Haiku #346844
A lot ^^As ^^do ^^we,
^^life ^^generally ^^sucks ^^^^k Thanks.
I can't remember.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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A lot ^^As ^^do ^^we,
^^life ^^generally ^^sucks ^^^^k Thanks.
I can't remember.
I don't understand
what you want out of this show
that you're not getting.
I'm better today,
but I totally relate
to what you're saying.
If you're being loud
and disruptive, you're being
loud and disruptive.
This is what happens
when Dallas developers
come into Fort Worth.
[deleted] Eh I'd
probably tee off some muscle
head lol Cheers.
But yeah the Nutty
Putty Cave story will stick
with me forever.
definitely can't
argue with sexy evil
cap this exactly.
Yep, its the only
way I know how to whistle.
People think I'm weird.
A beautiful, clean
list that cannot be broken
or damaged or lost.
He looks like a *man*.
It's crazy how young he looked
when he took office!
I have empathy
because I know the feeling,
but no sympathy.
Castro and ginter
remain my favorite players.
They are very good.
I can see early
Mario in him and his
ambitious dribbles.
What is His purpose?
His purpose is to bring love
to a broken world.
It's what many teams
did to get two man and three
man runs completed.
Even though it earned
that name, it never actually
won a blue ribbon.
If you don't mind me
asking, what position did
you play in college?
As sad as it may
be, Evolve had it's chance not
only once, but twice.
How about a gun?
Isn't that what this bag is
designed to carry?
They're mediocre
at best, and their products are
not designed to last.
Other people not
so much and anyone will
look better with hair.
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
It wasn't easy,
we ended up taking out
some big student loans.
I'm sorry but how
do you miss the HUGE white lines
painted on the road???
All planets emit
light, albeit it may not
be visible light.
By the same token,
recite slowly and ponder
over the meaning.
Oh, thanks. Not sure where
I saw that. Ask for paper
ballots everywhere.
Seems like he was trying
to be a jerk even though
the cows wouldn't care.
Asians are often
the target of violence
in America.
Nah man, once Vince leaves
the elevator he just
chokes and coughs up smoke.
We (you) always win,
and everyone despises
you because of it.
I am yet to meet
someone who preferred online
over actual class.
This has the added
bonus that you don't end up
modifying `x`.
This persons dressing
up as a stereotype.
It's very different.
Good Morning- Kanye
West I don't want one, but I'm
not everybody.
I'm getting ready
to start handing out medals
to these creators.
The issues will be
the same until the data
center is set up.
Send you a pm
Absolute disgrace for fans
to behave like that.
Pretty easy once
you uncover the secret
and their locations.
i hope that finding
one made someone a little
happier that day.
It depends if I'm
hungry or willing to take
someone else's food.
Only ever watched
one episode, and couldn't
make it to the end.
No one would ever
surrender if they knew they'd
get shot anyways.
What is the perfect
time to post a video
during the weekend?
As long as you don't
skimp on the lube, she's still good
for another go.
I'm pretty oily,
so I'm not sure if this will
be super helpful.
I usually find
myself unable to join
in conversations.
Didn't find out about
the fact until several months
later getting it.
Curious to see
data to the contrary
if you have any.
It's not illegal
or improper by any
court or policy.
The original
Dune series Monogamy
is overrated.
Separate yourself from
the trigger as best you can.
It will get better.
Who would you prefer,
Rawls or Charles ROS? She is known
to lie. I doubt it.
Paper cut Penis
And one person knows what's best
for everyone else?
Do you mind giving
some details in the nature
to the accident?
Think about what you
have done and try again. yes!
raids will be different!
If you want to you
can wait to see if someone
will trade you for one.
The original
is genuinely a good
song to begin with.
Mrs Houghton should
man up and take it in stride.
This was really tough!
Very attractive.
I'm definitely into
skinnier woman.
Or as Scottish wine
drinkers at the time referred
to it "a small drink".
I'm curious what
is meant by 'with transfer on
orbit' in that slide.
Serious question,
how did they do abortions
in biblical times?
I do find the way
that Rarity treats Spike is
very annoying.
I was hoping one
person would hate morgana
as much as I do.
Definitely don't
sell anything off until
you see how it works.
That risk being death,
the reward being a pick
on the enemy.
I suppose I should
but it just started to get
EVEN MORE drawn out.
A friendship is more
valuable than anything
this game can give you.
Six foot tall and six
foot wide with leather jackets
that are way to tight.
Your submission has
been removed because it is
not properly tagged.
Education is
already underfunded
and overcrowded.
Having this core group
for a long time is going
to be really fun.
I also believe
you get a little green star
icon on the map.
You've still got the same
inputs and outputs, what is
the cost of the rest?
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
Offer any 1on1
activity and see if
she agrees to it.
You can see a small
flame spurt out of the tire
just before he pours.
Drinking water is
important, as well as air.
Continual war.
[deleted] Pretty
much if your dad or grandpa
does it you will too.
That wasn't fucking
funny, down vote for you, you
try hardy person!
He didn't understand
the sewing machine, she didn't
understand the car.
Best of the situation?
And what might that be?
I mean it is, no
such thing as a vacation
when you're president.
I have a keystone
with triple tap, explosive
rounds, and crown control.
However that blood
tells me they are hurt, dunno
dude i'm just triggered.
It would be kinda
cool if this were in several
links on the sidebar.
There are various
timed agility drills, cone
drills, etc.
I definitely
regretted putting any
money into it.
I'd wager there's some
variety of walking
clock under that box.
It's very sweet, but
maybe a good way to ease
yourself into it.
This video is
so funny because this kid
went to my high school.
It'd be nice if
Uber just assigned a ride
from the staging lot.
The more helpful you
are to others, the faster
you're allowed to post!
you must give feedback
within that thread in order
to post your own link).
Humans will always,
always prioritize their
own over others.
It's not misleading
in that it is a direct
quote of a Trump aide.
But since you know when
and where he'll be you're probably
following him too.
Our bulldog will "chew"
on his stuffed animal toys
in a rhythmic way.
I thought you didn't look
great at the time of shooting
and now we know why.
the fact that you can't
spell peasant right show just how
ignorant you are.
If somebody is
funny, they don't have to say
that they are funny.
Just believe what you
want to believe, and do what
you want to do, OP.
you could use NIST to get more
accurate values.
And the bus is more
about where you live than how
much money you have.
LOL. The main
thing that uses mana is
Q, Q and more Q.
The worst thing for him
here is that his "position"
is the most loaded.
Attempting to make
you feel guilty for that lie
is the third and worst.
Saying that she didn't
need to tell you at all is
the fourth and final.
Don't be a snowflake.
You need them they don't need you.
How do I know this?
[deleted] Victor
Am CNN. Can confirm
this is illegal.
"Boss lady wants us
to decorate this curtain
everywhere we go.
Right. I think the post
title was a bit too broad
and threw me a bit.
The other thing is
the regeneration time
and upkeep program.
Canadian jazz
singer who absolutely
crushes it. PC.
I hope yours ships soon,
I feel you on the waiting
being frustrating.
Allow your body
to feel what it feels even
if it is nothing.
Yeah, I'm totally
with you, even if isn't
technically correct.
Just got home. Now I'm
relaxing with a salad
at home. Exhausted.
Nice job OP! That is
good advice for anyone
moving anywhere.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
It really isn't.
I haven't concluded no
deities exist.
Anytime I was
horny and wanted to be
pleased she would do it.
Clean the cat litter
regularly and it will
probably use it. Yep!
Jesus Christ this guy
has his whole career to keep
the oilers going.
is what allowed the elite
to increase their share.
Once you start it will
feel like it's over in two
minutes, honestly.
My pleasure Being
excited over something
is enjoyable.
Hello, your door was
unlocked, most people can walk
up four flights of stairs.
Do you need a full
credit report every month?
If not, save your $5/mo.
That's why it's funny,
because it's so out of place.
Don't stab me eyes out.
Every few minutes
I hear a truck and I go
running to the door.
Do you have any
suggestions on a good book
about the events?
They can also do
some heavy duty binding
if you ask for it.
This is also why
I'm voting no on the one
that's for right to work.
Do they dry out when
left unused for a few weeks,
or are they well sealed?
No, they ALWAYS had
the tools and ability
to do what they did.
I honestly thought
I was getting whooped on by
just, a good player.
If one person can't
handle it, no one should be
able to do it.
yeah, only carbon
steel will take a patina.
can't stain the stainless.
Celluloid was used
in the 1900's for toothbrushes
and softens at 140F.
Not too long ago,
for a special occasion,
I picked up a 13lb.
Been contacted by
these fake review services
and turned them all down.
AND MY AXE! Damn son,
if I were a bettin' man,
I'd have lost my shirt.
The person that sent
those emails would be the one
in trouble, not her.
At least last year, Play
Java support was falling
way behind Scala.
Finally, Online
Multiplayer is coming
is a couple months.
The biggest thing is
the sense of "I expected
more from you, apple".
That's called a Horton
Sphere, a pressurized vessel
used for storing gas.
I personally am
not the biggest Dayton fan
in the world either.
To my knowledge, no
one has ever regretted
studying abroad.
Which is funny since
Captain Khan was what one would
consider a POG.
I can give up milk,
but I'm not giving up cheese.
Never ever, sir.
They can and they should
if they by majority
disagree with it.
Thank you for taking
the time to advise me on
both of these issues.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
With healing and doors
micromanagement, boarders
aren't even a thing.
[removed] [deleted]
Did you get dropped on your head
when you were a child?
Are you a native
English speaker, or are you
just bad at reading?
Cool observation!
Jesus what kind of pussy
would ever do that?
He see the cop, brakes
hard and pulls in front of me,
right behind the cop.
Tell them you're worried
for your safety and just wish
to be left alone.
Santa always gets
his revenge Buy the dyes off
the AH when they come.
Running miles a day,
lifting heavier than half
the guys at the gym!
I like the intro,
it has that nice jump cut style
quality to it.
It's well furnished, but
seems rarely used and you find
nothing of interest.
Healthy or not I'm
not playing him at Denver.
Joseph Goebbels job.
After shaking hands,
the provide me with rations
and a place to rest.
Oh shit what did you
do you released an ancient
curse, we're dark now man.
there is no limit
or warranty that the stuff
i wrote is correct.
Especially if you're
dating a lot, and just not
clicking with people.
The American
"r" also appears to be
very hard to lose.
Let them know next class
that this conversation has
been going viral.
This is exactly
why I despise the saying,
"We all make mistakes."
I have been pressing
F5 on all these polls. I can't
take it anymore.
I started playing
this game when I was a kid,
like most of my friends.
yea only looper,
sorry The problem solving
is not the main point.
The storm that wipes out
the pathetic little thing
you call your career.
She was a trooper.
Why did you only pierce one?
Also nice armpit.
Now, I always find
time for workouts no matter
how busy things get.
You know how you know
when someone doesn't have kids?
Fireplace poker.
I could have told you
all that I was super smart.
You just had to ask!
Being affected
by the events of the films
should be expected.
Also, no matter
how hard anyone tries, you
can't please everyone.
No need for acid
at all, just a waste of time
and product really...
Shouldn't Winston be
in Gibraltar and mei be
in Antarctica?
thanks for the finding
guys, now do they actually work
better together?
If he was leaving
the house for any reason
he had a hat on.
That part of "Europe"
isn't Europe, it's "Former
Soviet Union".
Very annoying.
Awesome, thank you. I'm going
to look into that.
If your submission
is original content,
you could win prizes!
If you actually care
about ranking up you can
easily learn how.
That thread title is
very misleading A man
needs to dip his wick.
This will clear after
another couple of days
and your snake will shed.
She can back away
if you shoot her, or she can
drop down if you're low.
Let it sit over
night and watch as your guest look
at you like a god.
Even Ruby, Perl,
Lua, etc would
be a better choice.
Then I see shit like
this and realize they were not
so bad. yes uh what?
There was another
video that I've always
wondered about too...
What is the bad word
tho Awesome didn't realize that.
Might make the switch now.