Haiku #334700
Start to the side, start
at the back, just let the fast
swimmers go ahead.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
Start to the side, start
at the back, just let the fast
swimmers go ahead.
I bought this two weeks
ago and have made it through
most of the items.
*Moments of silence*
"So tower... What're you guys
up to? That's cool. Me?
Forcing their newspeak
on everyone by any
means necessary.
where did this come from?
I seems like Game loves to beef
with other artist.
It will balance out
with a winning streak later
on Huh... *She goes in.
Looking at the app,
it seems that they have it all.
Could be mistaken.
Now, I would never
do work like that, but I am
not a lazy hack.
What you need to do
is up the ante, and then
up the distractions.
and you have great tools
in the box to bump presence
and otherwise sculpt.
You'll find "Vanilla"
rooms with skilled players if you'd
like to reminisce.
Charlotte is better.
Detroit is on another
planet it's so good.
No reason to reach
anywhere NEAR his head when
you have him wrapped up.
That field position
and time we lost out of from
the flag was killer.
The phone battery
would be from 900-2500ma so you won't
get much of a charge.
We don't have to sell
our city to frauds, money
launderers, and crooks.
Most of my shopping
*is* done in supermarkets.
But these shops *exist*.
As an amateur
decorator myself, I'm
in awe of your skill.
They may be in LA,
but they're still the Rams and we're
still the Seahawks. Wow.
You don't want to be
locked out from getting money
when you need it most.
They are still losing
real wealth, to lessen the loss,
they fire employees.
If I had to choose
one or the other to be
good, I'd pick the game.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Also, his dental
and vision are not covered
and out of pocket.
You know, that long thing
that drivers reverse using
only two mirrors?
With that said, I think
the question answers itself
in the RA degree.
I think it'd be
considerate to tell him
why you're angry though.
I want positive
answers, not no negative
feedback on this post.
That would provide some
much needed variety.
that makes way more sense.
Best advice I can
give you right now is to stay
active on this sub.
There's one guy who won't
play with us until we've played
the game a few times.
Wilbur assured me
the pig was cool, they were smart,
she said. Clean, she claimed.
Just because you didn't
have an orgasm doesn't
mean you didn't have sex.
Sure. But damn if you
wanna make money, you go
play with that fucker.
Why won't muslims get
out on the side of a road
and hold up a sign?
And for when someone
gets shot on the premises?
Are they liable?
I can see the k
board layout in the first pic
but I'm still confused.
Are the figures used
in this per sample size or
just overall deaths?
Please do. I support
radical progressive change
for America.
I appreciate
the response... Are you a vet?
Or how do you know?
OP, all of the things
you are into seem o be
met by Burning Wheel.
I fully believe
that there is *no way* he is
this incompetent.
David Letterman
looks homeless You're still around?
Oh that would be nice.
Seems to me like there
are a few different AIs each
champion will have.
He even said "Now
even *I'm* pissed off at you"
or something like that.
The same opinions,
the same responses, the same
god damn everything.
I never actually
got that conversation (too
hard to unlock, jeez!).
To put "Blind" in our
ears during this possible
terrorist attack.
What's the server? God,
Now, there are many
different wounds and each one is
treated differently.
I think everyone
was too wet and miserable
to be starting shit.
There is always some
guy who thinks he is clever
and original....
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
I'm saying that there
are victims of this other
than those who were stabbed.
The fact they expect
anything from anyone
is ridiculous.
Loot box contents are
determined when they drop, not
when they are opened.
Sad to see this end.
It's all becoming so real...
still, far from over.
I don't know, Taylor
comes off like just a low key,
quiet, normal guy.
Even though I wish
he'd clean up his beard, he seems
like an alright guy.
The future was one
that we were going to be
having in the US.
Right and when Clinton
loses you can keep telling
yourself that. :O But.
It's seriously
the worst thing about watching
the Seahawks for me.
But, hey, that's just me.
Eh, I don't know of I would
say beer is that cheap.
Hope that helps! I could
video the whole thing if
that would be helpful.
[deleted] This is
why Jeff Fischer is going
to get extended.
The messaging pop
ups are a pain in the ass
to quick reply now.
She explained to me
that she never got to say
goodbye or hug him.
Additionally, all
primaries in a state must
be on the same day.
We had to put her
on portion control because
she got really fat.
I think your use case
is basically the sweet spot
for these sorts of tools.
Care to elaborate
on deplorable actions
that are happening there?
But perhaps they should
do that as well when a cop
shoots an unarmed man.
As much as I hate
to admit it, he might just
use those words as well.
What percentage was
to decay and what was due
to the dif in price?
There's been many times
when I'm like "shit, my guy is
pretty much dead RIP.
The odds are very
low that Jimmy will be our
guy in the future.
I have them all These
are all, unquestionably,
fucking amazing.
Find a cut that looks
flattering on you and stick
to that. Bam, fashion.
Catcher to the left,
you slide as far right as you
can and reach to bag.
Curious yet too
scared to actually interact
with one another.
side with the cops no matter
the circumstances.
Oh, and /s [removed]
I'll never understand why
kids didn't like bathing.
Sounds great. why are you
telling me this Got my box!
Has yours come in yet?
I'm glad we drafted
Hargreaves, he can catch. I knew
my base was abused.
No crazy outbursts
and no acting completely
out of character.
Everyone should see
this movie about nothing
in particular.
Defensive shit show
complete with turnovers? Yup.
Fight until the end?
Please report any
inappropriate comments
for moderation.
Accuracy is
obvious as it lets you
hit what you're aiming.
It sounds so casual
and simple but there's **so** much
meaning behind it.
Maybe I didn't choose
the right words, english isn't
my native language.
More arm tackling. Cool.
I went to school with a girl
named Autumn Summers.
We've got some good shit
going on with our team, just
some big issues too.
For both squats and bench
I like to think **"Drive the bar
into the ceiling.
Don't hurt me but does
anyone else think Wilson
should've been out there?
So if she didn't go,
it wouldn't be for the same
reasons as Phi Phi.
I agree. How am
I supposed to sell myself
when I hate myself?
[deleted] Things like
saucier spoons, sauce brushes
and plate turntables.
I'm honestly not
mechanically good enough
to utilize them.
You can pretty much
get anywhere in Vegas
under a half hour.
I have his poster
on my wall above my bed,
but it might be time.
My main problem is
that there's just more *stuff* to load.
More textures, more shapes.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
You just need a way
to get there and a reason
to do so. Short hair.
I've become fearful
somewhat of that entire
range of motion now.
I also may or
may not have some connections
with the exact role.
How does having two
different sounds make a difference
in security?
Comments? Got lazy
and stopped working out after
I graduated.
I am sure there are
others who need it more but
I wouldn't say no.
If he has some more
free time, ask him to make more!
The King in the West!
If you bathe every
day and use deodorant
but your pits still stink.
Try to saturate
your colors and really get
those shadows in there.
You might be pretty
sure that you were at fault, but
you might not have been.
And this is the sixth
quest related bug I've had
with the same answer.
Since it looks as if
Gary will take the L, I've
been looking to Trump.
This was obvious
to me before the credits
were even over.
Then ask if other
people would like to help you
expand upon it.
I mean, you're pointing
the camera at the sky, from
what I'm assuming.
Well, her problem, not
mine The journal will let you
print from any day.
No idea, but
I've been hoping for some new
skins for a while now.
That'd be super
fun and also legal right
Spelling and grammar.
very few people
play it for a reason Are
those the healing pants?
I think there is times
where Se can look like Ne, or
Si can look like Ni.
True, but trying to take
advantage of people is
not nice either way.
Yeah thought so I'm from
the states, and we don't really
have this sort of thing.
People who stand out
are the ones who get into
good medical schools.
The better question
would be to ask why aren't there
more philanthropists.
Time to close up shop
and move on I think it'd
be funny, mostly.
Every gift from now
until she's worm food should be
pictures in glued frames.
Thanks for your business.
I'm glad I recently got
my order from you.
Losing you is hard
enough, you don't have to be
so mean about it!
We are winning Am
I in time to see the post
about giant tools?
Obvious force out
But really, just be
relaxed and don't be afraid
to communicate.
Yes Just talk to her.
Jesus. I see no difference...
can i get a hint?
The only difference
was they used the TE more than
speedy receivers.
In the deserted
Zone, the approach to the Room
must be indirect.
But I will say this,
Sean Smith has gone up against
some great receivers.
The more helpful you
are to others, the faster
you're allowed to post!
you must give feedback
within that thread in order
to post your own link).
If the queen tells you
what the fuck to do you are
part of her country.
If losing weight is
the solution, there would not
be a discussion.
/S What the FUCK is
race control thinking throwing
the yellow that late?
Delivery fees
have probably been around since
the world's first business.
Also, white men fall
closer to a bell curve, while
black men skew longer.
I live in Boston
and wanted to get info
during the lock down.
That's what makes it bad.
Defense is supposed to be
better than that Nope.
Caring about one
side does not mean I don't care
about the other.
Look at this fat cat
over here, with the money
to *cook* his lentils.
My only problem
with my stock cooler is how
fucking loud it is.
Couldn't agree more.
Deal! But only if they are
tradable right now.
Now that he's doing
Night Mind full time, that's about
two average workdays.
No, I like the Cubs,
and they are inconvenient
in so many ways.
If the news covered
stuff like this I would go back
to watching again.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Until such a time,
sorry princess, it isn't
about you. It's. Not.
I think the Rams may
have just awoke our legion.
Can't wait for next week!
It's complicated
and doesn't fit with the slick
design of the site.
but how are you logged
in when the servers are down
to even see that?
He hated how his
mom grounded him for getting
C's, etc.
Glad we finally
have a quality backup.
Where is Khalil Mack?
I'm hoping they just
need to gel but yeah, our D
is disappointing.
This game isn't meant
to catch 'em all in one place.
That's what makes it fun!
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
[deleted] No doubt.
I'm ashamed & scared to be
living above you.
Sad that the first place
I come for info is here.
Awesome that it was!
He stayed out of bounds
for a few seconds before
trying to come back in.
I literally switched
to that picture yesterday
for my wallpaper.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
"Oh it's puke flavored!"
"LET ME TRY THAT". "Oh my god,
I'm going to puke".
Hi all, just got back
from a very relaxing
weekend at the whites.
I think that it was
so intense because I was
so tired, but yeah.
I never knew how
blind I was, until I could
see for the first time.
If you do that, it's
more of knowing the software
than artistic skill.
And it must be said
I would welcome enhancements
to the Remote App.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
The cotton yarn cream
and sugar does this as well.
Doubt it very much.
If they like you but
don't think you're ready they might
offer you Senior.
The packers game was
lost due an interception
by a d lineman.
You look like the smart
person, while the "straw man" looks
like the stupid one.
Because that, for one,
is so overused you don't
care when it happens.
I knew someone was
going to say it, and yet,
I clicked anyway.
We're down to the wire
here and other banners will
be going on too.
It was the only
thing I ever used to use.
I kind of miss it.
Why aren't you going
to apply to another
Caribbean school?
Make sure you refer
to the tables related
to Married filers.
Though I should really
be farming Giants because
I pulled a Stella.
Personal favorite.
Those are some lovely shards, man.
Speed responsibly!
The Beatles should be
grateful that there's someone out
there defending them.
[deleted] I don't
lurk as much as I once did
(still love you fellas!)
So first tab Results
is the most important one
so we will start here.
Yea they're more or less
in three tiers, so we're pretty
much on the same page.
This is the verb I'll
be using to describe weed
smoking from now on.
This is pretty good.
The only thing I would add
on to yours a bit.
I had to think fast!
Cure? No, definitely not.
No cure for this shit.
Gotta think, what can
I do? How long do I have?
An hour maybe two.
I don't know how long
Lucy took but it couldn't
have been more than that.
Al tough they will be
relatively water proof
i would not risk it.
Cloud already has
high racial tension, even
before this attack.
Some of the three best
things for nation not to be
in my opinion.