Haiku #332696
I think it's gonna
be a little bit different
so she might be fine.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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I think it's gonna
be a little bit different
so she might be fine.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Look in my recent
post history for other threads
about this issue.
I effectively
ruined any chance to see
today with new eyes.
Drinking age is low
and the population is
(relatively) small.
Usually the one
who reads the article is
the one who posts it.
Damn, I thought he was
talking about Columbine
too, I died laughing.
Yo that power stance
on the confetti cannon
was sick. I'm done here.
His position where
he hit the bar today is
one of his favorites.
Perhaps. Unless you're
wearing it and the ladies
see you wearing it.
He had a paw on
my throat, and with the other,
he was slapping me!
Dead from the neck up.
Dead from the neck down. That's life!
Oh, this is so hard!
Many years ago,
my best friend and I had met
two lovely ladies.
Incase anyone
is interested, here's some raw
data to sift through.
We don't really meet
afterwards, and they do stuff
with other people.
Thanks for sharing That's
the people watching fault not
the entertainers.
These are winter boots.
Wait! Don't kill him! You know I'm
allergic to them!
Knocking someone out
is also a special skill.
Right. Bye, Vanessa.
Anyway, this has
been great. Thanks for the coffee.
Yeah, it's no trouble.
How much longer will
this go on? It's been three days!
Why aren't you working?
But as a Tory
and as Prime Minister his
seat was in Essex.
Using both hands, squeeze
your breasts around his penis
and go up and down.
Maybe take a look
and see what it involves, get
some inspiration!
Practice makes perfect.
Speed and efficiency come
with time. Be patient.
a craft of some kind.
Like a kit to make something.
Fuck me in the ass....
Do we need french fries
and boxed foods at every meal?
Definitely not.
Double cheeseburger
Mac probably my best option
And the pain hasn't
been the only bothersome
side effect, either.
Never let me down.
Nowadays, I'll set the brake
if I'm on a hill.
Aye Could you point out
to me where my comment is
being aggressive?
You wouldn't happen
to know of a decent one
in Hanoi would you?
poor thing, let me get
your bottle for you, if you
wanna take a nap.
It's fun, the fights are
pretty cool, and the humor
is on point, IMO.
Read a book about
the caste system or something
before going off.
Or I don't really
like a certain guy, but want
to invite his wife.
If it can't get through
the house and Senate Bernie
can't do anything.
It's a stupid cheap
thing because Hollywood has
mixed surprise with fear.
It wasn't one drive.
It was the entire game.
The residential
spaces are great with many
attractions nearby.
You don't care one bit
about the truth just what you
*feel* the truth should be.
Heart skipped a beat there.
Darn. The rest of the build looks
awesome though! Good job!
I personally don't
have it so I can't attest
to how well it works.
Except I hate you
and your stupid long summer.
Dammit Canada.
He wanders into
stories that are not his own,
and adds his muscle.
Do I just harbor
too much doubt that humans can
control anything?
"well if I clean up
after myself, you wouldn't
have a job!" Really?
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
"Hello, McDonald's?
I'm calling from your toilet.
There's no paper here."
Everything you see
in this sub is canon till
George says otherwise.
I think Bears fans are
pretty well versed in Lovie
keep pushing them back!
The partner brought whores
to the cabin, traded pot,
and got minors drunk.
I was trying to get
you to understand you can't
call it addictive.
Johanna. First bike,
and the best girl I've ever
mounted, lol.
"Fooled around and fell
in love" by Elvin Bishop
sticks out in my mind.
My best friend got me
one for my birthday this year
and I almost cried.
They are fun as fuck.
I loved it. I put something
like 22k miles on it.
Enjoy your power.
Question yourself. Make mistakes.
Celebrate victory.
Just, you know, he'll kill
you with a rock while being
witty about it.
I'm looking forward
to doing all the chipped paint
and mismatched panels.
If. If I did this.
The bead would break. Or me. no,
i am not lying.
Your washing machine
doesn't need an entire
hour to clean your clothes.
Rinse it? Boy, that coke
zero patina is where
half the taste comes from!
Goebbels. Or Orwell.
You choose. He's one, maybe both.
Oh that's a hard one...
Not sure though. I'm not
reading anything so that's
all speculation.
If they are asking,
it's because they want to give
you a chance to vent.
Even if the team
I join is winning, it's still
really annoying.
Just have to work on
faster alternate picking
on multiple strings.
Depends on how much
you think you'll end up having
to pay in taxes.
It also reminds
you when they're due, and you can
pay it through the site.
My cousin has down
syndrome and knows that murder
and stealing is wrong.
As others have said,
this will tell you if the rock
will change your PH.
Just using toilet
paper won't get everything
and leaves caked on stuff.
Or you're more likely
to be killed by a toddler
than a terrorist.
I mean, when women
are turned on they get wet, but
there's only so much.
Would have been a nice
touch to add some darkness toward
the top of the frame.
If you ever need
someone to talk to please feel
free to message me.
i mean honestly...
do they propose a better
control scheme or what?
I'm in game now, just
need your profile, or for you
to add me on steam.
I have this blood is
blood mentality that Im
trying to break out of.
He lost. that's not how
insulting somebody on
the internet works.
At a dive bar, by
myself, obviously not
having a great night.
I have literally
the exact same setup, same
table top and drawers!
Do not shower two
or three days before sleeping
with a new partner.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
They consistently
say we shouldn't take the law
into our own hands.
If your design work
was good, it'll show on the track.
Never thought of that.
[deleted] Why would
you kill the voice that tells you
to be respectful?
I've been wondering
this as well and even tried
to look up the rule.
Drop the processed crap
and learn what makes fresh veggies,
fruits and meats awesome.
Take him to some meets
with you and make sure he checks
out the masters class.
You know some fucker
is getting his ass chewed out
right now. "ONLY FIVE?!?!
He is not bad but
he is not the player his
contract says he is.
That last line makes me
think the narrator doesn't
want to be pregnant.
[I'm waiting for her
supporters to come on here
out of the woodwork.
I don't get wrapped up
in online arguments, just
do what I enjoy.
And a vote for Stein
does not increase either Trump's
or Clinton's numbers.
It doesn't. You seem
to be looking for reasons
to discredit her.
It makes it super
easy to accommodate
everyone's lunch needs.
When you are very
farmed, the enemy carry
will have much less farm.
The real carry you
need to be worried about
is Sven or Ursa.
I mean he almost
made up for it with the next
return but, damn dude.
So... Yeah, exercise
might work if you start training
for a triathlon.
It wouldn't effect
premiums because it is
such a small market.
Failure stories is
great way to vent out what went
good and what went bad.
In total, it can
take me three clicks to open
and close an image.
We don't care about
ranking up to master or
diamond at this point.
That's all I need, but
even mine is breaking down
as I speak. It sucks.
It'd look even
better with my thick cock shoved
in that smooth tight hole.
Log online and go
to My Plan, Manage Products
and Apps, Free products.
If the trade was just
confirmed it likely hasn't
been marked as sent yet.
*The smaller thug turned
tail at this point, and began
to book it away.
I've got a cleanup
detail for him for the next
thousand years or so.
For an offensive
guru, his offenses look
downright bad lately.
So the price of salt
and the price of filters looks
to be similar.
And the magnetic
field is as far as I know
the cause of the buzz.
I am sure there is
someone in a gorilla
suit out there for you.
I've knows him for years
and he's a great guy and won't
rape you on prices.
Face straight north in North
Van but point the antenna
towards the east (Seymour).
Ever. Next dog might
just be aggressive so time
to dump him again?
I think people just
want to believe in magic,
just a little bit.
You'd feel the same way
Do you do professional
game development?
If you want to burn
the hell out of your meat, that's
your prerogative.
Chris Conte has always
been a failure, don't know how
he's still in the league.
AHA!!! You are right,
the semantics of that word
could be an issue.
No, I'm still in school.
I quit over the summer,
which was really tough.
Also, the Mad Max
movies have changed greatly from
movie to movie.
The liar cannot
be trusted because her true
ends remain hidden.
It does work on them
actually even when they're not
hostile, which is cool.
Make women invent.
And so on. And only tax
women and not men.
"I'll have to see if
Lord Hightower would let me
build ships in his ports.
I was trying to wire
transfer money to someone
I know personally.
Research life Russel
is boning my fantasy
team so hard right now.
The housing market
is very rough, especially
on the lower end.
Awesome video!
Do you stream on twitch? If so,
what's your channel's name?
Adds a little more
black and will balance it out
visually just right.
It is a garbage
sentence and it has nothing
to do with commas.
You're better now? Please,
please seek help taking the most
drastic step of all.
i was coming home
from classes late at night, had
to trek a ways home.
I should do a stress
test with the longest history
and the biggest world.
Was proud of Jason
Garrett being bold in his
play calling for once.
Maybe nobody
even noticed the players
the first time around.
Kevin Magnussen.
Yet that is never being
used in his defense.
That's new. The content
is so difficult even
Nomi can't cook it.
I'm an idiot
with terrible memory.
Nothing to see here.
This ability
however has two different
amounts of damage.
If I remember
how my first models looked, these
ones are very good.
This is your Very
own Imaginary friend!
"Toothbrush or chopstick?"
Girl here. No matter
what deodorant I use,
I still have pit stains.
You are posting here
too frequently, so your post
has been deleted.
Do you feel like you're
never able to help, no
matter what you try?
Technically, it is
nutritious but I don't know
if it is *healthy*.
They're just gross. Err... no.
That's not quite the entire
truth there mon amie.
Just work it into
the dirty talking and it's
not even awkward.
It would really come
down to how the chem between
Clay and Crim worked out.
I just pulled the lid
and started it up to get
the air bubbles out.
Because of this, our
observable universe
is really growing.
He can go and cheer
for Chelsea or Manchester
United instead.
Thank you. [lies back down]
Boy i needed this after
last week. This is nice.
Think they did it from
the third pitch of sea of dreams,
so it's a good swing.
Never said it did.
Just because you think you're smart
doesn't mean you are.
Then when you jumped through
the first portal, everything
became meaningless.
I can't remember
how I did mine, didn't really
hurt at any time.
A few times other
men would ask to touch me while
I was getting fucked.
Just make monsters not
drop the same items that you
can get from skilling.
It was at that point
I quit the game. Slayer man,
can't say it enough.
Its not her fault, All
Women Are Like That, AWALT
every god damned time.
I don't know if you
heard but we have this thing called
air conditioning.
And that is OKAY.
I try to do it a few
times throughout the day.
Go to default apps.
Select phone under phone app.
This fixed it for me.
Probably just cut back,
I suppose? I mainly drink
water and hot tea.
Never said you were
the one saying my reason
for raiding is wrong.
Wow. Ninja Edit:
Scratch that. What he needs to do
is break encryption!
Tyler is mostly
in the Captain's chair making
Todd scream his lungs out.
Personally I feel
like unless you spend a lot,
FU is not worth it.
But just what do you
think she can gain from going
to a Reunion?
Buy Pepe Why did
I click that link? Very large
wince of sympathy.
That's what your wife said.
Going to be a goldmine
for lip reading though.
[deleted] *Hugs* Yea.
Stand on your principle dude.
See what it gets you.
Get in? True. He has
had a below average off
day by his standards.
We cannot expect,
or demand, people to just
give up their free time.
I don't think I could
handle getting sucker punched
again in this games.
it's useless on blemishes
and dark spots as well.
SCREENS [deleted] Nice. I don't
see how. ***DOWN THE GOOCH!!
I'm really only
pointing out the extremely
poor analogy.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
So I'm thinking it's
either the controller or
my battery pack.
Economy is
the biggest issue for me
on low pop servers.
Also, you guys are
being fucking stupid when
you say shit like that.
Maybe we're just too
immature lol How
is this common sense?
For example, you
said that she's sad and anxious
about her future.
Now I gotta know
what the random bad joke is
You eat too much. Yet..
Im happy for Paul
honestly But people had
to walk on the street!
Civil forfeitures
are bad enough but they can't
keep records on it?
Your welcome sweet pea.
If you don't know Gustin then
you don't know Gustin.
Flying with it is
easiest if you're flying
that way anyway.
technically you were
going to hell before you
sneezed the demon out.
Also, I won't eat
chicken after it's cooked if
I prepared the meal.
I mean I suppose
you could stick to T10 if that's
what you're getting at.
It's very, very
normal for people to be
nervous their first time.
I bet you we will
have more combined penalties
than our combined score.
Now it's time to change
the game plan for the second
half and sink the ship.