Haiku #349038
What do you mean by
"out of his way"? Out of free
wash post articles.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
What do you mean by
"out of his way"? Out of free
wash post articles.
I appreciate
unbiased coverage Well, you've
got a problem then.
Since *Spirit* doesn't
exist this year, the results
have probably been tweaked.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Only recently
we bought a couple black towels
for my wife's makeup.
You have plenty more
years to figure out what you
want to do, trust me.
[deleted] so you
know how to Japanese now?
[deleted] Nope ha.
Honestly, I hope
the younger generation
catches on to it.
I also agree
that it seems like they have all
hands on deck for this.
Since you're not getting
anything at all, this is
likely the problem.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
Think about that sweet
collection he's gonna pass
down when it's his time.
It never worked. Yep.
As long as Pence is around,
not a chance in hell.
Study with people
in your classes and become
friends with them that way.
So if they ruined
my game I should at least not
have that guy next round.
Needs further action.
[deleted] Be careful when
you're mowing the lawn.
Having a macro
is something I'd be looking
forward to for sure.
Still, old games can be
very scary if we look
too deep. Give me Nope.
On the contrary.
Driverless cars will bring rail
back toward the middle.
Never ignore facts
because it is convenient
for your narrative.
Higher weight classes
often don't have as much depth
as the lighter ones.
I combine lifting
with eating right, quality
sleep, and cardio.
Does anybody
know the rules on Graduate
student transferring?
Was it just me or
were the hosts in the final
scene older models?
that is if your gear
is fully oriented
on healing power.
Obviously if
you're opening phoenix its
all a non issue.
From there, I'll trade what
I got plus a few more crates
for some painted wheels.
They say it pretty
much the same the way he said
in the video.
But if you do, if
you really want to help her,
this is what you do.
I've got pretty much
all the other stuff I want,
I'm not in bad shape.
If that's the case, then
your mic and headphone jacks are
probably wired backwards.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Can't fix shit in real
life unless you have a spares
truck following you.
Works for multiple
members of my household on
multiple Echoes.
I can see OP is
not the only one who has
cheated and divorced.
my brother showed me
something pretty interesting
over the weekend.
How many students
could pay a years tuition
for what that sign cost?
Find your recovery
disks and follow the complete
restore instructions.
It was a chicken
wrap but instead the chicken
was made from tree bark.
If he wasn't clean,
that would be the least he'd get
off with anyway.
I repeatedly
asked for them to calm down, but
was shunted aside.
The cigar is in this case
is secondary.
Sigh. I thought I was
out of colors left to want
but no I guess not.
Especially when you
come to love the highs and hate
the lows of using.
I'm also a (not
that active) drummer, so I'm
welcoming the change.
However, keto
allows one to feel full on
reduced calories.
Maybe you should stop
throwing around assumptions,
because you are wrong.
Don't read into it.
HYPE I'm in the Tokyo
area actually.
I think it's too soon
to judge the Kingdom forces
until we see more.
Your hair looks awesome!
I think all of the lengths look
really good on you.
You will have your head
up, successful because you
did it on your own.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
Lay down behind some
cover, just exposed enough
to throw down some fire.
Why not just release
all emails once you realize
you made this error?
The question you should
ask yourself is "Will something
this big lag the game".
The other part I'm
sure is just brain chemistry
and behavioral.
They're not getting much
in the way of services
compared to others.
Edit: I'm being
down voted for being right?
This is just red meat.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
We all know the why,
and it's not because other
young girls think it's cute.
Most likely the hosts
were covering for his absence
while he was rebuilt.
If Fitz did throw six
picks against Cincinnati
we'd have won that game.
Make America
Racist Again Yeah, I've seen
V for Vendetta.
Your cover letter
could use a bit of grammar
and style refinement.
This will negate their
Ultimate and open them
up for an attack.
Holiday season
is the best. Good for you man.
Don't lie on your sign.
It just doesn't sounds
as good compared to Pro Tools
when actually mixing.
The defense wore down
because the offense could not
sustain any drives.
The King's Cup challenge
will be available from
November 4th.
But if you're standing
right at the wall, attacks can
still hit you through it.
Don't be complacent
though, still do everything you
can to secure it.
Drinking only makes
feeling a bit down, stress or
anxiety worse.
I also think it's
hilarious that he has
crack shoved up his crack.
Follow up question...
Are they worth spending gems on
x10 contracts to get?
My sister likes (or
pretends to like) all the same
things as our mother.
Each case is unique
and it really depends on
the circumstances.
Amazon? I just
book marked this for November
9th. Oh. My. God.
OH ann even here
you are a beautiful sun
fish I'm with you there.
I try to retain
the ball as much as I can
and pass back and forth.
my sunday ticket
was freezing so i missed it,
thanks for posting this.
The same has never
been true about anything
pertaining to Trump.
It's a legend tier
line up since you claim ur gears
and jewels are up there.
Reminds me of what
Christopher Hitchens said when
Jerry Falwell died.
At least she didn't live
down the street and ignore you
in public. Good point.
I'll have to reserve
judgement on that until I've
seen a bit more though.
If you're gonna use
Word, ah... good luck. The time has
come and so have I!
I never even
thought that gaming groups could be...
"nice". But here we are.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
I live by myself
now and fucking love it Not
completely tanked yet.
Your boyfriend may see
that as more of a hassle
than anything else.
I didn't realize there
were so many scientist
in Alabama.
What kind of damage
does a weapon with "standard"
type (most of them) do?
No. Is that wrong... Yup.
Has anyone been punished
for those errors? Nope.
I personally hate
fake markets, but my friends all
bought decent coats there.
Probably never got
work in that district again.
Flashing. Normal pace.
It's kind of pricey,
but it's indestructible
and keeps them engaged.
Ever wonder why
Jonathan Taylor Thomas
used his middle name?
But the only Dust
export that was embargoed
was from Atlas, right?
I decide to park
in your driveway because there
is no street parking.
I do agree there,
that Johnson is a kinda
crappy candidate.
I still remember
going to school the next day
after watching it.
That's what I think too
Thank you so much! Yeah this is
my second play through.
It's so much smaller,
has so little resources,
and population.
I read *Nocturnal
Illusion* in the 2000s, but
can't recommend it.
Well I know what I'll
be having a good hard wank
over later on.
The person with more
money can have people do
whatever they want.
And if both of those
are pot of greed then you can
draw TWO MORE CARDS twice.
Oh okay Harry
Reid. We remember when you
tried this with Romney.
For me, a seizure
will typically effect me
the rest of the day.
pays but the actual
healthcare is provided by
private companies.
No jobs, that groups fault.
Outbreak of a disease? Oh,
must be "those people".
Are you planning on
doing all of the walls or
just a single wall?
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
White families fleeing
from neighborhood schools where black
students attended.
If you see a freeze
like this at another time,
please send us a log!
Umm... you DO know Drudge
pulls articles from very
many sources, right?
If you've never come
across one, then I'd say you
were very lucky.
I got it. That was
in Argentina, River
x San Lorenzo.
The couple will be
left with neither privacy
nor security.
have you got any
links to Obama using
the racism card??
Computer Science.
The inventor of TV
one had me laughing.
The second is you
get a a certain amount
per delivery.
The church is only
above ridicule if you
believe it to be.
The cop was a dick
but he in no way abused
his authority.
Grandpa Wiggly?
LOL. You totally
elicited that.
i LOVE THIS I just
graduated Navy Boot
myself on Friday.
Canada has caught
that idiocy virus
from the USA!
If you're properly
attributed, your site linked
to, etc.
And anyone who
does anything is open
to criticism.
Besides, no one goes
to an eternal Hell, Jews
or otherwise. How?
The anatomy
drawings are NOT creative
or original.
it seems like major
is a better idea.
what was your major?
If you enjoy is
sparingly you can enjoy
any type you want.
It is a billion
dollar industry, too, by
all indications.
Obama voted
for it and was a very
vocal supporter.
This is to avoid
the exact situation
you're talking about.
This is one device,
out of many, that cannot
be simulated.
and running away
from a raging elephant
when i was a kid.
Why exactly should
I be happy about it?
You beat me to it.
What do you suggest
we do for people who are
long term unemployed?
Chipper up and stop
being so emotional,
god that's annoying.
Vladimir Lenin
The goal of socialism
is communism.
We didn't have any
emergency gear other
than big down jackets.
[deleted] THEN WHO
WAS NAKED? because Luna.
princess of the night?
i think i might go
down this road if i can be
bothered perusing.
Or so I assume.
Can anyone with a law
background clarify?
The article talks
about a man viewing porn
in the library.
His legs are probably
proportional bigger than
his upper body.
Hormone therapy
also increases cancer
risk etc.
Any idea
if a full video gets
posted anywhere?
I'm reasonably
sure that smuggling illegals
is a felony.
Stalinism is
also a huge disconnect
from Leninism.
My pleasure; I hope
you enjoy your setup once
you get it all up!
If they were actually
bonded, separating them
may have broken it.
I am very pale
and become a tomato
super easily.
My family who are
very excited about
the little nugget.
It was the next car
over, and the lady was
really excited.
I hope this covers
all the information you
inquired about.
Are you expected
to use continuity
correction or not?
Now I know you are
just a fucking idiot.
Sincerely, Jesus.
Listen, I agree
with you that the violence
is already there.
To me it just seems
unnecessary to rag
on them about it.
I say that because
I won't resort to calling
you an idiot.
Do _you_ have any
idea what's it about?
you in chicago?
I love this picture,
but I was disappointed
by the video.
A more straight forward
answer is letting go is
simply not caring.
I get this feeling
whenever a beautiful
woman bends over.
Seriously, y'all
are the nicest people I've
ever visited.
Book three is very
different than the previous
two stylistically.
If I can handle
my expenses, he should be
able to as well.
That looks good! Also,
it's nice to find another
40k PC player!
The american
crime rate is not reflected
by military.
All day, every day.
Every person I ever
talk to, forever.
Or do you prefer
not even to enquire
whether there is one?
It's impossible
to justify, so I won't
expect you to try.
Is there any specific
reason as to why?
I eventually
got my tonsils out, and i've
been so happy since.
I honestly don't
know much of the music scene
in my area.
Sagan Obama
Kofi Annan deGrasse
Palestine Tyson.
This is a really
good idea, I'm going
to try this one day.
It is usually
available on campus
at a health center.
Which is utterly
confusing to me, because
she's adorable.
My surgery was
on a Monday and I left
on that Saturday.
ok, im gonna
catch some flak for this, but what
is raspberry pi?
A specialist is
forthcoming so I can get
back to being me.
But so has every
other dollar in the whole
damn economy.
I wanna see this.
Got a link to his profile
or even replays?
Dolores Herbig!
I'll never forget your name.
Because of your eyes.
It's only bland or
irrelevant if you are.
Just take that part out.
They do not reduce
your ability to put
food on the table.
It's adorable
what you think is manual
labor =P. What? No!
I don't think it is
either an American
or Australian car.
Then a magical
sky daddy created us.
No thinking required.
No idea what
he name is but i see her
every now and then.
it depends on how
complex the given 2d or
3d character is.
'Oriental' is
really only offensive
in America.
How do you police
those who lie about that or
are simply careless?
As a mechanic,
I'm saying your mechanic
is an idiot.
However, I still
think that this was a very
solid episode.
I have a morbid
curiosity that is
drawing me to it.