Haiku #347494
I don't want to be
touching my laptop screen all
the time. It's awkward.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
I don't want to be
touching my laptop screen all
the time. It's awkward.
instead of people
i used to get stuff, i know
things about them yet.
This is painfully
obvious if you played him
in the duel deck.
Because according
to them, all certificate
will only last 7days.
I'm a fan of both,
but acknowledge that they are
easy to confuse.
Also, people do
back down when the child doesn't
want to kiss Grandma.
One is chem. One is
classical mythology.
It'll be a nice break.
I sing this place's
praises to everybody
in my area.
Only this time you
stomp on his head until his
brains ooze out his ears.
is it the shoulder,
is that the question mark, Its
the shoulder i bet.
People come up from
all sorts of fighting backgrounds
and have huge success.
Nope. Of those that are,
are the problems treatable
by medications?
If you're a casual
I really don't see any
future to play this.
Do you know? Is their
tax information public
or confidential?
Saving scrolls means you
get many monsters to work
on at the same time.
It has all of our
invoices, client details,
notes etc.
Trust me, the dude would
have his head and arms covered
at the very least.
The actual ending
felt like they wanted to give
*some* happy ending.
How about im not
going to do your homework
for you lol.
The prices there are
pretty decent and it's free
worldwide shipping too.
Thank you for this word.
This is beautiful I'd say
he's better than Dear.
My expectation
for his behavior is not
based on his own claims.
I don't make a lot.
I'd make more at my local
fast food joint, no joke.
Put your big boy pants
on, ignore it, and move on.
This is pathetic.
The next day, I could
be all about Point of View
or Apple Shampoo.
So why exactly
should something that happened be
removed from history?
Yup. And this can cause
the attraction to go up
or down. Yeah probably.
We all had a blast
cheering him on and yelling
"Go get him Busta!"
It does not always
deliver, but overall
is enjoyable.
No Greeks won slaves through
conflict, which they were very
adept at doing.
LOL. That's what
I joked with the RE about.
"Happy Halloween!"
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
From Terminator.
Yeah, it's worth a try. Let me
know how it turns out!
So if countries were
people the USA would
be a school shooter.
I'll leave a little
gift in front of the station
for you, as well! Thanks.
That's pretty funny,
dude expected it to go
I think someone else
stepped in when I sent the last
message to them. Word.
I do too, but if
you know anatomy you
know anatomy.
We celebrate their
sacrifices and their lives.
There is a difference.
She's a good actress,
but I don't understand all
the fuss over her.
A person who kills
another without any
motive or reason?
We get laughed at by
everyone else all the time.
We need each other.
I have like a 10+min
timer on my comment post.
Nice talking to you.
How the hell do you
think this entire country
was built from the start?
I genuinely
have no idea what you
are trying to say here.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
No you fucking weren't
and nobody believes you,
so stop saying it.
Basically no cost
beyond the bandwidth you use
seeding the torrent.
Sorry for your loss.
[No idea. It's not been
posted anywhere.
Good or bad it did
what it was set out to be.
A money maker.
Love the minimal
amount of effort he put
in to dodging it.
Do you do any
specific search in order
to find the prices?
He contributed
to the discussion, you just
tried to shut it down.
I would much rather
see a longer season than
longer episodes!
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Then load up your car,
grab your dogs and get the hell
out of there. Agreed.
Mercy! [deleted]
lit I was a manager
at a grocery store.
Obviously if
you get people that are on
the same point it might.
I will not eat junk
food unless out with my friends
on a saturday.
I've run with a few
Druid healers who don't put
any hots on me.
The more the better.
Pile on your roast beef, again,
the more, the better.
Spell check is a thing.
Wow lol. Did it taste
as bad as it looks?
"Traitors" Lol.
We didn't sell defence secrets
to our enemies.
Just make sure any
programs you absolutely
*must* have support it.
I can refer some
reputable third party
if your interested.
Wasn't a perfect
situation but i was
REALLY into her.
His leaving really
set us back until Harry
and Bale bailed us out.
I can hop on right
now right before I leave yeah,
narrow is the path.
Marijuana is
illegal in most states while
alcohol isn't.
I guess cheese prices
may drop a bit, but surely
not that big a gap.
I'll see if I can
gather the motivation
to post over there.
If it was more like
previous events I feel
I'd like it better.
I love how no one
even suggests that she stop
getting thrown in jail.
We know there is more
than enough to do better
or right by people.
It's covered under
warranty, contact Sony
for a replacement.
It's all about who
you follow and what you want
your feed to look like.
Be open minded.
Be understanding. And take
no for an answer.
Keep it up. I didn't
use gum, so I can't really
answer your question.
The attitude towards
kids in Colorado is
similar to mine.
and start the TV
on that activity through
the Harmony app.
Americans are
very used to eating way
too much sodium.
I could probably cum
the same way if I were next
to that! Flair checks out.
Helios Grover Alpha
Barium Fury.
Yes, it's a great job.
No I don't get free food. Yes.
I love their pizza.
I won't be getting
one until January
or February.
I was wrong and fixed
the original comment.
That's what we're here for!
Sure, someone who is
actually in the KKK
will be hard to find.
I'm sorry but are
you implying that Scottish
people are orange?
I will probably just
jump to one of the three coil
chargers straight away.
Or, at the very
least, some kind of migration
to backup servers.
Also im polish
German originating
in Bavaria.
you obviously
ain't a damn doctor, so stop
trying to act like one.
He cheated on her
and tried to pimp her out once
to settle a debt.
Jesus christ that would
be terrifying, my heart
goes out to Patton.
you can do nothing
but world quests and get higher
gear than base mythic.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
She's probably busy.
Why do you feel the pressure
to talk just to talk?
If you actually had
good arguments you wouldn't
need to use deceit.
The season is done
and next year isn't a time
for experiments.
Why exactly should
original intent be
relevant here, though?
Too busy playing
literally any other
PC exclusive.
They're absolutely
helpful, even the weakest,
least addictive ones.
Ah thank you so much!
Its midnight but I'm going
to download it now!
There's lots of people
who have succeeded and there
are those who haven't.
Well some people are
unfamiliar with baseboard
heaters like myself.
the last one is C
Compiler Design in C
by Allen Holub.
and seriously
when is this movie coming
to America?
just dump the body
next to the cargo tankers
before they depart.
This would make sense if
I had to purposely put
my phone on silent.
Could they be something
to do with the work going
on at the landfill?
I never have been
before, because I've never
been that close to it.
In no way. I am
not dodging any questions.
Your points don't make sense.
I'm gonna take you
at your word and consider
you a decent guy.
What happens if you
say you're not high but are still
feeling the effects?
Bumble Sydney says
he made it so that all they're
good for is filming.
This one is jasmine,
but it's creamy, rich, gorgeous
white floral goodness.
Klopp has been playing
some of the most attractive
football in the league.
Thank you! Yes of course,
women need to find the right
Chad to have sex with.
I know he wasn't
popular after the World
Cup biting, but damn!
What's your opinion
on [this documentary
music video?
I'll answer questions
if people ask here but I'm
not making a post.
The computer reads
the chip before it allows
the engine to start.
You should actually run
the numbers from the actual
lowest cost option.
And like someone else
mentioned the learning curve was
not that high at all.
Its irrational,
impractical, ignorant
and ineffective.
[deleted] Except
the whole Andrew Miller part.
Yes! Exactly this!
[removed] No. I thought
about that but I don't think
we really need it.
I think I'm going
to go to Ladybird or
somewhere before hand.
Sort of spoils the fun
if you know it going in.
What's a big club though?
Not a single black
person alive today was
wronged by slavery.
People get carried
away with their emotions.
The place was rocking.
The area is
unstable and needs to be
secured for safety.
And nobody has
ever died from being shot.
They die from blood loss.
Who cares how Wade's team
did anyway it wasn't
Wade's fault. He was great.
I think its mostly
frequented by people who
are jaded as fuck.
I want to answer
honestly, but I also
want you to hire me!
Smart old bird. [removed]
But they have already shot
the film... Lock him up!
Believe it or not,
this does make me feel better,
so thank you so much.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
If you're focusing
on your target, the double
vision won't matter.
Don't get me started
on Christmas Europeans
though I love you, man.
I guess my question
is, why are you practicing
painting heraldry?
_Round the other side_.
She could feel its suspicion,
and some of its guilt.
There's lands where they don't
need to speak to curse demons,
you_ bastard, she signed.
Stuff like patents could
be abolished to get us
more competition.
As soon as players
see you are playing him you
will be targeted.
They really can't keep
making it worse, or people
will just go elsewhere.
Gets it nice and cold
and keeps the inside wet (less
nucleation points).
The reality
is that you shouldn't even
bother arguing.
This goes a long way
toward improving the Ranger
class as a whole. Sure!
Ha I guess you could
say OP really "GUNNED" up some
laughs with that great pun!!!
It'd also be
nice to get straight to the point.
I got axe for you!
You could actually see
the ISIS payment system
at some McDonalds.
My Grandfather drilled
into me many of those
same fundamentals.
You have no control
over who uses data
and when they use it.
Thanks. depends on what
you mean by subjective but
yea, its subjective...
Anyway, good luck
for next year championship!
I'll be following!
We're already clean!
That's a pretty cool feature
and a decent size.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
America is
authoritarian, right
wing and socialist?
Common usage is
to use it to mean "phrasing"
or something like that.
If Johnny gives his
apples to me, how many
apples do I have?
Some people's only
joy in life is trying to tear
other people down.
He's developing
new intercontinental
ballistic missiles.
maybe your tenure
here has ended, and it's you
who should go elsewhere.
Just hope to raise two
good kids that have good morals
and stick together.
Having it reset
Tuesday or Wednesday would be
much better I'd think.
Asking him to try
to replicate Kane's impact
is insanity.
Walker's art wasn't
this noticeably drastic
in the beginning.
However, we don't
still get the idea how
to use it like pros.
Won't have to worry
about the adaptations
out pacing the books.
A good way to tame
the addictive tendencies
some of us have, too.
You can be perfect
and if it ain't got that zing
might as well be not.
Oh gosh Amazon
are cracking down by taking
THREE sellers to court.
When wondering when
to drop someone, look at yours
statistical needs.
You have literally
no idea how actual
economics work.
LOL ok
I don't have any new skin
for any norse god.
So, the officer
discretion is used widely,
which I'm glad to see.
Looks great. added Yeah,
the stuff about stretching is
totally opaque.
We're giving as much
detail on the entire
process as we can.
I felt like I could
have watched TV or spent time
on the computer.
You know which kids comes
flying to the rescue when
daddy hurts mommy?
Hopefully we don't
get too ambitious and try
to get something done.
How much money do
i need (low as possible)
to buy decent rep?
I'm disappointed,
I just wanted a fun space
exploration game.
Lol. The true
Diamond players stay on their
regular account.
No one ever died..
Ever... But he was asking
for it Very cool!
Sent you a pm.
why is it insane to be
anti hillary?
Is anyone here
bilingual Canadian
and American?
Does Old Bill respond
like he can pass a turing
test this episode?
HONK IS! He should be
in prison for attempted
murder Humans too.
Please do not reply
to this message, as it will
likely go unread.
I think I prefer
not to know what they're doing
to my teeth sometimes.
Granted, alternate
candidates have always had
someone vote for them.
Those economic
and business decisions flow
from politics too.
That's fine, it's not me
who is going to suffer.
what was your steam name?
It's cool that was dave
he said I was too robust
for these pants No thanks.
Like I said, keep old
buildings in separate places
outside large cities.
Guard comes by every
hour gives you a shake till you
respond then moves on.
I need to get off
my ass and figure out how
to use I vara.