Haiku #346711
The whole money side
to this game is a anti
consumer train wreck.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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The whole money side
to this game is a anti
consumer train wreck.
That money goes toward
their other services, such
as contraception.
is only marginally
less idiotic.
I meant continue
to guard them, since you managed
to save them so far.
Am I the only
one that immediately
thought of PM Dawn?
[deleted] Sorry
i thought it did I can give
u one now My boobs.
You haven't cited
anything reliable
yet, just crackpot stuff.
I love realism.
It's not a knife, it's a blade!!!
Sorry, was asleep.
I've smoked too much weed
and it's like being too drunk-
really unpleasant.
I'd definitely
say get him a star or two
for farming content.
No you are talking
about a group of people
aka a culture.
NO. Also my favorite joke
in the whole special.
seems to be the best
video tutorial
I have see so far!
I want to know how
he gets potable water
to drink for himself.
(And that was only
because he came to visit
after my mom died.
In fact, I see few,
if any posts that even
mention atheists.
(Just kidding. Sort of.)
Have a great day regardless.
Edit: grammar fail.
I love the earrings.
How long have you been waiting
for a chance like this.
Apple's computers
have been dominating sales
in the last few years.
However, it is
becoming a very well
used tool by many.
Just as much, you're not
the same person you were last
week or yesterday.
We got busted one
day and it never happened
again after that.
How would I be wrong?
Are you starting to get it?
I wouldn't mind that.
Terrible design.
I'd totally by okay
if my SO did it.
But them my parents
would drop me on a random
desolate planet.
I mean the tires
are spinning, glass is falling
out of his windows.
Our muscles cover
our bones so we can get hurt
or bruised easily.
I can still hear his
voice saying 'B, boy' 'D, dog'
'A, apple' 'C, cat'.
The battery pack
also doesn't look that well
built inside. We'll see.
Doubt I'd make it up
the ladder with a bounty
in a full lobby.
Seattle's liquor
situation is nothing
to worry about.
Okay. I've seen those
pop up for electronics,
but never board games.
Fucking and fucking
and fucking till I stroke out
or my heart explodes.
You should read some books.
You clearly don't know very
much about this stuff.
And I really like
the idea of working
history into it.
sadly anything
done in amerika is
Hello, it looks like
you're trying to ask a question
about halloween.
I'm sure that place is
going to be a zoo on
opening day though.
Because every new
color you try to create
already exists.
HEY! Where's the puffin???
Can you please tell us what time
servers will be up?
"Okay," Glitch put her
right hand on Cardinals head
and sits next to him.
Worried about her
partner, Glitch stands up and moves
behind Cardinal.
I forgot about
this, maybe they'll bring it back.
Pretty cool concept.
i hate when people
say those who don't work 'real jobs'
don't deserve more pay.
But it's fun to poke
at the one's who aren't. Right now?
Uhh no it doesn't.
When a dude catcalls
he's shown that (to him) We are
something you shout AT.
You know that if you
approach the black hole of death
unprepared, you die.
At least half the cops
I run into fall into
that category.
I plan on having
fun and if the players do,
then I did my job.
There is a very
strong youth component to what
we are seeing now.
they enjoy filling
up their gas tanks, and paying
their electric bills.
His replacement on
City Confidential was
Keith David (They Live).
I even rented
porn for my friends on weekends
from another town.
For sockets, only
bind is needed, and even
then you don't need it.
It's not racism,
it's just what their actions are
portraying them as.
Or not, he may well
be trying to keep him away.
BUT: his house, his rules.
The game in normal
and nightmare difficulty
is a pushover.
The only question
I have is how much storage
you think you would need.
It really helps you
push other stresses away
for a little while.
I might also add
as a precautionary
measure use some lube!
Now whenever his
brother came over he was
stuck dealing with him.
I have a Sticky
Homing Meteor Shower
with x12 child grenades.
After the update,
all the gyms in my city
have become mystic.
"order was wrong" is
valid for many reasons
without more info.
how long was "too long"?
what time was the order placed?
what was the order?
You may think I'm wrong
but WoW turned into that game
and Blizzard did it.
This. If you have peed
since your last orgasm there
won't be any sperm.
He doesn't know he's
as obvious as he is
about not listening.
Also, have you tried
getting a different person
to summon for you?
I expect nothing
but professionalism
and integrity.
Yeah for sure, but I've
had way worse side effects from
being psychotic.
I was bored and went
to /all [deleted] this is
so original!
He usually posts
anonymously on 4chan
about his victims.
He was perfectly
sociable at the dog park
and at doggie dates.
I have numerous
awards, campus and system
wide for my efforts.
I felt completely
connected and loved seeing
everything I could.
My trigger finger
is a beast, so using his
fun is so much fun!
Hoping Springer can
start making a little bit
more noise nationally.
You couldn't pay me
enough to put my name on
that monstrosity.
[removed] No thank you.
I'll take a sparkling water
if you have any?
[deleted] So, let's
say the nebula is named
after the browser?
I would only use
that in cases where I would
play the game again.
In any event,
hopefully injury will
be avoided! Yes.
I finally turned
down this path and holy shit,
is life easier.
Good luck! This has been
removed because the title
is inaccurate.
Maybe he just likes
stroking his ego to some
online attention.
Full time self employed
in other mainstream business
working remotely.
Although I wonder
why he's only now coming
to that conclusion?
It does seem over
simplified as of now, but
that may be the point.
He will be able
to withstand any increase
in scaling you see.
I'm curious though,
because it feels like there are
still a few loose ends.
For you to believe
that means they achieved their goal
in changing the world.
Do people just buy
whatever and not check their
carts before check out?
The light of red torch
not red, its yellow and its
light level is low.
If that happened I'd
be able to switch my whole
company over.
Don't let anyone
intimidate you, it's not
that bad. It's a blast.
it's also taken
much longer than the prudent,
safe alternative.
I mean, how come I've
never seen any of these
animals before?
Dagger OH warrior
for poison application
and mobility.
Seriously, you
can not be in a bad mood
while playing that game.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
I fucking love you.
How does being high relate
to any of this?
She did it because
she is young, and will regret
that in the future.
They're one of the best
school districts in the greater
Houston area.
Taking a break is
okay, and probably something
the series needed.
For me it isn't
one or the other, it's both
or nothing at all.
Exactly. This sums
up the "forceful Savior" thing
I mentioned above.
I am disabled
and I spend almost all day
building Fairy things.
The "gap closer" is
only a tiny dash when
used as an escape.
Either way, I can't
see how anyone would drink
that beer more than once.
Hush hush, we don't want
any distractions while we're
huffing our own fumes!
My idiocy
does not mean I condone his
actions however.
Months and months went by.
She saw how hurt it made me
so we discussed it.
Your analogy
is bad and you should feel bad.
Thanks for the feedback.
Sounds like Friday Night
Lights You know, this was actually
pretty convincing.
No. dampen wash cloth,
put in freezer, wait, remove,
have him chew on that.
Care to try again?
Just like her children's faces
from her memory.
Private healthcare has
advantages and there are
arguments for it.
If you want to post
shit at the very least try
to study the field.
You refer to her
as mom in name, yet it seems
like she's a focus.
I have a Sedan,
but a hatch would be really
nice for family use.
"Maybe she wasn't
allowed to have anything
to say." So hurtful.
You can grieve the love
and relationship you thought
you had. It's okay.
Beethoven's 9th.
In very good audio
quality, played well.
"It works on every
level" Get a few more years
under your belt, son.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
How is this any
better than everyone else
posting about it?
I think we need both
medicines to do our best
to help everyone.
I think when I said
alignment I meant to say
balanced lol.
It would have been nice
if things had of ended on
good terms but hay go.
"When you are sniping
you want to aim as little
as possible" ...What?
Does this mean I get
to be a super secret
Mossad agent now?
Check the dimensions
to see if the tapped keg will
fit in your fridge. Yeah!
It's been too long since
then and she really should've
been re established.
First major motion
picture rendered on Linux
was the Titanic.
i'm now assuming
you're a young child and will just
no longer reply.
In vast quantities?
I'd probably say alcohol.
Maybe, maybe not.
It's just that actual
humans will be on Mars by
the time it's released.
Do it slow to make
sure you get it in only
one additional shot.
As do I Then do
something seriously based
in reality.
I have zero pet
allergies, but that post made
my sinuses bleed.
She's super easy
to talk to, and she tells me
how funny I am.
Ok, your mirror
is cracked, do you pass or not?
Who gets to decide?
Why does it look like
there's a long tube running down
the side of the ship?
Because I feel like
the range finder would make up
somewhat for the spread.
if the seller can
not satisfy your complaint
then they will step in.
I kind of want one,
but at the same time I can't
use a small mousepad.
More at eleven.
[deleted] [deleted] Well
there goes nokia.
When you're dealing bricks,
heights or other job hazards
those hazards are known.
I tend to not look
at features on new albums,
so that I'm surprised.
I've done it a few
times lol you're great though!
It's streaming only.
Roughly, the question
is 'how much does my sticker
cost at a bulk rate'.
Narrator sounds good
and the book sounds interesting.
I'd like to read it!
[removed] I can't think
about it without laughing.
It was fantastic.
I have a hard time
getting the set screw to do
anything useful.
They live among us!
Don't really know, I just used
to really like him.
Why can't flash just die...
For fucks sake. I didn't even
know that was valid.
I have windows on
two sides of my LEGO room,
facing North and East.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Don't worry, a man
is not measured by his height,
but by his actions.
It's made the game much
more enjoyable, actually.
Student loan payments.
I feel bad for y'all!!
You forgot the titanic
movie on your list.
Don't worry, when you
get to college, take a real
analysis course.
Hot Dog has begun
to grow on me, pretty fun
to sing along to.
By the way, have you
been to the top of the new
Durham Hotel yet?
And let's not pretend
the Nexus devices are
without compromise.
When I stop to write
something I realize how much
I love this series.
This is the only
issue I have with giving
up a 1st round pick.
I'm having a hard
time understanding why you're
fighting me on this.
Does Leonardo
DiCaprio Smell as nice
as I imagine?
Just holding trophies.
While using the bonus loot
to farm gold and DE.
I am too early
in the game to understand
what that all means yet.
Try to position
your fleet near the middle but
inside the minefield.
issues or other concerns
may get in the way.
Zero tolerance
on you defending yourself.
The thugs can roam free.
Interesting! I was
making a joke cause it sounds
like Aristotle.
Most supermarket
chains are only regional
in the USA.
They have classes where
you learn how to do taxes
and learn finances.
EDIT: Also try
using a proper toilet?
Might help with the smell.
If you care about
unix then just get linux
and be done with it.
Pain comes instantly.
Do you have any green orb
or all orb enhance?
The designers know
there was fighting all over
the galaxy right?
If neither party
in the trade is abused then
the trade is legal.
You get a pattern
and rhythm going and there
is no stopping you!
They never said that.
[deleted] It's easily
the best pub in town.
[deleted] Yeah no
that isn't what Trump proposed
even remotely.
But the simple fact
is, this is an extremely
volatile climate.
If Obama had
come out of the gate like this,
I'd agree with you.
the point is no one
asked for it [deleted] Did
you read what I wrote?
Everyone is trying
to make a quick buck or steal
someone's idea.
[deleted] Alright.
I'll pull the both of them, since
you do have a point.
REC Metallurgy?
Figure out how to shore up
our rare earth supplies.
Anyone know what
I'm talking about? And all
those boomers had kids.
I figured it was
because her tongue wanted more
vagina to lick.
Shit I'll pay to watch
the trailer of that movie.
I'm not really sure.
he stunk, he's been good
in other roles but he sucked
as Ronan Is it?
In those few seconds
she had looked down, the being
had crossed the distance.
The trouble with man
is telling me otherwise?
Art is not a fact.
I seem to recall
"The Hitch" asserted something
similar to that.
A lot ^^As ^^do ^^we,
^^life ^^generally ^^sucks ^^^^k Thanks.
I can't remember.