Haiku #347111
Why not? No because
I don't want people making
my sandwich soggy.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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Why not? No because
I don't want people making
my sandwich soggy.
Don't know for sure, but
the phrase above the women
is in Italian.
Thanks for the reply!
[deleted] Down from the pier
in which direction?
Come to Hawaii.
I haven't worn pants in months.
Very similar.
I need to order
soon since I go away next
month on the 25th.
All of his comments
present and past prove he is
also a bigot.
Meaning this guy got
very luckily or more
likely it's a hoax.
I'm sad that it has
now migrated here to PA.
Hah, how do you mean?
This is the part where
you follow a trail on dry
ground to the mountain.
Ok so before
I wrap my own coil I should
get an ohm meter.
What principles or
outlook do you have beneath
all this involvement?
That's my main concern
Do you have breast pads? They make
disposable ones!
The Gnu might also
be hybrid but I'm going
from memory here.
:D Its never just
one result once our bad run
starts, sadly is it.
Since I stopped looking
at the clock, my baby has
been much happier.
A lot of the time
your final product isn't
what you intended.
You're a person who
is capable of making
changes to your life.
I mean, what the fuck
were you expecting, a new
patrol area?
i don't think she takes
any hormones or has had
any surgery.
What matters is what
your interlocutor (IL)
thinks about the claim.
Blue or red we're all
American and want what's
best for her. Thanks OP.
Focus on the "how
do you know" and "how could you
find out" type questions.
Either one would be
okay for the area.
I didn't mean you you.
That's a low enough
wattage as to not damage
the battery pack.
Usually better
than any American
staff that I have tipped.
That aside... I used
once, took days to mark as shipped
but the pills were good.
Now go fuck yourself.
Most people that have any
substantial commute.
Someone crashed a tool
in a way where a new one
would have to be made.
He obviously
isn't expending any
on you and your son.
But Alternative
posters can be so diverse
and clever and WEIRD!
Water wells are broke,
but your hydration goes down
at the speed of light.
Sometimes, on days I'm
really low on items, I'll
go back after work.
This game has no end
so don't expect him to be
done anytime soon.
Do you think she said
"The Underground Railroad?" Nope.
A: The KKK.
A ten minute walk
past Harbor East will get you
to Bagby Pizza.
Yeah, so I don't want
that, that's why I am asking
my mind what it thinks.
The dialog is
purely functional and I'd
say realistic.
That's exactly it!
Now, press on good hunter, *throw
yourself to the wolves.
You don't need to cast
spells to bleed someone, why need
spells to frost someone?
A! U! S! A! U!
S! A! U! S! A! U! S!
A! U! S! A! U!
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
It selected Trump.
I went back and put Clinton
in because fuck Trump.
There was one guy who
played for the other team from
the start of the game.
I'm talking about
another human helping
another human.
It was like hearing
the teacher say everyone
turn in your projects!
Please do not reply
to this message, as it will
likely go unread.
Just keep on going
and you definitely won't
regret it later.
I don't want to see
Ohio State win a Big
Ten championship.
There's a tom of work
from home companies hiring
for the holidays.
I'm a moderate
that commonly leans right on
plenty of issues.
Those were the times when
racing was for those who were
not afraid to die.
I will wake this world
up and show it there is still
beauty left in it.
other races out of fear
is still racism.
I buy the new air
and it doesn't feel like I've
bought anything new.
If I go a few
days without shaving I look
like an idiot.
I am suddenly
successful in a very
competitive field.
Because of her, I've
learned to take pride in the things
I enjoy doing.
U can always try
the "yo mama" thing and see
how he handles it.
I am registered.
I did it about a day
before I posted.
Sure, it's what I want
to hear, but what's the downside
I am not seeing?
Freshman in college:
First date ever, first boyfriend
ever (now husband!).
Definitely bummed.
Thanks for the great tool, it was
great while it lasted!
No wonder you make
excuses for Avery's
abuse of women.
Bottles may elect
for short quick passes which might
negate your pass rush.
But the initial
readers of One Piece did not
have that luxury.
He's ugly, bitter
and rich, that never works out
well for anyone.
I believe they would
not have reached the super bowl
with Alex Smith, yes.
I need to order
soon since I go away next
month on the 25th.
These won't get you "Stoned"
but should help alleviate
your anxiety.
nothing as much fun
as arguing with family
for the holidays.
He completely won
the Thomas for Robinson
aspect of this trade.
Paul Ryan has more
in common with Hillary
and Bernie with Trump.
Hey, I found it! -------E
Strange, I have panic attacks
rather frequently.
At least that that point,
I'd have a car that I can
drive in nice weather.
"You can't air it on
the TV, but it's Dan if
you must know." "TV?
And we will never,
ever, ever tell the two
kids what their mom did.
Just make a post on
this thread with the edited
image linked and say.
Meaning people who
actually can afford these things
agree with me too.
Basically the same
reaction after every
keynote lol.
[deleted] It seems
so good it'd almost be
boring to use it.
On the plus side, you
rarely die because repose
and self heals are OP.
That sounds just awful.
I do have mild hormonal
acne once a month.
Now they can lower
my absurd ontario
hydro one bills right.
In a split second
you can tell of someone is
attractive or not.
I graduated
from Manchester earlier
this year (and loved it!
Wait, seriously?
I can't change my primary
culture at all now?
on having the balls for that.
I'd say not really.
I am a Hindu.
My friends who watched the movie
with me are Hindus.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Can you please tell me
what the new owners are like?
I never met them.
We experienced
outages as a *city*
for weeks at a time.
Its especially neat
since I can't write by hand or
draw etc.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Friends with benefits
is a real thing and they can
even babysit.
But the screen being
too big means my small hands can't
use it one handed.
She tried multiple
times to call you on the phone
to talk about it.
I'd assume who passed
and who failed will be laid out
in full next chapter.
Imagine I am
in Hell right now, physically,
not symbolically.
The values are not
necessarily final.
Siege got me with this.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Especially if you
put a tiny roof over
your half of the wall.
Thankfully, Stafford
has been making them look like
idiots this year.
Easy there, Victor
Charlie. Eh. Not the exact
point of my comment.
I am a social
worker and this entire
story sounds fishy.
Has she had issues
with addiction or mental
illness in the past?
Who in their right mind
would like to support a non
rotating format?
As soon as I start
talking or thinking that's it,
my game falls apart.
You intend to lose
the round but start the next one
with more cards than them.
Even here, you can
see regional biases
all over the place.
I'll take beautiful
and incredible sex life
without orgasms.
Yeah, obviously
opiate analgesics
would be an issue.
I would like to do
this the right way as opposed
to the lazy way.
I've read the sidebar,
was just trying to sum it up.
Plus I'm on mobile.
They are big ticket
work (lots of hours) and haven't
been prioritized.
Having a masters
can open some doors (but it's
not really needed).
As in the can is
full, but nothing happens when
you try to use it.
[deleted] It was
very cool, I hadn't been
since I was a kid.
The situation
with Macs in education
really is weird though.
You could also try
asking for a bodega
or convenience store.
The Grey was better
than it was originally
marketed to be.
Like he is, but you're
supposed to be better than
that, Coley Daddy!
So, say there is some
kind of Imperial Judge
that could sort it out.
Yes, there's more crap, but
that doesn't mean TV is
worse now than it was.
Over the next two
weeks, Burger and the other
six were arrested.
Other than that, there's
not much difference and they both
have their pros and cons.
But you are right most
probably don't know why but just
do it anyway.
Maybe, if Ruby
finds a white cloaked skeleton
somewhere in Mistral.
Good thing none of those
people decide anything
important ever.
Which part of Saudi
Arabia were you born
in and grew up in?
I loved her, I ain't
big on children but that's one
I would love to have.
Ouch Sorry I'm just
imagining Cesaro
in an ivory wig.
I like you. I would
love to see a Black hole look
like this in Elite!
**Only** bad witches
are ugly, but not all bad
witches are ugly.
Yes. I also feel
like I'm gonna go crazy
at any moment.
Even then they would
be thrown back a few days or
even hours later.
The only people
to maybe survive would be
those on the oceans.
Oh no, nothing is
ever done entirely
for good intentions.
Now I gotta go
find my certified gamer
terrorist ID card.
You can tune that load
to your liking and shoot what
you want. What is this?
Thanks. This was better
explanation than south parks
[deleted] Ireland.
[deleted] I would
definitely recommend
against reaching out.
I can provide work
samples and references if
you are interested!
Your implication
is that I was referencing
the entirety.
Just the name showed up
as unavailable or
unknown or something.
I thought he got lost
Golden retrievers are great!
I grew up with them.
Yeah, elementary
Islamic education
in theology.
When Marty tried it,
he was able to be both
fast and accurate.
Trump isn't any
different from Bill Gates and Steve
Jobs in that respect.
I'm starting to read
The First Law trilogy by
Joe Abercrombie.
Like all men they try
and claim our time, resources,
spaces as their own.
Pretty much a big
overhaul of the movement
and combat system.
If the company
who is ahead starts to slip
up, they'll lose their lead.
Under common law
systems, for example, see
the tort of nuisance.
Do you plan on trying
to change something about them?
Do you trust yourself?
Have you ever picked
up musical instruments
from a garage sale?
well i sent offer
for the pin and i got this...
what am i missing?
But just enjoying
open to keep customers
from being angry.
I cut it I think
for the second library
or something like that.
I got the other
two sentences, but this one
is inscrutable.
I'm not baptized nor
part of the Orthodox Church
yet but still use it.
[removed] Confirmed You
forgot the comma after
'said'. God you're stupid.
[removed] This woman
needs to be more tolerant.
Furry Lives Matter!
Is money even
worth anything if I can't
purchase food with it?
Obviously he's
got a lot of things to learn
and improve upon.
Just gotta remove
that annoying audio
recorder button!
Reporting in from
Western PA; Trump support is
huge, signs everywhere.
Highly suspicious
that the word streaming does not
appear anywhere.
Honestly, I don't
think this is going to be
too big of a deal.
There is no human
without gender what the fuck
is that tumbler shit.
I always wondered
if any of hers survived.
Thanks for the reply!
I mostly prefer
the faster songs like Honey
White, Thursday and Sharks.
That should really make
you question what else he has
or could lie about.
You just want to know
how to work on your fading
attraction to him?
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
It's a bit windy
what with all the jokes flying
over peoples' heads.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
If you can't see it,
you must be an atheist.
You just need more faith.
Our oldest had fears
about the creatures in his
books coming to life.
You have provided
almost no information
for us to help you.
Even if she didn't,
the friend had to know there would
be fallout from this.
I can post it if
you want to see him actually
say it lol.
She is fantastic!
I am amazed she hasn't
managed to escape!
[deleted] Why does
nothing cool like this happen
where I live? Really?
This is one of two
aspects that is causing you
the drive to break up.
No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No.
And the bear will grow
old, and the power will fade
as it always does.
Having ideas
is definitely something
you have to practice.
If you did "over
the years", put it together).
This is more like it.
On a kinda cold
rainy day with big comfy
blankets and your SO.
I have heard it said
that being up there is like
being on the Moon.
Your nickel plating
is coming off, that's pretty
normal for these planes.
The porn. Its gotten
A lion, even
"toying" with its prey isn't
being malicious.
Console already
has some features from A15, just
not all of them yet.
But I should probably
budget for it a little
more reasonably.
This time I'm just trying
to unlock new characters
when I have the time.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
[deleted] Some how
i get the feeling I can't.
That looks promising.
I think having Bart
join the crew is a real reach.
This is just silly.
It's used to limit
competition and control
access to markets.