Haiku #20974
Despite numerous
doctor visits, not one can
find anything wrong.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
Despite numerous
doctor visits, not one can
find anything wrong.
This is exactly
the kind of experience
I was looking for.
Just curious, where
did you get the idea
for your workout split?
You'll miss it If you
used his methods you'd be caught
pretty quickly now.
Why!? You then either
have to close that tab and hunt
down the other one.
I always give them
the number for Pizza Hut.
My apologies.
The freedoms you get
with a pump are outstanding
in comparison.
Yankee Candles put
out too much soot and don't burn
nearly long enough.
I'll give you my room
number, and if I'm around,
feel free to drop in.
Also. If you want
to chill shoot me an email,
I live at the beach.
Americans took
the soda from soda pop
and we took the pop.
Do I think it is
cool that he is there watching
history being made?
And if you even
have doubts about calling us,
please pray about it.
If it has any
sort of warranty, those are
some decent savings.
This of course will lead
into more disappointment
and lack of coming.
I find that technique
makes the whole process a bit
more enjoyable.
The feeling is strange
and somewhat sad, but also
really enlightening.
I never tried it,
but perhaps it doesn't burn
out like the others.
I love this comment.
I took considerable
effort to see this.
You shouldn't even
be considered a student,
or intelligent.
If you are looking
for something longer, you can
hike Mt. Olympus.
Oh, okay. I didn't
understand before, but now
I do understand.
At that time, but not
for the ancient Greeks, which is
what I meant. Same here.
To be otherwise
is a lucky exception
to a tragic norm.
I'll check into it.
Would I have to be sitting
at my computer?
Anyone have more
info I would love to read
more on this engine.
The sounds are very
dynamic, the suppression
system does its job.
This is what I call
**Creepy Genius**. [deleted]
Why, yes. Yes I am.
There were eight people
including me eating who
all enjoyed the meal.
Also now inside
the cell the bug is free from
immune surveillance.
This entirely
depends on what major you
want to go in to.
Also, the last space
is normally small, so you end
up getting too close...
There is a pretty
big post about this right now
talking about it.
What aggravates me
is the small amount of charge
cycles it lived through.
Don't ask anyone
to do work for you and not
expect to get paid.
In the end, he did
not ticket her but instead
gave her his number.
for science! EDIT:
I can't believe you guys up
voted this so much.
I hope you told him
not to buy hats from the store
at least! So silly.
There are lots of guys
out there who are attracted
to depressed women.
That hit close to home.
Just like my father wasn't.
***You ran in these shorts?!
No. Just like peppers
the smaller the size the more
intense it will be.
"I am no man." *thrusts
sword I would say that getting
high is a hobby.
This is the problem
with having the feds involved
in this kind of stuff.
How the fuck could you
possibly have enough time
to play ALL of these?
He's got a porn star
dick, amazing stamina,
and great oral skills.
I'm not that great yet,
just got a gaming pc
like a month ago.
If anyone knows
the original artist
that'd be awesome.
Aw. That's terrible.
At least they weren't Monarchs or
those pretty blue ones.
Ack, I was about
to type up something almost
exactly like this!
I may end up broke,
but my child isn't going
to grow up prissy.
Maybe we can get
together and I can show
you some magic tricks.
You just think you are.
Just like I thought I was." Is
your hair still like that?
In fact everyone
used to say Lord have Mercy,
everyone else has.
It's something that goes
on a bracelet and makes me
more athletic right?
It's definitely
one of those WHY HAVE I NOT
DONE THIS YET moments.
The composition
is solid though so I don't
think you should crop it.
the whistleblower
can toot the whistle but not
blow it? i dunno.
[deleted] Very
thorough and fairly easy
to follow answer.
For every shitty
neighborhood in the city,
there's one decent one.
My dog on the right
looked EXACTLY like yours does
when she was a pup.
Good luck! A little
too obnoxious for my taste,
but the kids like it.
In terms of wildlife,
I never saw anything
larger than a hawk.
Farrakhan is one
messed up guy as far as his
beliefs are concerned.
The further away
from the supplier you are,
the higher the cost.
Society could
still very much benefit
from your happiness.
And then just tease me
all night in a Fabio
imitation voice.
If your internal
voice isn't Morgan Freeman,
You're doing it wrong.
That's the coolest thing
I've ever seen. My vote goes
to you sir. Genius.
I'll PM something
to you since it's fairly long.
Where did you buy them?
The middle image
is the closest to pulling
off the illusion.
I enjoy learning
variations on English
and where they're from. Thanks!
[deleted] You should
have told this to my daughter
when she was teething.
Maverick gets you up
and shooting (in the danger
zone) ok that sucks.
When did this happen?
No. In Vancouver, we are
too cool to eat food.
But I think you got
the gist of the article.
It's the detergent.
He feels weird about
you being raped and doesn't
know how to tell you.
Thank you very much,
this will get me very far....
Buy more memory.
Bobby Digital!
you know, you can't spend money
when you're fucking dead.
I lived in Cap Hill
at the time and really got
to know my neighbors.
Yeah, I thought it was
bug until I kept playing
and they explained it!
But either way it's
still an act of violence,
which is uncalled for.
You didn't hurt the guy,
so now he knows to get his
ass out of the way.
Smarter people will
get a chance to think about
the situation.
Looks a little small
for an exact replica,
or your dad is huge.
Maybe in Skyward
Sword there'll be an option:
"Your wallet is full.
It's just been happening
for so long and the headache
is throwing me off.
Animal style has
those damn chopped grilled onions, they're
so mushy and gross.
Yes. When you open
the machine, look carefully
at the components.
Guys be fair. he was
looking for a good cannon
D game and got lost.
Come on you just made
your account today and look
at the user name.
And you'd love them all
today as much as you love
the originals.
Precision air strikes,
special forces assaults, but
not an invasion.
Lastly, if you want
to discuss anything, feel
free to pm me.
Whether they sue or
not, many of these names reach
the public domain.
links for the link throne!
Oh hey look it's my uncle.
who the fuck says this?
If you have never
tasted fish, you can never
know what fish tastes like.
And I'm the one who
needs to learn how to reason.
Whatever you say...
New Zealand? yeah, just
pm me if you decide
i'd fit in the group.
Computer repair-
quite different from the above
but still overprice.
I know, the cat scratched
cardboard pieces everywhere.
Too high to clean now.
it turned into his
default "I want ANYTHING
you have" status. Beard?
Because he's so huge,
I had just assumed he has
all sorts of awards.
You don't need to like
hockey to show at least some
respect for the deaths.
This guy sounds and talks
exactly like Kreiger from
Archer. Exactly.
Until then, kindly
move to the kiddie table.
Adults are talking.
I know a guy who
is Laos, born in France, but lives
in the US (Texas).
Even if one is
more severe than the other,
they both share this trait.
Are you using team
as a homonym for clan,
guild, etc?
Just because the girl
doesn't like it, doesn't mean
you should rule it out.
Metal through your dick.
Did you expect it to look
like it doesn't hurt?
Sure, the cops will be
called eventually, but what
happens until then?
"But hey, I'm feeling
better now, we should go do
X on the weekend!"
Get attached. Yeah its
fun but can definitely
land you some jail time.
If you had it right
once you can definitely
have it right again.
Apparently though
he has already lost all
the weight he put on.
Well, I commented
on the personal remarks,
not the casting ones.
Why do all recent
Cracked articles suck? Why did
Evan renounce it?
My pen box which is
hand painted by me, hidden
in my old highschool.
My Compact Oxford
Dictionary, guarded by
my best friend Annie.
[deleted] You did
lines before cooking dinner
for your grandmother?
God I hate that term.
She'd be so much hotter if
she gained a few pounds...
Way to go! Bow down
to Washington! Translation:
Greetings, everyone.
The last thing any
vehicle driver wants is
to hit a cyclist.
I'm guessing your next
paychecks will be around $3K.
So buy a $3K car.
No problem. If you're
looking for a good donut
rom try 'Super D'.
your stupid if what
you read there is the basis
for your argument.
[deleted] Isn't
the Sun larger and farther
away than the moon?
Even so, I wish
she would have just ended things
instead of cheating.
Which isn't really
change but rather just letting
bush tax cuts expire.
It's fun to devise
ways to deliberately fuck
with them for cheating.
I didn't find any
'funny' in anything you
wrote about the fair.
If you're in Honors,
you shouldn't have a problem
getting into it.
Don't worry about
your forehead it actually is
nice and clear, be proud!
Probably something like
Before Christ Era and Christ
Era. So who cares?
If the other lane
is clear, get the fuck over
and let someone in.
That's nine times more than
I've been shot at, and three times
more than I've been shot.
evolution is
fine where its taught in school now
with biology.
Usenet won't confuse
you if you can get your head
around a few things.
Some pointers that may
help your game, only because
I've been there myself...
Religions don't get
to ignore minimum wage
law as far I know.
I have never been
to a flea market, do I'll
have to check that out.
Some people are more
afraid of going to jail
than they are dying.
What a game! so what,
you think not eating cat food
is putting on heirs?!
Wet weed grows mildew,
which I'm pretty sure isn't
too good for your lungs.
There are a lot worse
things that happen in this world...
Gas up the cruiser!
Trailer Park Boys is
usually my go to show
if i can't decide.
The thought that you can
'legislate' equality
is insanity.
Thanks for the info
and the recommendations.
very very cool.
[deleted] I start
to laugh out loud every time
I read this. Well done.
I get the basic
RAM frequency, clock matching,
basics kinda stuff.
Last I heard she turned
into a hoe. Hit her up.
September 15th.
You can also get
the new set of dungeons by
beating the game once.
That room kinda looks
like a Costco Demo room...
yeah maybe you're right.
They just don't release
the names as they ban far more
than whats on the list.
And after you jump
through the hoops, if you don't get
banned, please respond here.
A pop quiz? Spare me
your mumbo jumbo. waffles?
don't you mean carrots?
You'd think if something
like that were true, it'd be
common knowledge. NOPE!
I just chalk it up
to living in a small town
his entire life.
Right across from you
there is a Starbucks, Burger
King, and Dominos.
And if you happen
to pick up a grammar tip
now and then, you win.
I simply don't want
to believe that a private
could do such a thing.
by helping them on
the path, logically that will
lead to more good works.
College. Don't let not
knowing what you want to do
scare you. It scared me.
Any time there is
base building involved it is
empire building.
Most things I can read
just fine, but a few things are
still a bit blurry.
The remaining few
were in the hard site, where all
the bad stuff happened.
I think it's awesome
that I'll be able to watch
TV in English.
I just watched three k
pop videos and lost all
train of thought and time.
Oh well. I'm pretty
sure I'm not going to make
these mistakes again.
It will eat my soul?
This is the cutest fucking
thing I've ever seen.
Also, in Java
integers, it just comes out
as not a number.
The first rage comic
in a long time to make me
laugh out loud. Well done!
[deleted] That's why
I love playing video
games when really drunk.
What exactly do
you panic about if you
don't mind me asking.
It's a red herring
and is irrelevant towards
the topic of rent.
I forbid you from
keeping such awesome from us
for any longer.
If not, I suggest
you do some reading, lest you
appear ignorant.
I ride the fence but
I think your second panel
is a little off.
We search our networks
daily to bring you the best
deals on fish finders.
There's also an old
record player in Megan's
quarters that plays it.
The creature tutor
for when you don't have a pod
out is really good.
I've gotten head shots
on the pilots of blackhawks
and killed them midflight.
It doesn't matter
if their team makes a bad play.
They'll still cheer for them.
It isn't about
what the parents should do, or
what is fair for them.
You did that backwards
I'm in Portland and would like
some naked photos.
A very, very
thorough investigation
spanning many months.
This shit needs to end.
was wondering when this was
going to appear.
You should learn something,
whether it's easy or not
is irrelevant.
Notice how there's more
space between the red and black,
and the red and white?
Oh right, I forgot.
It's only cool to bash games
that you don't like. I...
Brain appreciates
curve of nice ass, but does not
tell dick to tap it.
You can activate
and deactivate focus
points in your camera.
Kind of a dick move,
but always look out for who
you are bidding on.
But there is something
causing your concern, so it's
worth looking into.
Still expensive, but
price per brick is lower than
many smaller sets.
You're walking alone
in the woods and then you see...
another person?
Back off for a break.
Next try moving a little
closer to the dog.
Sorry. Yeah, and you
absolutely HAVE to buy
that cable, don't you?
Like I said, there's what
you see on TV and then
there's reality.
I just drove from new
york to boston back to new
jersey then new york.
I see what you did
THERE. Yet the 360S costs more. No.
Airlines overbook.