Haiku #348420
Just as clear up, there
is a huge "maybe" after
the completion time.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Just as clear up, there
is a huge "maybe" after
the completion time.
I had lots of rust
issues that they fixed last month
under warranty.
I also didn't say
that nobody has ever
cheated in the game.
Go to 3d setting.
In the middle of the page
there's an "add" button.
Boo hoo. You are one
person in one town with one
set of connections.
As you can probably
guess, I would strongly argue
that no, it doesn't.
Something about them
has always mystified me
my entire life.
Also next time find
something that turns you on, each
person is different.
Ok, i will show
myself out That Fred lebow
is a wacky dude.
This show has left me
feeling empty and scratching
my head with boredom.
And Canadian
stock market is the wild wild
west of penny stocks.
If the Ducks had room
I would think they would have been
very interested.
You're obviously
going to play the game, forge
your own opinion.
Corey mintz has been
doing a great job bringing
this issue to light.
In all that shit is
you lamenting, is your wife
really a good wife?
Just had some yucky
crusty stuff in the creases
and an old sticker.
When I'm by myself
thinking about her, I get
hard rather quickly.
Care to elaborate?
Is an Atheist even
capable of that?
Don't feel bad. Who signs
lugubrious, honestly?
Kudos for the joke.
Please before you sleep
speak a little on the child
prostitution ring.
He stood a few yards
away and stuck a leg out.
That's not good enough.
It wouldn't cost much
to call the Dr and have all
your questions answered.
What you read about
is the upcoming app from
Apple called "TV".
Not many chicken
pickers out there, but it looks
like Marc may be one!
You: (Upset that you
were mislead somewhere) That's not
what it says online!
OMG. The game
developer speaks actual
correct Japanese.
Usually it is
some octogenarian
in an old buick.
The catch is you need
to buy it through a business
if you're a foreigner.
You're just the greatest
possible friend a comics
fan could ever have.
Plus, somewhere out there
there's a Palace fan reading
this who's *furious*.
It needs to drive home
the point that after college,
making friends is HARD.
What part of "consume
the entire universe"
don't you understand?
They can't be that dumb.
This really looks like a planned
encounter to me.
/s That Honda is
one of my favorite supers,
I have it myself.
He hits so fast while
agility morphed and has
ways of escaping.
Lets just believe what
ever Hillary tells us
and it'll all be good!
this message isn't very
useful by itself!
No way I'm stopping.
Now I'm terrified it will
come back to bite us.
Until they get out
and are pissed and run train on
my team from behind.
Cats generally don't
wander far from where they got
lost, so keep looking.
But nothing he did
got any traction to sway
the electorate YET.
It was one of their
fellow militia buddies
that got shot and killed.
Cough... If we can squeeze
that crocodile with something
and that he can't move...
The moment it left
my hand and went into hers,
I knew "This is it.
Yeah that's fucked as well.
This is a competition
that I'd gladly lose.
So, I just got up
and told her I was going
to Lift for a while.
Turkey is a bit
contributor to NATO.
That's sex, not gender.
Only one Boo Melt,
from a couple weeks ago,
still in packaging.
I go in the house,
call her name and check the rooms.
Nowhere to be found.
They move as a group
away from the tiny ass
circle it creates.
Why don't these clowns see
that Trump is a crook You need
more reclusive friends.
I told them I was
considering leaving, by
email and by phone.
After that, there would
be brief email exchanges
about once a year.
I like medium
sized cities, with fast access
to major cities.
TIL a tv show
used Adagio for Strings
in it's opening.
Star Wars trilogy,
Toy Story, Happy Gilmore,
Billy Madison.
This game is sexist.
Saying "ladies you are gear"
is so terrible.
Male cops that cannot
even defend themselves. Geez!
No guns? Double geez!
nah, unless it some
super new interesting game
I'm done with the game.
Thank you very much
for your feedback I really
appreciate it.
Your submission has
been removed because it is
not properly tagged.
It was very thick
and muddy with a steady
rain when I started.
Hopefully we can
drain the swamp and prevent or
reverse the damage.
It is a good plan.
It is a reasonable plan.
It fits the time frame.
Please be in Tampa
and need me to come and take
one off your hands! HULK!
Will let you know when
I'm able to add you back.
Define outperforms?
I know it can be
hard to find a therapist
who is right for you.
His tackle on Luiz?
Why do you hate Spurs so much?
[deleted] Good luck!
what propaganda
goal would be being achieved
by this? Thanks again!
Just circling around
and hitting them until they're
all one hit from death.
You are a normie.
Maybe, by then, we can switch
back to the old ones!
Your perspective has
been warped by the media
you choose to believe.
I think you're spot on.
Hard to blame him when he got
screwed over like that.
Still, celebrating
Halloween is a Christian
thing to do these days.
But relying on
your opponents bad matchup
knowledge isn't good.
Never go to bed.
Problem solved. Yes. Which part do
you have issue with?
This one is bigger
than most but it doesn't mean
that it can't be true.
Go on dates. As long
as you don't bottle things up,
you should be okay.
when he tells his dad to "just
do it". Watch his arm.
Also I did not
have blood for blood when testing
the dummy last time.
He had a little
bit of gas but was well fed
and just wanted mom.
Everyone wanting
to ride buses should really
learn how to do this.
It's so much higher
that this isn't even worth
arguing about.
Ah, samsung, always
pushing the envelope on
how low you can go.
The ships used to be
carved out of acorns before
plastics came along.
I think I've just had
enough of this series, There's
nothing new to show.
And spoiler alert:
I'm getting a little side
action from teach too!!
Good thing it will be
transfered in the states at least
Sure, but less likely.
I might have to just
stick with an older machine
for the time being.
Its really only
the US who makes a big deal
out of Halloween.
Some Christian churches
use hell as a stick to beat
people into line.
I thought he treated
Trump running for President
like comedy gold.
Finally, let me
just say that I'm sorry you
are going through this.
This is an open
ended question that has no
right or wrong answer.
He will win it all.
And there's nothing anyone
can do about it.
Biden has, at least
to the effect that he is
"no fan of Weiner".
How could they have found
evidence if they don't know
what's in the emails?
Watch for more weasels
to start squirming as the vice
grips tighter on them.
I quite expected
*you* stopping peeps from talking
about politics.
His secret mission
to get rid of the body
is brilliant. What book?
Does the search button
still start a new web search, or
does it do nothing?
Now I'm in a game
that has no concept of search.
Is it disabled?
It should revert back
to the original play
now on hover change.
Lol, got caught
up in the moment (loosing!?
Looser, lol).
Even if I end
up not using him that much,
or not liking him.
Its pretty much just
his taxes though, what else is
he hiding really?
Like he was taken
out of another series?
It's because he was.
He didn't make it stick,
but it was a great effort
and at least he tried.
This year we're going
on a sunset sail that has
food and live music.
But we try to make
the stuff pretty awesome too
when we do give gifts.
It is a good phone
and has a "mod" for even
more battery life.
I mean, it isn't
far fetched that a massive boat
burns a lot of fuel.
[deleted] [removed]
Wow, great to see a fellow
Irish citizen!
Grosjean was getting
shit for complaining like hell
on the radio.
Thank you I'd really
say it's just the groups, just keep
applying to tons.
It is illegal
to produce chicken without
purchasing quota.
Well, it's Theresa
May now (not that it matters,
they're both terrible!).
Everyone else had
to call her by her real name.
I would do the same.
The occasional
compromise is fine but you
need keep in control.
(You gotta admit,
that's a pretty bad story)
That never happened.
I feel like the true
extent of racism is
always glossed over.
Always makes me laugh
when people say racism
is worse than ever.
Well, I dare to say
from a code point of view, Doom
is a masterpiece.
So, it's never "off"
the network, at least not on
the downstream channel.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Doctors have to choose
sometimes between a mother
and an unborn child.
That cross member by
your feet looks like it is way
too close for comfort.
I tend to extend
my legs forward when sitting
at the computer.
Now I am switching
my focus from trout and drum
to stripers. yes, why...?
She's so annoying.
The guest characters so far
were pretty awesome.
I'm thinking Flash is
not the only thing that leads
to this low kill count...
I'd say it's different,
but not sure what game is best
to compare it to.
Music Theory is
fertile ground for locking us
into paradigms.
Awesome. Is the new
weapon skill an AUG, or
do we not know yet?
Make sure you also
post the wallpaper when it's
all up in the room.
bus back to Glasgow
after was pretty cheap too.
amazing trip Ah.
You should be doing
this if you want a leg up
in making good decks.
No it's to the right,
it's two shuttle areas
where it gets lighter.
They will be able
to show you different models
that you can test out.
I wanted to show
how not having something can
be a benefit.
However, that is
my understanding of what
OP is proposing.
The high school kids had
the combo to the lock on
Danny Ways half pipe.
Awesome, thanks. If there's
one thing both sides might agree
on, this may be it.
Kitchen nightmares is
similar to Hell's Kitchen
but not as extreme.
At least, has it worked
that way in previous games?
contact and ask them?
He was aggressive
for making fun of the guys
throats clearing noises?
Cause you wasn't smart
enough to wait few minutes.
[deleted] This joke
is morbid if you replace
"when she opened it."
Plus, I can't see where
either Staley or Thomas
would fit on the line.
I usually try
to play with her for some time
and leave her to play.
Mod with koss porta
pro will sound way better than
this chinese product.
Prepare for crying,
begging, pleading, promises,
anger, bargaining.
Right? I have to make
sure to put them in a side
pocket of my bag.
Get a second job.
Then you can afford both but
have time for neither.
So all of those who
perish in the next month won't
have to wait that long.
I've seen your spiders.
I don't even want to know
what your bats are like.
At the least, it'd
give you a decent excuse
to eat your neighbors.
Learn from it, don't try
to bury it because you
don't agree with it.
You knew what the loan
cost, you knew what your preferred
field pays (you did right??).
Please delete this post
and resubmit without all
caps in the title.
You have never had
to work out which evil twin
to kill? Get out more.
Some people who write
in chat can write bad stuff, but
people who can't don't?
Honestly I read
your statement as a social
experiment too..
More than Theresa.
But what happens if you draw
three more pot of greed?
Not to mention, you'll
want to impress the people
you asked to watch you.
Sometimes playing them
in the background of work is
refreshing as well.
I took Portugal
before I got the unions
and I had a queen.
My car says it need
premium but i only
put normal in it.
Kid's funny uncle
you seen couple times a year
is no longer there.
It's more expensive
but the results are more what
you'll be looking for.
When it hit other
things, those things started to fly
in the same manner.
It will make you feel
good for a bit, but it could
come back to haunt you.
Should be a option
if you want this to happen
or not. Lil cat True.
Yea, your inflection
towards the end made it seem like
you were serious.
We don't want strangers
here" "I'm just here for the night,
I'll leave tomorrow."
I also think there
are some beginner clans too
that'll help you out.
I believe even
the unlimited storage
for photos works too.
Europe next, perhaps?
That's a California state
animal sweater.
One of the best games I've played
this generation.
You'd think that would be
the job of the division
heads or whatever.
Now I've already
found some one I immensely
enjoy being with.
I would really hope
that people don't think this is
real on Halloween.
No Hah, fair enough.
20degrees, lots of snow. Female,
looks like Missouri.
no It's not "Clinton
does bad things", it's "everything
Clinton does is bad".
But not all tires
even though listed the same
size are the same size.
Who do you know, though?
Last time I checked Obama
was still verified.
He can grow it out
but it just seems to be less
than satisfying.
He can grow it out
but it just seems to be less
than satisfying.
But Bergeron is
really good and having Quick
later would be nice.
No one is going
to talk you out of it if
you want to do it.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Perhaps I should've
brought more attention to it.
Now that's interesting.
A heavy oil ball
with be strong on Heavy oil
and Weak on light oil.
Dammit I always
get the minimum Because
that's all they get now?
She still gives me shit
because I do not know her
phone number by heart.
According to him
he is the most important
person in the world.
You just accepted
the fact that there *are* things you
would **need** to disclose.
But what's really cool
is that he also does some
vocals for his songs.
I wouldn't discount
anyone but the Browns from
making the playoffs.
Damn man, why do you
always want to fight people
on the internet?
Its like the special
Olympics, if you win you
are still retarded.