Haiku #1049
Oddly it never
occurred to me that Jonah
Goldberg is Jewish.
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Oddly it never
occurred to me that Jonah
Goldberg is Jewish.
What academic
departments are called is no
proof of anything.
There's no simple way
to do it, and it takes more
code than you might like.
Translation: You hate
yourself if you don't follow
And almost always,
the cause of the 'alarming'
problem is mankind.
That, my friends, is sick.
There's got to be a limit
for crying out loud!
...declare that we would
prosecute all Italians
that killed US soldiers?
I think it's a good
thing that Graham is successful
and accessible.
Perhaps you'd prefer
the term 'generalization'
or something like that.
*grin* I actually felt
pretty proud of myself when
I heard about this.
But because the trial
would force a lot of issues
into the open.
Very. The only
reason to expose it would
be to cripple it.
That it's classified
in a memo that then gets
leaked, it's a big deal?
Teacher who only
teach do it out of duty
(and that they need eat).
I wish they would say
how much the solar panels
are going to cost.
I really enjoy
the penalty kick shootout
if the game is tied.
He has done it *for*
other countries? What a shit.
I hope everyone.
food item became
13.5oz. and then 11.5oz. and is now
on its way to 10oz.
What a freak! This looks
like a position that will
be in high demand!
How many times do
you have to be invaded
before you stop? No.
The militants are
trying to kill every single
Jew that they can find.
But you just go on
repeating that lie, over
and over again.
Do you have a link
for the other article?
I guessed at those too.
And if that is what
I'm claiming then you'd be right.
That would be silly.
Usually, they get
all floppy and obnoxious
outside of a bra.
My apologies.
Antisocial, to be sure.
But I hold no grudge.
I like these website.
Simple and to the point. Yes,
that's a great sequence.
OK, there might be
"privacy concerns" about
one way encryption.
Everyone here has
spent the last few years reading
and loving his stuff.
You don't need a pill.
It's easy to make it taste
better naturally.
Everyone here has
spent the last few years reading
and loving his stuff.
I think you also
have to be able to sing
the national anthem...
Thing is, if you fake
something long enough, you're no
longer faking it.
That being said, you
are still an asshole if you
smoke around your kid.
I certainly would
rather have the focus be
on education.
That's pretty funny.
What an odd style of comic,
I kind of like it.
The link is very
good, and I guess I didn't give
Paul enough credit.
And a troll. The thing
everyone is missing is
the "in general" part.
Lets focus on current
problems like aids, hunger, war,
and education.
The car dealers aren't
necessarily playing
fair, so why should you?
Wow! What do you think
would have happened if it had
actually been cheaper?
Instead of spending
time on this, why not get back
to work on arc, Paul?
There's a clever joke
to be made about this, but
I can't think of it.
But luckily there
is plenty of internet
out there to suit you.
A lot of them seem
to have been created by
the same person too.
democracy doesn't solve
this problem, either.
I have never bought
the "they are only doing
their job" argument.
Yes, it is "news" when
the "highest court in the land"
issues a "ruling".
Yeah, it's blatantly
obvious if you screw up.
Social suicide.
At least email spam
sits there until you're checking
your mail anyway.
If I had any
idea of what to do,
I would suggest it.
Beer may not contain
fat, but isn't it really
high in calories?
Anybody knows
whether such a study was
carried out? Well put.
Why can't the people
who represent my country
grow up and play nice?
Because the theory
is pretty much worthless if
that isn't the case.
The data does seem
to back up the theory, but
one things still bugs me.
That is exactly
how I felt about my high
school education.
Different country, man.
As for Chechnya, did you
read the article?
All I wanna hear
from your ass is, You ain't got
no problem, Cory.
*A lot more people
would hack in the Flash Player
source, improving it.
This is preposterous.
Right. Or keep them on the line
with inane questions.
You must not have kids
because if you did, you would
want to know this shit.
Say what? I agree-
ethanol from sugar cane
is the way to go.
I have never seen
that before, but I can see
where it would happen.
How many people
have been killed by suicide
bombers in this peace?
Otherwise it just
sounds like a country patting
itself on the back.
And while he's going
to the bathroom. And in bed.
And while trying to smoke.
And there's nothing here
about killing the family
"to conceal their crime."
I can't really say
much as it depends too much
on jurisdictions.
has happened before
in other wars when other
countries were involved.
If by 'sick' you mean
'disturbingly accurate'...
An example please.
Second, the Army
needs to find these three unnamed
sources and smoke them.
Start to unravel?
You have any references
for that assertion?
Can't think. I'm feeling
fine and feeling totally
stressed out about it.
Indeed, how can you
put a value on a life.
Are all deaths equal?
I think this site will
get past this eventually
and continue on.
And the quality
is much higher than people
give it credit for.
Digest: More people
think poor people can become
rich if they work hard.
I'm sure some folks will
say "well, that's irrelevant,"
but maybe it's not.
If I take a piss,
I see my penis. What does
that make me think of?
Well the difference is,
we understand precedent
and we've read history.
Our inaction is
to the shame of our people
and our way of life.
It might cross my mind,
but after five seconds I'd
forget about it.
Not just Fox News &
Co., but *all* of the major
media outlets.
I think that rabid
consumerism is not
in your best interest.
Judging a culture
by the actions of its fringe
would not be too wise.
And I generally
do not have any problem
with your coming here.
Massachusetts was
going Democratic no
matter what happened.
Anyway, I thought
you'd all appreciate it.
That sir, is not true.
Surely they have "good
cop, bad cop" tv dramas
in his home country...
...shows complete author
decapitation or his
lack of oxygen.
what about native
americans who never
interbred with whites.
Admit it **bobcat**,
you were going to have those
Big Macs anyway.
But, ultimately,
who is to say that to work
longer is better?
God repairs bodies
all the time, just nothing you
can physically see.
I first heard of her
because of the mohammed
cartoons on her site.
The example didn't
work at all, though, either on
Mac or on Linux.
You could go quite some
time without encountering
another person.
Good security
does not need to be secret
to be effective.
Does the United
States have an opposition
party anymore?
Think that'd fly if
you replaced 'americans'
with some other group?
You do need to know
the language tho, and I doubt
you do very well.
*Since the software was
expensive, I decided
to insure it*... What?
[deleted] Alright,
but not exactly profound.
Let the votes decide.
Kind of lame, but there
is a heck of a lot more
to bikes than just weight.
Customers are not
going to dream up the "home
run" product for you.
I hang up, call back,
get a different support guy
who is quite helpful.
Weak typing Me too.
Luckily, Ruby has strong,
dynamic typing.
The media was
mostly self censoring just
like in the States now.
Has he succeeded?
In the sense that he has not
been stopped thus far, yes.
I could also be
programming in Common Lisp
right now, and I am.
"You want to date her."
"Are you going to dump me?"
"What's good about her?"
"What's good about her?"
And, yes, I am terrified
when they drive. Sorry.
Just saying "Harris
was a psychopath" rather
describes a symptom.
You don't need to live
in a country to comment
on its politics.
Yeah, well if the French
hadn't intervened for you,
you'd still have a King.
Better to put down
the computers and actually
go do something, no?
If he is indeed
dead, Ken Lay died as he lived:
fat, rich and happy.
If that's not shitty
monopolistic service
then I don't know what.
Lotta ins and outs,
lotta interested parties,
as the Dude would say.
Yes, that is pretty
damn cool. But why is it art?
Because they filmed it?
i don't really care
about any art one way
or another. shrug.
The election is
on your shoulders, not someone
outside your country.
The cashier piped up,
"We shore do, and he shore is!"
The customer grinned.
These small casinos
just don't prepare for losing
more than they take in.
"It almost makes you
wonder why no one has done
this before." They have.
[deleted] [removed]
This is the dumbest fucking
thing I've ever read.
He thinks there are things
that could be more important
than the holocaust!
So... nobody else
is the LEAST bit suspicious
that the pic is 'shopped?
When someone isn't
forced to acknowledge someone
else's work, they won't.
Also, if we were
mice, *who* would be referring
to us as a plague?
I assume that you
can opt out if you don't want
any symbol there.
[deleted] There *are*
options to Windows OS on
the PC, you know.
Come to think of it,
just stop and consider, that's
always a good start.
The battle is fought
on the marketing front, not
on the pricing front.
Interesting. I guess
that really shows that cars are
being made better.
A man in hiding
who communicates only
through videotapes?
the drug trade wasn't
illicit before the drugs
were outlawed... sweatshops?
If there were no more
bullfights, this type of bull would
have a bleak future.
The rest of the world
simply ignores them which is
probably just as well.
There wouldn't be much
in the way of physical
differences to spot.
I think we're actually
in agreement on more ground
than it first appears.
I'm going to start
my own radio show just
so I can do that.
And if that's true, then
something is seriously
screwed up around here.
Highly unlikely...
Would a smart dude go around
claiming to be God?
You probably know this,
so it's asinine of you
to make me say it.
Oh man that is strange.
You aren't remembering very
hard, are you. Black wrench.
Is holding someone
against their will and screaming
in their face humane?
Not as a martyr,
as one might have expected,
had things been tacked on.
Four, not only is
Kennan right, but "containment"
is a code word, too.
They are missing what
Graham is trying to do. But his
talks are plain AWFUL!!!
I want the option
to vote the article up
and the title down.
He shouldn't have lost
his cool at the very last
match in his career.
It's been a while though,
and I don't have a reference
to where I read that.
Try again. I was
being disingenuous.
Sorry about that.
The people you need
to ask are the ones that look
around and then leave.
Some of the Common
Lisp libraries are very
interesting to read.
Why not instead give
users more control about
how they filter threads?
[deleted] _I_ see
no reason not to give them
the same benefits.
He still has to wear
diapers, but sometimes they can
get him there in time.
You mean like the way
that a knee kick to the face
isn't a knee kick?
I guess I am not
seeing the case that was made
in this article.
The two examples
you cite are essentially
against state actors.
He did get knocked on
his ass, but he also got
the freaking World Cup!
It looks like Java.
Yuk. Okay, that's all I could
tell in five minutes.
I mean, what are you
supposed to cut a baby's
head off with? A spoon?
Scary location.
I would NEVER advocate
putting a dam there.
Any list that puts
Bruce Lee above Jesus Christ
has my approval.
that pretty much looks
like a square knot to me but
would it have a name?
Perhaps the control
freak generation will soon
be extinct. We'll see.
As I said before,
I'd like to hear the other
side of the story.
A state is defined
as a monopoly on
coercive power.
...and the part about
the keystroke logger being
hooked up to the NIC.
The Lion returns
to the pride: Lion Kid: Hey!
You're back already?
That is like saying
the smaller kid is to blame
for the bullying.
But I suppose there
probably would have been better
threads to make it on.
My old pair I could
get them on and off without
undoing the knot.
And when it has gone
past I will turn the inner
eye to see its path.
I like it a lot.
I'm just waiting for a good
excuse to use it!
How about Making
forms for people to gather
information with??
The first one does not
imply that the opinion
is no longer held.
[removed] Plausible
deniability is
SOP in the White House.
Well, I'll give you that.
But it would also depend
on your perspective.
I don't think unit
tests are a bad idea,
just writing them first.
If you don't see "We've
Lost Iraq," scroll down. The thing
is, you can change them.
Government jobs do
NOT contribute to ANY
government funding.
Health care is in poor
shape and our government does
nothing about it.
I figured he was
lying to make the blacks look
less incompetent.
...pica then goes on
to post four blurbs from a white
nationalist website.
On another note,
things are kind of crazy here
in the research world.
I'm going to be
setting up a house server
running Dapper soon.
It was pretty cool
for about two weeks before
I got bored with it.
Pointing at a few
big spectacular failures
does not make your case.
[removed] If you can
create and delete functions,
classes and so on.
Dear America,
if you sell out skippy we'll
attack you ourselves.
How much money do
you have in your bank account,
stocks and investments?
How much money do
you have in your bank account,
stocks and investments?
I agree, which is
why I tell women right up
front about that. Well...
Just for the record,
we're not a democracy,
but a republic.
This is interesting
In other news: the sun rose
and set yesterday.
Worst weather we've had
since I got here (only two
months ago, but still).