer in it?
I also suggest
getting him a xylophone,
trumpet or kazoo.
I've never posted
here however and never
saw this thread till now.
Keep up the good work,
I'm optimistic to see
what you guys can do.
Telling them to not
expect any follow up
is useful info.
Electric city?
Yeah, I appreciate you
updating us! Thanks!
He is a single
asshole on the internet
who wants to pretend.
Nothing at all like
this at University.
I did the repair.
You're not clever or
cute or funny or even
mildly amusing.
you are the one engaging
in the circle jerk.
Unless you plan on
having it in cinemas,
4K is overkill.
Wonder if Rios
and Orlando have any
chemistry out there.
I really wonder
what goes on behind the scenes
in women's tennis.
I would qualify
as autonomous under
that criteria.
It says motor mounts
also, those can easily
be fabricated.
They don't understand
the intricacies that go
into play calling.
Have you tried talking
to your brother about how
you feel? Holy shit!!!
My last company
just had a mass exodus
and was baffled why.
i could totally
hear this during an Adult
Swim bump lol.
Not everybody
is as wired for a single
lover as others.
I love Perez, but
God he can be an awful
costume designer.
I can't remember
where I saw it, otherwise
I would post a link.
-Rob The idea
she intended to convey
was not outrageous.
It's just the gold packs,
elite packs, double elite
packs, etc.
Lol it was
definitely a learning
experience =P.
TV trimming is
part of the strategic side
too Open Ladder.
Sushi. Not even
the vegetarian one
did any justice.