Haiku #346978
What is the bad word
tho Awesome didn't realize that.
Might make the switch now.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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What is the bad word
tho Awesome didn't realize that.
Might make the switch now.
It is also sad
to see Mario 3D World
as low as it is.
Turn hilarity
up to maximum, we need
more hilarity!
And they have an app
so I can plan out my shop
within my budget.
Never mind **have** it.
I don't think we even know
how to **define** it.
Oh, the real problem
is these people not working,
let's try to force them.
It's a game changer.
They will be really nice on
long rides this winter.
And that is?.... Don't be
shy we all play games naked
My condolences.
during the Enlightenment.
[deleted] Ok.
Then again, it might
be I'm so glad this turned out
for the best! Okay.
They stop and their door
open beside where the stairs
to the subway are.
yes, i learned to be
wary at night long before
i was an adult.
I don't see how or
where eminent domain fits
into this picture.
Men who see the whole
person, not just the big boobs
or something like that.
Sorry... Issue on
mobile, posted the same thing
two times too many!
And the architect
designed this in three days. Three.
Days. Yeah, and we're right.
Indeed, at this stage,
it is less morality
and more etiquette.
Cus really, that'd
work out awesome for Jackie
if that was the case.
How much do I need
to keep studying after
I get my first job?
I have one in town,
but my Apple Store doesn't
have the watches out.
The best part about
touring is getting to meet
our amazing fans!
but maps vetoes can
make it easier for good
teams to dominate.
Edit: Using priest
renew, haste did not affect
how much each tick healed.
You won't believe how
easy it is to rank up
by just using a.....
Well there is Bitten
by Kelley Armstrong but no
mention of moon child.
Maybe the complete
edition I heard of will
bring in new players.
Your ability
to react is important
as a defender.
Do you need a fill,
a repeat, or have it spelled
out phonetically?
Don't let a strange fear
over "I can only play
the best" limit you.
In college I worked
the morning shift unloading
trucks and stocking shelves.
None of their cards are
good enough to be perceived
as real Magic cards.
Some people do that.
Twitch must've screwed up the clip.
It was fine before.
We have a winner!
Sadly I'm losing on all
three at the moment.
Twitch must've screwed up
the clip. It was fine before.
I remade it here.
It is possible
for people to understand
the strengths of each camp.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
And the tax will just
get passed on to consumers,
how is that progress?
Any idea
how much food, etc
would be for the trip?
This is such bullshit,
and it's the butane he was
smoking that killed him.
Ugh. This is going
to be great for my July
4th bbq.
the country you live
in is not a personal
matter lol.
A sad sigh escaped
his lips before he started
to bandage his thigh.
You could try calling
ahead of time and asking.
This doesn't look good.
I can't remember
if I just walked home or if
my mom picked me up.
Probably because you
didn't read the title Well what
did you pay for it?
On the other hand,
my memory is just fine
any other time.
Picture quality
and buffering has been great.
LIKES: Remote feels good.
It's mystery meat
That was exactly my thought
when I followed it!
I only want light
gaming so I hoped it would
handle medium.
Carlos Javier
Hernandez Hernandez. [Yup!
This guy's white for sure!
Like, I'm curious
how you think this kick back scheme
is going to work...
Also if I had
the means to visit there I'd
be all over it.
It's a joke. who needs
chemical weapons when you
have fuck all missiles?
That'd probably be
the most shocking when it comes
to relationships.
As this is the free
market, there is such a thing
called competition.
I couldn't resist
kissing my boy's tiny nose
when he was that big.
So what's the problem?
Great thanks, I'm seriously
looking into that.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
This perception is
eroding America's
standing in the world.
I was referring
to the link I suggested,
not the CD mount.
LSD is still
super easy to get up
here in Canada.
I'm not interested
in chasing your replies, I'm
asking you for it.
What if it's a loose
belt, mechanical binding,
or overheating?
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
If that is the case
and he is deleting texts
that is suspicious.
I tried to update
content AND refresh data,
neither worked. Oh well.
Also, traffic on
that sub has increased, as you
have probably noticed.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
In a free market
capital society
you value freedom.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
Ret is god right now,
and typically a solid
pick for solo play.
One of them fucks you
and helps take care of the kids.
The other doesn't.
The class rank wasn't
intended to level up
as fast as it did.
[deleted] I am
not specifically talking
about anyone.
It's the unwanted
randomly sent videos
that Im not into.
Thanks! Nobody knows,
so any answer would be
pure speculation.
They were interested
because of his previous
wrongful conviction.
That's why turning him
into a once in a year
star makes the most sense.
When you're pale and you
have pale hair, a big bright shirt
looks ridiculous.
Yes. Do I enjoy
going to a game every
once in awhile? *Yes*.
Again, a job is
NOT anything similar
to having a gun.
That's a lot to do
with Captain America's
own physical strength.
would have been simpler
just just drive it in forwards
and reverse it out.
Air is the culprit
causing the pastries to dry
out throughout the day.
If it's for your work
and you don't plan on gaming
at work it's alright.
He's a nice enough
lad and it's good to see him
being proactive!
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
My father and kids
have the same, pretty sure I'm
not the only one.
However, we still
have not even remotely
found the easter egg...
[removed] Remember,
Trump will fight for you harder
than Bernie would have.
I'd definitely
get the insurance then if
you don't use a case.
However, I do
agree that violence is
kind of limiting.
We went back and packed
up camp, I assume he went
back into his van.
It's okay to ask
for a new therapist if
one isn't working.
I tried to find where
I read that and the Top Gear
link wasn't working.
If you have any
openings in the future,
please keep me in mind.
Also, it's not like
the guy you replied to was
citing a roman.
So he's basically
that pumped up guy at the gym
that can't fight for shit.
to send a PM
to also be reminded
and to reduce spam.
In a separate dish
add cornstarch and water, stir
until consistent.
You definitely
did the right move in testing
with another sim.
Did you also know
that he's just being "there" when
people needed him?
Oh well. Here it seems
that offense and harassment
are being confused.
Bullet To The Head
just for the special "guest" star
that keeps stopping by!
He arguably
should've been nominated
for the Selke last year.
Plus we get to go
to games for a decent price
(sorry Canada).
You want to hate on
Walmart for irrational
reasons, hate away.
Even worse is when
Trump supporters start calling
Democrats fascists.
The testosterone
made in your testicles is
not arbitrary.
Full Tilt! Pinball Ah,
in that case they are screwing
their loyal backers.
You're usually SOL
on newer titles and it's
buggy as all hell.
They have a winning
or even record against
every other team.
Depends on what you
link with and how much defense
your enemy has.
Everyday he would
talk English to customers
at my dads business.
I would think it would
be better, but don't quote me.
How is this legal?
Maybe. Just something
about being a fraud too.
Smart but not Wells smart.
Make the decision
to get back up, dust yourself
off, and start again.
4e was sacrilege.
5e is merely heresy
by comparison.
It's not college, its
not Alabama vs.
Coastal Florida.
I am not asking
to rip you or anything,
I love that model!
It's pretty shitty.
Spent SO long last night learning
each and every fight.
Even With your work
schedule I hope you manage
to get custody.
I remember this.
One of the few guys Kobe
trusted passing to.
Thanks for doing this!
Edit: Just reply when you
are ready to trade.
I'm actually happy
that someone I care about
is finding her way.
I would probably go
out a bit more and be more
social than I was.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I'd probably watch that.
Although if he died first, I'd
be fine with that too.
Fast shipping, decent
prices, and good quality
and accuracy.
Even if someone
told me to stay off I would
get back on that court.
[deleted] GUAM IS
THE USA... it is not
another county.
Prices are going
to increase to match the wage
increase for workers.
i would have broken
up with her too LOL
why do you say that?
Lately, I've noticed
that performance in games is
not as it should be.
His blue dependence
is also overstated.
Looks good Gateway drugs?
I suggest it if
you wanna quit, or if you
want to change things up.
In a separate dish
add cornstarch and water, stir
until consistent.
Great if you're a thin
and fit rider on a track
or in a canyon.
*He starts heating up
the cast iron and begins
to season the steak.
The race results look
better too with the practice
results taken out.
This is why smaller,
underfunded districts need
athletic programs.
Do note that the stat
is skill effect duration,
not spell duration.
lol me too
This is true for many games,
but not Blizzard ones.
Guy had two sacks on
limited snaps and looked great.
why does she need to?
You wrote that *no one*
has proposed to "shut the door"
to all immigrants.
It's nice not needing
to tell someone where I am
or what I'm doing.
And if you ever
need my help for anything,
feel free to tell me!
U! S! A! U! S!
A! U! S! A! U! S! A!
U! S! A! U! S!
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
I understand, but
that's just more reason to just
yell at them and leave.
That's now how Murder
House or Cortez worked. Once you
died there, that was it.
Right? Didn't they say that?
Maybe this is different ghost
physics he will be.
good analysis
That'd make it a bit too
easy don't you think?
Do you have any
or is it just more mouthing
off as usual?
I've heard otherwise
but nonetheless, it's easy
to do anyway.
I'm black and even
I, when I saw the run, said
hey, a black punter?
Not being able
to see my partner ruins
the intimacy.
You poe poe painter.
Thanks for the shitty drop rate
on Metal Mimics.
lol ray rice
violence against women
ha HA you got him!
The vex... I don't think
we know enough to really
truly answer that.
Eventually, all
ascendant hive gain their own
"pocket dimension."
In a separate dish
add cornstarch and water, stir
until consistent.
[deleted] Probably
because it's a TV show.
Just giving ya shit.
I should try, even
if it would be in english,
i would be happy.
I don't want to cause
any other issues by
ignoring this one.
Which happened between
Pax Britannica and Pax
Unless you never
miss a shot at most ranges
you'll get your ass beat.
*Any* Mercy can
successfully heal nearby
allies constantly.
If you want to know
more about the artists, go
and learn about them.
The faster your drill
the easier it will be
to control the cuts.
Don't know what to do"
is from the James Cameron
"AVATAR" movie.
Good luck. Don't forget
to post the solution, should
you figure it out.
His secondary
goal of protecting money
became primary.
You'll be surprised by
all the opportunities
that are out there. And!
U! S! A! U! S!
A! U! S! A! U! S! A!
U! S! A! U! S!
THick thighs to match How
many Mormons does it take
to change a light bulb?
If I don't have kids
or never will have kids, why
should I pay for that.
He asked us how did
we stayed fit, not how to look
like Terminator!
So a girl said she'd
give me a million dollars
if I marry her.
I suspect it may
just be a Barca bias
operating here.
OMG, she has
one of the finest asses
I have ever seen.
but i consider
the weapon diversity
to be rather poor.
Try it out but you
will lose your soul at the same
time You can actually.
Hard to quantify
either of those. At this point...
I don't even know.
Our ancestors were
all from Africa, if you
go far enough back.
I know I was just
throwing my opinion on
the whole subject in.
I think you really
humped the gun with that statement.
Edit: jumped, dammit.
It is a long fall.
Endless, perhaps. Too tired
for hesitation.
Do you even know
what kind of death the Bible
is talking about?
The same question is
to all the all sides who want
to be in power.
If you played casual
before then I think you should
find a different game.
I think it would be
awesome to see some new masks!
[deleted] I see.
Yea, and the one where
he's jumping to catch the ball
is Cincinnati.
I have a whole box
so you could do however
many you want to.
That white people should
be well versed in reading names
from every culture?
Edit: Funny, "hey
man" is a friendly term, but
"hey woman" is not.
"Flash mob" and "random"
are in heavy rotation
in the articles.
If you don't see long
term potential, you don't see
long term potential.
the prompt in itself
is ok, the function is
what is causing it.
In the meantime, I'll
happily take another
bottle of Handy.
Why not? No because
I don't want people making
my sandwich soggy.