Haiku #255213
[deleted] Okay,
that was pretty funny What
are you on about?
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
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The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
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[deleted] Okay,
that was pretty funny What
are you on about?
Operators don't
necessarily give you
any advantage?
Happy to explain
in detail at some point should
you be interested.
Those were carried out
by severely mentally
unstable people.
Not everybody
watching a local broadcast
is a local fan.
But we weren't talking
about future awareness,
just current awareness.
He is gorgeous OP.
Such a majestic looking
little man (Maine Coon?).
this is still a GAME!
Usually people who say
'everything is fine!'
This. Fingerprints are
hilariously lacking
in security.
Yeah, mandatory
child support needs to be capped
at a fixed level.
What happens when you
log in at a starbucks when
encryption is banned?
But seriously,
not all Carolinians
are THAT ignorant.
We only even
see our families once a year
(they live out of state).
Agreed, they all had
serious issues that where
nearly game breaking.
Sorry if that came
off as rude but something you
should be aware of.
Oh shit Resident
Evil starting up after.
Or soul caliber.
Canada the land
so vast we forget about
large sections of it.
I have to agree.
Capturing the one second
around a picture?
It's impossible
to reach that temperature or
go any lower.
When we're both on next,
just let me know what you lost
and I'll hook you up.
I'll take half for both
and be completely happy
Boulevard Bully!
Apocalypse Now
always cheers me up with its
horrible grandeur.
I'm not the only
one, but there are few others
around at this time.
It has a little
jump after he starts to move?
Are you serious?
New family store You
can certainly spend your time
that way if you want.
IT!??? Nothing to report sir
I stand corrected.
Sure some of it will
be true, such as Germany
being a real place.
It was assessed on
goals, assists etc
created by him.
Where are we going?"
It gets up and limps over.
Mission accepted.
Grey as dark theme is
ugly and inconvenient
compared to black theme.
It's... not the clothing
I'd expect to see you wear
on an average day.
Having two elite
corners is devastating
against other teams.
I just find funny
that you think this is a great
way to troll people.
GANG rapes. These are not
isolated incidents
by definition.
[deleted] Perez
Hilton has made a living
out of doing that.
Just because something's
been around for a long time
doesn't mean it's good.
Your inaction is
enabling her to abuse
your son, understand?
We looked for places
with good rental potential
and I'm glad for that.
An external drive
is just an internal drive
in a plastic case.
And that goes double
for guys trying to sleep with me.
What is it with Ricks?
If the Pittsburgh gold
makes a permanent comeback,
I would be so pleased.
The traveling part is
the only part that makes me
roll my eyes a bit.
My mom is always
complaining about what our
(Blues) ice girls wear. [Yeah.
they've basically said
"oh all that inhuman stuff
on agents of shield?
I'm also glad her
hypocritical stance is
being pointed out.
does not matter if
you're vegan, republican,
or a feminist.
Well my old PC
isn't getting opened up
for me to look at.
This situation
gave me a lot of respect
for Metallica.
People get very
very angry at having
their beliefs challenged.
The Zulus wil get
massacred which I'm very
excited about.
I tell fat people
that their weight is killing them
every single day.
It is when you reach
acceptance, then you can try
to go on living.
So if it's really
hot you could be watering
every day. Famine.
Did the kids all look
like they beat each other up
after eating them?
Obviously I'm
asking because I don't want
to damage the plug.
Updated for you!
[deleted] A friend of mine
is a park ranger.
[deleted] I used
to have a prepaid visa
that I used online.
Just started listening
to Young Thug, but he's better
than Future imo.
Playing video
games is something we all do.
You are not unique.
After that it will
eventually return but
no promises when.
It seems to be gone?
Does anybody know why
this was taken down?
That fight sequence was
amazing Sting was always
about getting laid...
You could probably talk
to Microsoft customer
support about it.
For right now, I'm good
on food, but I'll fall on hard
times eventually.
He even believes
that I, as a gay male, am
less than animals.
My understanding
is the Sanders campaign is
using your findings.
I'm learning the first
solo of Bohemian
Rhapsody right now.
The school newspaper
wrote a story about Paul
being a rapist.
The expectations
for documentation should
be very clear too.
Because humans are
weak and not everybody
can be monastic.
Should say oldest male.
Hey! I applied to the same
major as you did!
Its been said many
times but please give us ranked 5s.
*walks away* Oh god.
You should check it out
if you haven't already.
I think I'm in love.
Being pre med is
definitely harder than
being a server.
Usually I am
already "going at it"
if I'm having sex.
Your post has nothing
to do with the issue or
proposed solution.
For trade posts, [H] must
start the title (come before
[W]). **Scammers.
Whatever had caused
the accident had beaten
the hell out of me.
I had another
friend who was gay and we'd talk
about everything.
It's not even one
I've had any desire
to see more than once.
That's annoying.. huh.
It's rarely the enemy
team that's the problem.
That's it. Four legs, two,
a million, doesn't matter.
It just has to walk.
[deleted] Because
there is not shit going on
in Oklahoma.
A lot of smaller
races let you pay extra
for the give aways.
The county itself
can be broken down into
separate areas.
Okay I Believe
You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
It rarely happens.
[Finally a free
agent TE visits Green Bay,
let's see who it is.
I know, it's an odd
law but it gets enforced like
crazy when it can.
I'm absolutely
bemused that her followers
still believe her crap.
So I usually
get a fitting, buy one bra,
and then shop online.
IMO, it also
makes other shows like Arrow
and Flash look like shit.
But in the end it's
my house they're inhabiting,
and always will be.
Luckily I am
not the only child, that must
be harder indeed.
the bacteria
can seriously fuck you
up if ingested.
I personally wake
up crying and go to sleep
crying every day.
Hang out, continue
to do the same stuff, don't be
pushy the meantime.
I think that's about
the only time I'd ever
get into a fight.
I apologize
and will be leaving this up
for posterity.
The community
has a bullying culture
that is unrivaled.
Talk to him again,
and he will eventually
give you a lift key.
Be funny, that's fine,
and even great, but know when
to be serious.
Just knew him from some
poems I read, here and there.
Always loved "Barking".
[removed] Banana
for scale [removed] These are some
energetic jokes!
Do we actually know
what the previous racial
accusation was?
Dreads are a bit large
(guess they are okay), FAXes
are way oversized.
But I always like
to hear people finding some
form of happiness.
What was your favorite
digital short and which was
your favorite to shoot?
My motivations
in the being were actually
depression driven.
Everyone saw right
through it. I'd love to see this.
I had this thought too.
The area is
very safe and secluded
off of the main roads.
lol I think
many will argue the world
is white enough sir.
But it's a fast game
you only have split seconds
to make decisions.
I can fight decent
but I want to actually be
proficient in it.
If you'd like some more
exercise ideas, you
can check out [this thread.
The category
balance will always "zero
out" in the new month.
So yes, go ahead
and epoxy it again
or use super glue.
I'm going into
the epilogue expecting
literally nothing.
You are on the same
level as him, fucking may
very well BE him.
I apologize
for my bad synopsis, I'll
explain better here.
New Nat or old Nat?
(They both suck I don't know why
I'm asking) Awesome!
Definitely didn't
look like the timing belt job
was done correctly!
Nice job. Fair enough.
I'm still working on his SHIFT.
Any ideas?
Stir in vanilla.
Serve warm over ice cream, pie,
or other desserts.
I definitely
see your point and understand
what you are saying.
Is this video
supposed to demonstrate how
you're "better at it"?
It'd actually be
funnier if everything
dropped as a golem.
Only in soccer
do you see such uneven
levels of power.
Be done with school then
take some time off and find out
what you want from life.
maybe I am just
hoping that blizzard hasn't
abandoned the game.
I guess I'm lucky
to have grown up in a more
rural area.
Well, I wouldn't know
because I've sadly never
been to a home game.
Lol ok
buddy [deleted] do you
have sufficient ram?
He just would always
go under the pick or straight
up run into it.
what did you have done
to it for so much and what
else is wrong with it?
Those are exactly
the people Hillary does
terribly with. Yup.
They look scared to be
in the paint on both offense
AND defense right now.
Should Mexicans be
blamed for actions committed
by Canadians?
The post must also
contain reliable facts.
Do you love horror?
One of the better
videos out there (if you
ignore the music).
Ask them if they would
be willing to break the law
to protect their kids.
It's ridiculous
people getting arrested
for singing a song.
It's extremely steep,
with a rope to help you get
up and down. Correct.
Donna seems content
to be backup vocals, Keith's
on, hell, they all are.
If you have any
constructive criticism
we'd love to hear it.
We need allies on
the other side of the aisle,
not more enemies.
No, when I said her
entire face was covered
in blood I meant it.
Very hard to come
by here though, only one small
health food shop has them.
Everyone else gets
to, but you got the shitty
student advisor.
I think Arch is more
widespread now for the reasons
I chose it back then.
Related topic
though it doesn't directly
answer your question.
Text him tomorrow
saying you want to see him
again (if you do)!
You will of course need
to make sure your Sprint bill is
paid, etc.
I really enjoyed
listening and fuck, you sounded
so goddamn sexy.
If neither of these
work, please let me know and I'll
do some more looking.
I have no problem
with however you decide
to do whatever.
A big that can make
one or two a game opens
up the paint so much.
Also, now I don't
want to anymore, even
if I could. Well done.
Does the word bigot
really offend you that much?
Beating Florida?
I feel like you might
be forgetting about West
Virginia Uh oh.
So is pretty much
every supplier of meats
in America.
[deleted] Not just
the ideology, but
the religion too.
If they haven't set
*any* avatar, you should
ask everyone to.
This particular
tarantula is skittish
and arboreal.
Mostly because if
I do, I won't be able
to keep this post brief.
Local radio
show in the Oklahoma
City Area.
U! S! A! U! S!
A! U! S! A! U! S! A!
U! S! A! U! S!
Do you understand
the fundamental difference
between sex and rape?
as long as they lock
in and fall out correctly,
should I not worry?
I don't even think
there should be a fine until
some damage occurs.
Either it was bad
writing, or there was something
I wasn't seeing.
Characters in books
do not usually change much.
He does and we do.
I too wish I could
do something for you other
than offer an ear.
Shea Weber. I want
Natalie to stay this week,
whatever that means.
most of us lean left
politically because the right
is so religious.
I already can
tell I'm gonna get a lot
out of gen.
You can always count
on the Internet to get
you through tough concepts.
Tiffany could get
Frank, Bridgette, Day, James and then
just needs one more vote.
8th Engineer
Support Battalion, Bulk Fuel
Company. Lejeune.
It's easier if
you just use a pirated
copy of windows.
The sound of the beat
dropping with the zoom out would
look awesome I think.
I'm not really sure
what will be necessary
in that department.
That you could grow up
and change into anything
you wanted to be.
He *can* win, it would
just be very difficult
for him to do so.
In game chat is too
unreliable if you
get separated.
Chain splits like this is
would be really confusing
for normal users.
I know you're a mod
and all but what sort of stuff
did the poster say?
Then, and only then,
can you become a master
fisherman in WoW.
In some parts you may
be right, in others you're not.
This show. This damn show.
I think both halves are
brutal when you get shut out.
Obama makes sick!
The second you send
your password, the account help
cookie page comes up.
I don't see any
mention of Donald Trump or
Hillary Clinton.
They use SI units
but still occasionally use
the US based system.
THAT I find really
hard to believe and simply
be hyperbole.
He is mistaken.
I am confident of that.
I made a statement.
I find reno decks
hard to deal with as tempo
hunter period.
Godspeed [deleted]
If you read my post, I'd love
nothing more than that.
However, any
progress I made was lost when
that year was over.
The woman who is
acting irrational due
to fear mongering.
Everybody is
masturbating each other.
This is amazing.
I think they have some
sort of numbing chemical
in their saliva?