Haiku #225625
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You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
It's used to limit
competition and control
access to markets.
Close enough but not
so close to the avenue
where can get noisy.
There's no reason not
to, unless they want people
to buy more copies.
We almost laughed out
loud at how ridiculous
the woman sounded.
Know I know she eats
out deli food every day
and spends about $10/day.
[deleted] So its
like America with less
guns and more spiders.
to send a PM
to also be reminded
and to reduce spam.
I think I will buy
King Tiger. I am quite sure
about T-29 now. Thanks!
Edit: He says it's
either a Cottonmouth or
Banded water snake.
Little Mac side b
special edition HOLY
You can try to shine
up a crappy play but it's
still dirty as shit.
A lot of cool stuff
from there relating to food
and psychology.
New shells would also
need to be produced along
with new gun barrels.
I've seen him listed
for as low as 95k one time
when I didn't have coins.
Thank you. I know what
I'm doing while enjoying
my evening coffee.
It's not that it was
bad, she just wasn't ready
to do what she did.
I don't fucking know.
The face of a happy man
after a hard week.
She made her choices,
all of them including not
fucking you. Fuck guilt.
And if someone is
really a jerk then I'll just
go even higher.
I mean, I really
and truly am unable
to comprehend it.
So, no thanks. Our guys
are developing still (Crick
is finding his way).
[deleted] Sponsored
by Idaho potatoes
camera company.
You obviously
got caught, but you overstepped
your boundaries here too.
Wow, awesome progress.
I decided I'm gonna
go for it as well.
Well that was fun! Thanks,
I hadn't known about their
Venus obsession!
But the genuine
emotion in his voice is
very admirable.
Please explain to me
how you got equality
from *any* of that.
Much much easier
than trying to fight a battle
to stay together.
I have actually gone
around on the drone to look
for many of them.
So he's the stronger
sperm because he decided
to join the Coast Guard?
Ever notice how
businesses in the midway
seem to come and go?
Having one outside,
especially at this puppy
age, is pretty sad.
Well your first mistake
was believing what people
here say to be true.
Americans are
really racist if they think
this is offensive!".
Bigger ones than this.
This is consistent with their
recent behavior.
I also think you're
being a bit too easy
on this other man.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
The ACA isn't
perfect, but it's certainly
no worse than before.
Glad you finally
got it sale, and the buyer
got a good price too!
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
I have oil cleaner,
I underestimated
acrylic I think.
I think its unfair
to totally vilify
Russia's influence.
People ended up
having to set up their tents
at random places...
Try commenting or
lurking for a bit before
submitting your post.
If so what are some
good recommendations what
is recycle fee?
If so, I'm going
to have a very METAL
summer vacation.
That being said, I'd
still like to murder that debt.
Yeah, I woke up pumped.
plus he totally
missed my point when replying
to me. guys lost it.
I think it's really
unfortunate that things turned
out the way they have.
It can help lower
your physiological
desire for food.
See. The argument
is just as applicable.
what is the reaper?
Good comparison.
That was a big deal, it was
meeting the parents.
Or did you just get
moody or snap right away?
Yes, well clubs are dark.
Is it really worth
losing everything over
something so stupid?
Pleasure. All I can
find is the one poem from
Edgar Allan Poe.
Seeing the joy on
the controller's faces brings
tears to my eyes. Twice?
Is that sped up or
are you absolutely Jack
hammering your holes?
I'm sure we will need
another so hopefully
someone on here joins!
serious question,
is this the actual guy or
just a fan account?
Their higher resale
value is attributed
to their quality.
I couldn't even
get past the intro sequence
with the castle siege.
By themselves they act
mainly as depressants (Not
the same as depressed!).
I cut out sugar.
I cut out bitter veggies
and even starches.
*edit for grammar
Yeah, that's the attitude you
have to have, I think.
But of coarse, he just
has another generic
skinny teen body.
Lucas' goes a lot
further, but Ness' has more kill
power if it hits.
So I need to get
some loose change and melt it down?
Wow, it's tough to say.
I own many guns,
have a license to carry,
and pray to no god.
Let me know how you
like is once you set it up.
Yeah I'm pretty psyched.
When you keep saying
no then it no longer means
"no"... it means "maybe".
My new job has me
at a computer so I'm
always on here now.
I'm curious what
people actually consider
"quests" though at this point.
But you don't need tight
coverage of person E, G,
H, etc.
No need for a what?
This. No they are not. This is
really amazing.
If its possible
try going for law and if
you keep liking it.
I was cracking up
watching that because I can't
even imagine.
No other goalie
I've used really stands out Oh
I hear you on that.
Hope this is helpful
and good luck finding the right
camera for your needs!
It's really fucked up
but it's the mind trying to get
over the trauma.
I am so happy
to hear your caboose will be
here in December!
::please be awesome please
be awesome please be awesome::
You can't skunk a keg.
I know a guy who
has been doing this for years.
He is fucking rich.
And is this the same
environment is was cut
and assembled in?
Have you directly
asked him to contact you more?
Is he just busy?
Super shame because
rogue really need a better
combo enabler.
I like the Nexus
6P during its time better
than the new Pixel.
"And that everything
he's doing right now is next
to impossible.
The difference between
driving in each city is
pretty surprising.
There's a company
out their doing it who might
be pro Hillary.
Dang I'll probably miss
that GA, gonna go to bed
in a few minutes.
SAVER? and they came
from the wildcard bracket too
k, I see I see.
But if you're looking
for anything else I'd go
to banana boat.
Decent cropland, but
I wouldn't expect the next
boom to happen there.
Even then I don't
carry CDs, especially
in a shared work truck.
It's complex issue,
but here are some basic things
we need to start with.
Here in Vancouver
I would expect it to be
about half that price.
It's pretty damn flat.
I-85. I-26. It's called a water
hose, not a hose pipe.
It is the correct
reaction in this modern
day society.
I'll get back to you
when I have a solution
that isn't violent.
They simply said it's
arcade exclusivity
would end in a year.
Some kids also do
well when they KNOW something is
going to happen.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
You are getting played
cheap, except you are spending
top dollar for shit.
I will never get
tired of learning about
players as people.
He's been a pretty
big advocate of public
transit expansion.
RAM and processor
model and generation
are both important.
Amazon Basics
is packaged and marketed
as a value brand.
Now! is brilliant from the two
or so shows I've seen.
Might be based on that.
[deleted] Well there ARE more
countries in the world.
It can usually
be reversed through exercise
or through losing weight.
Am I goofing off
with my friends doing Jackass
like activities?
This is an easy
excuse to increase margins
over a short term.
I would never do
this in a ranked match, because
that's serious mode.
Since BOTH candidates
have been guilty of perverse
actions towards women.
I've only done two
sessions so it's still way too
early to comment.
She may have him but
he's a shit person and he'll
do it to her too.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Cobb has been playing
well the last three weeks so I'd
keep rolling with him.
I don't really care
about grass but circle is
probably prettiest.
I see Hollywood
is running out of remake
movie ideas.
When other factions
invite you to war, they don't
hate you afterward!
I can't fathom why.
Maybe because their own lives
are crap and boring.
Ok, now where can
I watch it illegally?
Asking for a friend...
He wanted to help
repay his family who were
taking care of him.
This post is not long
enough to meet our guidelines,
and has been removed.
Even though he can
get a little monotone
I agree with OP.
PM me if you
have any questions about
my experience.
Nah you have to use
that token for that hero
and can't swap it out.
I personally love
mine and have heard great things from
others about them.
I am trying to make
you understand how absurd
your ideas are.
[deleted] Over/
Under I would need to see
some tests run on them.
But drawing really
clears my mind. So i drew this.
I know it's not much.
They stay active here,
at a minimum lurking
and down voting Thanks!
I've had many great
orders from you and would love
to keep up that trend.
Do I think Michael
Jackson molested children
or had child porn? No.
I will PM you
my email address Northgate
here too! Nope, not odd.
It also doesn't
hurt to get encouragement
to the same degree.
I wouldn't either. There's no
positive for you.
All Iranians.
We all love Bernie. Do not
listen to this guy.
After seven weeks
I'm so glad this video
series is now done.
Nope. 3D survival
horror or other action
adventure games? Nope.
Any idea
why Air India is still
in a shitty state?
Because phone screens keeps
getting bigger and bigger
as I get older.
Edit: My typing
is bad because I'm sitting
on my balcony.
Show me!" At which point
he murders her entire
family and eats them.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I would certainly
like to think id do the right
thing but you make sense.
I hear the Fallout
Universe is pretty good
with that sort of stuff.
Little did OP know
when they bought it that it was
camouflage colored!
Any manual
vehicle i believe can
be started like this.
I need more storage
Some years it seems like life wants
to just keep kicking.
i'd be curious
how many campus voters
would vote Democrat.
An apology,
even if you've moved on, is
always nice to have.
Really a very
low priority issue
in the US right now.
it is a college
campus and they are young but
this is still Green Bay.
But can a bee be
said to be, or not to be,
an entire bee?
My only complaint
is that most of the game felt
like a national game.
Again, most of them
do it for fun on weekends,
it's not a day job.
Not many others
in West Texas I could say
would have it happen.
The other reply
seems to think I'm doing too
many practice tests.
I bet he's using
more than that when not streaming
the game lol.
A draw on the road
is very rarely a bad
result in Europe.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
All of those guys were
taken by the mid second
round in my league. No.
So you don't think Jews
should be systematically
removed from our lands?
Can't imagine how
I would have felt if I didn't
catch it in the dark.
Truth oft resembles
madness, inaccessible
to the dull of mind.
Maybe something goes
in the middle that we are
not aware of yet?
He won't give up!" "It's
not looking like Hillary's
giving up either!
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Honestly, it feels
so great not to have something
tight around my chest.
Sadly, my husband
had chosen *just that moment*
to open the blinds.
And the more and more
we think about it, the more
walls we run into.
What I'm wondering
is if the deck even worth
playing without him?
Can only ever
find the stuff that falls apart
when you look at it.
On any other
map, or if you're stomping them,
just take fifth circle.
You will get a quest
notification under
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
I'm on my second
week of using Keto Chow,
and really like it.
Our asteroid belt
alone contains more metals
than we can fathom.
What do you think will
happen if we just remove
the scout's weaknesses?
Read the article
first then watched the video
since I missed the game.
Nobody should be
allowed to hijack someone
else's DNA.
Or... You know... Ever...
Is there a power within,
the power within?
it really will just
come down to preference on what
y'all want to do Yep.
[deleted] Uva
will do everything they can
to shorten the game.
She really didn't sing
at all but basically danced
around and hugged him.
It just makes no sense
to even continue on
as sublime really.
I feel gross. We had
free pizza, and I can't seem
to turn down free food.
Was there a legit
reason it or was he just
being an asshole?
She loves snow and will
frolic in in happily.
My plan backfired.
I have never seen
this and assume it's only
on newer models.
How and when she told
you, to me, is a red flag
on this whole issue.
I've got a buddy
that moved up to Oregon
to be a picker.
Which also happens
to be the designated
smoking area.
It's innocuous,
it simply means that you can
rank every bundle.
A marijuana
high, in most instances, is
very relaxing.
I also taped half
the holes to keep powder from
flying everywhere.
and bad hospitality.
Sorry not sorry.
obviously you're
not responsible for her
failing her exam.
Just keep that in mind
as you find yourself and who
you want to become.