Haiku #348213
You know when Harry
Barry is losing his shit,
Hillary is toast.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
You know when Harry
Barry is losing his shit,
Hillary is toast.
Even if we score
one one point (impossible)
there we win the game.
It was the mindset
to not try to win the game
by scoring more points.
Stress management, on
the other hand, usually
gets me pretty good.
Wish I would have done
more service and told my Zone
Leaders to piss off.
There's a cream you can
make for that, but it requires
eye of Newt Gingrich.
Someone already
mentioned Miss Fortune but they're
also a good choice.
Why does this sound more
like a constipation joke
than diarrhea?
[deleted] [removed]
What's a Skoda? They never
used to be this bad.
I had quite a few
financial rough spots my first
few years on my own.
How long until you
felt comfortable actually
being on the road?
Feels like you're on fire.
Usually when this happens
my hands swell a bit.
You could also try
Steel Faith overhaul mod. Yeah,
I've seen this happen.
Make it another
version of Block but you can't
gear for it, like Block.
Good luck! I was off
for a while and am starting
back on today too.
If language choice is
open I'd go with Python
for ease of learning.
^^I ^^think ^^it ^^was ^^Dan
^^or ^^something... Maybe it's some
kind of fashion crime.
If they were actually
swearing, I could see your point.
But it's just bleeping.
It never happened,
so I wouldn't hold my breath
over this either.
What I want I get.
The Internet is a web
and I'm the spider.
The more helpful you
are to others, the faster
you're allowed to post!
you must give feedback
within that thread in order
to post your own link).
Good bunch of people,
but you have to join to use
the facilities.
*Welcome to the Smiths.
We have Mindy, Tom, Harry,
and little Debbie.
My rule of "no bread
at Thanksgiving" actually does
really well for me.
it was unlikely
to succeed and in fact should
have failed, but it didn't.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Make sure your power
is off and that everything
is installed safely.
There are women out
there that have no idea
how to chat to men.
People would be more
free to move to places near
others who agree.
And like anything
else in the body, the signs
and symptoms vary.
Worst I've heard of is
actual theft from another
Transformers collector.
The quintessential
grouping game is really what
I would like to see.
Now if we just find
out Trump killed people, it will
be an even race.
When the music is
twisty u know something is
about to go down.
If I always turn
my system completely OFF,.
then I know it's OFF.
Pretty much every
journalist is actively
trying to take down Trump.
Seeing being not
abide by this etiquette
really grinds my gears.
When people don't move
to the right on public stairs
and escalators.
I think it will take
much more for Hazard to get
Player of the month.
The English language
didn't even exist then, much
less British accents.
I went to get him
from the front desk and he said
"Oh! You cut your hair!
I drafted last night
and for some reason the first
week of scores counted.
*Liam. Doyle is their
brute of a cousin who tries
out for the Eagles.
I assumed he helped
out with it too. That's cool tho!
[deleted] Sorry!
Many of you seem
to be complaining about
the "serving size" thing.
Is that permanent?
I was thinking maybe some
rubber cement. Yes.
My incision has
that weird numb feeling as well
and I don't like it.
Take care, some storms do
take longer to weather but
good days can still come.
Running into bugs
is completely normal if
you're signed up for this.
I'm genuinely
ignorant, what's the thing you
are referring to?
I'm retired from porn,
but I'm video friendly
for extra money.
I'll check up on that.
What makes you think they dropped out,
all of a sudden?
Getting space that feels
safe and where she can think is
the important thing.
How much did it cost?
Canada.... or what we like
to call West Punjab.
My best advice is
to look outside the city
and take the train in.
Effervescent Nope!
Chuck Testa Hey that could work
really well actually.
For months now we are
having fewer visitors
and shorter visits.
Finishing Stranger
Things with my best friend. It may
be possible, yes.
I suspect they don't
really want the media
being competent.
[deleted] *Rachel
smiles* You are welcome to stay
here when you see fit.
Sod off Good morning.
It's a monday, there are no
good monday mornings!
I'm not even sure
why Mericle got involved
in any of this.
im not entering,
im just here to say good on
you for giving back.
But her rhetoric
is more similar to his
than his is to trump.
If your view is changed
please award a delta You
guys are pathetic.
correct, and thing like
individual's play style
is so overrate.
I'll never forget
hearing that shit when it dropped,
blew my mind away.
Do you guys feel like
Hightower will be the new
Saints starting RB?
Colored artifacts
don't happen very often,
but they do happen.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
It's astonishing
how many Patriots fans
come into this sub.
FREE SPEECH! Be thankful
you live in such a nice place
Thanks for replying!
It's more directly
related to poverty
and working *too* much.
We can smash those you
said it was worth 6k Couldn't
have said this better.
When you fight someone
really hard, you respect them
for going through hell.
Mussolini tried
that already, it didn't work
out so well for him.
I will take a look
this afternoon Classics File!
We need to make one!
I Don't Want To Play
Comp. Boom your friend now doesn't
search for a comp game.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I'd recommend not
wearing those tight fitting jeans
if you are trying stealth.
What made you become
so interested in wanting
to purchase from them?
[deleted] Wow, thank
you for that channel, it is
excellent indeed.
The lines stay around
7k V and the goats do not
mess with it at all.
Makes me want to do
some 5K specific training
to see what happens.
Thanks, you too! Here is
what I've learned in the few weeks
that I've been playing.
Both questions probably
have different answers, but bear
in mind which was asked.
More and more games are
starting to utilize all
cores available.
I really don't like
this holier than thou crap
I see on this sub.
It's clearly clip art
and a font with a box drawn
with rectangle tool.
When it comes up, most
women prefer a man not
shave his genitals.
Lisa: Bart, we're just
going to borrow them! Bart:
Oh, heh heh, gotcha.
Rave: I graduate
flight school in the next month. Rant:
car almost broke down.
[deleted] You're right,
but we'd have to over pay
for a guy like that.
Was feeling depressed,
alone and fatigued (likely
from the altitude).
:P) [removed] Maybe
you can buy a project car
to work on with him?
Somewhere in that thread
he said that he no longer
lets them in the house.
Consistently been
the weakest race in Korea
for a long time now.
I'd probably still be
scratching my head a bit if
I didn't start there first.
The risk of catching
the thief is so much worse than
just losing a purse.
I will now only
use bad Russian accent when
tanking for guild group.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I hate the design
and hope its final form is
more palatable.
Wait, you mean people
are two dimensional, not
one dimensional???
Very unlikely.
Now it's his little brother
who gets to wear it.
Now it's his little
brother who gets to wear it.
(He's grown out of it.)
Why send you guys out
there and waste time rather than
doing something else?
Holy shit. Sounds like
my secondary school too.
Which school were you from?
You're telling me it's
unusual to have more than
one pair of headphones..?
Find an ingenious
spot that no one would ever
find other than you.
Or maybe a Stein.
Good luck! I'm sure he will like
whatever you choose.
I thought the same thing.
Sick drawing tho Just teat out
with another card.
But it doesn't work,
so you must adapt to what
women respond to.
Maybe just a clear
cover that has raised edges
around the touch zones.
Also: Not scoring
penalties has cost them quite
some points already.
I meant to include
you too, just didn't know how you
were feeling lately.
When you say become
part of the problem what do
you mean exactly?
i'm game for running
buddies, just my times might not
be ideal to some.
Yeah, pretty much this,
but do you know any book
in particular?
I also dislike
that it usually turns quite
bloodthirsty and cruel.
Looks like the meals served
at my hospital You mean
that Finnish movie?
I have a big space
in my heart for the castle
sets of that era.
Same here (I'm the dad),
but getting my kids to keep
quite is a tough task.
The european
community seems to be
going pretty strong.
There's only one sea
related kanji and it's
not one for seaweed.
I'm not excited
about winter, but I guess
I'm prepared for it.
I think she's going
to be in the next major
class update, sadly.
Having played and own
all of them, I can see where
he is coming from.
That and just hanging
out with the community
(which is always free).
He spent a lot more
time training than trash talking.
Math is the same way.
One was a cop on
his way to work. Oops. agreed.
poor people are dumb.
Or if someone asks
you something you don't wanna
do, you can tell them.
But personally I'm
not into getting advice
where none was asked for.
This is addicting.
My wife will love it. There are
more locations now.
You can. I only
downloaded it this morning
and am playing it.
We got there early
walked around the stadium
absorbing it all.
However, if she's
claiming that it's something more,
then I'd be worried.
There is a good chance
your question has already
been asked and answered.
Wait, you can't afford
to repay your debt and you
are taking on more?
You and I might be
the only two Rob Morrow
named his daughter Tu.
Get off the road!" Not
if it checks for disconnects
on the losing team.
This photograph was
taken Saturday evening
just after sunset.
I sincerely hope
most of them are still in high
school with how they act.
As for expected
results from entertainers,
look at Canada.
Most of this will make
sense after a while and you
get used to the guns.
Using the very
power of the curse to beat
his way to a cure.
You sound a lot like
myself and so I also
recommend Mad Max.
I'm not sure, I feel
like my 4K friends can stomp games
when they play with me.
Lots of people there
liked the Raiders, so I joined
in It's Halloween!
I have no clue what
I was thinking. Let my shame
stand for all to see.
It's not that I don't
like it, but my collection
is getting too big.
So pretty much no
one seem to know it based on
reliable source.
Anything to get
that pipeline built for Saudi
Arabia, yeah?
I'm sure he can, but
up to this point they've done well
enough to win games.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I'm wondering what
the veggie community
thinks of this new film.
I don't know they can
draw a pass interference
whenever they pass.
Just played my first game
with him and couldn't agree
more with what you said.
No one should. When first
report come, we think it joke.
The man was crazy.
The man was crazy.
He shivered like so much cold
but covered in sweat.
Now see if it goes
in okay with the bullet
in place but not crimped.
Examples: With three
fingers, rotating them turns
the sound up and down.
[deleted] They can
be the breaker What else can
we rub into u?
for the back if you
want extra support, but it's
probably not needed.
I bet sales pick up
around Christmas when people
see all the reviews.
I suspect my grip
is shot because my hands are
on the smaller side?
What about the word
'condescending' and 'sexist'
doesn't capture that?
Even if you buy
into "racial differences"
(which I don't), Thai here.
In a rhythm tick,
dragons are far more hungry
than alligators.
But it seems to be
at a point where people are
jumping off ship now.
I think Connor keeps
going from insane challenge
to insane challenge.
Shit. Had heard about
this last night from someone who
works in the building.
Likely stuck in some
form of boot loop or the OS
could have corrupted.
You can kinda see
the car getting pushed by back.
puns are offensive!?
It's highly likely
that the "tablet" display is
going to be 720p.
Lot's of cool guitars
and not just hollow bodies.
They'll ship anywhere.
[deleted] Dank Watch
Dane Cook's skit of the guy who
sneezed on the bus... What?
More likely than not,
even with some luck, we miss
the playoffs this year.
Young guys getting post
season experience is
always a good thing.
Hope this is helpful
and good luck finding the best
camera for your needs!
[removed] Things you think
are intuitive may not
be the same for him.
How come I never
realized the political
bullshit is fractal!
And in mid while you
probably won't win the lane, you
won't lose it either.
Just hold that spot down
until Favors is healthy.
I agree with you.
It makes both of us
feel sexier and makes me
feel less rejected.
Go to 3d setting.
In the middle of the page
there's an "add" button.
The Russian Navy,
unlike the US Navy has
no such ambitions.
You have it backwards
in your comment according
to to the comic.
I understand why
people are getting their hopes
up w Trump.
Your submission has
been removed because it is
not properly tagged.
But to add to that,
I'm pretty sure people won't
like the slush either.
Jesus Christ. Can you
not comment on this without
being an asshole?
What I don't like is
having the US government
take care of it all.
It's fruitless. It's like
talking to dark matter. Yeah...
I should have known that.
It's totally false,
but it gets people to go
away *really* fast.
The display is far
better than I expected.
The comfort is great.
Do you have any
tips for someone who hasn't
done any shading?
Just as clear up, there
is a huge "maybe" after
the completion time.