Haiku #347372
Just keep that in mind
as you find yourself and who
you want to become.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Just keep that in mind
as you find yourself and who
you want to become.
Awards included.
Edit: I agree it's still
not the way to go.
She'll do better than
Pence on that issue. Her AG
won't be Chris Christie.
If we're comparing
just words on this one issue,
they're about equal.
That's simply legal
fiction and you are fooling
yourself otherwise.
He did it." :D That's
hot lol The tiny
arms are the best part.
And you're steadily
aging backwards, but I don't
mean to alarm you.
In a 5x5 bingo
card, usually the middle
square is a Free Square.
I agree with you.
Now why do you hate any
religious person?
What you're going through
is only going to help
you in the future.
No game is going
going to help you relive
what these guys went through.
I don't think I did
the best job with my comment.
My apologies.
Karma whores. We don't
HAVE to take our shoes off when
we enter our house.
So most things I missed.
Now, I am a large guy by
most definitions.
I'm fully aware
I have no idea what
I'm talking about.
If you really want
superpowers, id suggest
looking deep inside.
The declaration
is imminent, why tire
your opener out?
(I don't raid much) that's
something a lot of people
never consider.
If your hands are not
more than a few inches from
your hips then you're fine.
Overall it just
not a very efficient
or effective piece.
Seems like it's mostly
the cheaper tippers that can
be chained. Enjoy it!
Because this was more
akin to an orgasm
than just a feeling.
[deleted] I am
not qualified to answer
but am curious.
Every episode
makes the previous ones seem
like watching paint dry.
We all make mistakes
and our good intentions are
often misguided.
If you have followed
Macs for a while, then you should
have expected it.
The vet wasn't sure
what It was but it was fast
and unexpected.
That's where you really
learn the delicate ball touch,
and risk management.
I hate how most games
handle it but all you can
do is boycott them.
Parents and other
job applicants can access
the site directly.
Good point. I've never
seen a moose in my life nor
have I eaten one.
It seems worse to me
than it was a year ago.
Maybe that's just me.
Apparently you
are having trouble reading
as well as writing.
Now to try to pry
Derick Henry away from
the team chasing me...
I saw Begala
say on Maher that Axelrod
is smarter than Rove.
Some people pay $1k
to sit up close at a World
Series baseball game.
I want Romo, but
as long as we keep winning
I don't really care.
Do some calories
have a tendency to be
stored rather than burned?
I wasn't even
mad, it was the best finish
to a damn good game.
This is news to me
John McClane Apprentice Thank
you for your comment.
I figured it was
medication or a stroke
but I wasn't sure.
Spoke wheels *flex* in turns
and on shitty roads, while mags
are much more rigid.
If you're not going
to marry her, it doesn't
matter anyway.
New car and fancy
tasty food, definitely
I agree with that.
Being a marksman
doesn't necessarily
mean you should be one.
They better show some
gods (other than Hades) since we're
visiting their home!
Ok, you got me.
Turning on the tv now
to check out Westworld.
great stuff I think he's
saying that's what everyone
would say if he won.
The gestures to get
between virtual desktops
make all the difference.
Even you Bob! Nah,
this particular one was
in Alabama.
If you want bigger
seats, pay for them by buying
first or business class.
Well I wouldn't care
about them that much, they aren't
worthy of my time.
I know how you feel,
my dad used to text the same
way and passed last year.
Since everyone was
using power, it was fair
to do it this way.
thanks for your input.
I can tell you are informed
and passionate! Wat?
So I guess I was
trying to show "No, this isn't
insane or reckless.
I don't think that is
going to provide any
meaningful results.
If you really want
to though, be prepared that you
may be rejected.
I've got the option
to take a semester off,
so I'm doing that.
Setting absolutes
for yourself hinders that growth
in my opinion.
Agree, edited!
Patriarchy in exchange
for Education.
And, After midnight,
I wasn't even restless!!
That was really weird.
Basically I think
anyone who posts spoilers
is a fucking leech.
Animations aren't
done yet, they're still a blocker.
They still hand off work.
In fairness, it's rigs
like this that are leading them
to license by core.
The worst is when you
work in a store and you're late
as the opener.
I'm not implying
one deserved to be fired
more than the other.
I don't remember
reading if you used extract
or if it was AG?
CIA got you
pushing too many pencils.
I drew something bad.
Or maybe they're just
too dumb to realize there are
cameras everywhere.
Minimizing loot
showing is getting to be
harder than taxes.
Surprised there isn't
any map to tie into
Rebels or Rogue One.
Right, feminism
is authoritarian
rather than Marxist.
Considering it's
about the size of my state,
that's tiny to me.
That shit sells itself.
How do people feel about
Justin Hamilton?
Empire vs.
Rebels, trench run as the end
goal for the rebels.
May as well give up
the spot to someone that will
put it to good use.
You go girl! That is
the beginning of a new
life, full of good stuff!
In my opinion,
your response is an answer
in and of itself.
I love how the right
now acts like they were against
the war from the start.
Does the city you
work in tax people even
if they don't live there?
The other person's
stock might get bought up and yours
as well anyway.
He is champion.
He is active. These are facts
you can not deny.
You have to realize
the games are on cartridges,
so flash memory.
One might even say
beyond your comprehension.
We both know my place.
We (normally) don't put
tips into the system till
the end of the night.
With vibration bass,
again your throat is open,
but so is the top.
I think I cannot
be of any further help
in this respect. Out!
You could also just
sit all day in a main town
and chat with people.
You can set it up
to start wherever you want,
look at the settings.
You are protecting
the land for everyone now
and in the future.
Your submission does
not comply because it is
not a news story.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
What about Lincoln
being assassinated?
Cure for polio?
Agree papaya
always smells a little bit
like vomit to me.
Henrik I love you
I wasn't planning to watch
the whole video.
Whatever planet
Alexandria is on
sure rotates quickly.
Alex said explain
and Shelby said, "If you get
called in you'll see." Blah!
What's your go to "I'm
driving in my car and need
to get pumped up" song?
Heller can be looked
at in the same way by gun
control advocates.
can't see the sunshine
as the sky is cloudy Thanks
man, i'll try this out.
Wearing an onion
in your belt was the fashion
at the time for men.
Yep. That champion
is not strong enough for current
LCS meta.
Try finding a stream
and watching on your laptop
in another room.
Also, one "no" vote
almost a decade ago
doesn't help us now.
Roosevelt announced
too late and was far behind
in pledged delegates.
Don't blame us, Yandle
isn't really a Ranger.
He's an idiot.
People recognize
and respect the uniform
and the patrol car.
Amen. Death in the family?
Amen. Miracle?
Home girl has always
been my favorite and she just
killed it with Agnes.
It doesn't leak, but
the airflow is a little
tighter than I like.
It's where the mucky
muck families from our city
history are buried.
Nice review. Bout time,
I was expecting it two
days ago! Kidding.
That being said he's
still done more for civil right
than Hillary does.
Macs were already
expensive, this price increase
is just insulting.
If Java goes down
for the day forget about
doing any work.
At least for me it's
involved more than just swapping
celtic knots for runes.
It is an exchange
between two people that can
be very nuanced.
Is Iris going
to enlist in the police
academy now?
It really depends
on your current parts and when you're
planning to upgrade.
That way you're being
subtle but you're still showing
your true intentions.
I think one day you'll
thank your lucky stars for you're
children needing you.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
He invited Wayne
over to his house to put
together a set.
I've read a couple
including this one before
and I love your work.
LOVED IT! Only thing
to say is maybe better
color correction!
What were you playing,
what was your support playing,
what were the relics?
I think Hillary
won because the electorate
is fucking stupid.
I mean, it's catchy,
but something about it feels
incredibly off.
[deleted] WHAT DOES
IT MEAN!! But where have you seen
this ability?
In comparison
to a lot of other bikes
in its class, it is!
Already beat it.
Very fun but takes a lot
to wind up that game.
Mass Hysteria.
She is being cruel by still
saying such to you.
*Mock me all you like,
I am here now. What, how are
you still typing me?
As a Packer fan
I hope he does well but I'm
not counting on it.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
If you want to, eat
back ~half of them. Recipe?
They look amazing.
huh I'd rather hang
with you, smart guy who makes good
points Yeah, should be fine.
I dunno, you could
set aside one day and ask
everyone to choose?
What cost Rubio
was essentially his work
on immigration.
im gonna dress like
as a robot pal hair What
do you know, *Donald?
I would happily
pay double and have them tax
the shit out of it.
Sure! You'd be surprised.
I feel a whole lot better
forgiving people.
When you get older
you will learn to *love* getting
essentials as gifts.
But of course Darrow
isn't perfect, so that may
also explain it?
Throw your responses
below, and I'll tell you if
I've seen it or not.
[deleted] Because
when I think Sega I think
consistent forethought.
Has she actually seen
the musical or listened
to the recordings?
I'll bet today's fire
drill is the first time you've been
drilled in several years.
Other than that their
bodies are identical.
Body hair and all."
Hair braiding. Strip clubs.
Whatever. I like to make
this argument too.
Wearing a condom
seemed like an epiphany
when I told him that.
The emotion on
his face when goes for the Cross
Rhodes is amazing.
Maybe you're getting
beat up in your sleep by some
kind of entity.
Pretty solid deal
Falcon Heavy is a go,
and will be awesome.
Only young women
with no options their own age
will be interested.
Possibly Taker?
How did that go, need to try
for fourth time's the charm?
The community
as a whole does not look down
on masculine gays.
What really matters
though is durability
and utility.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
so satisfying
when you spam upgrade a skill
though Absolutely.
I think you can fill
in a Federal Absentee
Ballot? I'm not sure.
Does this also come
with something poking you hard
in the side at night?
Don't get bummed if you
lose because other people
got more cards than you.
It has bonds. [if those
questions were polled separately,
bonds wouldn't have passed.
It'll easily pay
for the cost of the machine
in a couple weeks.
I've heard 35Q is all
but dying as most funding
is going to 17C.
Its as annoying
for us vendors as it is
you buyers, trust me.
Can I tag in some
people It includes housing
and relocation.
Then we end up backed
into a corner and die
shortly thereafter.
Also important
to note we lived on different
sides of the country.
Other than that their
bodies are identical.
Body hair and all."
Going to the polls
after church is a huge thing
in black neighborhoods.
My condolences.
The way I see it, they are
both american.
DNC didn't want
Bernie and didn't give a shit
what voters wanted.
Prefer a PM
if anyone has a pass.
Currently unclaimed.
I scared her. She left
in a panic and I don't
think I've seen her since.
It can feel like that,
but it can also feel like
you're going to die.
I agree with you
that the first appraisal may
not be accurate.
I mean, what did you
expect going with console
instead of PC?
I know this has been
posted before, however
I have a question.
Keep building this straw
man though, maybe he can kill
penalties for us.
Also, the high cost
makes me feel super stressed out
due to finances.
I'm so virtuous
and above you animals.
You're the real evil.
So if your team is
terrible there is really
nothing you can do.
He is a very
well rounded runner with great
decision making.
I feel like that might
not be legal I prefer
negatively sweet.
There's always the real
possibility I was
doing something wrong.
I can toss in more
items to even it out
if necessary.
Have some patience, find
some friends to division up
with, and keep at it.
I seriously
doubt it'll have any impact
on liquidity.
"Sorry, can't touch it,
it will void your warranty!".
Totally worth it!
At first it was strange
but then its kind of cool once
you get used to it.
It's absolutely
weird for her to take random
food out of the fridge.
As a Miami
fan, I was so excited
when we traded up.
Okay, Benito
Mussolini was a prime
minister, as well.
Same price as last year
without new improvements though
Per your example....
Lol then you
might get arrested for not
doing anything.
I apologize
for miss communicating
about the subject.
For the ultimate,
I do want some big reward
for getting to it.
I don't want to be
touching my laptop screen all
the time. It's awkward.